post your reaction when woman are here reading and posting
Post your reaction when woman are here reading and posting
No thanks.
Women are the big other, a point with which everything else is judged for losers like OP and other sexually inexperienced channers. Sad!
I guess it explains why there are so many terrible posts here. :^)
fuck off psycho
stop being so neurotypical.
i'm OP and i have a GF, i inevitably fuck her every week
this one i tried to resist because i was angery, but she knows how to turn me on
help me, my penis controls me
i have that fetish too
Hoochie's a trap so he doesn't count.
great to see fellow holders of patrician taste tastes
So that selfie form about one and half years ago was a fake? :`(
Nah hoochie's a chick, just a gross one.
I see no tits.
How'd it feel to get cucked by a conservative?
No reason to derail this thread any further. It feels horrible but next time I will be the one who cucks her current significant other. Also this was 3 years ago and far over the incident.
Unless one of those chicks provide a picture of her poosay with timestamp there's no reason what so ever to believe that there are females lurking right now.
Why do guys insist on mixing politics and personal issues together?
You've got over 20 pictures of her saved to your hard drive, that's hardly being over it.
The email that crashed the EU
Whose laptop is that?
Personal is the political comrade.
Just for meeming in ylilauta
who cares
Here is my reaction:
you wouldn't happen to have a pic, would you comrade?
Not bad tbh
wait, is this serious?
I don't believe gender has any relevance outside of the narrow realms of attraction and procreation
Hoochie, do squats.
Holla Forums is just girls and traps that moon light as communist guys.
the personal is political, bell hooks told me so
Post pics plz
I bet you imagined that girl as Rosa
Smash capitalism and we'll smash patriarchy
That is a thicc comrade
am I the only one who thinks she's probs cute?
not wanting to beat up and rape the YPJ to show them what their place is and why
being pregnants and having children who will be fighters in the future
This is an anonymous message board. I don't want to know whos behind the post.
i don't like women in the collective.
individual women are no different to any other individual, but the big other's perception of women (in particular their inherent value sexually and the greater sympathy afforded when they're stupid or childish) breeds both jealousy and a desire to compensate by not affording them this value and sympathy and by generally pretending they simply don't exist.
it's not really an active hate, more like a distaste, or an unease. i don't know, the partial jealousy element is important to play up. childish women are cute, childish men are suspicious. since i alternate between complete social incompetence and relative-competence-but-childish, i'm sort of forced into this situation, at least in the collective. (individualistically i could obviously find a group of understanding individuals, but that's a dice roll stacked on a dice roll and so on.) at least once i'm old, i get the cool set of grandpa stereotypes instead of the ones for a granny.
then to top it off you get the compensatory measures for patriarchy or whatever - a rising star woman politician will always be more impressive than a rising star autist or something, even though the woman gets special initiatives and such. i'm not turning this around to say men are unfairly disadvantaged, but the way the advantages are balanced stands to add further friction.
so much easier to just ignore women entirely and talk theory with men. or walls of text i presume to be men.
politically speaking i know this is all abhorrent and fucked up and that i'm an autistic retard, but that's kind of why i put it out there for reference.
Isn't the board owner a girl?
thanks for sharing your thoughts