Why don't you research the Holla Forums conspiracy theories?
The main difference between Holla Forums and Holla Forums is that the first just discusses ideology while the second is mainly about (real) conspiracies.
Having conspiracy knowledge is good for anyone regardless of ideology.
Why don't you research the Holla Forums conspiracy theories?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because we have theory to explain the world, not some Thulean aryanist shape-shifting reptilian tier "theory"
why aren't you tired of LARPing?
I'm not a nazi because materialism>idealism.
Is that simple.
Because conspiracy is the poor man's ideology
This is hilarious considering the whole belief of this board is about ebil borgissi keepin da workers down
Most Holla Forums redbulling infographics suck, especially when it comes to sources.
Only if you're a halfwit or it's your first day seeing a marx meme
we do, we often talk about the actual conspiracies that actually exist, like Ronald Reagan funding the Contras and selling arms to Iran while the US was at war with Iran during the Iran Iraq war, for example.
The conspiracies that actually happened were almost all against socialists.
You must be retarded
We have ours, but they tend to be more 'boring' than the romanticized stuff you guys have. CIA does some freaky shit though.
I'm a rehabilitated Holla Forumsack though, that phase fucked me up real good, lost all my friends (I'm not fucking kidding)
ever since I became a leftist I made new friends
fuck you and your conspiracies, we've debunked your shit a million times
I blame le ebil borgissi as much as da workers for the spectacular shitshow we're all caught in. Capitalism is a shit system/idea/meme ruining everything and the fact that there are still people living under its control is a travesty. Don't hate the playas hate the game.
that's because it's in their practical self-interest, we don't need to delude ourselves with conspiracies about what motivates them
The problems of Capitalism are more complex then that.
You just crossed the line bitch.
Is it true that Spencer is a Dugin proxy?
I had a dream where Dugin and Zizek had a chat for some reason.
I got into politics back in 2010 when I heard about the Illuminati. I remember the golden age of YouTube conspiracy theories. I stopped caring once I started following an ideology. These days, the people who care about conspiracy theories tend to be the guy fawkes memeing fedora wearers.
Who still has that "research" copypasta? Anyway…
These are not topics of research.
I'll do you one better, Holla Forumsyp. Tell me why I should give a shit if some cabal wants me to fuck people who aren't my race. More pussy and dick for the rest of us.
I kind of miss those days…
Who died?
Neither. It was just a thing.
Also we do spend our time on that. The only difference is that we can prove ours because the CIA literally declassifies documents that confirm them word for word. They just pretend that "they changed and that was in the past" even though every new year they declassify stuff, its more of the same.
Because you've got fascism completely wrong
You shouldn't let the new knowledge consume you, it should make you a better person and not make you act like a retard irl
http s://en dchan.xyz/pol/res/41458.html
You're going to have a bad time if the "pussy" gets pregnant
Because they are too depressing. Check this one out, dentists pedos are raping children in Alaska. First I couldn't get pizza, then I couldn't get BBQ and now I can't go to the dentist anymore because of Holla Forums exposing all these pedos. FML
>>>Holla Forums9891932
fascism is a fucking meme, fuck you and your ilk for dragging me into that shithole
Don't tell me you wouldn't want to have a baby with this girl.
Holla Forums has a thread where they're openly attempting to appropriate leftist symbols rofl
And you totally don't consider the possibilty that the "declassifications" of an intelligence agency are going to be disinformation aimed at confirmation bias for example? CIA are not a bunch of idiots who don't understand that communists and fascists exist and are going to look at the documents, and on top of that they have no reason to post actual legit documents too.
What's your theory then? Most of the stuff I read on Holla Forums is something literally everyone came up with as a child, "rich people do nothing and are rich, not fair", I'm not saying Marx is wrong but what he writes is so obvious and surface level, I don't need an entire book to understand the class struggle and the ownership of production.
Pizzagate is fake though
It's entirely based on wikileaks, and wikileaks is fake news.
Strawman, this is actually a key point in fascism
She's not even attractive. For the sake of an argument I'll assume you posted an attractive one. No, the baby would lack an identity and I'll contribute to the destruction of my own kind, the baby would also be not as smart as he could've been.
