Man he's dishing these out fast

Man he's dishing these out fast

Other urls found in this thread:

At least he's starting to draw in the double chin

Does he realize this makes Trump look like a cartoon supervillain?

And they say sjw snowflakes have useless labels.

I'd love to hear Ben's explanation for why James Comey is apart of the swamp when Trumplets loved him to death during the election.

I know this board likes to make fun of Zyklon Ben for over labeling his work but political cartoons have been label heavy 100 years before any of us were born. So leave zyklon Ben alone.

I've never seen another cartoon that literally wrote "water" on w glass of water.

Someone should make a "Stalin purges X" edit.


Anyway, someone edit Porky's head onto Comey and make Trump's head one of Lenin or Marx or someone like that.

the bust on the desk should be marx tbqhwyf


He just can't resist

Ben spent so much time screaming "I'm not a white supremacist" over the Holla Forums edits, only to back Trump and start crying over "muh white race" last year.

Oh I didn't understand before, now I do thanks to Ben Garrison.

Trumpets need to continue to pretend he's on their side. They disregard his open bragging about his Jewish family, his open love of Israel, his wealth, the fact he hired his millionaire friends into office, the fact his administration considers movie & music piracy to be "a serious crime", the fact he's a chronic liar that's accomplished nothing…

he's an oppurtunist cashing in on trends

How's this?


Is that Yuichiro Koizumi?

Well fucking done.

Pretty pretty pretty good

needs more labels and Jefferson looks like Lovecraft

I guess he didn't see the first Austin Powers

Haha okay


Andrew Jackson


It really looks like he threw it in at the last minute cuz he just couldn't help himself


not this time


It's old Nick though, implying that like santa Claus, Bernie is giving out Free Shit

there's a simpsons bit that is 100% like this

Actually I read somewhere that Marx's kids used to call him Old Nick, but that works too


My first assumption was that it referred to your boss


Ben most likely despises you faggots from Holla Forums


Why does he refuse to draw Trump as the morbidly obese elderly man he is? Why do Trump worshippers have such a pathological desire for a fat old man with dementia?

Another thing I noticed is that they always draw Trump as extremely white with blonde hair, when in reality he has an orange tan and reddish hair.

Does anyone have the edited Berkeley one?

Actually makes it funnier to me


This is perfect

user if you ever feel a bit low, I just want you to know that for this post, and this post alone there is someone who love you *and thit is me*

Wow… as someone whose work has been defaced before, you'd think he'd have at least a lil bit of solidarity

h-his he alright ?


Fucking seriously?

r'ing Ben the Nazbol version of this comic

This is the most exploitable one yet.


Pepe was a mistake


It's funny because the average person that has been on imageboards for longer than 5 years would see Pepe as the complete opposite of this depiction.

Please keep renaming these to "Red Garrison" (see bottom right).

(A much older one.)

Someone had to do it.


it's just a matter of time before ben draws a cartoon of Alunya getting raped by porky. hell, I bet he already has a secret portfolio of cuck porn.


You know, something in that sense has already been done in-house, mate. Pre-emptively and in a controlled manner. One could call it cultural inoculation.
Such slandering manoeuvres have therefore had their power completely nullified — they've been rendered utterly castrated and impotent, so to say.

It's quite unfortunate for the average Holla Forumsyp that Holla Forums is more often than not one step ahead of such cheap, thoughtless tactics.

Oh, and don't expect us to share the contents of this vaccine of ours. That stuff is ours and ours alone to enjoy.

So close yet so far.

Goddammit ben.

Absolutely fucking based 10/10

He doesn't even understand that even when it's standing the capitalist pyramid is supposed to symbolise oppression. smh.

Don't worry he'll come around when his master does

I've seen two sets of Alunya lewds, the first one is by Eltonel I think, who isn't a comr8 as far as I know. The second set, the newer one, involving Pepe, might have come from cuckchan actually.

Pretty fucking good mate

You know, this is what I think of now whenever I see one of Ben Garrison's cringy, awkward, and overly-labelled cartoons.

There's way more Alunya lewds than that, dude. A lot of it has been requested by Holla Forums posters themselves.
Which gives me mixed feelings since she's practically my waifu at this point



this guy is out of his fucking mind

i think that steve molymeme needs to be replaced with lenin



Gee, I wonder why.

welp thats the most autistic thing i've seen all week outside of sonic deviant art

Ben Garrison is a national treasure


had a brainfart, didnt mean vice versa
I mean that they're usually facing antifa



but, didn't ben hated the one autist from that stromfag blog?
not to be confused with richard, im talking about another faggot

I was just about to say thats the funniest bit lmao. Like it's not even in relation to anything

This is the work of a man who is in severe denial about the fact that his movement has been exposed to be a joke and is now desperately trying to keep his head above water.



Someone send Ben that video of the guy screeching at immigrants while beating his chest.

that sounds familiar
can't put my finger onto what exactly that is.

He really is a hack cartoonist, thats like every wrong thing you can do when making a political strip in one image

mcinnes doesn't even keep his hands up

I'm looking at this a second time and there's so much to take in
this is the greatest political cartoon ever made, bar none

why are they scared of her hand?

Holla Forums made people think that okay hand sign means white power

nvm i get it. it's because they flinched

Tumblr teams and Holla Forums gaslighting is retarded shit no one actually believed

Holla Forums spent months saying that the okay sign means white power, about three and a half peoples believed them, and they see it as an epic win.


