Why aren't you saving money?

Just save money LMAO

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ha ha… (: dude.. (: just … save money….. its what warrn gates and bill bffet did. .. (: just … save money …. (:

This is so fucking stupid. What is even the goal of saving the money? It's like they think of personal finance like religion. You just grind and save bro and eventually when you're like 35 you can live decently ok. But if you spend money on fun you'll end up broke as shit when you're old. And don't forget about retirement haha!

Fuck that, I'd rather go out and eat sushi, pay for my jui jitsu gym membership, take weekends out in the country. You can't take away my fun!

I put away 30% of my paycheck every month I can still barely afford to pay my meager expenses. I plan on getting out of this shithole (Seattle) as soon I can find comfy employment elsewhere.

I'm convinced these publications have a madlibs program where they just randomly plug in "why aren't millennials ____?"


Why would I put money into a savings account that accrues interest at a rate less than inflation so that I can have less than I started with 10 years from now?

"Saving money" for the sake of increasing your personal wealth — that is, accumulation for accumulation — is a big part of the Protestant work ethic.

Because you'll have even less if you don't?

Hahaha like how is poverty even real just like make some more money or something ahahahah

I don't need to save money because I'll kill myself before I get old anyway.

This. The limit of my savings extends to however much it cost to buy a shotgun and one shell.


If you aren't white, cops will kill you for free.

Save yourself some money and just pay for blackfacing yourself and and a toy gun.

Easiest death plan ever and it probably will cost you only 30 dollars max.


Maybe because I don't have any job right now even if i'm actually trying to have one without having a classcuck mentality!

Is this what late capitalism looks like? Having only enough money to consume and "live-in-the-moment" but not enough to start a family and a decent life?

That's when they shove Ideology down your throat by making any conversation about jobs so that you Try Harder™


Retail is already in bad shape even with the majority of people have less than $500 in savings

Porky: why aren't you saving up?

Also porky:

True, but thats just amazon and other online companies finally attaining the shipping capability to make it more convenient to just wait a couple days for your shit than to go to the store

That is true but the failure of the brick and mortar stores will have ripples that affect much of the economy.

If you're desperate for the NEET life, I think you could do it if you live with your parents and work for a year or two, saving everything. put it all into an SP 500 index fund, and withdraw the interest every 2 years, leaving 2% to adjust for inflation, except for about 20% of your savings which you put into medium term bonds to cover slow growth or recessions. if can save $60,000 you can make a steady, inflation adjusted $3600 a year, which is above average household income for places like India and Egypt. sure, 3rd world, but you spend all day in your room watching anime, so you wont notice much difference

it depends on parentsbux anyway, so you could just not work at all


It's not all Amazon.

Walmart is expanding, for instance.

The stores that are dying off are the ones that used to market to the middle class. While Amazon and other online retailers have siphoned off some of the business, that doesn't account for everything.

These places are dying because their customer base, the middle class, is dying. You don't hear this because these sorts of class issues are a very repressed discourse in our society. The Amazon slant is especially useful for the bourgeois media because they can spin it as being technological advancement rather than the impoverishment of society.


I want that bald fuck to die in pain, Jesus what a sack of human shit with hands and feet and a dumb fucking mouth.

Yeah, just watch, in a few years time the narrative will change, soon it'll be

This is amazing

I know that porky always thought this stuff, but wow. They don't even pretend to be realistic.

Yes, soon you'll have just enough for regular VR sessions with Waifubot and daily SomaPleasureBoosts (only 29.99 a hit!). Who needs a loving family and life partner? When you can wear stimsuits and get your brain bathed in legal stimulants?

Save for what? I'm not planning to live that long.

Thanks porky

You need to think of your future! I have no advice for what to do about the fact it's so bright you don't need eyes to see it, I just feel the need to draw your attention to it because Porky has conditioned my tard generation to think Raising AwarenessTM, Provoking DiscussionC, and Getting InvolvedR will solve everything and my antidepressents that I wouldn't need if I could look my life in the face for more than three seconds have rotted my my brain's ability to form or accept causal connections or follow those that others form.
T. Boomer Parent Parroting Some Mass Media Cumrag or Other

These letters, man. These fucking letters. Just inject the cyanide straight into my veins.

Indeed, getting coffee and shuffling paperwork around are the high-demand skills that'll guarantee one's entry into the artisan caste and last a lifetime.

>Let's agree on a middle ground, i.e. on not doing anything and keeping the exploitative system in place as is. Good talk.
t. boomer cuck

The story could only have been more picturesque if it showed a guard in a death camp dangling a piece of moldy bread in front of starving prisoners.

See, we don't pay you in DOLLARS, goy, but in the once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to work for us!



why is generational thinking still around

This must be satire. It has to be.

