The Situationists said Revolution or Suicide but they omitted the third option:
A narcotic ironic detachment and lifelong self aware alienation.
The Situationists said Revolution or Suicide but they omitted the third option:
A narcotic ironic detachment and lifelong self aware alienation.
Naaah. I'll go with suicide, thanks.
That's actually what Guy Debord did.
After the dissolution of the SI, he only produced two notable things during the last two decades of his life : In girum… and Commentary on the SoS.
He spent all the rest of his time drinking, reading obscure Italian books, and also responding to journalists who calumnied him after the death of Gerard Lébovici.
He committed suicide only because he had the gout and its symptoms became unbearable for him.
You could also see the "dérive" concept just as an excuse to give revolutionary cred to your partying, but I believe they were genuine tbh.
It was their equivalent to punk concerts in squats for their time, the kind of concerts that makes you think "Damn, why the state is prohibiting this ? We are harming no one, and the guy owning this building does absolutely nothing with it. Maybe there is wrong with the concept of private property".
just kys already tbh fam
This is the closest thing to suicide that a revolutionary can suffer. Hell, it's arguably worse.
Is this essentially "Yeah I know everything's fucked but whatever lol at least there's hedonism?"
nah i chose revolution
are you me
I don't know dude.
I often think about committing suicide as soon as I wake up, but I also believe that consciousness is nothing more than the sum of electro-chemical signals going on in my brain, and if they stop, the association of atoms that constitutes my persona won't be able to observe, analyze and act on the world anymore.
In short, we probably only live once, and I prefer committing a very slow suicide from drugs and self-neglect than vanishing suddenly, because there is something beautiful in being a part of the universe that observes itself.
Moreover, I might see Bookchin, Ocalan and the Kurds establish a durable presence in the world down the road, and that would be great. I might have a nice friendly chat with James Ferraro one day. I might meet amazing people and create something good for humanity with them, and so on.
The sad thing though is when you contrast the poverty of modern life with its preciousness.
I wish I could travel to Hamburg, Copenhagen, Tallinn, St. Petersburg and more right now, but private property make it hard to do so.
I'm condemned to stay a depressed NEET in shitty small room right now instead because it's not in the interest of porky to share work more equally between everyone. You can either burnout from spending all your time at your workplace, or be part of the reserve army of labour under this system, and it fucking sucks.
Sorry I deleted my post to correct some mistakes, but I feel like we are not the only ones.
I posted similar once on lainchan, and a couple of lainons recognized themselves in that post.
I think you'll find you described tons of people, it's all part of being aware of what's wrong with the world around you.
Yes. "Dude everyone is too brainwashed and the system is too fucked for me to have hope in change so I'm sad now" is the left-wing (often right-wing too) version of that retard at the bar who has strong political views until you bring up a few basic things that are wrong with the world and he says yeah man, I know, everything is messed up, the world is not perfect, what can you do about it?
Also there's an underlying fetishization of their own oppression here. If everything is hopeless I don't have to read, study, organize, or do politics in general. I just carry on living a normal life with the satisfaction (that they present as burden) of being more aware than those around me.
This step preceded my left-leaning reorientation.
So they turn themselves into some kind of holier-than-thou martyred figure. I know how bad it really is, no one else does though and fuck me if I'm going to try to tell them.
The actions of any individual are statistically very unlikely to have any effect, and certainly won't have a large effect. I'd have thought Holla Forums of all places would understand that the problems of our society result from base and not from the superstructure.
This is just sophistry
And this is bad "materialism"
The spectacle is pretty great, if you can comfortably afford it.
A lot - most! - people don't have that luxury though. That's what "narcotic ironic detachment and lifelong self aware alienation" amounts to, it's just another bourgeois lifestyle. If you have to slave away at two jobs and raise children in the off time, there is no room for any of that. Any narcotic bliss those people get to feel is an unironic escape from a living hell.
lol fuck you, you really don't get how bad it is or how evil the people behind the scenes really are. The average normie is both too psycho-spiritually weak to fathom how bad we are all oppressed and too selfish and deadened to do anything about it. The average Chad and Stacey have no reason to resist their captivity, the average decent looking STEMcel beta loves OW and LoL and VR tech and GoT and Steam and Bernie and Uber and Apple and Amazon. I'm not fucking joking, every fucking smart STEM person I try to befriend loves capitalism, they love technology and capitalism. They don't understand that we're destroying our minds and environments with invasive technology or that capitalism is enslaving the soul of the species. They don't care, no one fucking cares. They think you're the one whose out of touch, they think you just need a job or a gf to get your mind off things, they think you need to be less cynical. Seriously fuck organizing, fuck your fake anarchist shit. I'm more than happy to not teach normies to think, to not offer solutions when people are in a panic and to not be the voice of reason when people are destroying each other over petty nonsense like Idpol. I'm tired of being reasonable, i'm tired of being empathetic and calm and thoughtful. I'm not in my detached mind state, if normies act like evil idiots, I just giggle and give them cryptic words of encouragement.
holy shit what a terrible post
Holy shit what a terrible post
Dude I wasn't talking about myself I was speaking as if I WERE one of those people.
Holy fuck relax.
seems like this is the gist of the post, and I think that you misunderstand the level of understanding some people have attained regarding politics and economics and how alienating and depressing that understanding is, especially when in contact with blissfully unaware normies who actively perpetuate and appreciate techno-capitalism and culture industry. Its miserable, its so maddening, and at this point all I do is laugh at them. There's no reason to teach anyone anything. Every "Leftist" turns into an insufferable irony cunt, every rightist turns into a social darwinist psychopath. Why would I want to help people understand anything? Laughing at the world is a lot more satisfying.
I'm fine with shitposting in the meantime.
Doing what my flag suggests has zero cost, so there's that. It's rebellious in it's own way.
Maybe I'm too autistic to really care too much about how fucked things are, but then I also realize Porky will eventually start suffering soon as well, weather it's at our expense or not.
I made this suggestion, but I'll make it again. Find a creative outlet if you can't join a local group. Writing, drawing, vlogging, and whatever else you can do for catharsis.
It's not that they are 'evil' but rather the fact that their altruistic, and we suffer for it.
lmao no its evil, its literally antithetical to life and to the species and to culture and love and vibrancy. There is nothing good or wholesome about the culture industry or the normies who love it and worship it. They will deserve to all die of bone acidosis when carbon dioxide levels acidify the world's oceans.
you can also go and live somewhere far away from it all, in the mountains or in a forest
This usually inevitably leads to suicide or alcoholism.
so far i'm doing fine with weed tbh
Up till now surviving has prevented us from living. This is why much is to be expected of the increasingly obvious impossibility of survival, an impossibility that will become all the more obvious as the glut of conveniences and elements of survival reduces life to a single choice: suicide or revolution.
getting high and feeling outside from society while reading books by philosphers and what not is not a great way to live life
still do it
So what the am I supposed to do?
(I've already concluded that even hedonism won't please me so the rational answer is suicide even if the practical answer is starve to death because lol there's a serious labour surplus and i am not an appealing hiring prospect.)
Engaging in pseudo-activity won't help, cocking around with neoliberal "socdems" won't help, and I don't think put me on this earth just to buy other people drinks with money borrowed from the student loans company.
yes op the situationists omitted the fucking spectacle