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People here have no mathematical literacy whatever. There's even pretty limited historical literacy. Erudition is largely limited to Marxist thought and popular continental philosophy. Scientism is used as an insult.

Stirner is an awful meme and people use him in stupid ways. I have literally never seen a Stirnerposter make an intelligent post. He's middle brow frogposting.

Authoritarian lefties here are nearly indistinguishable from Holla Forums, anti-authoritarian lefties are nearly indistinguishable from reddit. Post quality has dipped tremendously since reddit influx post catgirls.

Most people here are incapable of analyzing any problem without resorting to tenuous economic hand waiving. A successful revolution solves literally everything. People are uncreative about problem solving, relying either on a favored book which answers everything or demonstrating a tenuous connection between a given problem and capitalism. Problems with implementations of communist systems are only shallowly discussed, and analysis of the status quo is straight up lazy.

There's a severe disconnect from current events. Most of the board is repetitive theory shitflinging. On this basis this board is probably more of a timewaster than Holla Forums.

Generally awful memes. This isn't a big issue, because memes hamper discussion, but there's clearly at least some people here self conscious about losing a "meme war" and producing a ton of garbage. It comes out that you're making half assed propaganda rather than stuff you think is funny.

Other urls found in this thread:


cybernetics thread are good quality imo

And yet here you are.

Good post.

Another problem is the "read a book" meme. The whole reason to read books is to help develop your own worldview, which in turn helps you transmit more developed arguments to others.

gb2 shitty splinter chan w/ 5 regular posters

I've been thinking about this.
I think it would be positive to encourage people to actually read.
This could be done by making a reading thread every Sunday that goes over some assigned reading, answering questions etc. Board volunteers could help by deleting all thread derails.
Going further, the thread could be stickied all week, for those that are catching up or don't have free time on Sundays.
This could also attract more people to the board, but besides that, I think this is feasible.
Before making a shit post on this, feedback would be nice.

bookclub threads, in my experience, primarily attract the "HEY GUYS IM READING X ARENT I COOL XDDD >_>" faggots with a small grain of people genuinely looking to learn. The last one I saw wound up primarily being used by namefags looking to say "IM SMART!"

If you want discussion of theory, you need to do more than make a book club. Look at the cybernetics thread and the empirical Marxism thread it spawned, for example. Or the Rojava thread and an argument there that spawned "Communalism v Communism", which Marxists, MLs and Communalists discussed their theory until it reached the bumplock.

You're expecting too much from an imageboard, it isn't a bookclub, its about shitposting and memes. Its not necessarily a good format for theory and reading.

I understand your motivation for the bookclubbing, but this guy's right, they never work out.

People should read, I love reading, I always recommend people to read novels and non fiction and policy papers and articles, but it's never a substitute to a response to a question.

There's a good image floating around where somebody asks a guy something and the guy on the left goes "it's not my job to educate you etc." and the guy on the right with a swastika goes into an indepth explanation and at the end recommends further reading.

It's an eminently fair critique, and is the situation online.

This is true, but there's a limit to being lazy. Shitposting is fun but sometimes isn't the right thing to do.

I think it mostly comes down to it being incredibly tiresome to constantly have to essentially repost the same explanation for very basic theoretical concepts. Whether it's because the individuals its addressing don't internalize/understand any of it or because it's always in response to new people, it's unrealistic to expect people to spend such large chunks of time devoted to such rudimentary educational tasks when they are often coming here for more in-depth discussion. "Read a book" is really just a stand-in for saying "do your own research," and as long as they are pointed in the right direction in the process, I don't see anything wrong in doing so.

I tried doing something similar to this (minus the sticky) a bit over a year ago now. It started strong, but interest eventually began to wane until only like 5 people tops were actually participating. There's probably a way to make the bookclub idea work in the imageboard format, but I sure as hell haven't figured out how it would work.