Slow coup underway
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Been fucking happening. Where the hell were you?
I thought all the Russia shit was just DNC posturing to make up for the fact that their candidate lost to the least popular president in US history, but I dunno anymore.
I thought the FBI was supposed to be on Trumps side, while the CIA was against him?
I can't even follow what's happening anymore.
It started in the '70s and was finished by the late '90s. Or are you referring to some other coup OP?
Lel. At least Nixon knew that he shouldn't fuck with the CIA. Impeachment soon.
From what I understand lots of the FBI agents support Trump's "America first" rhetoric but FBI leadership, i.e. Comey, do not support Trump. Who fucking knows anymore.
I mean, this doesn't exactly look good for Trump. Tuesday Night Massacre.
Trump made the CIA and FBI hate his guts over not believing the Russian investigation. I'm surprised that he's not removed from the office yet.
Non american here, does this mean Trump gets to appoint the next and ensure a loyal FBI, or is there a procedure through congress/senate?
Too slow for what USA is supposed to be doing
It was DNC posturing to cover the fact that they lost. But it didn't come from nowhere.
Trump was the preferred candidate of the Russian oligarchs because he was too stupid to be a significant threat to their interests. So they tried to get him elected and succeeded.
But that doesn't mean he's a puppet. That requires direct control.
Oh yeah? How?
By shining the light on how fucking terrible and corrupt the Dems are.
Pretty sad that all they had to do to tank the Dems was tell the truth about them.
He can appoint anyone, but congress will need to approve. He could appoint Jared Kushner if he really wanted to.
It honestly sounds like an advert for an all you can eat buffet, but I don't think Porky will be doing the eating.
It would be better if Russia and the US deescalated tensions between each other, but I'm unsure if it would be good for the general working classes, save for preventing nuclear holocaust.
The CIA is probably already figuring out what to do. They're the ones who run this country.
Trump wont be president for much longer, probably.
Oh yeah? And what did the Russian oligarchs have to do with that exactly?
I don't see the controversy in this. It seems the justification for firing him was that he "incorrectly testified before congress" about the emails that Hillary sent.. or something like that. So who exactly is fucking who here? I've been reading and some normies are uironically lamenting the firing of Comey… I mean, I didn't give a fuck about Comey before, and I sure as hell don't trust the next guy that replaces him either… but did the firing of Comey really get people to think "gee, you know, the government is really fucked guys"..
Just kind of weird that firing this guy is the "tipping point" for some people, unless I'm not seeing how this might be more significant in some other way
Didn't Clinton blame Comey for her loss?
Dems must be celebrating, that allegedly helping Trump didn't save him his job.
No, they're foaming at the mouths.
Most people don't think logically, they just act on contrarianism. "Drumpf" did something, so therefore I must hold the opposite view.
Therefore, wanting to fire comey in november = good, but wanting to fire comey in may = bad
The timing of the firing is what's questionable I think. If Trump didn't like something that Comey did last summer, why didn't he fire him when he became president? Why is he doing it now after Yates' testimony? Why is he doing it a day before Comey was supposed to testify?
They are mad because Comey was looking into the Russia connection, so whoever Trump installs next is going to let the issue drop.
There is no proof that Russians had any involvement in the DNC or Podesta leaks and there never will be. Quit parroting the Democrats' excuses for losing.
Actually Comey just said that Trump is not under investigation. In all likelihood, Trump always wanted to fire him, but couldn't because people would say he did it to stop the russian investigation. So now that it's over with, he's free to fire him.
Ok, sure, those are good questions. Thanks. I was just kind of looking for some motive behind people's conspiratorial claims. Lots of people throwing around 'coup' and 'fascism' without even bothering to justify their arguments… and that always sounds all the more fishy if you basically have not trusted the govt. as a Marxist the whole time anyways
Yeah, no. Doesn't add up.
I hope Trump doesn't get couped. He's doing everything perfectly tbh.
The reason for the firing is pretextual. The Hillary excuse is bullshit.
Are you linking to the wrong post or are you just that obvious of a shill or retard?
That 2nd paragraph is bizarre.
the spectacle never ceases to amaze me
this is excellent.
