New thread, no Cup allowed
New thread, no Cup allowed
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread is tailor made for Cup.
Ban he if he posts here, it SPECIFICALLY says no cup
Ah, I wanna taste a diaper!~
@Cup come here.
Ah, I wanna taste a dick! ~ -Squid every day
W-want to lick my dirty diaper?
I'll taste yours if you taste mine
Saved pic :)
we've been over this
only tuesdays
I was just thinking of Kimba the White Lion the Disney movie.
Never seen the .webm.
uncooked meat makes me really uncomfortable
One tastes better in Asian food?
That's Coralines MOTHER.
I thought it was only days ending in y.
I'd fuck Coraline's mother and Other Mother ngl.
There is nothing right about you.
My charming personality obvs.
I'm disappointed in you Tsuchi
I prefer women, not girls.
Girls > Women tho
she is like 10
so too old, basically
I her age is on the clock, she's ready for the cock
If she's old enough to count, she's old enough to mount
If she can ABC, she can STD
If she is a child, its time to get wild
If she can cross the street, she can take the meat
If she is born, she can do porn
Old enough to bleed, old enough to breed
old enough to pee old enough for me
Lmao now you're getting it
no i'm not lol
fucking disgusting
May some black man in prison give you the same treatment as you to little girls.
Kind of want to shit on Neko and waffle stomp it into his chest hair.
I don't have chest hair
I like how you protest about chest hair and not being shat on.
Called it.
It's raining and I'm cold and sleepy
There is 0 chance f that happening so there's no need
called what?
you should drop the pedo thing already its unhealthy for your reputation
It's clearly the fault of all those "sexy children" and not his poor impulse control.
You not having chest hair. I said you look like a baby boy and wouldn't have chest hair in a voice chat.
who coraline
why are you saying gay shit about me in voice chat?
why are children so sexy
the main character of Coraline.
daily reminder that neko is a fag
Probably because you're a sick fuck and deserve to get castrated.
Oh come on, but lolis and traps are like my thing dude.
Besides you swear as if I actually care about my reputation lol
but its their fault
atleast drop it for the sake of your mental health
he wouldn't be soto anymore if he stopped
Probably because you're Asian and all of your countries have an age of consent of like 12.
isnt that just better?
once again proving the superiority
What kind of Asian are you even?
Worst Asians like Thai, Vietnamese, Koreans, and Chinese?
Or the ones that at least produce mildly entertaining cartoons?
Dude I haven't smoked in a whole month
I can't wait to smoke again and get faded off just a bowl lol
japanese, chinese, and koreans are the only asians worth caring about
a world without soto
im hinese but the only asians not worth caring about are the noneastern ones
maybe i should do that
i go through ounces a week and it's expensive
Oh I quit cause I have to pass a drug test lol
Those are the worst kind of Asians tbh but their food is pretty damn good.
So it kinda balances out, well except for Thai, their food is kinda Garbage.
Authentic Chinese food is good but all you really find here is Americanized bs
There's two major Chinese parts and I've always gotten stuff that's made for the actual Chinese immigrants so it's pretty decent.
use a piss bottle
give me hugs, please
this is starting to annoy me
We posting porn now?
I just realized all my recent multi-links were at your posts between the two threads.
I just do that as a general shitpost way to agree with something, it wasn't intentional.
I don't understand you guys. The way you use imageboards is... abnormal.
post something cuter
don't worry bout it
Not really.
I've seen many a community like this pop up and it's much closer to the classic use of imageboards before they became dedicated shitposting grounds.
I made the mistake of checking the complaint box.
Everything I post is over 18.
Can you say the same, Imperial?
You're better than this.
thats not cute
He's funny, you're just a stick in the mud.
I am not sure what fur porn you would find cute.
I don't want to put my stick in your mud.
Past statements tell me otherwise.
Fuck off. I already peed on him so he's mine.
Nothing that will hold up in a court of law.
You're not a Russian hooker so it doesn't count.
How dare you label me.
Soto if that's you I swear to God.
Haha. You are so fucking funny.
Everything you post has unattractive man tits.
You made the mistake of being furry*
I am one of the few people here free of this sin.
this then
y u got 2 h8
I own so little of this kind of thing.
this image confuses me explain pls
It's in my nature.
Truly a shame
Nobody's free
I'm not a furry either
I have some non fat big guys.
It just rarely does it for me.
because you like gross fat hairy guys
Then throw away that goddamn tail.
[Citation needed]
There is comfort in a man who can protect you and make you feel safe.
I wouldn't feel comfortable or safe with a fat hairy guy near me
The contrast in size is nice.
but it's cute!
Don't lie.You still have the tail Squash made you wear.
too big for me
You've been contaminated by expose.
you're making my penis soft
I prefer "vaccinated".
You think about this too much.
Soto I swear to God.
I don't really think of it outside the time it takes to type a response.
And you talk about it every day.
I can't do much else.
Like one fleeting reference to it.
So for you that's pretty much constant.
get better taste pls
*Licks you*
Squash you're a pervert
no thank you
just a faggot
You are of an equally questionable sexual morality.