Spencer's wife is a Russian national that has translated all of Dugin's work into English. Just an interesting little factoid.
Most people thought of the difference between a multitude of property types and thought up reasons why each one is good or bad for society, or are you falling victim to the newspeak and think there's only one type of property, it all means "owning things" and you actually believe "the rich" are the main concern and not "the propertied classes" who may or may not be rich but most likely are.
The Alt-Right isn't some cutting edge movement btw, it was a thing before those idiots came along
At last I truly see.
Hello CIA shill.
You guys need screencaps to prove that sjw's are controlled opposition aimed at ridiculing communists? We have the fucking alt-right, it's all the same shit.
I do understand the difference between a genius scientist that made a billion and a person who owned a factory and made a billion
But what do you exactly mean under property types? Is it about owning humans or resources/robot factories representing value without the need of workers or is it something completely different?
Holla Forums sucks Trump's dick even though he's a zionist shill. I doubt reality has any impact on their views.
There's property you use yourself and can live in or move around, property you effectively never use but get paid tribute for other people's use, and property shared for the collective good.
Current public property isn't so much shared as it is state owned.
Owning humans is a concern but we're generally talking about resources, land, robot run factories and people run factories. Any of that second type of property you profit from without direct interaction from you. The idea is to move these from the "paid tribute" form of property that results in inefficient resource wasting and to the shared form of property, among the people who work in and maintain the property. Eventually everyone will do this and produce for need instead of for profit, cutting down on waste and ending hunger.
It's important I'd say to recognize that kropotkin recognized luxury as a need.
You can't see beyond the superficial and see everything at face value with little to no research. Wikileaks is controlled opposition.
Because it's Holla Forums Holla Forums, nobody takes Holla Forums Holla Forums seriously, even 4chan makes fun of them, the moderation team are literally zionists. Go to somewhere like end chan for the normal Holla Forums experience.
This claim signals of a philosophical cognitive bias, people think about making things more efficient and ending poverty and shit but then realize that there's no point in jerking off in an endless cycle and life is void in meaning so they come to a conclusion that life is for fun and you need to maximize the efficiency of getting the fun and aim for a life where there's nothing else but fun.
Then again with this philosophy having a constant supply of drugs being injected in you for eternity or living in the matrix blue pill would be the optimal way of life which sounds so absurd that we return to the point that life is void in meaning.
I'd like you to go through your life on nothing but stale bread, water, living in a box, with no freedom of movement. You don't have to work and you'll always be ensured enough bread, water, and box to survive.
How quickly you think until you develop severe mental disorders?
It's a need.
Life is void of meaning.
This is so blatant
Pardon me, I actually don't disagree with you
I just noted how insane all of this sounds, I'm personally for happiness in the long run, which is almost void of luxury since luxury usually comes at a cost.
And second of all in your example I'll need fruit to get glucose and fiber to not go insane quicker
It's basically private property over people, from observing history. Awful shit.
It does sound pretty out of left field. It should
That's when you become a socialist.
Fascism has the same problem as liberalism. Both treat the worker and the capitalist the same. Fascism speaks of class collaboration. The problem is that as long as one party holds property and the other does not, the one with property will always get the better deal.
Capitalism isn't far from fascism (as I type this out). Both want to favor the property owner over the worker. Fascism just suppresses more with violence.
I, for once, wish that there would be more activism on Holla Forums. You can make fun of the Holla Forums paranoia all you like, but they do actually dig into shit and bring it out there. Pizzagate, even though I don't believe it, is now even a thing amongst normies. When I go to Holla Forums, I have 4 threads at least being pinned, and they are about leaks and exposure of networks amongst the deep state. I'd love to have the same for Holla Forums, without the obsession with Jews, of course.
The problem is that Holla Forums recently got infested with Leftcoms. Basically Leftcoms believe that revolution will occur through some magical workers uprising solely triggered by material conditions without any need for agitation - it's just such a crass misunderstanding of history that I believe a lot of Leftcoms are COINTELPRO. And AnComs, subscribing to an ideology which is entirely unrealistic and not feasible, are gladly joining them in their agony. Just look at the Maoism thread in the catalog, you have almost everybody shitting on Maoism, even though there a Maoist freedom fighters in Asia right fucking now, men and women fighting against global capitalist exploitation and fascism in Nepal. This is the sad state Holla Forums is in and that's why it's turning more and more into a shitposting board because without a purpose a board dies.
