Why do so many ancaps worship Pinochet? Isn't he everything that they stand against?
Or do they just get off on murdering leftists?
Why do so many ancaps worship Pinochet? Isn't he everything that they stand against?
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Scratch a libertarian get a fascist every time.
Reminder that if you point out the logical conclusion of ancapistan is literal feudalism, your average and will consider this to be an acceptable consequence. Ancaps stand against only threats to property rights.
I feel like feudalism (complete with religion/irrational justifications for hierarchy and violence) would basically be what ancapism would devolved into after a couple of generations.
pre feudal societies were analagous to ancap/libertarian visions
it's an extremely retrograde primal ideology
Ancaps eventually give up trying to balance private property and anti-authoritarianism. Either that or its irony.
There's a meme page explaining that philosophy
capitalism and free markets protected by a big daddy, what's not to like.
They think that authoritarian right-wing dictators are a sure bet to establishing a government-free society where the free market reigns supreme. No, really. I'm not kidding.
that cuck low T already admitted to being fascist now.
"Libertarianism" is just market fascism.
Georges Sorel, Niccola Bombacci, Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera, Ramiro Ledesma Ramos, and Juan Peron's reaction right now
I thought he just said that "fashies are friends"? Also I hope that he actually tries to get in with some hardcore neonazis and gets lynched for his efforts.
Fascism was a left leaning movement that nationalized unions, many means of production, and vocally expressed how the individual had to bend over to the nation.
Libertarianim is the complete antithesis of that. In one hand we have hardcore collectivists, on the other, we have hardcore anti-collectivists. Associating those two will just make you look stupider from an outside point of view.
That's a funny way of saying "banned unions."
educate yourself first you dumb cuck
nazis were the exact same as libertarians
no wonder why pinochet is commonly referred as a fascist in academic papers.
Stop watching molymeme and reading breitbard, retard
i stopped reading there
I'm loving the idpol butthurt.
(they aren't)
(they weren't)
(it was)
Biggest dose of cognitive dissonance you can give to a lefty these days is reminding them of how collectivist minded and progressive fascists were.
stopped reading right there
Most Rightists just want to kill eveyone that thinks diffent from them
Fascism does have roots in syndicalism as well as nationalism. Fascism nationalized private unions aka still owned by a business owner.
It greatly suppressed the real solutions in the nation (communism). Fascism treats the worker and the businessman as equals. This is the same mistake that capitalists make. As long as one party owns property and another does not, the law will always favor property over the worker. Fascism is just capitalism that suppresses the worker's full liberation.
Have you read libertarian theory? Fascist theory? Any historical knowledge of the nazis or other fascist (yes, fascist) regimes? You have literally nothing except that you heard the word "collectivist" and made the dipshit observation that authoritarian governments did stuff with their country's resources. No fucking shit. You're still a bumbling idiot with no worthwhile ideas
This tbh.
It's the logical conclusion for them. You see it in ancoms vs ancaps debates.
The workers can get rid the capitalist but the capitalist cannot get rid of the worker. Anarcho-communism won't end up relying on force to maintain power sense there is no inherent conflict between classes. Anarcho-capitalism does sense you can't kill all employees, and automize the industry without going broke. Ancaps would have to resort to suppression and violence in order to keep the worker down.
Yeah, let's outlaw capital investments and productive enterprises because the workers don't get free money from the investments of others. Communism is so autistic that not even the USSR bothered trying a second time.
And yes, I have read both of those.
Capitalists will never do that. They have the power to, but keeping people wage salves and classcucked is much cheaper.
Thats why we have books and films saying Socialism and Communism is bad every year.
When Rightists say "they teach Marxism in schools" thats bullshit. We never even talked about Marx or Marxism in school. It was just "Commuism is bad Capitialsim is good".
Then you'll have no trouble demonstrating your points using something other than just repeating "collectivist" incessantly.
And no, disagreeing with you isn't being "triggered", though i'm sure it's helpful if you want to never have challenge your woldview
I never said they will. I just said their only other options besides suppression will destroy them.
But I agree with the rest.
Yeah, we're all reeling from your devastating logical attacks on our worldview.
I used to be like you kid. A long time ago. I grew up. Pic related.
Turbo autismo.
So you went from authoritarian right to authoritarian right? :^)
To be fair, that's an older pic. I'm more right here.
I understand communism perfectly. Better than any communist. That's why I'm not a communist.
