Bernie shilling against Russia

Never trust a socdem

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Saw this coming a mile away

Fuck this guy, regardless if he has a gun to his head or is doing this for money and power he's a complete dead end at this point.

Holla Forums, where we complain about a liberal party being liberal and stand with literally any and all geopolitical foes of America.

There's obvious connections between the Trump camp and Russian oligarchs, but they did not help him win as such. Hillary would have lost against literally anybody.

Sanders isn't a Democrat.

t. complaining about complaining about a liberal party being liberal and standing with literally any and all geopolitical foes of America while bumping the thread that makes him buttsore

That sucks. He was actually pretty ballsy standing up for his comments on Cuba and Nicaragua during the elections, thought he'd have a more critical line of this horseshit narrative.

he ran as a Democratic presidential candidate, he caucuses with the Democrats, he is for all intents and purposes a Democrat.

Honestly I think the kompromat against Trump is probably legit (God I hope the pee video is real) and certain powerful elements within Russia are hanging it over Trump's head. Doesn't mean they hacked voting machines and specious nonsense like that.

There is no left in America. They are not our friends or anyone's friends, they wish for world domination, their elected leaders and citizens as well.
Don't trust an american. Don't socialize with americans.

I honestly think he should know better.
He's just doing this because it's politically expedient. I'm almost positive.

Geopolitical foes of the oligarchic American state are typically allies of the American people.

Pretty spooky fam

you best start being friendly with Americans, because you're in an American thread
-t. op

Can someone explain to me what Trumps motivations for firing Comey would be other then that he was investigating him for ties to Russia.

I was very skeptical of this whole Russia thing before Comey was fired but I can't really see any other explanation as to why Trump would fire him.

I'm confused. Leftypol likes Russia? It's a capitalist oligarchy. Wut?

Just because liberals are awful doesn't mean they are wrong that Russia is also awful.


Half this board is Americans you retard, also this sentiment is entirely contrary to Marxist ideas of class solidarity.

No they are most definitely not.

Way to totally not answer the question. Why would trump fire Comey at this random moment that gives him terrible optics and makes the Russian investigation seem legitimate? He could have gotten rid of him at the beginning of his term.

I still wouldn't be surprised if Trump ran, not just because he thought it would be good for his brand, but because the Clintons asked him to. They assumed there was no way he could win.

Why do you care?
Does Russia pay you to post this?

There's so much evidence of Russian involvement in the election.. it's clear as day! All the U.S. Intelligence agencies even say so! Clear, undeniable,

Yep, HRC used her omnipotent power to control Trump to make him fire Comey for her, but at the same time she was too dumb and incompetent to beat him in an election. You guys really do have the answer to everything.

What? Are we just making shit up to moan about now?

If Trump actually was a russian collaborator he wouldn't be so shitty

Russia's government is awful, but the Russia hysteria isn't about Russia's oligarchy (which the US played no small part in building) but about smearing critics of US imperialism and the DNC as a foreign "other".

Right, cause it's not possible to be against both US imperialism and Russian imperialism at the same time?

Christ people. The world is not black and white.


We wuz Soviets and sheeit

Literally no one is saying this

The people Trump surrounded himself and their connections to Russian oligarchs speaks for itself, fam.

Here's a hot-tip for the either/or Aristotelian clowns: being against America's imperialism AND Russia's imperialism does not make you a liberal.

As an aside, the amount of pro-Russian "if you believe Russia did anything you're a libtard!" morons frothing at the mouth on 4ch, 8ch, reddit and twitter is bigly suspect.

This. It's obvious that this Russia shit is being trotted out to distract from what a train wreck the democrats are, but that doesn't mean Russia isn't a shithole reactionary state.

combination of shills and people who admire Russia because they perceive it as more traditionalist, Christian, "redpilled", pro-male (women know their place), etc.

anyone who opposes America is good.

It's certainly possible, but that's not what the "Trump is a Russian puppet" stuff the US press & Dems are pushing is about at all.

All of Putin's rich friends got their start literally looting the soviet unions assets, the Russian government has our interests at heart no more than the American government does.

Hillary lost on her own terms. She was a bad candidate, alienated everyone who wasn't a bourgeois metropolitan.

However, I will never understand Leftypol's obsession with absolving Trump of any and all Russian ties. You people need to get Putin's cock out of your throat, it's embarrassing.

Trump is the best thing that has happened to the first world left in a long time.

They still play for the same team. Trump wasn't supposed to win, but noone likes a loose cannon. He might be doing it for himself or he might be doing it for Hillary. Dies it matter either way? The clintons accapted bribes to hand plotonium mines over to rusian oligarchs and trump Im sure will do somerhing similar if he hasn't already. No one on the hill wants a director who actually investigates the powerful.

