Sultan Erdogan got btfo
wtf I love Tru… Nah, just kidding, it's just that even a broken clock is right twice a day. Also, I wish I could hear Erdogan's despotic screeching over this; the guy already goes ballistic over being called names, so imagine the reaction.
Americans still think they can control foreign forces with bribery. Thank god our enemies are so stupid.
Erdogan is now attacking Israel's genocide of Palestinians. Go figure Trump would be funding Turkey's enemies.
we need to protect erdogan against american imperialism
in like five years we'll be hearing tankies saying this unironically
in five years the rojavaites will be indistinguishable from the tankies except by name and looks.
Is Trump, dare I say it, /ourporkie/?
unruhe was right again
I thought Assad was /ourguy/.
We need to support the Anti-Imperialist Freedom Fighter.
Any US proxy is automatically bad. No discussion.
once isis is gone the us will turn on them. its how american foreign policy works
no, i understand why they're letting the americans infiltrate them. i just have no illusions about the consequences and outcomes
I dont see the problem. US foreign policy is indiscriminate with who they fund as long as they share common enemies and goals in the short term, doesnt mean theyre not good socialists just like muslims who hate the US dont hesitate to ally with IS even if they got/get US funding
please be joking
The USSR was a US proxy in WWII
I guess stalin wasn't joking when he said that we'd hang capitalists with the rope they sell us
you don't see a problem with an allegedly leftist movement being compromised by the world's chief antileftist force?
I approve of this meme.
Trump just ordered the immediate release of Apo or bombs will fly over Ankara!
Why does fascism flow through the blood of every Turk I've ever met?
Seriously it's insane how nationalist they are. Even their leftists like Doggy Perrycheck
That's fair I suppose, my apologies. I like to be optimistic but the future does, admittedly, look grim for Rojava.
So revolution must come from the first world?
They are brainwashed as children. They have a class in high school which teaches them why geopolitics. In other words, every country that surrounds Turkey is an enemy, and here's why. Not even joking.
And up until recently every day in school a different student had to recite the Turkish pledge of allegiance equivalent, which is much more nationalistic/racist than ours.
I have mixed feelings about this…
sorry i don't get how that relates to my comment
The US's realpolitik is notoriously fucky. The MENA region is how it maintains its post-Cold War status as a superpower and asserts its right to act as the world's police. If it further justifies their military presence, anything goes.
The real issue is that this only works because Trump is an idiot and won't listen to the John Birch deep state executives that want the damn reds to be culled. After 2020, Rojava is fucked.
If third world movements which are hopelessly crushed by larger powers are unable to produce revolutionary change then must revolution come from the first world? Sorry it sounded like a provocation but I was honestly trying to ask a question about your thoughts on it.
Maybe even after they take Raqqa, but that'll be months from now.
Does anyone know exactly what type of weapons they'll be receiving?
One can only dream
But if the first part is true, the second part will be inherently untrue
Niggas not making it to 2020
People keep saying this but it serms to me they severely underestimate the Kurds. I mean they survived a genocidal war against the turkish state since the 80's back when no-one gave a fuck about them. And now they have the world's major powers (sorta) on their side, backed with international leftist solidarity, all while controlling a large territory.
uphold the immortal science of trumpism-apoism-bookchinism
Proof Rojava is a US puppet and googling bookchin is a dead meme
imo, a likely outcome will be rojava ending up like iraqi kurdistan: a u.s. client with some degree of autonomy
"The overall situation in the Middle East might one day demand that the USA will have to choose the Kurds as its new strategic ally in the Middle East… Given the historical, geographical, and hereditary features of Kurdistan and the Kurds, democratic confederalism is the most suitable political format. This form of governance also offers the best possibility for attaining the ideals of freedom and equality. Besides, it will be spared the problems that establishing a new nation-state will bring… But should the present situation give rise to a democratic federal republic from the chaos in Iraq, such a form of government can play a leading role too. The "Third World War" of capitalist modernity is open-ended. The outcome will be determined by the efforts and initiatives of the leading groups, of which the PKK is only one." - Ocalan, Civilization: the Age of Masked Gods and Disguised Kings
Trump basically allowed the DoD to give the SDF "whatever is necessary". So we will see. Small Arms, APCs, Mortars, ATMGs and support equipment are probable. Anything bigger very unlikely for now.
