Hola, amigos! I'm a Latino male and I consider myself a communist. I'm wondering why you don't believe in idpol though? Why should I give up my identity?
Hola, amigos! I'm a Latino male and I consider myself a communist. I'm wondering why you don't believe in idpol though...
As a black man I would ask you the same question "amigo."
As a proud Jewish Labour Zionist, my message is: don't worry! You don't have to give up your identity for communism!
I'm not the one proposing we give up our identities though.
I'm a half Latino male. There is no identity. It's arbitrary and contrived. Stop eating from the trashcan.
How can you be a communist and perceive identity as a fixed ideal to be preserved in the middle of an ever-changing material world and all its changes in our superstructure? Everything is subject to change, if we didn't believe that we wouldn't be communists.
Fuck you, I may be latino, but I'll be damned if I die on a hill for the idea of "chicano". I'm me, and nobody has any obligation to a made up identity.
a black nazbol, itredasting
do you know that guy t?
You don't
You can still be proud to be a latino and at the same time remain committed to a united Left, its just important to remember we are all in this together, white brown or black.
Are you latino or are you chicano? Do you enjoy going to Mexico on vacation and pretend you're super rich back in USA is that it?
Half of my family lived in south texas for generations, probably since it was Mexico, other half is from Monte Ray.
But, yes. That is an apt description.
Idpol is sort of a double edged sword from what analysis I've seen. The most honest example is nationalism, which is a frenzied death cult. But then there's the peaceful version of separatism, which is ideal, but doesn't work. In fact the last separatist/isolationist country to exist was Japan, but then they were forced open, became an empire and were destroyed pretty quickly. Still, there are people like the menonites and the amish who exist today.
The good side of identity is that it helps move peoples to goals, like blacks & gays to civil rights. But yeah, id pol only works if you have resources and are willing to mobilize towards/against something. That's why it devolves to nationalism, which is a death cult.
Now the real question is: how do we create group identities which are not based on the other?
This question is the real key to the current issues today, like the Israeli death cult or the fear of anuddah shoah.
Rejecting idpol doesn't mean rejecting the existence of sexism or racism, it certainly doesn't meant you should reject your personal sense of race or ethnicity, I don't really know where you got this impression. Rejecting identity politics means rejecting specific things, like Standpoint Theory, rejecting callout culture, the use of idpol as a system of morality where people are essentially "guilt until proven innocent", considered inherently racist and sexist no matter how much they learn or try, it's toxic, it's cannibalistic, and there's no way to build any kind of solidarity or positive politics around that.
Identity isn't evil, and subjective identities as they exist in culture are part of the bounty of human creativity and social interactions. Identity is a major part of what makes life worth living.
But identity is formed entirely out of a series of thoughts and ideas you have organized to represent yourself, and is fundamentally Idealistic. Communism address the world as Materialist, meaning that the necessities of life, their availability to you and why they're available to you is examined in a social context. Meaning the production and use of those resources will be what's most focused on, which is what brings us to communism and trying to equalize the majority of humanity whose relationship to production is that of the laborer.
This doesn't mean culture, art, ethnicity, whatever are useless and inherently bad, it just means that they are not where we want to look for improving society and the quality of lives of people in it.
So the problem with identity politics is that it is Idealistic in framing the struggle for a betterment of society as a struggle between toxic vs. positive cultures, as any culture has within its horizons the possibility of incorporating capitalism because culture, being purely idealist, does not operate on a basis of being real or fake. Chipotle Grill and Taco Bell is not by any meaningful standard "fake" Mexican culture. Because the culture "Mexican" is primarily a subjective idea in which the truth of it depends on the subject, unlike an issue such as, how much do you produce and how much do you own from what you have produced?
Hope that makes sense. I assume if you're a communist you don't need a full explanation of materialism and idealism but I thought I'd expand on it and be a little basic for anyone lurking who might be trying to understand, because this is a good question and not receiving any good answers.
I think he's asking why you think it's so important to cling to your identity. Rejecting idpol doesn't mean that btw, it just means not basing all of your politics around superstructural ephemera.
Being proud of something incidental is even worse than being proud of "being a self made man" which is a stupid idea to begin with.
you just described most of my uncles, just replace mexico with peru
this "SOY LATINX AND SUPER PROUD OF MI CULTURAL HERITAGE." seems to only exist in the united states of spooks. that's why mexicans hate chicanos.
People in the US are constantly LARPing their identities, it's very weird.
Not saying Mexico (including me) doesn't have spooks…
also, Monterrey, Mexico here.
Because idpol can be used against you just as easily.
Also, no one is asking you to give up your identity, far from it.
We just think it has no relevance to serious political issues.
We're not interested in whatever you want to identify with. Have all the tacos and Latin rock you want, we don't care.
I visited some family down there just this summer. Most of them are pretty bourgie, if still good people, although I did meet my one uncle who used to be a part the labor party. I wish he knew better english and that I knew better spanish.
You are part of the class struggle. You being latino makes no difference to us. The base shapes the superstructure, is Oprah being a billionaire uplifting to all black women through some strange alchemy? Fuck no. Just like Carlos Slim doesn't do shit except extract surplus value from Mehico.
t. half black half latino brown person who looks like every kind of brown person.
Does anybody else want a Latina harem under communism?
Unless you are talking about gommunism then you may have a point.
You've obviously never played a dating sim before, I take pity on the uncultured Reddit user such as yourself.
just one Latina qt gf would be enough user
Because communism is a Jewish construct, and in their mythology (your reality, if you're Christian) they're the only ones who will end up with a "race"'
You're to be bred into a mud race with everyone else on earth to serve them, and worship television.
If you think yourself as "Latino" but haven't lived in a "Latino" country for most of your life, I'm sorry but you've been duped.
You fell into the American dream of wearing identities like a peacock's feathers, playing the grandiose act of their life.
Shed your masks user, you are nothing more and nothing less than a human, as we all are.
Because we all know Stalin secretly served the interests of the rich Jews of Eastern Europe.
Bad post.
I don't really care what it's called m8.
My Irish-American family is going to Dublin in a few weeks and I'm already preparing for the embarrassment. I'm sorry to any people who actually live in Ireland and have to put up with LARPing American tourists.
So all the major right wing forms of thought are jewish constructs too?
"being nothing more, nothing less than a human" is without a doubt less spooky than pretending to be the walking epitome of a culture, let alone one you haven't even participated in for most of your life.
not trying to be mean.