No cares about Putin, it's that there is zero evidence and your just a bitch for deep state fearmongering bullshit

Totally, no evidence at all. Manifort being a shill for Ukrainian Oligarchs, Flynn appearing on RT and taking payments from Turkey, and Sessions lying about meeting with Russian diplomats under oath are all just a coincidence.

You're so anti-establishment. You're just so fucking clever, all these sheeple just don't get it.

Bougies have common self-interest. That doesn't mean that each individual action and thread of strategy is composed in some giant meeting. If you're trying this hard to tie this back to Hillary then maybe you should ask yourself if the people you're arguing with are the crazy conspiracy theorists.

Two questions I still have not seen answered sufficiently:

1. The OIG is doing an investigation of Comey's actions with regard to the Clinton emails. It's very likely the OIG will report that Comey did indeed step outside of his bounds as director of the FBI. From there Trump would have a far more legitimate pre-text to fire Comey. Why did he not just wait? "He's just an impulsive moron" does not pass muster, imo.

2. If Trump and his campaign are indeed innocent and free of any Russian influence, why not just let the investigation finish unimpeded? "Comey is a Clinton insider and would take down Trump even if he's innocent" also does not pass muster; Comey's actions in October of last year were devastating to the Clinton campaign.

The US press is pushing the narrative that Trump is compromised by Russia. Not that he is working with them hand in hand. The belief is that they have compromising information about him and his business practices. I personally find this narrative to be pretty believable, given the sheer amount of circumstantial evidence (and it is only circumstantial at this point) there is. Far too much smoke for there to not to be a fire. It's unfortunate, however, that the DNC and its shills get to use and warp this narrative for their own gain. It's very likely that in 2018 we'll have a centrist status quo democratic majority in the house and senate and from there things will go back to """normal."""

Strong agree.

If this ""deep state"" you speak of is so powerful and omnipresent and want to depose Trump, why didn't they just stop him from becoming president in the first place?

Ugh right, these people are Holla Forumstard level of deluded.

Holla Forums trying to "defend" modern russia or anything it does is like fucking Holla Forums hating jews but loving trump. If the US fell and russia made power grabs nothing would fucking improve. Also why is there such a conspiracy among the left that russia didn't try to manipulate the elections? If investigations show he did and is impeached, what then? I don't blindly belive anything the dems say but I'm sure as fuck not going to believe russian propaganda that they're innocent and stick to themselves.

Liberals please go.


Is deep throating Putin a prerequisit for being a Nazbol?

Considering that the alleged manipulation consisted of releasing information in the public interest to the American people, who the hell cares?

What's the argument - Russian oligarchs are terrible, so we should have candidates backed by American oligarchs instead, who are righteous patriots?

its literally just russian nationalism so yes

With Russian Orthodoxy mixed in. It's a very strange and incoherent ideology.

By all indications there was also a mass character assassination of Bernie supporters from the very start of the primary: turns out there were Berniebros but they were literally all Russian bots. Now you might be a "Bernie killed Rosa Luxembourg" sort but the point remains that these are weapons that can be used against us as well.

Not to sound like a radical centrist but the truth is somewhere in the middle. Russia probably did try to influence the elections, at the very least through manipulating public opinion by funding anti-Clinton media and leaking dirt. At the same time this doesn't excuse the democrat's utter failure to appeal to anybody but smug urban hipsters with bach degrees in underwater basket weaving.

At the same time Russia is a reactionary imperialist state which, if it does have less of a negative global impact than the U.S., it's only because they are to weak to engage in imperialism on the same scale.

What tactics - people being rude and abrasive when arguing on the internet? You can find those in support of any cause anywhere in the world, and there is no need for Russian bots to explain that phenomenon. You found similar people among Clinton supporters, and Trump supporters, and Johnson supporters, and supporters of any other candidate to attract any meaningful following.

What turned that into "Berniebros" was a media-created smear campaign, and the people to blame for it are the Clinton sycophants in the press, not Russian bots.

it's just Russian ressentiment towards America manifested in Orthodoxy combined with Soviet nostalgia (we wuz Soviets and sheeit and the West feared us! A resurgent Great Russia will be the third Rome and destroy the degenerate Anglo-American hegemony!), so it's not too weird that Nazbols would seek to be the negation of the Anglo-American order in any conceivable way.

But that appears to be Barney Saunder's position, so why's he getting pelters?

There was a smear campaign, but it was certainly helped to catch on by the fact that it turns out a lot of these people complaining about it literally were being harassed by masses of people nominally appearing to be Bernie supporters… That in retrospect all used extremely similar language (apparently whoever was running the bots didn't know that calling someone a vagina is not the same as calling them a cunt) and disappeared the day after the election instead of gloating like might be suspected.

Interesting. Makes more sense now, thanks.

If journalists are dumb enough to fall for the "someone claiming to represent X called me names" ploy, it's still on them.