oh siq
By 2020 they will be too strong. Heck Northern Iraq is set to fall to the PUK once Barzani declares independence (once Mosul falls ofc) and the Peshmerga stand with teh PUK against the KDP. Also the Russians are getting behind the SDF mostly because the turks have put themselves in the anti-Assad camp. Soon there shall be so many humvees, MANPADS and other equipment that it shall be able to defend itself. Whether the revolution will spread or it will become like the EZLN is yet to be seen, but existence is better than failure.
Just wait and see. The americans funded islamists to fighte the communists, and now the communists to fight the islamists.
So either we've gone full circle or we have to expect a 9/11 part 2.
The problem is that under Erdogan its possible that no price is to high for Turkey to be able to crush Rojava. Its also very possible that Turkey makes a deal with Assad to crush Rojava.
Its not hopeless but PYD will have to continue maneuvering smartly.
Is this Vietnam all over again? Funding communists only to have it bite their arse in years to come.
I don't see any reason for the US to attack Kurds though. The worst they can do is sell them out.
Muh proxy
I've read from volunteers that YPG fighters are very much in the cult of the guerilla and despite having access to things like armour and helmets and night vision most of the time they just don't use them
He's done more for Holla Forums than he has for Holla Forums
this thread is certified for my fellow accelerationists.
Love how he sounds like the AVGN
So what are the odds he's doing this primarily because someone said Obama was too pussy to do it.
Reminder that the Russians also fund Rojava. Some great CIA proxy it is.
First as tragedy, then as farce.
When will Holla Forums admit that communism fuck over the middle east?
two sides of the same jewish coin hue hue hue
i didnt know NATO was communist
it is a certainty
after ww2
Is that OC? great shit
I hope you're joking, because I'd label you the biggest fucking tankie of all time if not.
NATO was after ww2
Lolwat? The US trying to remove elected marxist regimes is what fucked over the ME.
shit, youre right, turkey just makes it in at the cutoff
You missed the Great Socialist People's Libyan Arab Jamahiriya
who put there the marxist regimes?
The people that elected them?
The people.
Stop, I can only get so erect!
If there is one universal truth upon which the United States operates, it is that they will never turn down an arms sale.
wtf I love Trump now!
The day this happens is the day I sign up for the airforce.
Has Trump read Bookchin?
Hi Winston.
I now have autism
pray for me pls
I feel your pain there.
Even with the purges in Turkeys military it's still by far the largest, most powerful and best trained military force in the middle east. No amount of light arms could stop them. Yes you could sight US experience in Vietnam or Iraq/Afghanistan but look at the numbers even there. 4-6 million dead between those three VS what 63k Americans? nobody should be encouraging a bloodbath.
What if these YPG/YPJ actually become the new ISIS in a close future?
Good if YPG/YPJ never become the new terrorists, but still what actually prevent it?
Rojava don't do a 9/11 pls
Finally Trump did something right. This is the first time he did something good, sense the muslum ban and and gutting TPP. Fuck Turkroatches and there Sultan.
Why would Trump do this to Lindsey and Mike?
While I was browsing on Holla Forums I came across an interesting sight
The CIA things that Socialism can't become a homegrown ideology in the US so Rojava poses no threat to the US. How wrong they are. S
The Turks are also a NATO country. The Brits, the Americans, the Germans, and every other NATO country are all at their backs.
Yes and they also have the NATO advanced flight school in their country and a very large airforce. All the more reason to not think that the Kurds would be in serious trouble if Turkey decided to attack them in Syria or Iraq. I am personally against mass killing how about you? The Kurds need a diplomatic solution with Turkey and that will require an economic incentive for Turkey. Just keep in mind it's the hydro dams that they care about not the land around them.
You're radically over estimating the Turkish Military, they are ridiculously incompetent and the only way they know how to take a city is to level it to the ground with airstrikes and artillery. Turkey is already becoming increasingly more unstable and might have a civil war soon.
