Which groups in our country are most worth joining?
Socialist Alliance doesn't seem cancerous like some trotskyist sects
Some of the MLs in CPA and CPA ML have a great history but I can't tell how active they are today.
Australia thread
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Socialist alliance aren't socialist
To my knowledge CPA is basically dead
Salt are the only real active group and they're looney tunes
Why not and what are they then?
It seems you concede Salt is socialist even though they're bad but not socialist alliance?
A comparison would be Berniecrats who immediately swapped to Clinton when she won the primary.
Socialists in name only, liberal in practice. In my experience they're always anti-green, pro-ALP types.
Salt is anti-both and probably anti-bernie even - pretty legit economic views.
Buton social issues they're the sort to do progressive stack bullshit while hypocritically assaulting Jews for zionism.
They're also pretty fucking childish and do plenty of damage to the radical left image in Australia through their petty chants and anti-social behaviour that actively alienates working people.
Do you know anything about the history of militant unionism in this country?
Maybe it's a bit dismal now but there's a decent leftist history here that we could revive if we tried instead of disengaging because we aren't completely satisfied with it you fucking pussy
Not that guy, but since the 70s the left has been slowly decimated.
Now days the greens are about as mainstream as "leftism" gets.
Unfortunately I know all this, the good history I talk about is like 70s-80s and before so it's been a while but it doesn't mean the chances for something better are dead, unless I guess if most left minded people decide to act as if that's the case
unions are fucking traitors and parasites in Australia
theres a reason millennials dont buy into their bullshit
liberalism dominates the Australian media and dictates policy in this country
there is no left or right in Australia you'e just got a coalition of Liberal/Nationals vs Labour/Greens and both of them dont actually change much when they swap hats after an election
Socialist Alternative is full of retards, and I have zero trust for them since election time. The cunts hid all the info on socialism, workers rights and self management around the bottom of their pages (or outright removed it) around election time and replaced it with "STOP THE LIBERAL PARTY FROM HURTING GAYS AND WOMYN!". They gave up trying to get worker support to try to get some votes from students, by the looks of things. Not sure if they've changed it back since.
As far as trots go, the Socialist Equality Party always seemed good to me, but I'm highly biased because it was members of the party that turned me onto socialism in the first place. I'm not sure about their party practices, either.
I'd like to be optimistic here and say not all, there's at least good elements in CFMEU and ETU, the latter has ditched Labour Party which is a good step
Partially due to some ineffectiveness and dodgy policies on their part but I'd argue it's also because they're smeared in the media 24/7
What else should millennials do if they're too woke for unions?
As I said, their social stuff is the problem. If you actually engage them on econonics though, they are socialist, unlike socialist alliance who seem to think more welfare means more socialism.
Like I said, both are trash.
screeching problem haired dykes and limp wristed armchair philosophers stand side by side with the 22st trans hippopotamus who leads their feeble chanting of their terrible slogans while they march in proud numbers of about 50 arts students towards their goals
they are really pathetic, they annoy everyone around them wherever they set up a booth
they seem more interested in creating a black lives matter movement in Australia rather than actually preaching socialism
ill believe it when I see it
seen too many people complain to the unions about unfair treatment to get sweet FA back from them
why pay your union fees if they do nothing to protect the worker?
i see nothing about the unions in mainstream media
i only hear about them when I hear people who have jobs injure themselves somehow or get into trouble and suddenly find out they were paying their fees for nothing
dont get too triggered mate im just saying there is literally no
actual leftist presence here
fucking american shit spreading around the world like a disease. fucking internet. thank god i never leave the house
theres a socialist alternative chapter at my uni
im tempted to start a fascist opportunity chapter just to fuck with them and see what they do
I saw a man arguing with his friends and heard, I fucking quote, "Hillary was the right choice, you're not a berniebro are you?" just before a rant about sexism. He later went on to praise Clive Palmer.
What the fuck is happening, and what the fuck is with this sudden Americanisation in recent years?
Obama administration really went hardcore into the globalisation of american culture
the culture war continues
I guess the truth hurts to be honest.