Forgot flag
Except we know from history that it worked amazingly.
From the hellhole that was Weimar republic Germany became the most progressive country in the world, you've watched documentaries about Weimar, haven't you? It's the place that nobody would want to be in, it represents everything bad about this world and devaluation of currency is the lesser of evils.
I can't understand a word
Unless the owner is an altruist, like you know, Hitler.
I expect the reaction over here after these words but deep down inside you know it's true
I would have no problem with them if they weren't people discouraging from anything an trying to have some sort of prerogative on the board culture. There are a lot of betas on Holla Forums bootlicking two or three Leftcom posters who actually live up to their self-perception as intellectuals.
I don't like sectarianism.
Spooky as fuck fam and disregarded.
discouraging people*
It should sound crazy, the left is more lied about than dick size.
And also I'm saying if you want your fruit, socialism is how you ensure it from your position of box living.
Pointless "activism" for shitty ideologies stays shitty and pointless even if people are risking their lives over it.
First of all: you're a faggot. Second of all: your retarded belief that it's their criticisms that keeps pointless activism and Holla Forums-tier retardation from happening is insane. Nobody's stopping anyone from going full conspiratard mode; if they wanted to, they'd do it regardless.
Yeah, you don't. You of all people don't. So rich.
You don't realize that Maoists fighting in the Third World don't do it for an abstract ideology but because their very existence is threatened by global capitalism. The same way you could tell their Kurds their ideology is shit and they should just let themselves being enslaved by ISIS.
And digging into leaks and exposing corruption of the ruling class as an act is free of ideology and inherently non-sectarian - you don't push an ideology you just launch an attack on the current conditioning.
I don't know why you even a leftist of post here if you think it's all pointless. You can have debates at /lit/ too.
Holla Forums has been coming here presenting their conspiracy theories ever since this boards creation.
Whether its about race realism, Jewish Bolshevism,the Illuminati or the Elders of Zion, every single one of them gets debunked by the posters here, and the Holla Forumstards leave while at the same time claiming superiority against us.
If your whole mind is filled with shit, no one is going to bother to do all the effort to clean it, unless in good faith you do it yourself, first.
What's the point in Socialism if you're going to have the same ruling class and the owners of the means of production are still the ruling class, it's like capitalism except you don't even have a shot at owning a business.
I understand the communist dream, but I can't comprehend socialism
pizza gate
nuff' said
are you retarded or just live in a cave?
every single time they brought it up, they always gave huge caveats except instances where it was nigh impossible.
There's libertarian socialism, democratic socialism, de leonism, ect.
There are different types of socialism that rejects bureaucracy and the USSR
Can you please debunk jewish bolshevism and race realism??? I'm genuinely curious.
See, one somebody mildly suggests doing something you absolutely lose your shit. Q.E.D.
As if constant armchair posting doesn't have an influence on board culture. You are delusional. Plus, you are also a liar. Last week we had two threads made a Leftcom shilling to "not do anything at all" and called this "Nihilistic Marxism". Holla Forums is nuts, I don't deny that, and their modteam is even more retarded, but they have a strict regime of digging into leaks regularly. This has made it all the way to the point that even my mom knows about Pizzagate now. This is a fact.
I can play the same game: Talking about leaks and activism is not mutually exclusive from reading and discussing theory.
As long as you are not actively sabotaging the revolutionary endeavor, I don't give a shit what special snowflake you are, you fat fuck.
I was quoting the tankie, should've clarified it maybe.
You don't get it, nobody said that the emails can be a forgery, which sounds like the logical response if the email is presented as evidence. And the other stuff is proven even WITHOUT the emails, which is the reason it was impossible to argue agai in the first placenst.
We have threads for this with 300+ replies, almost every week. Lurk a little more and you will see.
You can't ignore reality, people have a bias towards their ethnic group on a biological level, even if all races were equal intellectually then having a bias for your people would still be the correct play since you can't remove that bias from others, it's a catch 22
There are people who treat their ethnic group better than the others, there always would be people like that, and in a world with people like that if I don't do the same and treat everyone the same I'm going to come from a losers position.