The dialectic is in motion.

Turns out the value of a college degree was vastly overestimated. Boomers with English degrees were only able to make 60k/year because their employers were extracting super profits from the third world.

Shit like this makes me want to go full tankie.

Your problem is you work at Subway. Work at a better fast food like Chick-Fil-A. Their starting is a couple dollars higher. If you want to be real prole then get into construction you armchair leftist. I dig ditches for $15 an hour and I'm in bourgeoisie killing shape.

Saving money isn't bad advice though.

You genuinely can't think of a use for a big pile of savings? To start with you can invest it, giving you effectively a second income stream which isn't dependent on your ability to work. The idea of investments growing is basically Marxism 101.

The average salary in my country is 900$/month, how the fuck am I supposed to save 1 million dollars. I swear to God, liberals sometimes. I would need to work for 100 years and not spend on anything to save those easy 1 million dollars.

i cant be the only fucking one seeing how paradoxical and retarded and self defeating this all is
listen, achieving shit takes effort
instead of bashing ALL effort (its fine if its burgeroni subversive bullshit), you promote laziness, create losers, impotency, weakness, etc etc

promoting personal irresponsibility, excuses, and encouraging weakness is the reason why nothing will ever work and defeatist elements should be gulag'd before anyone else

If you saved $1000 per year for 20 years, then retired and invested it at 5% for the remaining 80 years you'd have roughly a million.


Save it from what? Where's it going?

The only STEM fields that guarantee big bucks right out of the gate are engineering related and CS (though that will change.)


I don't know. From the sounds of it you're probably spending it all on betting and alcohol.

bruh you might be suffering from being a retard tho, what made you think you are entitled to any passions you cant earn/support?

top kek

There is still a big part of me who likes to believe that Kevin O'Leary is just a far-far-leftist performance artist seeking to turn himself into the biggest possible anti-capitalist propaganda caricature.




You should really drop by the Soviet Cybernetics thread, user. It's free of r(/)9k circlejerking.

surely no one is fucking stupid enough to invest in diamonds, are they?

Please explain the economic mechanism that results in third world "super"profits being transferred to the first world proletariat.

high profit margins thanks to unsaturated markets.

That doesn't explain why those profits go to first world workers rather than staying in porkie's pocket.

If I did my math right, it would take me a 100 years without food or shelter to save my first million. But being the lazy millennial that I am, I'm probably keeping my apartment and also eating almost every day, so make that like 500 years.

#Success #Startup #makeyourownlane #Winning #Wisdom #Entrepreneur #Value #Grind

I actually know a guy whose Instagram and Facebook is filled with shit like this. He also meditates, vapes, and is really into Effective Altruism. Go figure.


You should be able to do it in much less than 100 years if you can afford to put away a few hundred each month. Of course, it's still shit since your surplus value is getting siphoned off. Just don't think you're completely fucked.

Saving money to the bourgeoisie just means paying your slaves as little as humanly possible. It's easy to see how they get confused when you try and put yourself in their shoes and empathize for once. Selfish millenials can only think about me me me me.

#LosersAreWinners #WeaknessIsStrength #DefeatismBeatsEffort #ShitpostsAreArguments

What if, like, you know, maybe, some of the people actually earned their poverty? What equation did you use to calculate that you are oppressed instead of just overly entitled to shit you never earned?

Super profits and wages are probably the most effective form of capitalist oppression ever devised. It basically turned the first world worker into huge supporters of capital which allowed the local bourgeoisie to roll back the many concessions they had made to first world labor over the years while raking in tons of profit from the third world worker.

You have never been outside Washington, have you? I pay the rent here, because I have seen what lies beyond.

Can you explain how you earn poverty?

finally someone talking sense in this damn board
all of you lazy lefties just want to take the sweat of my brow and the fruit of my work
why don't you respect us JOB CREATORS who worked WAY WAY HARDER than you lefties can even imagine

Again, this is not an explanation of the mechanism. All you're saying is "the capitalists bribe first world workers because Reasons". But clearly that isn't a conscious decision on the part of businesses, and there is no identifiable economic mechanism by which its accomplished. You're waving away the problem of why rational first-world businesses would hire employees at all if they are a net loss to the business (in terms of producing less value than they are paid). It's basically a conspiracy theory.

Actually the main difference is that most capitalists aren't complete morons who say things like:

all boomers must die

I was a broke NEET loser who took the S.W.E.A.T pledge 12 months ago.
Now I run a Fortune 500 company, sit on the board of the Federal Reserve, and fuck 10/10s in my spare time.
If I can do it anyone can. Just pull up those bootstraps and believe in yourself guys :^)

Diamonds are a terrible investment if you actually follow sound investing principles. Their value is artificially inflated and the companies selling them have vast stockpiles in reserve. They're in a perpetual bubble which could crash at any time.

