let's take a break from the usual depression, 'feels' and shitposting
reading marx gives me a lot of confidence in how collapse of capitalism is inevitable, no matter how hard we try to save it from itself
let's take a break from the usual depression, 'feels' and shitposting
reading marx gives me a lot of confidence in how collapse of capitalism is inevitable, no matter how hard we try to save it from itself
Other urls found in this thread:
I agree fam
I just stress over whats next
(pic semi-related)
Probably judging by what the """Vanguard""" right now looks like, it'll just be Apartheid with "People of Color" on top.
when people will actually suffer, dropping idpol doesn't just become practical, it's the only way of survival
there is literally no saving of capitalism
the idpol left is just ridin the tailgates of the '68 left, but now without class (because they're often petit-bourg who suffer no actual opression and thus overestimate other issues)
people will always prefer a zizek or bernie over butler or hillary
With populist politicians getting obviously and nakedly subsumed into the neoliberal political machine, any claim that the right may have made to being the party of revolution has been publically dashed. They cannot even pretend that they are not the establishment anymore.
I'm with you
But even when I know I'm right I keep self doubting. I ultimately spiral into depression and go on long binges of research on topics like eyeQ or if Anarchy is even possible.
I can never just be content with what I believe, I constantly think I'm wrong and the other side has a point.
Capitalism collapse might still take centuries to happen and there's also the possibility that porkies destroy the planet first.
Please cease posting this terrifying thing. I'm going to have nightmares.
you never seen people on xtc?
I've read both far right reactionary critiques of capitalism and far left Marxist critiques. I'm fairly optimistic tbh. The final conclusion I have is to be communist.
I hope you actually read Marx and don't fall for the USSR was socialism meme
that doesn't mean you should completely discard lenin or stalin, just consider historical circumstances
I know. I'm still fairly new but I read a often. The USSR did bite more they can chew. First thing I did was not to fall for the NazBol meme. It's Holla Forums tier ideology. The same line of thinking that made me leave the right.
ayy, good to know
I use the ancom flag but I'm basically libertarian marxist
huge respect for lenin even if he didn't bring about socialism (cause he simply couldn't)
Here's a song about those silly liberals :)
I love how this song keeps getting rewritten to fit the political scene of the time.
The only happiness I have anymore is relishing in Holla Forums tears. The French elections were a boon for me.
1968 was a success though, no?
What exactly did it exceed at?
splinter the working class into multiple issue movements, that was bad
On the other hand, decreasing racism, sexism, birth of environmental movement around here etc, not all bad but not all good
It reified sexism and racism by creating a negative mirror image of the ideology. It put traditionalists and progressives into a dialectic in which each is defined by their opposition to the other. The stupid fucks saved racism as it was dying.
There is a thread about it around here sonewhere. It is nothing short of hilarious.
Here it is!
not everything is a dialectic though
Im gonna go ahead call you stupid
It doesn't matter if it was dying or not. The fact is, by actively addressing it and ignoring class, they laid the ground for a massive reaction when this idpol left "gained power" in the eyes of the people and capitalism failed on its watch. What we're seeing right now, both with the rebirth of the actual Left and the alt-right, is the consequence of this. Foucault can go choke on a dick. Marx was right.
post best girls
rei a shit
delete this
no skanks in this thread plz.
Rei a shit.
I'm really grateful for the position I am in life.
I know my life could have been much shittier.
Yeah, shit gets scary from time to time.
It also gets monotone, I have no hobbies and no interests to even pursue one.
Any ideas, please feel free to recommend.
That said, here's some words that keep me going:
Never give up user, shit suck, but it only sucks now.
Save all the money you can.
Get /fit/
Don't be a memelord.
Go out with friends (use meetup.com or be creative)
Read How to Win Friends and Influence People.
Spread socialism if that makes you happy.
Don't LARP though.
Enjoy the trump ride. We're hopefully living historic times, either way, enjoy the spectacle.
Real fascism is basically impossible in Burgerland, stop freaking out.
Be nice with people.
Go to reddit and accuse the mods of being cointelpro.
Call idpolers reactionary.
Get banned from rebbit.
Pat your back, you revolutionary crazy guy.
Don't hold your breath for the revolution, go out there and exploit the shit out of everyone's labor. Do whatever it takes to survive, but also, don't lose sight of the struggle for equality.
Suck a dick or two, it's really no big deal.
Marx said that 170 years ago, and he's still waiting in his grave.
Both are shit tho
I need some good vibes, pls help
It's becoming clear to me that the idpol liberal bubble is nearing it's time to burst. people are increasingly realising the whole privelage check gestapo aren't the way forward, and they are rapidly being ostracised.
Our time is coming, comrades.