Wow, I bet Trump is scared of what SNL and Twitter will have to say about this, it's time for liberal #resistance!
They're probably linking to the wrong post but there is no proof whatsoever of Russian hacking.
It's accelerationism
And no one brought it up until he did which is why he looked like such an utter faggot
I'm all for accelerationism but Rudy Giuliani fam?
at least if its some old fuck they cant become the next J Edgar Hoover
Read this summary of the timeline and you won't be confused anymore:
The coverup is obvious at this point. Lots of people have lied about their contacts with russia, including Trump and Sessions and Kushner, Sessions was even under oath. They sent Nunes out to obscure and he tripped all over his own dick, they tried to stop sally Yates from testifying. They refused to send documents relating to Flynn to the investigations. At every turn they do their best to obsucure, obstruct and distract from the Russian investigation.
FBI director has a 10 year term limits now specifically because of Hoover.
It all seems very damning. Yet why are so many on the left quick to dismiss it as just a DNC lie? Rather it seems that it's a very fortuitous event for the DNC that actually happened/is happening and they are shrewdly using to recoup their losses and rebuild their image among impressionable liberals.
autists think it's impossible to talk about it without siding with the DNC for some reason
So ROG actually real and everything is a Russian conspiracy? this is the same inane shit we've all been hearing from twitter liberals, down to the infamous piss dossier. Just vague insinuations of an omnipotent alien threat, that grows even more vague and omnipotent with every passing day. How does Putin(notice how Putin is always personalised as the ultimate supervillian mastermind) control Trump? What does 'putin' have that Trump wants?
More inter-elite conflict is good for us. If the US ruling class and deep state aren't a cohesive force it will benefit any revolutionary movement.
looks like you were right:
so much winning
The narrative is being promoted by hack journalists, neocons and shady Natsec people, of course people have reasons to be suspicious. The scariest part are the 'solutions' being proposed to the 'Russia problem', ie. giving more power to the security state, clamping down on whistleblowers, technocratic censorship of 'fake news'(another very vaguely defined and dangerous concept). Also the conspiracy mongers seem really eager to lump the left in with the growing list of alleged putin plants, Jill Stein, NODAPL, Corbyn, Melenchon, Sanders, all have been tarred as Russian agents . The whole narrative of a saintly liberal order under attack by incomprehensible alien forces does not help the left at all, also notice the jingoistic tone much of #theresistance has taken. To the technocrats, the security state and world finance, that is the people who benefit most from the US led liberal order, there's really no difference between far right populists and leftists, either you are with liberalism or you are the enemy.
You think you know people's ideologies online but you don't. Russian shills are real and well documented especially on imageboards. And are you seriously asking why Putin would want to install a leader he had leverage over and could easily influence as president of the US? Are you seriously that retarded? Trump met with Kislyak at the convention and then pushed for the GOP to take a softer stance on Ukraine for crying out loud. You don't have to be a genius to see how having control/leverage over a foreign leader benefits you.
There is such a large leap from "there's some impropriety and possibly some collusion between trump admin and (unspecified) foreign actors" to "OMG Russian conspiracy PUTIN GET OUT MY COUNTRY REEEEEEEEEEEE" that I'm astonished I even have to type it out. We can discuss this development and even hypothesize what it does mean without literally being louise mensch
Did you link to the wrong post? I agree with you, I am just wondering why so many on the left don't believe it's happening. Lot's of weird anti-imperialist tankie Putin worship on the left it seems. Or, as you say, they could just be Russian shills.
It was you all along, a liberal
This is just Benghazi for dems, sure there's something there, but there is so much conspiracy and obfuscation that no one normal can be arsed to investigate what its about seriously
I suppose American politics is just dependant on mass psychosis constantly to"rally the base"
How many Holla Forums suicides when Kushner becomes the new FBI head?
meant to link to although the first part answers your question about why so many on the left are expressing skepticism. Not everyone who appears to be on the left is on the left, some are Russian shills or downstream sheep affected by the shilling.
Debord on Disinformation. btw its weird how you are accusing blatantly accusing people of being Putin bots while still posturing as the reasonable logical grown up. People can come to their own conclusions. The implication any disagreement must be a product of the all powerful russian disinfo machine just serves to shut down all criticism. It stops being about truth and becomes a matter of guarding off vageu alien threats. That's a recipe for totalitarianism, though.
