Hey Holla Forums, I have a question. Can someone please explain Nazbols to me? Are they Nat-Socs? Are they Socialists? I know they are of the turd position and is loosely based on Leninism and Nationalism but do they have a core ideology, a set of principles, or are they just autists that are really Nat-Socs that want to be different.
I am a turd positionist myself and I would love for NazBol Gang to come to answer my questions
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Nazis with Soviet aesthetics. They're meme tier.
It's only a meme except in Russia and we have like three different threads about this right now.
is fascism without burgoise
NazBol as an ideology is really complicated. However people here post under it's flag because there ideology is a mix of nationalism and socialism. Personly I want the economy to be organized in a socialist way, (hybrid between market socialism and normal socialism) but I favor strong borders and low immigration.
So the "1488 Gas the joos Nazi masturbation fantasy now" type but on the left>
So Asserism/Nat-Socialism?
basically we see that not all cultures are equal, and that if you have such high goals such as communism, you also gotta have high caliber guns such as decent fucking culture
cant build shit without culture, these others shitters offer you no culture, no values, no cultural goals to strive for, no ethos, no fighting spirit, no real unity or anything
just a bunch of squatters squatting in the same place, nothing more
you have de-generates, junkies, etc in the same camp as.. religious fundamentalists and prudes and so on
without a proper culture, there is no proper movement
these other shitters think that they can achieve communism without personal responsibility, without character building, without values, without any serious effort and struggle
so there's nothing stopping them from just impotently screeching and always finding excuses for their bullshit and achieving nothing ever
nazbols are the only ones with any sort of capacity, anyones that ever held any territory, only ones that did more than mental masturbation
de-generates will be put in the gulag, from both the left and right, rich and poor, etc
If Not Socialism was actually socialist, wasn't a dictatorship. It would be kinda similar to Nazbol. Hitler privatized so much stuff he should be called a national capitalist.
I see what you mean but there are SO many other ideologies that are third poition and 14w (Nat-Soc, Fascism, Asserism, Nationalism. Culturalism etc). Other that using Nationalism to make Communism, what makes Naz Bol so different?
Many Kike bankers supported Hitler because of how capitalist he was. Stasser should've led the NSDAP.
From what I know it just started out as a Holla Forums meme and a forced one at that, but eventually people unironically embraced the label and the ideology that comes with it and started calling for workers worldwide to unite…*except if they're black or Jewish cuz then they can go starve.
Nat-Soc, Fascism aren't turd position. Nationalism can be left, right, or anywhere on the political spectrum.
Funny, I call my self a Nat-Cap/Organisationalist and I find it turd positionist.
National Bolshevikism became an ideology when some Holla Forumsacks leader that Capitalism is a terrible economic system. And that you can be a nationalist and a socialist at the same time.
Supreme nazbol reporting in
Jealous, I wish the mods let TOR users post images.
Kek wtf have Nazbols ever done? You're delusional.
That secret internet browser used to access the deep web? No thanks…
They are cancer and they should kill themselves
I'm American the NSA operates in my country
This is our board
That's all you need to know
all leftists other than nazbols promote:
personal irresponsibility
always finding excuses
never finding a way
promoting weakness
demoting strength
self-castration and impotency
avoiding competition
encourage inefficiencies in humanity
only the strong can achieve communism, and the weakest must be purged from our own ranks first, and weakness promoted in the enemy
culture, nationalism and militarism are the only practical ways of doing shit and therefore highest values
basically uncle nazbol is going to teach you and every other impotent leftist mental masturbator to love the motherland
The Capitalism is a Jewish creation.
t. the golden one
Porky is a parasite
Parasites are weak people
Porkys are weak people
Purge the weak makes sense
It is? Well, maybe Holla Forums should he's about this and drop the Pinochet worship.
The future.
Leftists, *true leftists* aren't capitalists though.
Through Pinochet out of a helicopter
pick one
not purging the weak is a mental masturbation at its highest, and not even thousand years in the gulag could rehabilitate such lost causes
mental masturbators or the burgeronis, i honestly dont know which parasite is worse
Good. Fuck that C.I.A. backed dictator.