Marxist definition of class isn't "whoever has more responsibility". It's about exploitation. The bourgeoisie extorts surplus value from the labor of others, enriching themselves. A socialist state with a vanguard party doesn't have that. You can critisize the vanguard for lacking demcoraric legitimation, or not repressing the dictatorship of the proletariat (this would be a different topic) but they aren't a class. There is a significant difference between value used to better humanity or to buy yourself a penthouse in St. Tropez.
repressing = repressing
Freudian Slip I guess
Fucking fuck my aurocorrect
Check the FAQ for race realism, there are also huge compilations of academic content compiled here by anons, debunking it. Look it up yourself.
As for Jewish Bolshevism:
Vladimir Lenin, Vladimir Mayakovsky, Anastas Mikoyan, Vyacheslav Molotov, Sergo Ordzhonikidze, Pavel Postyshev, Nikolai Bukharin, Georgy Pyatakov, Joseph Stalin, Kliment Voroshilov, Yevgeny Zamyatin, Alexandra Kollontai, Stanislav Kosior, Nadezhda Krupskaya, Alexei Rykov, Timofei Sapronov, Elena Stasova, Andrei Zhdanov, Ivan Skvortsov-Stepanov,Vladimir Bonch-Bruyevich, Alexander Shliapnikov, Pavel Dybenko, Nikolai Gorbunov, Georgy Chicherin, Sergey Kirov,Alexander Yegorov, Vasily Blyukher, Semyon Budyonny,Mikhail Tukhachevsky, Semyon Timoshenko, Boris Shaposhnikov, Grigory Kulik,Olof Aschberg, Yakov Ganetsky,Vyacheslav Menzhinsky, Alexander Bogdanov, Iosif Adamovich, Sultan Majid Afandiyev, Konstantin Akashev, Zigmas Angarietis, Jaan Anvelt, Inessa Armand, Aleksandra Artyukhina, Georgi Atarbekov, Varlam Avanesov, Ivan Babushkin, Aleksei Badayev, Vladimir Bazarov, Demyan Bedny, Lavrentiy Beria, Reinholds Bērziņš, Stanisław Bobiński, Vladimir Bobrovsky, Gleb Ivanovich Bokii, Yevgenia Bosch, Mikhail Brusnev, Nikolai Bryukhanov, Nikolai Bulganin, Vasily Chapayev, Alexander Chervyakov, Vlas Chubar, Demyan Bedny, Kirill Meretskov, Nikolay Shvernik, Leonid Serebryakov, Mikhail Tomsky, Valentin Trifonov, Avetis Sultan-Zade, Vyacheslav Ivanovich Zof, Ivan Teodorovich, Adolf Taimi, Mykola Skrypnyk, Pyotr Smirnov :
None of them Jews
Dragging europe into an insane war, because you created a highly unsustainable war economy which would have collapsed soon after 1939 if Nazi Germany hadn't invaded poland to plunder their money and goods and justifying all this with rampant hateful genocidal racism based on pseudoscientific crackpot biology (which is the same thing you neo-nazis do with your "race-realism" nowadays), which all results in tens of millions of europeans brutally murdered, countless cities and villages turned to rubble, countless pieces of european culture, art and historical documents being destroyed, and having your own country lose a third of its territory, getting occupied by foreign nations and being despised by almost the entire world for decades to come.
Yeah user that worked surely amazingly.
If you truly believe this you are either completely uneducated, a prisoner of your own confirmation bias, or simply retarded.
Most Holla Forums conspericy theories are bullshit.
I think I should ask for that thread myself
I doubt I will get any evidence for race realism, it's just impossible to debunk.
Genuinely interested about Bolshevism though
Are you telling me that bolsheviks weren't exploiting the workers for their own profit?
hopefully you're ironic, the guy is probably the greatest liar in history of medicine since the extraction of demons.
Can't find anything there
How is this a debunk?
The big bolsheviks were jews, the revolution was done by jews, why should I care that their minions weren't jews? Additionally why do you think Lenin was a gentile?