If your entire point can be summed up by what I replied to with "no fucking shit", then you have nothing worthwhile to say. You can't really expect to get away with redefining leftism to mean "authoritarianism" and thinking you've made some profound logical attack. You have to be incredibly dumb to think that so I'll just chalk it up as intellectual dishonesty instead to be a little more charitable.
Top fucking kek, you lolberts are all just carbon copies of each other
Codreanu was for a progressive tax.Bernie Sanders is for a progressive tax. Therefore, Bernie Sanders is a Iron Guard Supporter..
Political ideology and political policy aren't the soame thing.
He was also basically installed by the US; another puppet dictator.
While we're on the topic of the Iron Guard, read this
Your're comparing political policies as if they are the same as political ideologies. This is republican democrat tier logic. It's equally as retarded as saying ancaps and ancoms are the same because they both identify as anarchists.
Oh so you're a child. No one who ever claims to understand someone else's ideology better than they do is anything but a yapping moron. No, I don't understand free market ideology better than friedman, and you don't understand socialism better than marx.
Except that was not my entire point and I literally linked you to a fucking page about the policies of fascist Italy.
That's a false comparison fallacy. You are comparing a fair argument with a fallacy to claim it is fallacy.
Fascists were collectivists who shunned individuals and applied progressive banking, progressive welfare policies, nationalized resources and utilized authoritarian force to favor the collective. They are in line with progressives of today in many if not most aspects. In fact, many straight up socialist have more in common with fascists than with libertarians.
You do realize that the communist regime that took over Romania killed and sent legionaries to camps right?
what book?
You never read fascist works. Fascism did not reject the individual. It saw the individual in leadership and embracing the people.
Also, you do realize that Stirner was against capitalism and was a radical individualist.
Stop acting like an underage fag.
Luckily for me you derived none of your arguments from there other than the ones I easily dismissed as having nothing to do with socialism anyway
Most people on here define socialism as worker ownership of the means of production. Not the state. Not the plutocrat.
Fascism was nothing like that and did everything they could to prevent it.
No you imbecile. If Richard Spencer is anti-intervention in Syria and you happened to also be anti-intervention in Syria, is it because you're both ethno-nationalists?
Yes, I do understand socialism better than Marx. That's why I'm not a socialist.
You see, valuing resources is the only meaningful thing that can achieve economic progress. There's one way, and only one way, for humanity to value resources, which is allowing them to trade and judge and making those resources have a price. Bias, or trickery is impossible with this method. If you want a resource and you think it's worth its price, you buy it; no bullshit, no room for political trickery, no room for excuses. If you think the raw materials are more valuable than what an enterprise is making, then get the raw materials. It's a bullshit-free system of valuing resources.
Without this, there's no method of creating wealth, without this there's only subsistence and tribalism. You don' t know whether a complex line of production is worth its costs if you don't know how people value resources.
Not even North Korea which is the most hardcore marxist nation alive has the balls to ban money. Even while bullying their traders and small workers to not engage in free enterprise, they still don't completely try to destroy it. 70 years of undisputed marxist ruling, and they still have currency and trade. Same thing with the USSR, same thing with China, same thing with Cuba.
Communism. Doesn't. Work. It is nonsense from its very core. Give up.
Socialism is the abolition of private property. One of the main tenants of fascism is the protection of private property. Any other obscurantism you attempt to add to this discussion does nothing to diminish this point
These should be in a cringe comp
It's so marxist that it removed all mentions of marxism from its constitution
Look at all that butthurt.
The same fallacy again.
If Richard Spencer is anti-intervention in Syria, and I happen to be anti-intervention in Syria, then we both agree in being anti intervention in Syria.
If fascists want welfare and government control of development, and progressives want welfare and government control of development, then they both agree on that.
If fascists want nationalization of resources for the better good of the nation, and progressives want nationalization of resources for the better good of the nation, then they both agree on that.
If fascists want Keynesian spending central banking policies, and progressives and Keynesian spending central banking policies, then they both agree on that.
You see, it's not just one tiny little point in which they agree, it's pretty much most of it. Fascism was left leaning. Fascists had support of workers and unions.
You mean use value?
Marx went into detail about this.
North Korea explicitly abandoned Marxism
Marxism values resources well enough, considering it largely deals with a more efficient distribution of resources.