It's trivially easy for anyone, regardless of nationality, human or bot, to pretend to embrace something and act like an asshole online in an effort to discredit an ideology they dislike. Holla Forums does it, libs do it, some of us probably do it too.

The whole "Bernie bros" smear campaign was something that was already done in the past, but on Obama
Make sure to check the date of publication of the article


You can hate Putin AND Trump and still think that their "ties" are a retarded and baseless public diversion tactic.

In fact, someone who likes Putin would have no reason to obsessively deny Trump's ties to Russia. Rather, he's be elated by them.

1. I'm not even saying that's the type of power they have. It's merely a function of the military industrial complex serving its own interests, you stooge.
2. when the intelligence dossiers that triggered this whole mess were full of memes from 4 Holla Forums and paranoia about RT, then it's perfectly justifiable to be skeptical of this bullshit.

why didn't she just call them superpredators again lol

This. Even the "intelligence dossier" on supposed Russian interference with the election doesn't contain any positive claims other than "RT ran pro-Trump anti-Clinton stories on their site" and "Their American readers spread these stories around social media".

Truly dastardly, especially considering we do the same thing through Voice of America.

Forgot pic

So what? Russia isn't Socialist.

What's wrong with not supporting Russia? Russia is not the Soviet Union anymore, it's a neocon shithole run by corrupt oligarchs, not much different from the United States of Ancapistan in terms of politics. Certainly less imperialist in terms of foreign policy than the US under Clinton/Bush/Obama/Trump, but still. Besides, anyone who wanted the Wall Street porky Trump and his family in the White House did *not* want Bernie there and Moscow supported Trump's bid to become POTUS from the beginning, that was really obvious.

yeshhhh rushiah is neocon
*gives a neocon blowjob*

Fuck off to Holla Forums you fucking porky shill. Bernie is one of the best things that happened to the whole political Left in 2 decades, of course you'd prefer leftists hating him, don't you.

Not what triggered it and you know it. Manafort, Flynn and Page are corrupt as fuck and have clear connections to Russian oligarchs. You also have Putinian active measures and gaslighting techniques being embraced and used by the Trump campaign and now the Trump White House. There's also very clear connections between the alt-right and Dugin. Moreover, Trump has had a history in Russia since the fall of the USSR.

Trump is compromised. Hillary would have been compromised too, though by different actors. This is not an either/or situation, and if you support Putin and the Russian Oligarchic Federation simply by virtue of them not being The Great Satan USA, then you are a deluded fucking moron.

Reminder that Russia is shit and you shouldn't defend it
Reminder that America is also shit and you shouldn't defend it.
If one try to subvert the other's "democratic" process, you should be defending the people who are getting fucked, not the governments and corporations that are whining about it.

This. The only good thing to come from any of this is that Paul Ryan and the Freedom Caucus are not going to be able to pass their eugenical health care bill.

Why the fuck would I symphatise with a mob state?

No thx

t. latin american

Yeah, it did. Media glomped on it like a mother fucker then it snowballed.

Porky gonna pork. Why is this surprising? Most of our politicians are connected to the bourgeoisie somehow, and it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of them were from outside the U.S.

Have you been living in a cave?
Gaslighting techniques don't begin and end with Trump. The U.S. has been doing the exact same thing for years. Manufacturing consent is nothing new.

Are you talking about Richard Spencer?
Even if that were the case, that doesn't immediately mean it has anything to do with Trump.
No shit.
If I were a capitalist, I would see the fall of the Soviet Union opening up some prime real estate opportunities.

No, I just don't support fear mongering from an arm of the military industrial complex. This isn't hard to understand. You're the one making this an either or situation.

I should care about Russia why?
I should care about Sanders why?

While you made that post your taxes money payed for another torture session of a random arab in Guatanamo Bay. If you don't like this, why don't you go outside and protest?
You people are the cancer of the planet and i don't trust you. You like fucking other countries in the ass don't you? cultureless barbarian.

I'm not even American. Fuck off with your idpol.

I thought we were just being swamped by Redditfugees?

But OP, Russia is shit and they did at least favor Trump. Even if you don't buy the full narrative, Russia putting out thinly veiled propaganda was visible during the election and Putin's loathing towards Clinton is no secret. Bernie has no reason to ignore this - what excuse do you have?

Who claimed they were omnipresent? The best they can do is carry out low level killings, drug running, racketeering, and leak stories to the press to shift a political narrative. Nobody in this thread said they were an omnipresent all controlling force, you're simply strawmanning to divert away from the fact that this whole Trump-Russia thing amounts to nothing more than Democratic party loyalist screeching and baseless media fear mongering (because their tribe lost) in collusion with elements of the deep state who were part of the previous power structure.

It was tried, but didn't remotely catch on, largely because "Obama boys" didn't exist, while berniebots gave Berniebros a much larger APPEARANCE of existing.