Hey guys, I want to see your most offensive conservative/liberal/air-right bait you have
Why TRUMP murmurs of war.
Cappie cucks
this is uaually pretty good
throuhg experimetation i discober that with this pics you get insta (you)
Bitch I bet he payed for that kilt like some kind of english piece of scum rather than getting it for free off yer uncle [that's only actually tangentially related to you] because he got too fat for his.
sessions pushing for harsh retributive justice deterrent punishments for nonviolent petty drug crimes which is only going to beef up prison inmate numbers and make more taxpayer dollars go towards the useless war on drugs/support of prison-industrial complex should have some good memes be made about it
The best part of the first one is the fat autistic lookin guy in the background looking at baboon ass red face's ass like it was chocolate cake.
How do I get a alt right gf
And then they say the american antifa is weak
underrated post.
these ones are more normie-tier but w/e
that last picture…
what are the odds that the Trumps and the Clintons have done some partner swapping?
sage cos ot
I think it's hilarious that most of this "alt-right" shit started because a faggot pedophile gave some insecure virgins a little attention for clicks.
have some OC from earlier today
fugg i fucked up the crop on the first 2 posts
sorry if i turned this into a Holla Forums cringe thread and you wanted something diff
lol it's okay. Holla Forums cringe is always heartwarming.
LOL @The John Lennon lookalike edgelord. I bet he threatens to cut his mum with that knife everytime she tells him to turn down his Linken Park music.
2nd ones fun to use now with this
his name is styxenhammer666 or something and he gets like $2500 a month because ppl unironically like hearing him parrot Holla Forums talking points
Someone has the screenshot with "raising a daughter makes you the ultimate cuck"?
LOL These memes are too good. He's also into wizardry and shit based on his YouTube content. Wouldn't be surprised if a typical lads night for him is listening to Dragonforce and playing Dungeons And Dragons with his mates in somebody's mum's basement.
Stefan Molyneux's a principled libertarian anarcho-cuckold confirmed.
That last image is the most cancerous I've seen in a while.
I like this new word
thanks comrade
Here's what I've got…
Collectivize it then.
my meme folder running low
i still got more tho will dump more in lil kek
calm down redditor
here's a better one of lonely cake eater Holla Forums poster
I still don't get why that's such an insult round here.
I'm pretty sure there's a law against fucking people with Down's Syndrome.
It's just to prove you're an insider. Do me a favor and stop namefagging.
aight im pretty much out
Afroplasm I'll forgive you this time cause you're new but nazbol is a meme in the literal sense, it's kinda like posadism. Sure, it has some actual adherents but it's mostly ironically mocked.
It's why the nazbol gang memes are artifacted and bad: it's all on purpose
We need more liberal mockery.
Poltards may be retards but at the very least they question the system. They could be powerful allies if we just made them realize the conservative revolution is just another of porky's lies.
Liberals are the true enemy right now. The pacifying, silencing, #safespace shit is what's driving us and the radical right further and further apart.
Reminder that this is the exact same thing that happened in Weimar Germany and Horkheimer wrote extensively about it.
i agree, i just don't have much to dump
i'll see what i got
in meantime, pic related to #safespace
oh well i don't really agree on the allies part, think that's a little unrealistic, but the liberals part ye
Seems like you need to read some Walter Benjamin.
Mussolini came out of the Italian socialist movement before he got cucked by "muh history, muh masculinity"
Behind every fascism is a failed revolution. A conservative revolution is what happens when the proles come very nearly close to class consciousness but are successfully distracted.
sauce me something as an intro to Benjamin and i'll read it, m8
The best bait is the truth
Gamergate is dumb, but the random woman raped her boyfriend for years, lets not contribute to rape culture fighting gamergate.
Not his most rigorous work but it gives a decent outline of his views on history