But I don't think impressionable tankie morons putting Putin on a blameless pedestal are Russian disinfo agents. Just useful idiots.
Nice quote though.
Btw there are pretty interesting links between the FSB and the alt-right. But even remotely suggesting that turns you into a deep state DNC shill or somesuch. Yawn.
How about you stop beating around the bush and just tell us what the real reason for firing Comey was in your view? If your position is "it doesn't matter and I don't care", then say so plainly and clearly.
Yes nigger. He can also fucking fire them too. Executive Branch muh privilege, other 3 branches BTFO
God you're dumb. FBI Director requires Senate approval.
DeVos needed senate approval
The personal emphasis on Putin is so weird- dude's just a front for a bunch of oligarchs in a corrupt 3rd world decaying shithole. what worries me is he's being inflated into a an all powerful genius supervillian. Much like Saddam, Gaddafi or the Kims where.
much of the resistance narrative is about the alt right being an alien subversive force, totally different from your cuddly 'reasonable conservatives', so beloved by the liberal imagination, who if you have been paying attention have always been genoicidal warmongering racist shits. I dont think you are DNC shill, dude. I guess what makes me suspicious is the way it's been pushed by the media, like 9/10 russia panic stories have turned up to be false. There's also the whole implicit trust in security agencies and the respectable credibility of outlets like WaPo and the NYT, which after all helped sell the Iraq War among many things. Suddenly we are supposed to believe these people are the guardians of freedom and democracy against the looming threat of oriental despotism.
Trump was said to be surprised by the reaction to Comey's firing. There's a chance Trump is just stupid. I'd place my bets on that rather than on ROG being real. If the neoliberal order is collapsing so bad even a decaying isolated petroligarchy with negative population growth can bring it down single handedly then good riddance. it has always been nothing but a brutal empire with good PR. The last line defenders are the worst porkies around, finance vampires and natsec, so obviously they need an enemy that's even worse. I doubt liberalism or the liberal mentality can save us now, if anything liberals are just becoming another breed of totalitarians. Rather than siding with them, i would blaze my own path.
DNC and the media (>implying there's a difference) have been throwing everything and the kitchen sink at Trump, and I just don't know what to think anymore. I never had so much trouble following a topic as I'm having with this Trump-Russia crap. I simply can't differentiate signal from noise anymore. I'm getting too red for this shit.
Republicans liked Comey.
Hello Emmet Rensin.
Trump meeting with Lavrov tomorrow. Very interesting…
Going back the Roman Empire, the army is always were powers lies in a coup. So it depends where the Pentagon sits, if Trump has the US Army at his back the CIA can't do shit as the US Army has far more firepower thus can easily counter-coup.
So you think they're going to pick no one? They'll like the next guy well enough and the next guy will be a piece of shit independent of their feelings for Comey
I thought you were arguing against cliche, vapid liberalisms?
Who said this? Who even insinuated it would be a bad thing if it were happening? My whole problem with you up and down this thread is the weird injection of your own presumptions and moralizing where no one else introduced it.
I think it's pushed so hard by the liberal media because it's a very easy way out of the embarrassment they suffered in November, because here's the conceit: even if Russia didn't interfere, it's still likely that Trump would have won. But it doesn't then necessarily follow that Russia didn't interfere in some capacity. However that also doesn't mean that we have to go Louise Mensch mode about too, as you or someone else said earlier. I don't even know how we're supposed to respond to this, to be honest. Maybe THAT is the point.
On the other hand, part of America's success lies in how much military power has been separate from civilian power, and they are aware of this. The army farting around with the State is almost guaranteed to go badly for everyone involved, Latin America being Exhibits A through Z. I doubt they'll break this record unless shit really hits the fan.
What I can envision is the so-called deep state throwing every accusation against Trump, regardless of merit, in order to completely tarnish his reputation, and get people to call for an impeachment. I'd say that if a majority of Americans call for impeachment, Republican congressmen will shit their boots and impeach. It's not like the GOP was loyal to Trump to begin with.