Turkish civil war is possible, the referendum shows that people are split and theres a large portion who really doesnt like erdo.
I like how leftcoms want to emulate the success of NazBol memes but it just comes over as forced
That makes more than it should.
Where are these screenshots from? Assad only "butchers" people who deserve it (CIA-backed "moderate" "rebels" and their civilian supporters). Don't know why any muslim would be against him.
Assad systematically kills civilians on a large scale in areas controlled by rebels. He does this mostly by dropping barrel bombs on schools, hospitals and residential areas. I know you're trying to be an edgay but for fucks sake user
From an archive of a thread on /r/islam
There are a large number of people (particularly Sunnis) who seem to think that Assad is a sectarian Shia who is genociding the Sunnis. The majority of people where I live are pro-rebel due to this retarded idea.
good hombres
I… Don't know how to feel about this.
To be fair, US is probably the most bited feeding hand that ever existed.
If YPG reach a critical mass, we can expect pic related.
Solid OC
Just wait for the inevitable Rambo remake that has a credit screen dedicating the courageous and brave men of the YPG like they did for the Mujahideen.
jake gyllenhaal is making a movie about foreign fighters in Rojava, so..?
Actually leveling cities is exactly what I would expect Turkey to do hence why I would not want a situation where they would be worried about the hydro dams that provide not only power but a huge proportion of their irrigation and fresh water supplies outside of the Kurdish region. They would not have a second thought about using genocidal tactics against the Kurds outside their borders.
I thought Lenin said this. Is this a joke about Marxism-Leninism/Leninism?
Fuck, I forgot that one. Thanks for the laughs. Rambo fighting with the terrorists must be one of the funniest thing in cinema history. America really is a pathetic country.
Is he, dare I say, /ourguy/?
showing that you cant fix retard, no matter who you are
m8, stop claiming everything we like is your pet ideology, it contributes nothing to the thread and makes your meems look forced af no matter how deep you fry them
That's how war works user. If you don't want to get bombed don't help imperialists.
Yeah having your town conquered by jihadists is such a vile crime, they deserve to have their children blown to bits at school.
I somehow always fail to see the difference between Assad apologists and conservatives excusing the bombing of Vietnamese civilians, wonder why.
Especially since, let's not forget, this whole mess started after Assad repeatedly gunned down crowds of peaceful protesters.
James Bond did the exact same thing in The Living Daylights.
Both Trump and Kurdish separatists are imperialist plants so I'm not surprised.
Marx said it first.
The YPG is a nationalist movement and now a USA puppet state.
yeah how about no
That's part of the joke. Or at least it's how it started. I refuse to believe Nazbol Gang memes started seriously, there as serious as Posadas memes are
I want to sticc my dicc in her
From a geopolitical perspective, he absolutely is.
fucking tankies man. can they not deal with countries that aren't authoritarian dictatorships with stronk leaders?
Jason should be embaressed.
I knew it. Trump has been googling Bookchin.
trump has been playing the long game as a crypto commie, Melania was a KGB plant
He's trying too hard.
Pretty sure Jason is some deviant weirdo, he complains about how anime is gross and Holla Forums is a bunch of degenerate pornographers.
As funny as these are… and they are funny… I just know that libertards are going to start calling Trump a commie when shit really hits the fan.
How fucking delusional they were
Churchill and General Patton weren't fond of the USSR and eventually wanted to attack it if they got the chance
Where have you been? They have been doing that ever since the Russia bullshit started.
I've thought the past few months that if he was elected 30 years ago everyone would think he's a communist plant with all he's done to undermine the government.
Gunning down peaceful protestors is old hat, it was imprisoning 13 yo Hamza Ali Al-Khateeb and torturing him to death that really got this going.
"A video of his body filmed several days after his death showed numerous injuries, including broken bones, gunshot wounds, burn marks, and mutilated genitals. The Globe and Mail summarized: "His jaw and both kneecaps had been smashed. His flesh was covered with cigarette burns. His penis had been cut off. Other injuries appeared to be consistent with the use of electroshock devices and being whipped with a cable."
Following the broadcast, by Al Jazeera, of a video showing Hamza's body there was widespread outrage, both online and amongst the protesters in Syria."