*slips my paw under your skirt and notices your bulge*
Owo what's this?
*Pounces on you and glomps*
*Teleports behind you and unsheathes your katana*
Nothing personel, kid.
Perverted faggot
everyone in the thread
Stop being gay with me faggot
Everything I've slept with has been an adult human
I don't have a katana though?
Want some love?
Your penis.
i love you guys
srsly it's really weird
prove it
How do you unsheathe a penis
I'm American
S-stroke my fur, N-neko-chan...~!
Come here and I'll show you.
You stay away from my body
Grab it like the hilt of a sword and just yank it out.
Is step two to turn it inside out?
No. It's to charge at your enemies with it in hand like it's Braveheart.
Do it, you cantankerous swine.
how would you like me to~?
suck my dick faggot
by not using my avatar
Ok, daddy.
never call me that again
Anything you say, D-daddy.
Whoever is sending these reports please come to the principal's office immediately.
I wonder if it's Bebop still being a bitch over losing admin.
Be nice.
Nigga can you spell?
I know it's not you but I'm still calling your parents.
make me
Do it or I work my way to the bestiality folder.
It's only not ok if it's IRL beast. I can post drawn beast and it's ok.
I prefer to stay in detention alone with you.
Be another one of his cucks, Test.
you will be offending everyone else but me
I couldn't be bothered to care.
oh darwin is here
let's all suck his dick everyone
Ah, I thought you meant you were going to start with IRL stuff. Whatever then.
I'll just lock you in there alone.
that's good to know
I'd rather not get banned.
About opinions.
I'll still post the porn.
I still won't care
I'll start saving your avatar images and post them.
I don't even wanna think about that.
Your posts would be way cuter that way
What? Banning me?
I will just grab the keys and hold them over your head.
Cute is subjective.
Do knot steal.
cute is none of your posts
Alas, your opinion is null and void.
o-oh sorry
dokuro is mine too but i don't care as much
This is why we aren't friends.
About ready to lock you in the detention room right now.
Because I'd be put in a situation where I couldn't show favoritism and you'd, ya know, be banned and mad at me.
I would be mad at you if you did show favoritism.
Do it.
i don't wanna be friends with you anyway faggot
Splendid. That saves me the trouble of getting you a gift as I do with all my friends.
I can't, Grim will show up and whisk everyone away in response to such blatant admin abuse.
I can't stop saying admin abuse now.
It's a shitty forced meme but Cup's said it so much that it's stuck.
Make me play by the rules. I don't want any special favors when it comes to how I'm treated as a poster.
If only everybody had that attitude.
you've done this before
It will be our secret.
all of the memes here are shitty and forced
or stolen from somewhere else
Comma splice, by the way.
I know I am not above the rest in this regard.
And I don't plan to put you in a position to make that choice either way.
Ask any of my close friends.
They will tell you I am a lavish gift giver.
There is literally nothing wrong with comma splices
how am i supposed to know who your close friends are
But I always kiss and tell
Nobody else cares.
That makes it easy, then.
Here in animus it would be George, Test, Guero and Grim for sure.
I only talk to one of those people barely
They would be your best bet.
I forgot to mention I don't care enough to ask them either
Shame. I had a good gift in mind should we ever become friends.
No, I know you can keep your secrets.
But you do, and that is what matters.
you've tries this on me before
it's not going to make
god dammit
what the fuck am i saying
tried*, work*
You have never accepted my friendship so there was never a reason to bestow upon you such trinkets.
why would i
Make the Sim house sometime this week.
Maybe make a poll in the discord on who should be in it.
For the things.
I shall.
I have plans Saturday if I don't work.
I might take Friday off.
Maybe I'll get the newest one and use that.
a-at this rate I won't have anything left to post ;~;
Or is that 3?
what thigns?
Oh heavens.
Look at the time. I must be off to bed.
So long!
4. And get it with all the DLC.
Personally I don't want in the house unless it's an unlimited size household. If it's limited you have to put all the most dysfunctional posters in it.
moka is a whiny useless bitch
Every other girl on that show is better than her except when she transforms
why would you do that
I j-just thought her character was cute....
Tell us the advantages or disadvantages of both, Reemeister.
yeah she's super cute
until she starts talking
g'nite thread
Night nerd.
No idea what you're conveying here.
I do not either, I was hoping you would assume something random so I could just run from there.
The night is that boring right now.
You know what happens when you assume.
It's boring because it's sleep time. If we were wise we would follow other peoples' example.
Sims 3 has more shit, plays better, and is easier to pirate the expansions/dlc for which is completely necessary for these games because otherwise you'll be out literal hundreds of dollars.
Sims 4 has a couple of nice features but generally has less stuff and less to do.
It's been a while since I've looked at specifics for them tbh.
Probably, I will likely head there in a few minutes. Why are you still up anyway?
Oh but 3 does run like shit from a technical perspective. Like absolute ass. But in exchange it has a whole semi-open world of shit rather than just locking you into a lot at a time.
