By this point its obvious Putin is pretty much behind the rise of the alt right and Trump- a veritable renaissance for fascism and white supremacy. Putins rise to power is unparalleled, comparable only to Hitler, Genghis Khan and Napoleon. Vlad's the left enemy number one and the greatest threat to World Peace and democracy no one else even comes remotely close. maybe it's time for an united antifascist front against Putin. Bringing Putin down should be our our number one priority. Who's with me lads?
By this point its obvious Putin is pretty much behind the rise of the alt right and Trump- a veritable renaissance for...
Other urls found in this thread:
liberal pls goo
Let Jimmy explain why Hilldog lost
Here's why we're seeing Trumpism across the western world
The USA and Russia are run by the same people. The bourgeois.
Fuck off liberal. Decadence and capitalist decay deserve obliteration.
You need to
ITT: CNN liberals wander into the scary red-light district their friends cast wary but longing glances at
reminder that the existence of Russian bots is a proven and well documented fact, especially on imageboards.
Instead of obsessing over bots why don't you examine why those bots are so effective? Protip: It's because everyone in the west hates the reigning political establishment and is willing to listen to anything who attacks them.
putin has jailed a bunch of russian nationalists too so lol
Friendly reminder for the edgy Nazbols that think Putin is an anti-imperialist hero.
Dugin is a traitor to true communism and a Putin/porky shill now. He is however completely right about "modernism."
Racist Nazi Reactionary here, you guys need to clean up your faggy little board. Is someone here "liberating" people on some facebook tier reddit board or something? Why do you let this happen? YOU COULD HAVE STOPPED THIS.
I mean he is a petrol oligarch who should be shot in the head so I kinda agree
Just another Putin puppet
Have you looked at 4/pol/? Besides that most shills here are actually false flagging Holla Forumsacks.
Of course he'd come for the nazbols
Great advice coming from a /r/the_donald settlement
By this point its obvious Space Reptiles are pretty much behind the rise of the alt right and Trump- a veritable renaissance for fascism and white supremacy. Space Reptiles' rise to power is unparalleled, comparable only to Hitler, Genghis Khan and Napoleon. Space Reptiles' the lefts enemy number one and the greatest threat to World Peace and democracy no one else even comes remotely close. maybe it's time for an united antifascist front against Space Reptiles. Bringing Space Reptiles down should be our our number one priority. Who's with me lads?
Please see the truth, the facts are out there.
reddit is the stronghold of leftism on the internet, tons of active communities with leaders in the reddit admin team like r/socialism, last stage capitalism, r/anarchism, r/esist, r/marchagainsttrump and the HUGE ANTIFA/SRS/fempire groups. The only thing Holla Forums has that reddit doesn't is Nazbols and Stirnerfag stragglers.
Yeah, a former military man has never taken pseudo-dictatorial power over a country that recently experienced catastrophe.
Putin-style dictatorlets are not a new thing. They're just a 21st century version of exactly what people like Ataturk and Charles deGaulle were doing in the 20th century.
Also the US is the number one and greatest threat to world peace and democracy. And bringing the bourgeoisie down is our number one priority.
Couldnt possibly be a natural reaction to decades of demonisation by the liberal scum. Nope. Gotta follow the msm pushed status quo and blame the russians. Fuck off, jackass.
For claiming to hate liberals, Holla Forums sure loves to parrot the same talking points their media personalities do.
I dont even know who this asshole is m99.
The same is true of "bots" run by western governments and private corporations. For instance Hillary was running a massive shill campaign online.
How can you be so fucking stupid that you think that propaganda is only used by one side? The very idea that big bad Russia is responsible for all evil in the world is itself propaganda spread by shills online. Hell, the only people who don't seem to be using propaganda on a massive scale are the communist left, and that's only through incompetence - not benevolence.
Yeah, im pretty sure that every single world player and probably a few other countries have botnets out there.
The unfortunate truth is that at least 10% of Holla Forums are literal feminists from reddit who believe a lot of the propaganda spewed by liberal media outlets.
She's a British conservative journalist.
You can be assured that whatever comes out of her mouth is pure, uncut, black tar ideology.
*Clears throat* /LeftyX/ : Well you see, what if Putin is from the old communist guard and is tricking the world by making a capitalist government so that he can puppet states and return to communism later.
Shes spewing some kind of bullshit, thats for sure. Id put that list there in the "top 50 ways to start a war with russia" list
I dunno, maybe the absolutely massive opposition from the people and corporations that profit from capitalism?
AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!!!! She's an extreme liberal and a literal cokehead. Her butthurt was delicious when anons exposed her by combing the Wikileaks dumps and finding her e-mails begging Hillary Clinton to make ads for her, while in public she was "campaigning" for Ted Cruz.
Liberals and conservatives are basically the same thing. Especially in Holla Forums parlance.
But I say "conservative" because she's a former MP for the conservative party.
That's true, same shit, same filthy rich assholes.
Pretty much. Remember kids, political ideologies are closer to a circle than they are to a line.
Russia is on the verge of bankruptcy, their only exports are weapons, and natural gas.
The rise of the "Alt-right" is entirely an American creation with roots in homegrown American white nationalism. Europe doesn't have an "alt-right" becuase its own versions of nationalist parties have an entire different history and orientation.
For example it is pure paranoid stupidity to call people like Ukip, "russian plants", since they have their basis in Thatcherism and little englander hatred for Scots, Poles, Europeans, Pakis and everyone else who isn't an eternal inbred anglo.
Le Pen's stance on Islam and immigrants comes from his father, who fighted the Algerian War and became salty because of the FLN victory.
That said, Le Pen and Putin are natural allies since they share a boner for authoritarian capitalism with "asian values", even through the FN used to be economically neoliberal during the Reagan years.