We're coming, bucko
We're coming bucko
We're coming, bucko
can someone explain it to me? Why does only fb, twitter and yt have two columns?
Please no, I don't want retards here.
The issue is everyone googling Holla Forums ends up on 8ch.pl. I have no idea how people even find this place.
At least this is how I first discovered Holla Forums. I was completely new to imageboards, never used one before.
I cum, bucket!
I found out from that Papa Wolfe video that was sponsored. I can't being to imagine how many people would be on Holla Forums if it was more accessible.
Holla Forums desperately needs to be listed on Google, we could already be tied with Holla Forums when it comes to users if we weren't so isolated.
It's not that bad. The Wiki article links to here, so does the Holla Forums Know Your Meme article.
And 8ch.pl says openly it's not Holla Forums when you google it
I guess this is one of the reasons why bunkerchan being our main site would've been a boon.
most people use "reddit socialism" instead of r/socialism. We're about even in that metric last time I checked, I think
I fucking hate such mentality of retards like you. What is there to gain from having 3500 people, with 3000 of them being obnoxious and illiterate memers? What the fuck do you want to accomplish such way? It'll only make this shit board even worse.
Hah. Holla Forums is on there but no 4Chan. 4Pol BTFO.
Anonymous Imageboards would be dead in half a decade if faggots like you were in control.
Here's a secret user:
they already are dead
you too
whats the deal with that site? why does it even exist?
I got here after I ran into some leftypol folks in Left Twitter. I was on 4chan from 2007 all the way up to gamergate. Didn't even know that 8ch was a thing until I learned about leftypol.
Some retarded faggot is too incompetent to rename it
So this is why there's been more unironic idpol around here lately.
We're coming, bucko.
Seriously, by now it's harming us. Couldn't the damn thing just redirect to 8ch.net?
All of us were obnoxious and illiterate memes at some point, user. Even Lenin was once a drooling stupid babby (who had a head so big he constantly toppled over).
Those 3000 illiterate memers attract more illiterate memers, and they all listen to the higher-ups, and they all parrot what the higher-ups say. This is how things become culturally acceptable. This is how so many apolitical people became complete and utter reactionaries on the internet. Because reactionary rhetoric got spread the most, and was the most entertaining thing.
Yes, the illiterate memers will not advance socialist thought, but fuck's sake man we don't need advancement, we need awareness and consciousness. We need more and more people understanding what Socialism is, what Liberalism is, what the term Neoliberal is, etc etc. Once these concepts reach their brain, they'll never be completely gone. It can also work to completely get rid of myths from people's thought. Just as the Atheist/Theist debate got rid of the creationist myths from many people's minds, and the Le Rational Skeptic/Feminist debate got rid of some Feminist myths from people's minds, the Socialist/Liberal debate can get rid of many liberal myths from the general person's mind. A big one that I support is getting rid of the "Stalin killed 20 million, and Mao killed 60 million" garbage, by making it clear what famines are (if you aren't a tankie or whatever, then just imagine getting everyone to understand Socialism=democratic control over the means of production).
If we can just get a large number of people talking about how the famines in the USSR and China don't count, a huge blunder would be made to anti-socialist rhetoric. Guess how you do that? By getting memers to spam this concept over and over in different ways, some comedic, some informative, some mocking the opposition.
Who in the right mind would search for /r/socialism?
At least post a good one.
I realise my mistake
Someone interested in what people have wrote about past /r/soc drama.
I realize that and everything else you wrote, but my problem deals with different thing, namely the capability to uphold some level of discourse which becomes progressively harder as the ratio of illiterate people to literate increases. While I am fully for forcing our meme shit among normalfags, be it through facebook or other social media cancer, I'm not really interested in bringing them here en masse, as I do not want the tragedy of 4/pol/(driven precisely by the "let's bring them all here xD" mentality) to be repeated here, especially since there is no Holla Forums backup to go to once this place becomes simply unreadable.
How do you propose getting the memes to spread without bringing them here? Any Holla Forums colony made, be it on reddit, facebook, etc, will naturally draw back to Holla Forums. We can see this with /r/thedonald and 4/pol/. While I would like to have a "sacred" area where logical discourse is the consistent thing which always happens (although Holla Forums already isn't that safe haven but I digress), I'm also capable of acknowledging that it is not possible to simultaneously have an influential group, and a small group.
Eh, not necessarily, just look at de-classcucking meme pages, they have much much more people and it's not leaking in here. This is the key imho, we should be perfectly fine as long as we don't put our "brand name" everywhere as Holla Forumslacks forcing their cancer during the elections did.
I believe 500 to 1000 is already big enough to be self-sustainable and moderately influential at the same time as we could see from Holla Forums's past.
F for Fantastic!
Doesn't ISIS use twitter?
there is always /marx/ if you want no-fun-allowed posting
Yeah but they banned Milo, so, swings and roundabouts
But those are all tankies.
What did they mean by this
And then we will need horse pussy to get rid of you and /leftypone/ will rise.
4chan is included under 'reddit'
now compare searches for Holla Forums and Holla Forums
on one hand I'm glad we're not as well known because it keeps normies out but it really show how irrelevant we are
You can't be a chooser.