So it all boils down to smearing Trump into the ground.
ppl where literally accusing everyone of being a russian bot lol
and also i believe what you call 'moralising' is good, posing as the neutral impartial observer is more of a annoying liberal habit. I'm a leftist, of course i'm going to be partial to leftist views. The American based military financial leviathan scares me more than the degenerated rump USSR.
My insinuation were that you were ascribing moral valuations to other people's statements that weren't there. Of course I'm not "accusing" you of having your own values.
lol love reading /r/esist during times like this
As much as i hate trump, i don't want him to be couped. I'd rather see him betray the alt-right for 4 years straight. This way they would have none other than themselves to blame. If he goes down now they'll invent dime boogeyman like CIA or neoconservative.
Jeb coup when?
This whole thing is bizarre. I never thought anything like this would happen in my life.
kinda cool.
You wish, my mans Ryan about to plunge us into a Randian hellscape
What the fuck timeline did I just walk in to?
Russia has had top tier counterintelligence means and methods for like 100 years. Why all the denialism now that powerful Russian oligarchs are involved? Very interesting indeed.
So you want the country to go down in flames and millions of innocents die from lack of healthcare so you can get your rocks off to internet trolls having a bad day?
Do you think the average Holla Forumsack or t_d would ever fucking have the introspection to blame themselves? You have fuckers in Holla Forums who praise free market and are anti-regulation but then are shocked when ISPs sell their data to the highest bidder. They will never ever fucking give you the epiphany you wish they'd have.
A large chunk of the US blames Obama for Hurricane Katrina. See above.
Yeah the sooner we impeach Trump and possibly Pence the sooner we get single-payer amirite?
Hes not gonna get impeached
The only reason Nixon did was because Dems controlled the senate. Republicans control all 3 branches of government.
Checks and balances don't mean dick when there is a unified government
Birchers where probably saying the same thing 50 years ago
Don't impeachment precedents have to begin in the House?
This is gonna be a footnote the same way Iran Contra was for Reagan
Yeah but won't the Neocons like McCain and Lindsey Graham vote with the Democrats
Why would they? It doesn't actually help their careers and actually believing that they have some sort of integrity is meme-tier
They already said they respect Trump's decision lol
So did the Dems
The only reason I think impeachment is possible is that a Pence presidency will have less interference and obstruction, so Porky can easily push more of their agenda through unopposed.
I doubt it's currently opposed
No this would kill the party because most republicans are retarded trump supporters who would see it as the ultimate stab in the back and never vote for them again, and they care more about tax cuts for rich cunts then anything else.
Like it or not were probably stuck with this retard till 2018
Yessss, the slow realization they are the cucks
the ride got interesting again I see
I wanna cuddle with ur pancake butt 2nite hoochie
Interesting development.
I hope this guy is just shitposting with this
You fucking moron, impeachment has to start in the House. The Senate hosts the trial after the House calls for it.
No chill
kek, he sounds like a child saying "Thanks god it wasn't me who broke the pot!"
He's not a Russian spy, but this was as subtle as a chainsaw making salad
Olbermann is such a fucking drama queen.
How many times must you people learn that Trump appears stupid, in the same manner that Bush Jr appeared as a fool to the public. They're anything but foolish. To believe for one second that you or any person in your extended network is close to the same intelligence wise as any politician or statesman is absurd.
Learn the truth now: All is theatre.
Trump's PR rep has cultivated his personality for some 30 odd years. What you see on stage, on television, in the news, is a rendition of a persona.
Stop falling for their tricks. What did it do by deriding Bush Jr. as a fool as he got away with the torture of tens of thousands of international citizens while killing 1 million Iraqis. Think for a moment. Why does he appear foolish to the public? If you can't see Trump and his PR team for what they are, you've already lost.
but he's orange and has tiny hands lmfao
The Right chooses stupid leaders because they think they are too dumb to pull any tricks on them.
The problem is when they get what they ask for.
You're right.
But Bush was popular with his base. the only reason Trump won is because Democrats abstained from voting. It was a Clinton collapse, not a resurgence of the right.