So the only options then are do nothing or start and a new sect and hope it catches on?
it's the spread of american politics and political language through internet social media. there are even people in this country adopting the term 'libertarian' in its american meaning, probably after watching penn & teller or some other bullshit on youtube
Shit, I'm gonna chunder. Even the shock jock cunts saying "haha support the liberal party or else thats cultural marxism xD" were more tolerable than this.
We need to rebrand our image I think. Purge the blue-haired green voters to appear respectable and over time people might actually listen to us.
Anyone know anything about CPA-ML today
Formed as a maoist leaning but not too dogmatic ML group broken from the CPA who seemed to lose the split and at one time they were potentially the leading real left wing group, running the most militant unions (BLF among others)
They have good stuff on their website cpaml.org
literally never heard that
shock jocks on aussie radio get underage girls to admit their dads raped them
cunts in the liberal party even call bill shorten a communist for supporting penalty rates
TBF, I've heard it once, an interview on some kind of Sunrise knockoff. It was a quite few years back, so I can't remember the exact phrasing, but it was something about "the war on Christmas" and what he said definitely involved the term cultural marxism.
The term has definitely come into circulation even among basic conservatives, I've heard it
CPA-ML pushes for Australian independence from US imperialism
you know those idiots only learned it via the slow filtering of ideas from the far right
dont trust them not to sell the countries mining rights to China so they can strip mine this continent into Mt Gambier the fucking country
I don't know their entire stance or relationship on them but I know that they've criticized some of china's policies toward australia
theyre Maoist right?
CCP still pretends its communist
if they actually drank the kool aid and believe in attempting communism in Australia then I suppose they disagree with China's imperialist ambitions towards Australia's agriculture and mining?
They formed as a party sympathetic to china/mao and take influence from Mao but aren't strictly Maoist or MLM as far as I know
Don't quote me on this it's been a bit since I read it but I believe they are critical of china today and those policies that they have toward Australia
pls do, we are looking for more fashy goys
I dont think China has any policies for Australia except for slowly buying enough private land and mines from porky in Australia to sustain their ravenous population and industry
then fence them off and say goodbye to the Australian worker
Mark Latham has gone full retard and started using "cultural marxism" like crazy I hear.
You should check out the Socialist Party, we're part of the CWI. I've been with them for about 18 months without complaints.
Is there more information than that? Searching Socialist Party Australia isn't going to bring up much.
I have heard about them and thought they seemed good, but I'd also read there was some sexual assault scandal recently after which there was mass resignations.
Am i getting the story straight or am I confused? I wasn't sure if the party was about to die after that happened or not
Not that poster but did you try it? the right party should come up otherwise add cwi
Here's a hint, buddy: Is it a tiny irrelevant Marxist cultlet? If so, someone got raped/assaulted and the leadership covered for the rapist.
There is literally no point joining any of the socialist groups mentioned in this thread. You could waste years of your life finding that out for yourself or you could just take it from me. If you're dead-set on doing something left-wing, you're much better off spending your time trying to organise a rank-and-file mutiny in your union. It's the only remotely non-retarded praxis they'll get you to engage in if you joined SA, SAlt, SEP, SP, CPA, etc anyway.
The short story is there was a struggle between the members on our national committee. 3 sided against 1 and wanted to oust him before the next national conference where they would have been voted out for being cunts basically. A investigation was conducted from outside our section by international members of the CWI and they made recommendations we voted to take. We took it very seriously, it's obviously not something to be dismissed or whatever. Its interesting that the members who left went full idpol, from what I've seen at least. It was about 10 actual members who left, not all of which were active.
I can link you to what we published at the time if you want.
This shit's the fucking worst. I work with a guy who praised Trump 24/7 then denounced him as a zionist shill the moment he bombed Syria yet doesn't know the first thing about our politics. Fucks sake, if you're going to LARP atleast keep it relevant to where you live.
As a former CPA member, I would recommend them.
Pretty much all of the upper leadership and even the local branch leaders are very much the 'old left' and tend to have a background in union organizing/leadership.