I'm genuinely suprised that this retarded American got the map of Europe right.

it's a symbol for him having arguments and the other guy lacking them.
he even put labels m8

Reminds me of "Papers Please"

he really does view it as some A-Team kind of thing, doesn't he?

Notice how Ben is praising these right-wingers without mentioning what they actually stand for. The "bad guys" in the comic all have specific ideological motivations (BLM, LGBT, open borders), but the good guys have nothing besides "We should have the right to speak our opinions." But what are those opinions? If this comic was your first exposure to Cerno, Molly, etc, you would still have no idea what they actually stand for. It's the old trick of painting your enemies' opinions as ideology, while your own opinions are just common sense and human decency and sho on and sho on, my gott.

Who in the fucking world is intimidated by Gavin?

Urge to kill rising.

I want to torture Ben Garrison to close death, let him heal for a good while then torture him again.

I just got an idea for a political cartoon of a certain group of fat people making scarecrows with black shirts and pink hair, Richard Wolff with a hardhat saying 'This is fundamentally broken!' in front of machinery that says 'Capitalism' on it, while Zizek is handing out books like they are drugs for proles to snort or something.


Edit ideas for the more artistic among us:

Cernovich = Lenin
Statue of Liberty = proles
Molymeme = Marx
Kiara = Stirner
Pepper spray = Spooks

Antifa=Kekistan flags also.

Spook detected.

And here I thought I was going to get through the day without raging at something.

This is why I try not to browse leftypol anymore. Every time I do, I see some form of classcuck idiocy that pisses me off to no end.

Is every single one of these people a snake oil salesman? Like for fucks sake….

Make Lauren naked.

Cerno used to be juice fraud too.
It's hilarious watching these retards getting marked by the most obvious scammers.


I would do this but the rest is just too many specific personalities to replace.

Anyone else remember how they started to backtrack on the whole alt-right meme when it started to look like Trump was going to lose? These people have no ideology.

the only time i've heard of mike cernovich was when he was interviewed by dave rubin and it was basically 30 minutes of him saying "lol trump's funny that's why i support him". Not even making a parody, that was his deadpan face reason to vote for trump. So I really don't know what people expect from him.

replace molymeme with lenin


without hat

nice touch but it needs labels

He still looks like Stefan here

yeah someone more experienced do that because i'm an amateur, i just fuck around with layers a bit

Ben Sama doesn't just have a hard on for Trump, he has a hard-on for Stefan as well. He wants to fuck Stefan.

It's really fucking weird not knowing who these people are.

All I recognize is Molen… Molenuex… Mol-en-you… STEFAN. And also the orgasming statue of liberty. (Who as far as I know isn't actually a real person.)

Replace Lady Liberty with Rosa and Mike Cernovich with Bernie

they're all youtubers and minor twitter celebs

cernovich makes self help books, molymeme makes poor arguments in exchange for donations (and complains if you don't donate enough money, he will actually make a video to mock you if you don't), lauren southern and kiara whatever are on twitter and laura actually has a job as a journalist in some right wing agitprop site, gavin is dan bilzerian without money.

Ben G cartoons labeling style looks like Kelly from the Onion


i love this guy

Not even. Gavin is incredibly out of shape, middle-aged, and not even his wife will fuck him.



Yeah, I saw that. Left twitter had a field day making fun of him.

Reminds me of this.

I don't think anyone self-owns as effectively as Gavin.

who is this qt

I'm fairly sure the media itself made it up first, because it's the media.

If only.

The ADL is a meme organization. You might as well say most people believe Palestine sympathizers to all be nazis

holy fucking shit are these real

Katya Lischina

Damn, that first one brings me back…

Maybe, but sadly they're influential in the public debate.

Anyway, here's another one:


Why did Ben label Matt? Wouldn't part of the comic be pepe being identifiable while Matt is literally who?


Please, he deserves it.

that's why he's labeled and pepe isn't

Gavin on suicide watch.

I can't see what the fuck is wrong


Someone make an edit with the beginning of careless whisper? I want to steal it for meme purposes

I cant believe a bigger deal hasn't been made of the fact that he sees to worship a well documented mass murderer, a perpetrator of genocide. More than any other individual, Andrew Jackson is responsible for killing off Native Americans and sending the rest to the concentration camps known as reservations.

Things Would Be Different

Had only Andrew Jackson taken 'shrooms,
there wouldn't be so many Indians in tombs.
Got not they even that,
left to lay there on their back,
to rot where they got shot.

don't leave out Literal War Criminal

What exactly did he do, comrade?

Well aside from the mass slaughter of Indian villages he also did a bunch of false flag attacks on Florida when it was still a Spanish colony in order to justify US invasion.

holy shit lmao

Old Hickory was historical necessity in action

these "charicatures" are an insult

either it's saying absolutely nothing, uninspired boring images like OPs, or he has to literally wirte in big ass letters names on things to explain the "symbolism" while his idea behind it is so vague you can just re-brand the "symbols" to fit it whatever else you want to mean it.

he's pathetic.

All better.

there's literally no reason for him to draw in all the borders unless he autistically just drew a political map because that's what he found on google images first

i was about to comment "well at least he didn't label the campus as campus", but then i read the title

Good ol' "Red Army" Garrison.

Why is he arm wrestling with Louie CK?

Except they didn't

I like this, but zizek should be eating out of the trash any time he is drawn.

I know kelly is a liberal, but I hope someday he goes full commie.