Do you not know what interest and inflation are or what? Do you think capitalists actually put their money into banks to just stagnate there instead of investing it into more means of production?

Do you have a better explanation for why first world countries make far more for less work than third world countries?

Given that the user who posted that was using it as justification to spend all his money immediately, my point stands. Keeping money in a low-interest savings account is stupid, but it's much less stupid than literally pissing it away.

I'm not saying you should buy diamonds, it's just a typical 'those darn millennials' article

Higher marginal productivity of labour due to accumulated capital stock and better education and training, smaller reserve army of labour, and historical gains made by the labour movement.

Yeah, I know. I was more laughing at the economist for posting shit advice.

I'm not advocating buying diamonds, but calling them a bubble that could crash at any time is silly. They will never crash under the current economic system.

This is the entire post in all its context, which describes nothing of what you're accusing him of. Methinks thou doth project too much.

I'm saving money because I'm 24 and still living with my parents rent-free
This sure is great! help me

don't forget your math degree every job you want $300k starting

saving money, buying stock, buying real estate etc is all just feeding into a system which is heading for a massive crash.
if you can dip in and out and make a few shekels then good on you but this is the biggest ponzi scheme in history that eventually will collapse.
current private debt levels are unsustainable so eventually there will be a orderly jubilee (write off) or a crash, or a parachute scheme handing out money to everyone.
the effects of such a thing in the complex global economy we have now is unknown and debated, it could mean inflation wiping out savings or deflation making assets worth less

You underestimate how easy it is to make diamonds and flood the market.
t. someone who took quite a few geology courses.

Manufactured diamonds have a fraction of the value of the real thing though even though they're the exact same product, that's the power of marketing

They literally only sell for the current price because of advertising. You can buy equivalent artificial diamonds for significantly less.

By all means though, if you think they can't crash you should invest all your money in them.

It's possible I misinterpreted him. When I first read the thread I immediately thought saving meant investing because it would be stupid if it meant anything else. The words are functionally equivalent in any vaguely intelligent financial circles. Nobody will be getting a million dollars without taking advantage of compound interest on investments.

Anyway, the whole thread is full of people who seem convinced that bank accounts are the only way to save money, and hence saving is a waste of time.

Exactly, which is why buying diamonds is fucking retarded. Anyone can claim it's a fake without good reason.

Then why doesn't someone? Just because a market is propped up by advertising and lies doesn't mean it isn't propped up very strongly. Advertising and lies are powerful, which is why I say the bubble won't pop, not because I actually think diamonds deserve to have the value they do.

ffs. I still don't want you to buy diamonds. I'm just saying it's not quite so simple as you think to break the De Beers monopoly.

You don't invest on the basis of "I know the thing I'm buying is practically worthless, but I'm gambling that I'll be able to sell it on to some other schmuck for more than I paid before the whole pyramid scheme comes crashing down." Even if the odds of it collapsing within your lifetime were a million to one it would still be a bad investment because it is backed by nothing.

Let me tell you how I know you're not a stock broker, my boy…

You're a joker, everyone alive with a bit of sense in his head would invest in million to one odds of a crash.


Because it is illegal to do so.

You aren't a Holla Forums regular are you?


Ergo, the diamond monopoly is not in danger of tumbling down.

Apparently it is, millenials aren't buying diamonds I've heard.

Surely you understand that trading as an individual is significantly different to what the banks do, right? They're the ones rigging the market and using tricks like high frequency trading to extract profit.

Here's a good analogy for your post:
user 1:
user 2:

Depressingly I am. I should be used to the ignorance here.

All of that occurred because of imperialism. Super profits predate the social welfare state. In fact they are the reason it fucking exists in the first place.


That's not really what I'm getting at. Talking about investment as a personal finance matter/option on Holla Forums is akin to selling weapons at a pacifist conference.

Wrong. Imperialism was only possible because Europe had already industrialised and out-developed the rest of the world. Imperialism may have exacerbated the difference, but it was not the original cause.

Furthermore, your original argument remains unsupported. If workers in the first world are paid more in wages then they produce, then why are they employed at all? Individual firms have no incentive to share their "superprofits" with random American or French workers.

Spoiler alert:
The guidance counselor is the dumbass who couldn't do anything other than be a guidance counselor.

huh.. rmyt..


why aren't millennials baby boomers?

just buy a big lot of poverty

I know that feel. The worst part is you get paid so poorly that even what you manage to save is pretty paltry.

Who pays a dumb fuck like you $15 an hour to dig ditches? Better yet, where the fuck do you even find a ditch digging job in a first world country in 2017?