Oh, I'm verry much for getting shit done. I just don't trust Nazbols to define who's weak and who ain't. They're a little off their rocker to be honest…
Autism with fascists characteristics
Holla Forums?
Socialism with Holla Forums characteristics.
In Nazbol theory, that's anyone not Russian.
You even read your ideology's codifying works?
laws of physics already defined everything
i dont know how can any of these other leftists claim to be 100% materialistic, and yet keep:
ideal of infinite entitlement to everything
ideal of infinite rights for everyone that cant earn or defend them
ideal of getting food every day, like you are somehow owed something
ideal of being a pretty princess, and everything good must always happen to you
ideal of social justice, or any justice really you cant make happen yourself
nazbols are the only 100% materialistic, spook-free big dick leftists that are going to do all of the revolutionary raping
come on how are you faggots not understanding these basics??
The surge in Nazbol activity over the past two weeks is amazing.
Umm…Isn't Nazbol explicitly anti-racist? I don't understand the "theyre fucking Nazis!!!!!" Meme when Asser and the like were all only a little racialist, nazbols don't care who the fuck you are at their core.
People now a days think strong borders are rascist.
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Racism is a meme. Who cares. Noticing that west Africans always win marathons, or that Slavs and Nordics always win weightlifting, or that tens of thousand of years or different climate, different diet, and different evolutionary pressure to develop different tools, different shelters, different clothing, and different differences made different humans different, if all that shit is racist than we are racist.
Who gives a shit tho? If racism ends up bringing us closer to achieving communism, so fucking what?
Dont we use eugenics everyday to get taller corn, fatter pigs, faster racing horses????
and this is why all other leftists and rightists and everyone but us needs to be purged
So nazbol idea of equality is: everyone are equal except the ones i find inequal. Very democratic. 100% not nazi.
Well whoopdy doo, so is socialism and communism.
Well racism is pretty bad. That's why I think the difference between racism and racialism is useful, racists explicitly believe their race to be superior, while racialists can see the different races as ultimately united in humanism
Did anybody besides Hitler obsess over race? Not even Mussolini did.
Turks, people from the Caucasus, Iran, Central Asia and Mongolia are the ones that always win weightlifting
He didn't? Was he a civic nationalist then?
if communism requires good sprinters we'll put our best runners at it, if it requires lifting we'll put our best lifters at it, if these happen to correlate strongly with race who are we to mentally masturbate about it?
leave it to the other shitters and their mental masturbation about….. equality, to put women with their lower lung capacity, lower bone density, lower muscle mass, lower that shit in blood that carries air into muscles (hemoglobin?) etc etc be unable to pull bodies out of harms way while on firefighter/soldier duty, for the ideal of equality…………………
no, screaming rayciss gets you gulag'd and again uncle nazbol's gonna teach you to love it all
You guys like my new flag tho?
yes, and so was Hitler. Race wasn't ethnicity in ns germany.
Holy shit is that Proudhon quote real?
meant to reply to
Yeah, but Nazbols and other "race realists" tend to exaggerate the differences between races quite a bit and in my personal experience with these people online is that they outright make shit up and try to dress it up as """""evolution""""".
Oh yeah, Mussolini was also a dumbass that allied with Hitler, who pressured him to discriminate against jews.
international communism is the only way to make it work, have you learned nothing from the past nationalist-communist attempts??
wtf I love Mussolini now
Internationalism requires that one country conquers the world. Fuzzy wuzzy internationalism hasn't worked. We need Imperial Bolshevism as the extension of National Bolshevism towards International Bolshevism (setting the stage for communism proper).
You have to establish a socialist state first. Then you use the state to fund revolutions across the third world in order to further destabilize global capitalism.
This. The workers revolution should've never stopped with the former Russian Empire, but went on full steam throughout the whole world like Trotsky wanted.
That requires socialist imperialism by one conquerer nation to counter-act capitalist imperialism and claim territory for the proletariat so it still requires NazBol as a staging ground.
What? All I'm saying is that Stalin could've done more to spread socialism during his time in power instead of sorta closing himself and The Soviet Union off from the rest of the world for decades.
Thanks nazbol, your the best!
But you said weightlifting.
