your labor can't be exploited if you're all unemployed due to automation
Why do you hate neoliberals
Because alienation and all the other flaws in capitalism still exits and are probably worse.
I hate them because they pretend to be leftists and they use their media to brainwash first worlders into believing that they have to choose capitalism or else those ebil right wing liberals will take power and ruin everything.
When that happens the poor that are left after climate change and the resource wars will just be killed off.
and what will happen when people realize that if no one's doing work, no one should have more wealth than other people and eventually a movement to abolish money gains support? abolishment of work leads to abolishment of money.
no, you idiot, abolishment of work means an abolishment of workers. labour is our only leverage. the poor will not survive full automation under capitalism
Because the "left" joined them in the 90s, and sold out the real left, taught capitalism how to have a friendly face, tarnished the left for a generation, and pushed people to the far right.
yes, you might be right. i tend to believe in the good nature of people and that full automation will lead us toward a new age of Man where people will finally open their eyes and see porky for what it is. ugh, i gotta stop drinking so much.
we did more for labor than pinkos ever did
The only thing worse than being exploited is not being exploited.
t. Joan Robinson
Give everyone an equal share of the profits from the robots and we'll talk. Right now neoliberals are plunging billions into poverty to enrich a tiny few.
You should drink more if it lets you feel that way. Of course you could be right too, I'm just used to politics and life in general being one long series of disappointments. It seems like the lives of our generation are just going to get worse and worse and if I don't hang myself I fully expect to die in a food riot sometime in the mid 21st century. So drink up comrade, maybe there is hope but if I can convince myself there isn't I can't be hurt any more
Yeah but the only reason leftists care now is because first wold workers are the ones who are bearing the brunt of this exploitation. It's pretty fun to watch imperialist nations start cannibalizing their own workers for profit.
I'm sorry for not ending colonialism, spooked fuck
Read Varg Vikernes
When this happens it'll spark the worldwide workers revolution. The only thing stopping this from happening right now is enough people still getting a shekel or two from "job creators" due to not yet being sacked to cut costs.
Welcome to Stirner's paradise.
Funny how neoliberals unfailingly back third world dictators who viciously crush workers' movements, then. Neoliberals are taking credit for growth they didn't create or facilitate (Africa's peace dividend, China's mixed economy) as an excuse for screwing over the 1st world poor even worse.
How about you assholes try being a business owner some time, oh wait, you'd rather sit on your ass all day smoking weed, and jerking off while you play some stupid fucking game, all the while wanting a leftist welfare state.
My rage will extinguish the sun if the rich don't turn on each other after they kill us
Where's your business you piece of dog shit? And no your dad's doesn't count
let redistribution do the work until sex culture tears down their population like it's doing across the first world
have a reply
i guess brexit and trump happened because most people really are just deplorables
we deserved it for slacking on education
Damn I miss these, I wonder if catgrill still lurks here
People will be too distracted by the constantly cheaper goods and entertainment.
At least people are still talking about politics thanks to this loud orange guy, the alternative would be a catastrophe.
comrade, i see in my everyday life that most people usually tend to be very kind when they see you struggling and offer their help to you. lots of animals are altruistic by nature and what are we but animals? normally, people are only mean or not kind when they're in groups, so what needs to happen is the abolishment of the competitive nature of humans as a group so our altruistic characteristics as individuals can be highlighted. and what can we do to accelerate this abolishment of our competitiveness? we do everything we can to go full automation mode. when we reach full automation mode, people will realize that they can live a prosperous life without the need to compete and they don't need porky for anything. we may lose the workers' cause but, to compensate, we win humanity. at least that's how my drunk self sees it haha, i hope you understood what i meant. of course, this is a perfect "mathematical" approximation of what should happen, like a simple mathematical limit. in reality a lot of things could severely harm the whole process like says. but i did say that i prefer to see the good nature in people. basically, i said all this to tell you that there's something to live for. okay comrade, i am very sleepy now. i hope my rambling was entertaining.
won't be a problem once democracy is abolished and the global dominion of Bernanke and the space Jew vanguards is established
what if they're rational actors and they valued immigration restrictions and protectionism for manual labor jobs over an increase in inequality
If it wasn't for the red scare workers would never have got their share. Neoliberals from the 70s on did everything they could to undermine that settlement, there is nothing in neoliberal ideology that is for the worker, except tricks like promising a "trickle down" and threats that if taxes increased "job creators" would leave. These ideas are thoroughly debunked, only the biggest classcucks fall for this now.
don't think you know what a neoliberal is, jimmy
no u
I hold mixed feelings on them.
On one hand, they are useful tools against nationalism and most important in their activities that push us towards post-nationalism and pan-continentalism(EU and AU for examples). Consolidation of markets and at large economies is a good thing is this perspective, alongside free movement of workforce's across national borders.
Then again they are too entrenched in idpol and rarely act positively in attempts to universalize and internationalize labor laws,taxation and trade unions.
the idpol shit is just to get votes my guy; you may see an end to it soon, though.
maybe so. thank you. ill try to be more positive.
Idpol before class
Get kicked in the ass
Class before idpol
Let the bourg heads' roll
okay, but keep in mind being positive is not enough! you have to tthink a lot, think of ways to overcome the obstacles to worldwide happiness and figure out the most effective way to get there. and that studying and thnking should give you some more positivity and a sense of purpose. i know i have a purpose and that makes me happy. i'm studying electric engineering with a masters in automation and management and i've given this a lot of thought. there's this weird synergy between tthe hope you have for humanity and the thinking and learning you do that's just the best! but you have to do it! learn more! ok, see you around. stay frosty.
That's also the abolition of customers. So the capitalist system completely collapses.
read zizek
That's where UBI enters.
I'd rather run a co-op. Care to join me?
but where does the money come from user?
Because a post-Keynesian economy with prices and incomes policy combined with a socialisation of investment would not only yield full automation faster, it would do so without the socially and politically devastating consequences of the neoliberal experiment.
Also more reasons that basically just restate the love for Post-Keynesians and the aesthetics of public service institutions from decades gone by. With particular emphasis on the notion of public service or duty which has been scraped away by the new politico-cultural environment.
Also assuming the thing was actually a possibility it's probably not good that neoliberalism is going to kill us all with pollution before we can enjoy even the notion of a revolution then FALC.
electronically created endogenously by banks, just like now.
They fuckin suck.
They use idpol to divide people all while pushing for austerity cuts to programs that benefit the poor or half-assing things like universal healthcare so they can make sure their donors can get more money.
no, enjoy your shitty co-op with your faggot commie friends that wont even work
then they're still dumb shits because Trump probably won't actually cut immigration and Theresa May definitely won't cut immigration. (As home secretary she oversaw the highest net immigration figure in British history.)
Dude, where's your argument?
it's in capital's nature to do so.
they completely ransacked my country under austerity
except stirner isn't an ancom, fagito ergo sum
I left hardcore white nationalism behind and tried to go liberal but I saw far more idpol in them then I did in my edgy NatCap days.