Sounds right on the money to me. 2d loli is a plot to provide artificial wives and sedate loser males in Japan
It has the added bonus of depressing population so when ai and advanced robotics make the proles obsolete, the capitalists can just buy the few survivors off until they die of old age, fucking their VR waifus. It's almost merciful, compared to the coming plagues and genocides other countries will carry out.
reading about Mukhabarat is fucking frightening tbh
Oh god no. Thirty years ago today's Trump would have been mocked as a caricature of Reagan's moralistic crusading.
I like the ones with resting bitch face better tbh.
would wager this is SAA. guy in the back is wearing a helmet, you'd struggle to find a YPG soldier ever wearing a helmet
and YPJ normally are wearing military uniform and a keffiyeh type scarf on their hair
No, she's Syrian journalist Sally Fadel.
Absolutely retarded if true.
But that wasn't real socialism
what was yugoslavia
the kurds are being played,and you dont want to admit it because you like what some of them think ideologically.
the CIA knows that socialists in the US pose no threat to the establishment. the most dangerous time they ever did was at the break of the previous century.
go home.
What the fuck? How do those work?
straight outta FOXNEWS
how was she not?
id rather have some dumbass who doesent know how tu use nukes than some psychotic cunt that wants to use them
Oh no, he kills people in areas controlled by people he's at war with. With bombs no less.
Oh the humanity, I can't believe someone would just drop bombs on enemy controlled territory. Not even Hitler would do that.
All of this shit happened because of the army torturing one kid without any direct orders from the government. Life under Assad was pretty good otherwise regardless of the lack of political freedom and usually in a brutal conflict there is little adherance to the rules of war. That being said it's bad for PR, but being against US foreign policy means it is always a guarentee.
you lost me there Al-Jazeera.
U.S. told Turkey YPG militia would not stay on in Raqqa, Turkish PM says
So it's just until after they take Raqqa. Trump sold out to the Turkroaches lmao
assad usually operates those manually while cooking sarin gas in his shia axis of evil doom factory along with his robot ninja hezbollah body guards
YPG will just create a loyal Military Council to control Raqqa like in Manbij. This was always the plan.
the plan was to either topple assad or incapacite him as a force and authority in the country.
proxy controlled areas under US "protectorate" are just a mean of the latter
I suppose they should just take their time. *nervous laughter*
It might've been the plan, but it seems the Trump admin signaled to the Turks that U.S. support of SDF/YPG ends after Raqqa. Which means Turks will ramp up their offensive against the SDF and the U.S. won't do anything to stop them
the US stopping their support to kurds after ISIS is gone is redicolous. right now the kurds are the only reliable asset the US has in the region, most of the armed groups are on turkeys side, and shia militias are deep in irans pocket in iraq.
ISIS was never nothing more than a tool to weaken the syrian goverment forces and an excuse for the US to operate in syria.
the turks pushing around the kurds plays right into US hands now that the the ISIS excuse is almost gone, as they will try to pretend to "keep peace and stability".
With turkey having an endless beef with the kurds the US can drag this for years, keeping their forces inside syria and covertly funding, arming and training the terrorists via turkey, jordan and israel.
even if the US magically succeds in installing a puppet goverment in syria, they will keep kurdistan as a reserve asset.
Ypg aren't the only Kurds. Iraqi peshmerga will keep US support because they have been playing ball with the US.
YPG will be left out to dry if it doesn't fall in line with US interestes. That would probably involve a joining the KRG for a United Kurdistan.aswell as distancing themselves from Turkish PKK, and becoming anti Assad and Russian.
that was my point.
i also didnt mention YPG as a specific group, i had kurds in eastern syria and iraq as general in mind.
*the kurds in the Hama, latakia and idlib regions in western syria are already on the goverment side because its either that or the turk boots
its an asset.
the US had alot of inconvinient assets in the past
ypg isnt that important, they will be replaced by pro western peshmerga
usa will do this so turkey stops complaining, turkeys problem is only with communists, they deal with pro west capitalist kurds like in iraq
turkey has enough leverage to make usa betray ypg and replace them with a more friendly kurdish gov
we will see after raqqah