You see these hypocrites all the time. They want to guilt-trip us into never being willing to use violence ever against reactionaries, so that they can do it to Socialists/Anti-Capitalists. In other words they want us cucked and never be willing to use any force back against counter-revolutionaries/reactionaries in self-defense.
Socialists cannot do things peacefully because everytime they try, history shows that the reactionaries win and kill them. Looking at Allende or the Paris Commune, Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.
Allende did not kill any counter-revolutionaries or reactionaries, allowed them to walk all over him and look what happened. This is what they want.
In reality these snowflakes only pretend to care about 'how many people have died' in whatever situation when it suits them + if its against an ideological opponent. Only then do they pretend to cry "But muh holodomor, mass murder, 100 million, billion trillion millions!" using the overly exaggerated fake death stats, that also blame deaths caused by the weather on them. They would not bat a single eye if the mass murders were by a person that called themselves a capitalist, and much less praise them if so. In short mass murder is ok if a capitalist does it to them, and it must only be a reactionary committing it or else god forbid.
Ask yourself, what kind of people are they? Its time to become uncucked, stop letting their guilt-trip happen and expose them for their hypocrisy whenever you run into any.
Going to give my confession here and now. I personally do not care or apologize for reactionary who wanted to incite violence first that's ever died. It was their fault in the first place and their killing was self-defense.
If you do not suppress, physically remove counter revolutionaries or reactionaries in the process of revolution. Then they become naturally the ones who will do it to you instead.
Leo Turner
I hate this false dichotomy of 'if you dont like the soviet union you must be a pacifist liberal who hates revolutionary violence'. This is just the dichotomy between 'terror without virtue' and 'virtue without terror'. I want both.
Samuel Cooper
You want virtuous terror? I can get behind that.
Dominic Hughes
I can't remember who said, it but a female communist said that she realized even if the proles revolted violently and won they wouldn't know what to do next. They wouldn't know how to run businesses, factories, banks, armies, hospitals, how to conduct foreign trade in a way that is substantially different to capitalism. I think that's why people still use the 'communism has never been tried' cliche, because people don't really know how to actualize it or what it is supposed to look like given our material conditions.
So what happens is usually some sort of bloated form of State-Capitalism with inefficient welfare spending.
Sad but true. Oh well
Camden Clark
Has there ever been a 'communist' revolution that the society did not need to go through capitalistic industrialization like how Marx says it should be? Cause that sounds like the problem.
Comments under the video are massively buttflustered
Kevin James
If we believe in Marx's "historical dialectic" then a communist revolution doesn't really make much sense, because if economic relations are fundamentally determined by the material conditions of the time there's no point to try and "force" Communism to appear earlier than is possible via political manipulation. It's not a question of politics, it's a question of technology and environment making things like money and the state obsolete. Like how cars made the cart-and-horse obsolete.
Also, you can't pre-empt Communism by putting in power socialist politicians who try to "pave the road" for it either, that's another inauthentic form of manipulation.
Money won't disappear by revolution and burning banks, money will disappear when some other form of "trade" simply replaces it, makes it obsolete, like some sort of bit-coin ration. The same goes for getting rid of the "owners of the means of production", you can't just kill them all or take their property. It's been tried before and it doesn't work. Either you create oligarchs like in Russia or a bloated State-capitalist system like in NK.
James King
Almost everyone confounds socialism with authoritarianism. If you claim otherwise, they'll say "muh no true socialism". This is what secretly turns me into a tankie apologist.
Nicholas Brown
David Carter
If new computing technology can help us implement sustainable and disaster proof planned economy, peaceful ethnic cleansing should be possible
No. Taleb mathematically proved both are impossible
Ian Green
Just accept that your country is not white mr Uruguay. No need to hate yourself. It's still a very nice place.
Easton Morgan
Carson Russell
That pic is good. should also mention that BBoC was also disowned by it's author.
Ethan Morales
Bentley Powell
Brody Lopez
Robespierre was the embodiment of the Supreme Being, my dude.