ITT: no Canadians
ITT: no Canadians
Wish is ok
Make me.
best thread ever
Ban all Canadian posters.
Not if you got a scholarship.
real q tho i thought kanra WAS canadian
why is he whoring in america
Ban all meth heads
Fine I'll stop.
The leaf will rule the world, and this board and there is nothing you can do about it. Except for rakes. Please do not use rakes.
Test, I showed you my dick.
You are contractually obligated to pay me back in admin favors.
I agree
No I just think that means he has pictures of your dick
brb showing test my dick
omg Soto, it preserves aspect ratio on resize
if you're dedicated enough for that then you should have a job lined up before you even graduate.
This is a boring night.
why do you say that mister fool
Good. I go out of my way to stop being a fucking cuteposter and yet nothing.
a little king kunta never hurts
To commit terrorist acts.
Or brilliant. Fuck brilliant people.
Because I am not entertained.
shut up fool
Kinda wanna install now
But im ass blasted rn
I might fuck it up just like everything else I touch
ahhhhhh Doushio
Take Super Male Vitality
lol really what's been up dude
You gonna make me?
You act like an aloof cunt.
the 1%
I was going for cunt, not sure about aloof. Generally I guess I am "aloof", if. I even have any say in "what I am".
n-no sir sorry
imma watch some eva and go to bed
It made me think of this really shitty song.
Well first of all stop saying you're ugly because that's low key kinda cute, secondly try Super Female Vitality if you're worried about looks :^)
Me and Manny do that but with the luka luka night fever dance
we look gay af doing it but we got them moves on point
oh that image kinda reminded me of me just watching doctor strange
it was not that bad
Probably wait until morning.
I feel like you have to be full /g/ to get the full use out of this.
That's what I thought. Make a TC and entertain me.
You're not really aloof though, now are you? You actually do give a shit about what people think.
And no fuck you don't talk to me about hormones. I refuse to even think about them. Too many degenerate thoughts ensue.
Mhm. Probably more than most! Also Birdman was a good movie but I felt the ending was kinda eh.
Because I get the feeling that you're cute, so saying you're ugly just seems cute. Also Super Female Vitality is not hormones it's INFOWARS patented formula
That's because you didn't get it. He tried to kill himself, became famous for it, then succeeded in killing himself when he finally got the respect he was seeking.
You get the wrong feeling. Trust me. Ask like. Gilga or something. I'm like. Average at best.
Dude regardless I'm not going to turn into a female that shit is for mentally ill people. Even if I want to really badly.
No I understood it. But I mean it was just eh to me.
Holy shit.
Who buys this garbage?
Thats like some bard tier shit m8
aint too bad but kinda weird
Too bad I can't bully ikt into installing it for me
I'll give it a go tomorrow
You still watching chinese cartoons?
You're downplaying yourself and that's really cute. By the way, I know I'm just shitposting
Loyal servants of the Filter King.
It was super edgy pop music in the mid 2000s that those girls that were destined to be feminists listened to.
Yeah, I'm watching KonoSuba right now.
Then aftter that it's getting into the series that I'm behind on because they're bad.
does anyone here actually like alex jones?
i only ask cause there's hella milo supporters
I only like him because THEY'RE MAKIN THE FRICKIN FISH GAY
The only Milo supporters are Cupcake and Jack, both conservative homosexuals.
Wait so this calling me cute thing is just shitposting?
Thank fucking god. I feel better now. I'm too autistic to go on some shitty rant as to why I'm a fag anyway. I can barely read in general right now.
Also I'm not downplaying myself. I'll say that much.
too tired. Not autistic.I think I was trying to say something like an "autistic shitty rant"
Why would anyone support a gay jew that fucks black men and only defends "the west" because the west is the only country that doesn't kill gays?
Nono, you are cute, the super female vitality thing was shitposting. I'm sure you're actually very cute. you qt
Clearly you didn't understand it. It fits perfectly with the film. He got exactly what he wanted, and he realized after he got it that all the misery and angst he was feeling wasn't because of his shattered reputation. His daughter looking up and smiling was her realization of the complete absurdity of human endeavors. He got what he wanted, he should have been happy, yet in the end it was meaningless because he still died, life is funny that way.
lol i stayed out of it but found it amusing when jack was sucking milos dick
maybe jack finally learned how to be ironic after so many years
but i kinda doubt it
whatcha up to
it's not about what milo is it's about what milo does
he lies and he is a troll
Milo is in favor of banning homosexuality and legalizing conversion therapy.
He hates "The West" because "muh liberal bias".
Your first impression of me apparently. I am not a cute indicidual. Just normal and boring.
I feel like I'm taking bait here but whatever...
No I mean, personally, I felt the ending was just meh. As in. How it was shot. I understood what was being conveyed though.
tp do you still have my emma trip
It was shot the exact same way that the rest of the film was shot.
i live in toronto so i'm the only white person
itt 3way with tsuchi soto and grim
He's just a greedy jew that wants quarter million dollar book deals and niggers to fuck his ass. That's all you need to know.
Well then he's pretty fucking stupid.
You don't seem boring at all, you're very interesting you've held my interest this long haven't you? And you are without a doubt in my mind probably the cutest person here whether you'll admit it or not.