So no, your meaningless pablum and drivel comes pretty far from "knowing marxism better than marx"
Now be a good boy and summarize friedman's ideas for me too in your own words so I can have another laugh
Why are the biggest retards always so confident?
And that is my point. Fascists and far leftists can agree on a policy but completely disagree about ideology.
You're argument is that big government = left wing. By you're logic, anarcho communists are farther right than Franco.
You can have free market economics with socialism and sans capitalism. Socialism isnt defined as the antonymn of markets.
Look at how delusional you are, you use a tiny little factoid to dismiss something so obvious. North Korea literally hangs pictures of Marx in public buildings. And just because they removed this personal worship from the constitution it means they don't like marx and aren't marxists? What fucking nonsense.
Socialists aren't keynesian
Socialism isn't nationalization
You're just inventing a definition of "left wing" and deciding all the people you don't like fall into that category and then acting surprised that we're calling you out for making a retarded point.
Capitalism isn't people exchanging stuff on the marker, ancrap retard
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Read a book.
Valuing resources is nothing without valuing the labor, and valuing labor is nothing without valuing use. According to your system of values, however, it seems there is no need to value labor at all. Just have slaves do it, problem solved.
And what do you know, you need money to make capitalism work. Lenin openly admitted that the USSR was capitalist and North Korea no longer claims to be socialist either, only "self-reliant".
Look at how economics actually works, fam. Demand is heavily influenced by income. Markets are constantly manipulated by giant corporations with millions to spend on ads and other tactics.
Don't you know that Ionnas Mexetas was a far leftist and Peter Kropotkin was a far right winger?
That's what the American political system tells us. Left wing means big government and right wing means less government.
Actually read Marx for once, why don't you. He clearly defined a lower stage of communism that still operated by capitalists principles where everyone gets out in proportion to what they put in.
Stop LARPing friendo.
Where's your magical system that is capable of valuing all millions of differenet resources? Seems like you omitted the most important part of your rebuttal.
Right vs left isn't collectivism vs individualism. There are individualist leftist currents like mutualism or the writings of Oscar Wilde.
you're such a blatant faggot that has never touched any leftist literature.
this is where your autism begins to show. in capitalist society, prices are set by the socially necessary labor time, while prices in the communist mode of production are set by social necessity alone. you literally described a communist system and tried to call it capitalism.
again with this meme that a socialist or communist system would just make wild guesses about what kind of production would be necessary. supply and demand isn't inherent to capitalism
get the fuck out
Lol dude seriously just stop embarrassing yourself. You clearly don't understand Marx or socialism and have a meme understanding of politics so autistic that everyone can tell you're a burger.
Nobody is saying that fascism and libertarianism are the same thing when it comes to their principles or theory. But the fact is that libertarians care more about property rights than freedom and will embrace fascism to keep socialism at bay. Also nationalizing unions was a way to put workers under the control of their employers, since independent unions were banned and porkies controlled the officially sanctioned unions. They did the same thing with "company unions" in the U.S. in the 20s.
I don't think you know the definition of larping.
You keep using that word, "resources", I do not think that means what you think it means.
Regardless, the market socialists have given you one credible answer, the other solution is to give people labor vouchers and then set everything at market clearing prices whereby. The labor vouchers expire by the next pay cycle, and thus we see no capital accumulation or money developing. Computers and a cybernetic system will ensure the proper amount of demand is communicated to the producers and planners, so that they can be taken into account for the next production cycle.
t. the confused nigger in this thread
Turbo autismo.
I'm actually filled with joy when someone is incapable of actually reading my argument and replying accordingly, out of how much cognitive dissonance and uncertainty that person is going through.
Yes, ignore that there's no such thing as supply and demand without private property and free trade, ignore that all the communist nations that ever existed couldn't even abolish the most simple types of market, ignore that you can't even value resources in a true communist society (not le free-market communism).
All you accomplish is making yourself more delusional.
I can't tell if you're agreeing with me or disagreeing with me, so I'll just say that your greentext is the perfect representation of a retarded right-winger
In capitalism "market equilibrium," or as I like to call it, the "austrian wet dream", is almost never met. Supply and demand are constantly mismatched everywhere in the economy around us, this is an empirical fact.
Market socialists have not given a credible answer, quite the contrary, they proved that utter nonsense that socialism is. Where socialists that attempt to be rational about the distribution of resources would eventually start copying capitalism in every single one of its aspects, making their whole "revolution" redundant.
