Badmouse BTFO's sargon again, his videos keep getting better tbh
New badmouse video
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christ badmouse, fix your hair
and your avatar
good vid tho
what the fuck cunt?
NOW I'm scared
You're next.
At least Badmouse is naturally handsome even if he looks more like Badrat ifunowhaimsayin.
That's already better than Untermenschen like LSR and Muke.
just taking the piss mate, he looks fine, just needs to fix his haircut
This is edgelord.
Holy shit this is even edgier then Jason's videos
forgot to take off my shitposting flag
Pretty nice video.
Although I don't really think Sargon will make any attempts to stop those kinds of gaffes because he needs to put out way too many videos a week to retain his income, not to mention nuance could lose him quite a lot of his audience.
I don't blame him honestly. Muke should just leave him alone.
What the fuck
I concur.
Doesn't Jason practice Saami shamanism? Can't he just find a Saami protection spell?
I don't really see a point in engaging with sargon, it's pretty clear that his motivation is pure profit.
That boi fucked lol
Does he know about leftypol?
yes, he's posted here before.
he's mentioned us once or twice on twitter, don't know if he posts here
Didn't Muke already get some ancap to go full fascist on Twitter? I say he needs to keep up what he's doing.
Idk I feel like beefing with larger youtube stars is a good way to get more followers. Also badmouse's videos have a style of humour and editting which will appeal to the same kiddies Sargon does. No offence to badmouse intended his videos are well done and he's improving with everyone.
Most people become leftists in their 20s but if we can start indoctrinating kiddies like the right does maybe we can start taking back the youtube comments section. Not that this is super important, but it is something.
Don't use the word indoctrination fam, more like fanning the flames of dissent.
We don't do this to change his mind, we do it because it gets us more viewership/popularity.