And I forgot to mention the Chinese and Greeks
Nonsense. We will uplift blacks so that they can live seperately. We will provide resources for a home territory free of capitalism for each people in our socialist empire. Seperate but equal in socialism.
do you know why though?
"religion" with chosen people and goys (racism and racial supremacism), separatism and pursuing "ethnic interests" instead of co-working with the rest of the nation and so on. by the way, that's exacly how far righters are, and Hitler opposed this.
This convo weant the wrong way then I expected.
Nazbo->Workers and Nationl->Racialism
Fuckin lovely.
Kinda like ukrainians in Stalin's soviet union.
Where have I heard this before…
That never happened!
Nazbols aren't racists.
Tell that to other nazbols, and maybe you've got a point.
Pure opportunism.
Basically, kill all Hitler fanboys.
Your flag tho.
You guys also want to unite "muh Eurasia" but also think that blacks are stupid.
At least Racialists like me don't say "unite the world"
excluded ONLY jews and for a good reason.
1) A movement of edgy Russian nationalists
2) A Holla Forums meme, treated in a similar was to Posadism
3) An ideology Holla Forumsyps pretend to subscribe to when they think they're being sneaky
It's all rhetoric under capitalism, but capitalism cannot bring equality.
How do I stop myself from becoming nazbol
Sorry, but as communism gets more popular, you intellectual protectionists aren't going to be in control of it anymore. It will be the people's communism, and that means nationalistic. Holla Forumsyps are capitalist, but all they have to do to see the light is embrace communism and reject their nazi ideology.
I take it your economic theory isnt based on Marx? Or do you do same mind gymnastics as hitler when he met useful jews, upgrade them as honorary aryan?
Read about what "nationalism" actually means.
racial laws excluded ONLY jews
only jews couldn't be citizens, and there were many so called "nonwhites" in ns army and living in germany, furthermore, axis consisted of many "nonwhite" countries as opposed to "white" and colonialist allies.
how Holla Forums thinks Hitler was on far right and racist side, I don't know, must be illiteracy.
Holla Forums are racists and they're projecting
So Nazbol is basically (not meant in a bad way) "NatSoc spooks serving the Communist cause"?
How does a NB stand on:
If I had a timemachine I would go back in time and kill Hitler as a baby, and world would be only a better place. If you'd do the same to Marx out of your sheer hate of semites, I would guarantee that it would also destroy your ideology.
I'm not anti-jewish
And please no meme responses about gulags
Literally what would you do, about legislation, morals, and if literally gulag, say it seriously with all the political, social and international consequences it represents being seen by the UN as a human rights violation
See, its kinda tricky when one nazbol flag is literally defending the holocaust, and another nazbol flag trying to convince they aren't antisemitist or even racist at all. Kind of makes it look like a spicy meme without any actual definitive theory or purpose behind it.
How does a NB stand on:
Jews can be NazBol and good comrades. They will be relocated to Israel when the NazBol Empire controls that part of the world, and we will help them overthrow the capitalist state in Israel and establish socialism for their race.
Total extermination, no mercy whatsoever, and no rehabilitation. We will make Stalin look tame.
It's okay, but the NazBol state won't waste the worker's surplus to pay for AIDs meds for a minority. We will focus healthcare on the needs of the majority.
Ridiculous nonsense, if not actively harmful. No parades would be allowed or recieve any of the worker's resources to fund them. Keep it in private.
Bad for a thriving culture and bad for children. We will encourage families on a mutual non-capitalist basis.
Capitalist prostitution is evil, but a socialist voluntary commons of women is okay in principle, but should be limited in scope.
Good. Strength and masculinity should be promoted, not for aesthetic nazifag reasons, but because it's actually functional and helps us demoralize the fascists and the decadent soy drinking capitalists.
Will be relocated to Africa, where we will help them overthrow the local bourgeoisie and provide weapons and resources.
Those who deny nation should be politically suppressed. Communism is a global struggle requring a world empire of the proletariat, but within that empire there must be separate spaces for different peoples so that there is the social harmony needed to unite under socialism.
Allowed, but more limited during war.
Allowed for the elderly.