Stop LARPing. This is hardcore LARP. There's no valuing resources without human interactions. A computer can't value a resource for you and tell you how much you want it. There's no supply and demand without people voluntary trading and showing how much they required certain services and how much they would be willing to spent to get it.
It's the average intelligence of 4chan Holla Forums. It's stupid shit like this is why I left.
"cognitive dissonance" isn't "when someone disagrees with me", newfriend
You don't need money to tell farmers that there is a demand for 5 tons of grain you fucking retard
How about you tell us what socialism is? Succinctly, please. I don't feel like reading your manifesto. Just a sentence or two will suffice so we can all stop talking in circles.
In capitalism, workers do not own the means of production. At least market socialism makes that possible.
I literally just said they will be communicating demand, dumbass, that is how many people are coming to pick up a good at a store.
The tiny fact that markets are never in instant equilibrium doesn't validate any communist theory at all.
In fact, the fact that we are capable of knowing when markets aren't in equilibrium is a good thing, because it allows us to come up with solutions to further profit ourselves by supplying what the population wants. The simple fact that those concepts exist in capitalism already makes it infinitely better than communism. We know what problems are and how to fix them.
What are your definitions of "socialism" and "capitalism"? Clearly there's a massive disconnect here
Wants =\= Demand you fucking retard
You are too dumb to realize how dumb you are.
Either way, you are wrong, and your LARPing is nonsense.
Except the goal of a capitalist enterprise isn't to fix problems or to meet demand, it's to make a profit. There's lots of demand for food in Africa, but there's no food going there. A capitalist sees an imbalanced market and needs not being met and he thinks about how he can personally profit, not balance the market. So capitalism can see what's wrong, but it's incapable of fixing the problem even though it has everything it needs to do so.
They are never in equilibrium period.
The population rarely gets what they want. It's those with money who get some of what they want.
And what is profitably is rarely also what is useful for the general population. See planned obsolescence, companies will produce products designed to break in a couple years instead of building them to last since that makes more money.
Can you please stop being autistic and accusing people of LARPing? It makes no fucking sense and just accentuates your autism. Thanks
When is the last time you bartered over price for milk? People don't make decisions on price for every good. It is set and easily changed by the capitalist to make it easier to control profits. The capitalist only knows how many goods are being sold. Price is not determined by bartering.
And how do you make profit dear little commie idiot? You increase the marginal utility of what you are providing, and you reduce the costs, you maximize utility and minimize costs. Which is beneficial to the nation.
And guess what, almost everyone in Africa survives by eating from private enterprises. Almost everyone in Africa gets their refrigerators and ovens and showers from private enterprises.
Let's compare the number of Africans served by their private enterprises vs the number of Africans served by charities. Maybe then you'd see that literally 99% of what they have comes from private enterprises which function to serve them.
No you fucking retard you maximize profit where marginal revenue = marginal cost.
And you are still too dumb to read what was actually said. Money is not the only thing which allows one to make judgments of cost. Money is both a medium of exchange, and a unit of account. Labor vouchers provide a unit of account, without being a medium of exchange. This is because, after the labor voucher is received, it is destroyed, and not circulated. The store that receives the vouchers have no use for them.
And the whole point is that they don't actually have enough to eat. Who cares where the percentage of people who DO get to eat get their food from when the criticism is that not enough of them get food at all
You don't need to vocally barter you fucking idiot. If one type of milk is too expensive, you can buy the other, if one store is charging too much compared to others, you can go to the other. Your tyranny over this is total. You decide the value of what you get.
Stop being dumb. If you pay for something, is because you valued it to worth more than your money, otherwise you would have kept the money and done something else with it. It's implicit. It's amazing how hard socialists try to warp reality to suit their degenerated ideology.
we need to go lower
I can profit more off of sweat shops workers who make clothes that are overpriced than I can from selling goods to Africans who tend to have little to no money.
Do you even have any idea what elastic and inelastic commodities are?
Labour vouchers is a currency, it's money, stop being fucking silly. There's no different between "labor voucher unites" and "dollars".
This is the #1 problem with commie mental illness: they are incapable of admitting to be wrong. They'll extend any argument needlessly, they'll slide to a tiny point of factoid, they'll warp reality.
No difference other than the fact that vouchers are non-transferable and are destroyed upon use.
Someone who makes clothes occupies no farms, has no demand for crops, and farming tools. So I guess your point is wrong.