1) Why do you think Hitler was the agressor?
2) Do you know about the countless peace treaties Hitler made that were rejected?
3) Have you considered reading a fucking book that covers the story from the opposite side?
Most, not all
See the pdfs and also
Also a funny video showing how established race categories make no biological sense
There is tons of evidence that debunks "race-realism" you just don't bother to do research, also Holla Forums's precious "The Bell Curve" got debunked to death.
Follow your leader.
Why does it matter if it's Freemasons, Joos, Martians or Reptoids? Does it change the material nature of the government hostile to its own citizens?
Who cares about fucking race? It's about ethnic groups
You are so clueless it's funny, I do indeed recommend you to lurk endchan Holla Forums and read a fucking nazi book because this sentence alone framed you as someone who is clueless of our views
Nobody takes Autism Level tests seriously at Holla Forums, they are manipulated in a way that ashkenazi jews will score above everyone else
I'll see what your pdf's have to offer but I'm more than sure that you are not aware of all the evidence race realists use and the books carefully skip them.
The gleiwitz incident that started the invasion of poland was a false flag by the nazis to justify their invasion, and it's not like Nazi Germany didn't expand its territory before that already with the annexation of Austria and Czechia, Hilter thought that the western allies were wimps who wouldn't declare war because of their submissive behaviour at the Munich Agreement in 1938.
And besides Hitler already stated in Mein Kampf that germany needs more Lebensraum, not to forget all the propaganda how germans are the masterrace and slavs are subhumans who are in dire need of a strong master. Do you think people who talk like this wouldn't invade other countires if they think that they can win those invasion wars?
Listen to the Posen speeches were Himmler talks about the genocide of Jews and how a good Nazis must be absolutely without mercy and ruthless towards foreign people
There are also audio recordings in case you simply dismiss it as 🍀🍀🍀lies🍀🍀🍀
Also a long post about debunking Holocaust denial
Government being hostile to its own citizens is just a tiny part of the conspiracy, yes, it doesn't matter who the government is in that case, but the jewish thing helps explain the situation in the world and fill the gaps in history among other stuff like the anuddah shoah that doesn't touch jews.
You don't know what an aggressor means, don't you?
What was Hitler supposed to do, not conquer anything from hostile nations?
yeah of course, france and the UK honoring their treaty with poland by declaring war on you because you invaded poland is "the entire world declares war on you for no reason"
Seriously Holla Forumsyp, if you dismiss all of history in favor of you own confirmation bias driven conspiracy theories, there is no point in talking with you.
And why didn't France and UK declare war on the USSR I wonder?
Ever heard of the terms "strategy" and "realpolitik"?
some copypaste but still relevent:
Spencer is officially NazBol? Pretty amazing stuff.
More like the CIA wants you to think that he is
For uneducated and prejudiced people who don't understand the difference between causality and correlation and rather listen to their confirmation bias instead of trying to do a rational socio-economic analysis of history.
You have no clue and are trying to rationalize your lack of knowledge with the most primitive explanations possible such as causation-correlation or confirmation bias, pathetic
Why do you even enter an argument if you have nothing to add other than a list of logical fallacies that doesn't change anything?
I was simply trying to point out how conspiracy theorists often don't look for explicit evidence to support their outlandish claims, but instead are satisfied with pure correlations.
The jewish conspiracy theory is a good example for this.
Holla Forumsyps correctly notice how jews are overrepresented in the western bourgeoisie and also among certain socialist movements, and their conclusion is that the jewish conspiracy theory is real, instead of trying to analyze soberly why these overrepresentations exist.
I agree. You can easily make the argument that because so many rich are jews, you see that many see the corruption first hand and thus become communists.
You can make any claim you want, but can;t really prove it.
I'll make myself more clear.
You can easily make an argument why their are so many jews in communist groups because they personally know jews that are rich. The communist jews saw capitalist corruption first hand, and decided to do something about it.
Kill yourself.
Why am I not surprised?
Pizzagate comes from a retarded blogger who assumed that an embarrassing substitute term "pizza" could only mean CP and nothing else and the gall to think millionaires are fucking kids inside a pizzashop and not their million dollar mansion sub-basement sex dungeons.