No id-pol to be found (as of 5+ years ago, when I was a member).
Also the Sydney HQ has a massive bust of Lenin that was a gift from the USSR while it was still around - really is something to see.
The only other leftist group I would recommend is the Brisbane branch of the IWW.
They are a tiny lot and do associate with anarcho-id-pol groups.
But when I was a leftist, all of my interactions with them were quite pleasant and they seemed to be both free of id-pol and rather non-sectarian.
One of my best memories from my time as a leftist was meeting an old IWW member on my way to the Brisbane May-day march and helping her carry the IWW banner there, great times.
Socialist Alliance are an ok bunch.
But they are Trotskyists and infected with id-pol.
Take that as you will.
The CPA (ML) are a bunch of Maoists.
The group itself is pretty much dead.
But I did run into former members from time to time.
Pretty much all of the old CPA (ML) guys went to China under Mao and learned small unit tactics and how to conduct guerilla warfare.
Pretty bad-ass (if kinda cooky) guys, really worth talking to if you run into one.
Really the only other group of note is Socialist Alternative.
They are utter cancer.
In-fact most of the leftists groups in Brisbane think they are basically COINTELPRO, run by ASIO.
They have a cult of personality around their creepy founder, they are super into id-pol, they are Trots and all of their membership comes from university students.
Pretty much all of the real left wing groups make a point of avoiding them for good reason.
I don't think there are any id-pol anarcho groups, or really ever have been. The only id-pol "anarchist" was little miss "I've never worked a day of my life and my parents are multi-millionaires who pay for everything BUT I'M TRANS SO I'M OPPRESSED PAY ME ATTENTION AND DO WHAT I SAY MAO WAS RIGHT REEEE" person… but they were kicked out of the now-defunct anarchist group (and basically every other left-wing group in the city) and became a maoist, taking like two people with them. Most of the anarchists or former anarchists from the past decade or so hang around Unite (what used to be Socialist Alliance until they split) these days, are in small reading circles that don't really do much besides study theory, or have dropped out of activism entirely to deal with their jobs and careers or whatever. I know the ASF is still a thing (because they held an event last year where the international secretary of the IWA came over from Poland), but they're only like three people and don't seem to do anything.
Everyone jokes about this, but I don't think they actually are. They're more like a cult of lonely, lost, confused young people. They target "loners" and given them a sense of community, belonging, and a common enemy to fight against. I have a few friends who went to school with one of their more active members: she didn't have good social skills, but was really nice and pleasant towards everyone. By her second semester at UQ she was a screaming, screeching harpy who kept ranting about THE JEWS. Sure, they are extremely disruptive and do a good job of turning people away from leftist ideas, but I think it's just because of their internal dynamics and ideological platform more than any kind of government intervention.
ASF is small but does some stuff, in recent times they've lead some relatively small actions mostly in the service industry I think
Literally a bunch of weird rapists
Literally zero evidence, just your baseless slander.
Thanks for that
Lol that is pretty bad ass about them going to china, too bad not much came out of it, I personally think some Maoists are better at least than the traditional ML but am a bit undecided at this point.
So CPA are more active than the CPA-ML then by the sounds, and a union base is much more promising than a uni club
What does Holla Forums know about Socialist Equality? They shill for the PRC occasionally, but otherwise seem better than SAlt and Socialist Alliance.
They think everyone else is just a pseudoleftist. And I mean everyone. Personally I can't deal with their level of sectarianism but other than that they have some good news and shit through wsws.
Not heard really anything about them beyond the name, are they related to the other parties of the same name in other countries, like the states?
ASF actually sound like one of the few decent groups participating in class struggle.
SAlt are dodgy for all sorts of reasons but they do have some pretty committed activists, their members were at the centre of the overturning of the Coles EBA and the forming of the new RAFFWU, plus other disputes including with Crust Pizza.
tfw want to get in contact with Australian communist left but it probably doesn't exist aside from anarcho-syndicalists
As I said upthread, union work is the only remotely effective praxis any of these groups engage in. Outside of that they're literally all just tiny cults. There's no point joining a cult just so you can get told to go agitate in your union.