Africans who tend to have little to not money make their resources around them also cost little to nothing, which facilitates food production. People in Africa are very capable of making their own farms and getting their own food. This whole "africans are perpetually starving" myth is getting annoying. They have their own countries, their own cities, their own farms and means of production.
pictured is the biggest commie of them all, after all he instituted the first social policies
I honestly can't tell if this guy is trolling or genuinely retarded
with libertarians and esp. ancaps its impossible to distinguish between satire and honest arguing
They cannot be destroyed upon use in practice because it would make them redundant. If a place utilizes a voucher, that means that the place which gets the voucher also has the right for more vouchers. Otherwise, it would be supremely dumb and just a welfare ticked. Basically, it's either currency or it's dumb.
All your bleating doesn't change the fact that capitalism explicitly necessitates the inefficient allocation of resources. Your whole argument rests on the idea that things must work the way they work under our current mode of production and you derive all further arguments from that presupposition. Which is probably why you keep screaming about "LARPing". To you any hypothetical or abstract idea outside the current ideology is too hard to grasp so it must be a person playing at something.
Why even confidently make this assertion when any surface level understanding of the labour voucher system would have showed you to be woefully misinformed? Maybe you should consider that your confidence in yourself is badly misplaced and resting your arguments on the heavy use of ad hom is just embarrassing.
Both, or as we call it "American"
So let me get this straight. What he doesn't know is:
What he does know:
Am I missing anything?
But I thought we never had capitalism. I thought all we had is cronyism and corporatism?
So you're supporting corporatism now?
You are literally too delusional to be reasoned with and you'll just slide the conversation into LARPing. Here's an example of what LARPing looks like:
See, first off you started by saying that capitalism necessitates inefficient allocation, except what I explained to you in detail is that inefficiency exists as a matter of fact and capitalism focus on fixing it. Then you said that my whole point is that thing must stay the way they are and only work the way they are; which is not the case, because I explained in detail why communists have absolutely no realistic plan on improving anything. Then you said that I just can't grasp new ideas, except I can grasp those ideas, and I explained to you why they were nonsense.
See, you LARP into a raelity where you are not wrong, while ignoring everything I said. That's what LARPing is.
Where's your method of valuing resources?
Where's your explanation of a communist economy?
I think you forgot to include there one and only thing that could have rebutted me. A common mistake for communist LARPers.
How about you explain what value is to you because Marxist have a different definition of value.
yeah, we all know you have no arguments. thanks for broadcasting that for us loud and clear
No that's not what anyone did, and it's also not what LARPing is
You see, the problem here that you don't understand, is that if you tried to actually rationally explain a socialist society, and I we were to ratinally discuss it; it would end up exactly like one of the many Ludwig Von Mises debate, with you altering what you define as socialism more and more, with you accepting currency, free trade, and eventually entrepreneurship, and eventually slowly giving up all socialism while still calling yourself a socialist.
I've done this a billion times. And I'm getting really tired of it. Why can't you fuckers just kneel? Learn when to fucking surrender. For fucks sake. You are fighting over a dead ideology that failed literally everywhere including in places where it had unconditional control over a nation for over 50 years.
Why can't you just answer the question?
What is the definition of value to you?
Guess who turned out to be the LARPer? But sure, you're the one who isn't authoritarian
I have many arguments, and I already wrote many of them.
You can start seeing this post :>>1660024
And every subsequent buttblasted commie unable to explain a commie system.
Your arguments are garbage and they've all been heavily refuted. More ad hom please
Dude, I believed what you believe seven years ago. No one is taking you seriously because you are making outlandish claims that are far from reality. You're just a cliche I keep seeing in you ancap types. You over inflate your egos to a point where you just assume your right 100% of the time. You have this black and white view of the world and then freak out when people don't align with it. It's never YOUR fault. It's always everyone around you that is wrong.
Grow the fuck up, and read outside your ideology.
Right, so you don't know what value is. You could have just said so instead of throwing a tantrum
I won't engage in LARPing sessions with you. I will purposefully not engage in semantic arguments proposed by you because I already done it so many times and I know it is not productive. There's no point in me thoroughly explaining to you why the labor theory of value is wrong when you can't even explain to me how do you measure value and wealth in a communist society.
If you want to know why your shitty theory of value is wrong, you should read why Adam Smith theory of value is wrong. And realize that the economics academia is past the cost of production theory of value for over 100 years. Otherwise, I don't be giving you free lessons.
