Look at what the energy porky sent me. Turned up while I wasn't in, gave me no warning...

Look at what the energy porky sent me. Turned up while I wasn't in, gave me no warning, now threatening to kick my door in and make me pay for it if I'm not there for their next random turn up. Okay sure porky I'll cower behind my door for the next month of so waiting for your arrival please don't break into my house.


lmao why do people like you even exist
neck yourself

Why do people who go out to work so aren't in for a health and safety inspection exist?

I don't think they're allowed to do this. That's practically a breach of domestic piece. I just made my landlord lower my rent because the idiot just entered my apartment four hours before the actual appointment.

But then again I don't know the reality of Bongistan

Stop working you lazy shit and be at home when porky knocks.

left shitposting flag on

Stop defending every retarded action porky does. Or just be honest and yourself a liberal instead of a National """Socialist"""

If they try to come into your house just shoot them.

Oh wait your a britbong…

Wave a chimneysweep broom at them and tell them to jolly your roggers what not pip pip cherrio tea

Is it against the law to booby trap your own place? Call it a home security system.

I'd say use some rabbit traps and nails, but all you'd be doing then is hurting some wage working cunt.

Yep it's evil porky oppressing you n shiet again, he just wants to make some bux while kicking in your door, the power and gas grid really does begin and end at your front door who gives a fuck about the safety of the whole system lmao row row fight the powa😇

It's your goddamn home. You can do whatever you want in it.

When it comes to personal property, I'm going full AnCap.

Dude, almost all these fees are a fucking scam. I once had to pay my janitor 80 bucks for him opening my door with a key when I locked myself out. Do you seriously think that this company agent who does this will receive the extra fee? No he is a fucking mechanic who gets paid enough to barely make ends meet himself

Besides, why don't they just make a fucking appointment with him? Like, you know, a normal person? Why do they have to act like fucking idiots incapable of human interaction?

I agree with you, but come on. We don't know the full situation. For all you know, they may have arranged several meetings that he has ignored. Though I doubt it.

People need to be heavily penalized to take maintenance and inspection of vital infrastructure seriously if they don't the whole city starts to looks like Port Au Prince. Really sears your steaks doesn't it?

You mean like, in capitalism? Unlike in socialist Havanna? Sends your noggin joggin doesn't it

And yes I would agree with you but as pointed out we don't know his story yet


It's still on.

No, they didn't they arranged no meetings and by the way, "seven days" is tomorrow, because I got the letter this morning but its dated for 6 days ago.

I've actually already had a health and safety inspection, but their system didn't update that to the previous owners who were jacking the power probably to use it to grow weed. I've told them this like three times before.


can stfu.

Even in America booby traps are illegal as shit, if you kill anyone with them you will go to jail

Also, they could, y'know, just call ahead like any other agency would.

ON TOP OF THAT I get charged to call the number they provide to deal with it, and they put you on hold because it has so much traffic.