I'll back this
When ASF does actions normally it's outside the mainstream unions
OK, do you have any articles to tell me about the ASF's activities? Mind you I might be a bit prejudiced because I have literally never heard of the ASF before now despite years on the irl Left, which makes me think this ASF might be the grouplet to end all grouplets. Plus in all that time the only person I'd ever seen flying the red-and-black was…let's just say not the kind of person you'd want to follow.
also I really wanted to join the anarcho-syndicalists when I was first getting involved with the Left but they didn't exist irl so I ended up joining an infinitely worse group for lack of choices
There isn't a whole lot of news online that I can find right now but this is what I have found
Not too long ago they were involved in a successful wage dispute at a pub in Melbourne is one example I know of
What was the worse group?
Fuck no man, I'm way paranoid that I could be identified via my posting here. The Left is small enough in this country that I personally know several of the people talked about in this thread.
How many of them come here though?
More than one, as I recall. Some of them love reading and participating in online sectarian shitflinging and retarded memeposting. I'm good with anonymity, thanks.
Tfw too socially anxious to get involved in irl stuff
Getting involved in a party can actually help a lot with that. Did for me a bit at least.
nah I'm scared
I don't think that you would be the only one and people would be understanding
I second this. Just don't join a party full of fuckwits like the Socialist Alternative.
But every party's full of fuckwits, so where does that leave the poor guy?
If he's in Melbourne then the Socialist Party. All our fuckwits fucked off.
So to sum up, your position is:
Also isn't SP the trot cult that lost a bunch of members over a rape allegation? Following Comrade Healy's School of Trot Cult Praxis, I see.
Scroll up this discussion has already happened in this thread
This logic can apply to any leftist group, or party of any kind.
There couldn't possibly be any difference in program or activities or base between parties? no actual criticism made by you here either
I am making a concrete criticism - a criticism of the entire fucking model, you dolt. The simple fact that you're all tiny and utterly irrelevant groups that have to resort to cult tactics to retain members contains within it a comprehensive critique of your entire revolutionary strategy.
I'm not the SP member btw or a trotskyist, I personally think trotskyism as an ideology is pointless but calling something a cult in not a concrete criticism
How does the Socialist Party engage in cult tactics?
I'm not a member, but the CPA holds regular 'politics in the pub' meetups in some cities. Often have guests, occasionally even international diplomats from places like Cuba, Venezuela etc come and speak. They are pretty relaxed and worth checking out. The people seem pretty friendly and normal.
not who you're responding to but that sounds alright, apart from listening to diplomats from state capitalist regimes. the pickings might be slim for people to work with but yeah nah.
Anyone in their union?
Nah, SDA is fucking shit.
Is that Duncan's mob? Cunt is cooked, prone to violence, and cares about nothing but being a dickhead SAlt hack.
Violence in what context?
josh cullinan is the secretary I think. We've needed something like it to take on the SDA for ages.
He's done more good union work than you ever have you sectarian cunt.
Dude's a prototypical socialist manlet, he couldn't hurt anyone if he tried.
Who's Duncan and what's all this about?
Duncan Hart, member of SAlt, kicked up a stink about Coles fucking over their employees, people get butthurt about everything SAlt does regardless of whether it's actually good because trots and muh idpol.
bashing SAlt isn't really unheard of but could you at least post specifics instead of just trying to poison the well, especially when the guy you're shitting on has been involved in actual important work?
Not really a lot of point my dude, any discussion about the Australian far left on this board is pretty much going to go:
'hey who the fuck can i actually join?'
'fuck SAlt, they're idpol'
'fuck SAlt, i saw them yell once'
'fuck SAlt, they're trots, have you considered trying to find/join my even smaller stalinist cult?'
'fuck SAlt, and fuck the guy above me, try to find my tiny cult instead, we're like the other guys but with more rape'
'hey who the fuck can i actually join?'
and sho on.