If you want to try to explain a communist society and how it can actually allocate resources more efficiently than capitalism, to then realize that you haven't even put a thought on what you believe in the first place, I greatly welcome you.
Capitalism only prioritizes solving inefficiencies in profit generation, not inefficiencies in actual need. You think he's wrong because you're conflating two very different kinds of inefficiency.
How can I explain how to measure value if you can't give me the definition of it?
Translation: I don't know and I'm too embarrassed to admit it.
Protip: If you don't want people to think you're a moron then don't call substantive discussion and real debate "LARPing". It betrays how alien the concept is to you.
Typical ancap.
Also, Marx saw problems in Adam Smith's view of value.
LTV is empirically correct
Yes, you totally understood economics on a masters level when you were 11 years old and believed what I do. Only likely you didn't.
The fucking irony. You motherfucker is wrong about literally everything. You advocate for things you can't even explain, and I demonstrated that.
Tell me, how do you know whether a line of production is worth its costs in a communist society? How do you now your system as a whole is adding, and how do you know what changes could further improve the system when you don't even know the value of each individual resource? No value no cost and no cost means no reasonable economic decision.
Communists are so crazy and wrong about literally everything I could write all fucking day about it.
No, faggot, LTV is empirically backwards and wrong. I can mail Cockshot myself and explain it to him if you want that.
I think there is some truth to this flippant comment. While I don't think Americans are dumber as such, both unashamed anti-intellectualism and ignorant-and-proud and ancapism/right libertarianism are mostly American phenomena.
Not to mention Americans' great numbers on the internet make them a very loud group.
I can see why they didn't respond, this dinky person is clinically retarded.
This is why I call you a LARPer. Your whole life is a LARPing session where you pretend to be smart than you actually are.
Why are right-"libertarians" so retarded?
Why are you pretending to be writing english words on the internet like a LARPing LARPer?
Forgot the rest of the Anglosphere, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Belgium, South Africa, China Russia, South Korea, Japan, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar and probably FUCKING Tuvalu.
LARP should be wordfiltered at this point but I can't think of anything dumber than LARP already is.
Anyone have the infographic about all the studies done showing that libertarian ideologies can be linked to autism?
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little commie? I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Mises Institute, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret debates on Youtube, and I have over 300 confirmed wins. I am trained in Austrian Economics and I’m the top Economist in the entire Institute. You are nothing to me but just another statist. I will wipe you the fuck out with my superior economic knowledge the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth.
If productivity is subjective then there is no objective measure of value under socialism, and you just contradicted yourself.
The fact is, there is a reason why ten carrots are exchanged for 5 onions worth of money on a market. The ratios of goods to each other isn't a simple case of
Use value, "subjective value" as you may call it, is certainly necessary for people to want to buy either. But there is another aspect here. That is labor. Labor is what ultimately dictates scarcity, since if everyone could get a good almost instantly with little effort, it would be absolutely worthless. Thanks to real market competition, we see the social average of labor time being the objective origin of these price ratios.
dont these fucking idiots realize that fascists hate capitalism and that he would be thrown in a fucking prison if they took over?
You've been misusing economic terms all night, I'm having trouble believing you passed an 11th grade personal finance class.
Parenti would like to have a word with you.
Read a book
Nope, didn't say that. But they're definitely not anti-capitalist as has been explained by the other posters you didn't deign to respond to (probably because it was harder to retort to them with a meme-y response)
They were backed by wealthy capitalists, especially bankers, deregulated and privatized so much of the economy that the term "privatization"
was pulled, screaming, into existence from Nazi privatization programs. Mussolini outright gave them legal power, and Mosley likely would have done the same, given what he has said and wrote about it.
We are relatively aware of clerical fascists, but generally, they hate socialism more.
They have a collectivist tendency the same as anyone else, they just think making lots of profits for Porky somehow serves the greater good.
Wow, read a book anytime.
Or watch this video.
you like capitalism more than you like liberty, fuck off
Because killing commies is fun youtu.be
good post
What's so funny about a legitimate statement?
Didn't USSR nationalised the unions too?
Sorel was a syndicalist and rejected nationalism twice in his life.
Jose Antonio Primo de Rivera. I know this man well. I read a lot of his works. But he ultimately defends private property.
The general fascist critique of capitalism is that usury undermines private property and that by getting rid of it, you'll have true private property rights.