The fact is that Trump has accomplished little beyond pissing off his own supporters. He has not cemented his position, he has not filled all his cabinet picks, and can barely scrape together an Obamacare repeal even with complete control of all 3 branches of government. Make no mistake, if Trump is trying to be Bush 2.0, he is doing a terrible job at it. There is no way Reagan or Bush would have let this runny sore of a presidency fester like this.
Trump the person is probably quite 'stupid'. But Trump the hyperreal brand entity isn't. and its only the latter that really matters.
he's dumb as shit when it comes to anything except promoting himself
Because when asked for proof, Twitter trolls and years-old RT shows are cited as evidence of "election influence". If they had anything genuinely damning they would have presented it already.
The exact same shit will happen under Pence, except Pence actually knows how to accomplish it. I prefer to have a president that is trying to discriminate against me but too stupid to actually do it.
Plus, when the crash comes I want him to continue his retarded porky flailing to drive home the point that the disease is capitalism.
Porky gonna pork
Imagine being this much of a bootlicker
The slowest fucking happening.
The media has convinced everyone Trump is a traitor, they can't back down with that.
But for fuck's sake, make it quicker or add more drama.
what type of politician? left, liberal left, center, right?
not even pretending. these people really have no fear.
Real number is ~175k. Not 1 million.
Just put the money into polip shills and breitbart flying circus
Well the problem is, non-Porky rightists in general, and aut-rightists especially, lack the cognitive skills to realize they're being played, or maybe they have the skills but suffer from cognitive dissonance. Useful idiots 4 lyf.
my body is mostly ready, but i would rather he stays and keep fucking up to demoralize the trumpets/altcucks.
Same. I at least hope /ourporkie/ stays in office long enough to deliver heavy weaponry to YPG
What's with the flippancy on the left towards this development and the Russian connections in general? I mean, Trump has been talking about his business ties in Russia for like 30 years now. Plus you have Manafort, Page, Stone, Sater, Ephsteyn, Rosneft, Gorkov and Gazprom that are all part of the larger picture. Yeah, it's shitty that the DNC get to use it as a free pass to make up for the fact that they supported one of the most corrupt and hated politicians in American history as their candidate, but there's a whole lot more than just smoke going on here.
With regards to the leftist flippancy, is it more of just a "I don't give a fuck what Russia does to porkies in the US" type thing? Even if Russia is making a certain clique of American porkies even richer? I mean, whatever, if you want to be an accelerationist that's fine - as long as people aren't deluding themselves by thinking Putin is an anti-imperialist hero.
Bush wasn't stupid. He just cultivated a "regular guy" persona and was overly religious. Trump, on the other hand, is an idiot.
Nostalgia for the idea of the Soviet Union
All I demand is that conspiratorial claims be backed by real evidence. Trump and his cabinet do have past dealings with Russian capitalists, this is true. What has no evidence whatsoever (and in fact some evidence to the contrary) is the notion that "the Russians" did any particular hacking during the elections or that they engaged in some nebulous "influence campaign" to elect their Manchurian candidate.
The latter is indeed a tactic to give Democrats a free pass for losing with their posterchild of neoliberalism, but there is another angle: this Russian hacking shit is also an attempt to discredit Wikileaks, what has become one of the most important modern sources for exposing the corruption of those with power.
There are sketchy ties between Trump, Russia, and several other countries as well. Flynn for example was a paid Turkey shill but as of now that only way we know Putin influenced the elections is through RT which like 30,000 people watch and some of the hosts like Thom Hartmann told people to vote for Hillary.
I think it's retarded that so many people trust Putin for some reason but as of now we have seen nothing bu screaming centrist pundits have lost their fucking minds. Every Democrat I know doesn't talk about policy or strategy anymore it's about Russia and you're right nobody cares about Russia. My dad told me he'd rather have Putin than Hillary run the country and I've heard the same from other Trump voters. That attitude is pretty stupid maybe even dangerous but until I see actual evidence that Trump is a Manchurian Candidate or Putin has Kompramot on him that doesn't come form Rachael Maddow or Louise Mensch I'm not going to sound the alarm.
That may be true but Assange already does a good job of discrediting himself unfortunately. Wikileaks is of course a very valuable resource but Assange really shouldn't be the face of it anymore,
How exactly does Assange discredit himself?