Lots of the states resources will be put into researching this for military applications so we can build better soldiers and beat the capitalist armies.
Things the 🍀🍀🍀Steins🍀🍀🍀 control/made/influenced:
Leftists need to wake up.
Yes Capitalism is class warfare and yes economics need the state involved, but Socialism is class warfare. Y'all need to see the power of the economic centrists and be more unified under them.
The turd position is needed. Nat-Cap, Nazbol, Asserism. Nat-Soc, Yellow Socialism, Social Democracy are all needed to free the world from Capitalists and Communists.
You can spot real NazBols by our support for Comrade Stalin and his achievements. Even if he was against national-chauvinism in theory, he helped us in practice with many of the things he did.
and then people would turn against the real problem which is western civilisation instead of being yet again fooled.
feudal times:
capitalist times:
so , can i call myself an "internazbol"???
True nationalism is international comrade. Every people working together globally to maintain each other's nationality through socialism.
Oh, I'm racist, I'm just not anti-Jewish. I want to help the Jews and all races find a homeland. That's the way of true NazBol
Unfortunately, yes.
The problem with Holla Forums is that they only want to save the white race, but because of that they will fail.
The only way to save the white race is to save all races from capitalism, and help each race of workers fight against exploitation.
I want Juche for whites.
It's not consistent with the rest of their ideology if it's extended in analysis to all areas as Marxism is from conception. The problem is that anarchism too often tends to be an ethical discourse on revolution.
how is it not consistent? stiener said you can be a race or nationality but it doesnt FULLY describe the Unique One
How is it inconsistent? There's nothing about wanting horizontal relations that says you can't kill people or groups you don't like. Otherwise anarcho-communist revolution would be impossible in the first place. That'd be some NAP shite.
I also think they know better about their own ideologies then you revisionist scum.
Just dont make me part of it, or I will fucking murder your ass.
Taken to its logical end, anarchism must be purely materialistic in its analysis of what unjustified authority bears down upon the individual and acknowledge that real material structures of race and such, even if they are born out of nonsensical ideas, must be dismantled instead of having a collective retribution be exacted upon them for perceived wrongs.
Kropotkin was the closest of any anarchist to this realization, but even then he could not banish these delusions of race and nation, advocating for war against Germany.
Mass advocacy of a viewpoint in the society around oneself can be psychologically disorienting if one is without a structure of how the social world works as a whole. If you're mechanistic like anarchists have been historically, social issues become relative in a sense, subject to the circumstances of the anarchist individual just as their revolutionary politics arose from what other people around them suggested.
In short? They were quintessentially products of their times. "Races" are not actually groups of people unless you pretend they are because other people condition you to think that.
I haven't read Stirner. I plan to, but haven't yet. I've read a lot of articles and essays on his thought, though.
Nazibols will cause socialism to fail.
First of all, that's wrong. Stop trying to impress Marxism upon anarchism.
Secondly, race analysis IS materialistic because it is based on physical and genetic factors that are subject to real measurement. Genetics is a base level factor, and it's not merely an idea circulating in the superstructure. Yes, the exact categories of race are, but that's not the same as the underlying genetics themselves.
And yet again, another classic anarchist disagrees with you. Could it instead be that you are adding on liberal nonsense to anarchism? I've already explained to you how "going to war" conflicts with nothing about anarchism unless you reduce the horizontal principles of anarchism to a kind of NAP ancrap type of thing.
And yet all the classic anarchists seem to disagree with you consistently and in the exact same direction.
A cop out. You're being selective. Taking them as authorities when it comes to socialism uncritically, but suddenly on other things, you just default to modern liberalism.
A: This would necessarily make them a relevent factor for societies which are full of people making other people think things.
B: The racial categories themselves are as abitrary as colors, and yet 390nm is still a different wavelength to 700nm. There are many populations which have evolved lactose tolerance where others haven't for example, and relatively recently in evolutionary time. Where we decide to draw boundaries based on these factors is a social construct, but we may exactly want to collect together with people with certain characteristics under a label vs another. There's no contradiction to the principles of anarchism or socialism there.
This all comes down to your thinking being affected by modern liberalism and Holla Forums's retarded edgy overreaction to it, not any critical thinking.