Gotcha. I'll tell Squash.
Who knows? It just happens to me.
Is there any way to make Holla Forums notify me from the tab title/favicon when I get a response like other imageboards do because that would be useful as shit.
I think we all know this feeling. Way too much.
no because this site is retarded
The idea is "which one is better to turn Sim freedom to max and just let a household full of Sims do their thing".
From the tab title I don't think so, but there is a get desktop notifications option.
When do you have to be awake?
Who knows but I want to sleep
I think I'm getting sick and I'm 100% sure it's because my parents keep waking me up when I've gotten no sleep
Rein is pretty fun.
These are the lies Reinhardt mains tell themselves while they watch everyone else play the video game.
I do not even main him. I just enjoy those fleeting moments when you hit a lucky charge or ravage with his ult.
If you cannot have fun in those moments, I feel for you! My heart weeps for you.
I do main him. I'm kidding around
It's just exhausting when you play him 20 games straight and for God's sake you just want to use a fucking gun for once but nobody else wants to play him or any tank at all.
too bad I'm SHIT at him
I am kidding too, do you think I can really weep? The booze have killed me on the inside.
Seriously though, yeah it is not fun to be him over and over too often. Like it is doable but at a point it is like "I.... I wanna shoot people too dudes".
You are really good at overwatch, I doubt it will take you long to be great at him.
I honestly wouldn't know
That said I'm not sure either of them would produce much particularly notable.
I've decided to take this next season seriously and git gud.
God help me.
Even your fire strikes don't break the hold right click monotony since 80% of the time you're just farming ult.
I'm fuckin TRASH okay, who told you these lies
you guys should really try anal
it's some good stuff
Yup, I mean you can try to play aggressively with him however it is most times a suicide mission.
Barring having a really cooperative team.
You are not trash, do not be a nerd.
number one thing that made me play better was watching pro twitch VODs
there's a pro that plays every hero, so you can watch hours of GOOD gameplay and copy the things that they do
sorry user but I am literally fucking garbage and should probably kms
that's one odd fetish you got there
I guess I should stop being so enraptured with watching xXxPROGenguxXx gameplays since that's not who I play in ranked and actually watch more damned tank players.
The user is Spoilers btw.
that's no way to get cuddles from me
Put a fucking name on
yeah if you want to get good at Rein, watch Renbot, MoonMoon plays Rein a bit too, etc
it's fun to watch DPS streams but if you wanna get better at tank or heal or whatever you gotta watch people play those heroes
ok im sorry love me pls
come to brazil
I see how it is, I guess I will go then.
send cuddles nezi
Just woke up from another weird ass dream, this time I woke up drenched in sweat cause it was a pretty intense/crazy dream. I was in Sweden for some fucking reason (I dont know why dude) and the food out there was shit, then some little girl bumped into me then said sorry and ran off, I ended noticing my wallet was gone and the little was running away so I chased that cunt and she threw it in some run down shack and some fucking dude who seemed to be her dad who almost looked like some Isis nigga had this weird get up told the girl to ran off and me being pissed and wanting my wallet I picked up a scythe or whatever the fuck those are called and was about to attack the dude then he like lights some shit on fire and runs at me and I'm like OH FUCK
I use the sycthe to push him away and the dude fucking blows up and I'm like holy shit and I notice the little girl is still there and she starts crying and I'm like shit, I killed her dad.
These dreams seem to get weirder and weirder, I'm gonna try to sleep again.
dude ur weird if u can taste things in dreams
Dude it was spooky having some dude chase me with explosives attached to him
I ended up adopting the girl who's dad I sorta killed, so lolz.
Never got to bang her though, I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep
They like gave me some shitty fish sandwich with cheese or some shit
It looked gross
I wonder if there is such a thing in Sweden
wai arent u sleeping
I can't fall back asleep ;~;
eww i was talking to soto
thought it was bebop
super gay
Why are we being shushed?
'cos Tanya's sleeping.
I want to go swimming in Rin
But you're here and posting
more sleep
I want to go napping in Tanya.
But I just wokered up.
Rolled 2 (1d2)1 - Rabi-Ribbed
2 - Shantae - Risky's Revenge
nah its too late im awake now
You have all failed me
Just what must I do to teach you the art of sleeping of for 16+ hours?
Rin have you ever shoved something up your butt?
hey kid, wanna fuck a dinosaur?
nah m8 i'm good
i guess
how can you resist this hot spino ass tho?
mount me bb
these arent that great tbh
Fucking 123pp
This thread makes me want to die.
is this more to your liking?
hi scoob
i can dig it
by not being a FEG
u did it son
gud jeb
'bout time m8
what about this?
no u
there no action there
there was no action in the previous one
now i want action
theres no action here, only autism
Why the hell would you want to sleep for 16+ hours?
Next is Intersect Thunderbolt, right? :^)
autistic action
good point
fucking kill me
Why the ***heck
I'm a good girl and good girls don't cuss. :(
Hola papito.
Good girls can't murder. :(
Thanks dad :3
hola mamacita
New thread.