What drives someone to live in Toronto or just the GTA in general? Rent and shit is really expensive there isn't it?
Nobody wants to be in anything with Grim, not even our resident thread whore Cupcake.
Mexican traps are eww.
that post is a troll
Mexican traps are eww. Any trap besides white or asian is eww tbh.
Are you a feminist?
I need to watch that but Im so caught up on some petty fb drama
A friend of mine is getting engaged with some trashy weeb chick and they've only known each other for 2 weeks and they already moved in
Worst part is he doesnt know she does meth and all this other bad shit, oh and she's gotten naked in front of me several times and I just try to avoid her as much as possible to avoid any misunderstanding or drama
I dont want to break it to him but man he's gonna fuck his life up more than it already is
Not to mention he knocked up his ex so he has to pay child support
Man this is some irl KnH type shit lmaoooo
oh so Seiren, One Room, and Nyanko Days?
Gotcha :^)
the swim one?
on my other computer
i would like have to email it to myself and it would take like at least 20 minutes
a real pain
Maybe I just can't appreciate the surrealist parts of it I guess.
Yes, but this isn't very long, all things considered...and noooo stop. Don't delude yourself! It's because the other attention whores posted their face so you know what they look like.
You're going off of some kind of preconceived cute-image of me, however...mainly due to the cute anime avatars I post.
I've never really listened to them, just heard in passing and I remembered the song.
Nah you're cute until proven otherwise. And it's longer than most people hold my attention tbh
What surreal parts? His hallucinations?
real q soto when you first learned that colbert has taken a load in his mouth
how did you feel
WHERE THE FUCK ARE WE? JAPAN? I LIVE IN AMERICA BUD. We're all fat and ugly here.
Regardless I'm a one trick pony. You'll realize that the longer you stay here.
So did we start banning people I don't like yet?
it is
i was born and rasied here. i wanna move outside of the city very bad.
:^( i can't believe tsuchi doesnt like boypussy
i thought you loved converting closet gays
What the shit
I'm just barely finding out
When was this?
Like I knew Colbs was gay but I never knew he had it in em to go that far
Dude it has been 2 weeks, he deserves to get fucked up if he's like that already.
Urara and Idol Jihen. One Room got really good when they changed to imouto.
The Emma/1up/ one, could just e-mail it to me instead or something.
no but i tried to advertise and got banned
Just entertaining myself and drinking. You?
Alice did the same thing to me.
I say we ban everyone.
All hail Czar Test.
I don't like Mexican or currynigger traps so noty.
Those are just hallucinations he is having because his level of depression is catastrophic.
Nothing you can say will change my mind because I just think you're cute and downplaying yourself, so until I see you, you are qt. So if I never see you, you will always be qt.
Then leave dude. Like anywhere would be better that Toronto tbh.
Test banned me a few dozen times.
Maybe you having your anus violated by Test and tossed aside just means you're BITTER and TRYING TO SLANDER THE GLORIOUS COMMISSAR.
shut up dude he like announced it awhile ago
no i have the swim one pretty sure
i like your style
Give me your steam. Or whatever. Right now.
Nigga I ain't got no money
I thought you had both, np
It was just so Squash and Tsunchi could filter me easier anyways :^)
You got discord or something? my discord is just veevee
You'd have more if you didn't live in toronto.
Just use mine in that case.
Go full Luka then.
I don't actually filter you.
I'm not the only thing he tossed.
Oh shit by the way tag is 5709
Was it your salad?
reading threads and replying to you and siping mio, and waiting for kewl people to show up.
Because you don't understand that the movie is about depression, the absurdity of human life, and the madness that actors develop living and working the way that they do.
lmao oh you poor thing
Not really
I'm just a straight guy that dates girls
Yeah dude, you know how some MCs like in Nozaki-kun or Tomo-chan are so dense and you wonder if theres every people like that irl?
Yeah thats him alright
Like he honestly does but part of me wants to slap some sense into him but he said "She honestly makes me feel happy" the chick is a huge slut but she sticks with him cause he offers her a place to crash for free and buys her everything all she does is open her legs for him
Shes not even cute tho jfc
Havent seen those first two
How are they?
Nigga Im not like Mordin or Subtle
I dont lurk here 24/7
I have a fucking life ya know
lol they need to get over it
but i feel like your thing with tsuchi
is like my thing was with ninjah
It's only feminine penises he's sucking. No homo.
I can't even laugh. This is like saying the sky is green.
But Nozaki-kun is pretty hot though.
Dude that's literally KnH.
They're shit. Urara has cute girls at least though.
What ever happened to Ninjah?
God I wish that were me.
"I'M NOT CUTE" the qt loudly screams
i guess he might have been trolling then?
but he announced in thread that a dude had cummed in his mouth and that he enjoyed sucking dick and was also good at sucking dick
fuck if i know dude i just say what i see
if i say ur cute ur cute
hopefully fucking dead from cancer
Cute butt.
You also tend to make up a lot of shit.
What the heck? So mean ;;
Might be because you make a lot of shit up.
i was like trying to post for awhile
so a lot of that was me being frustrated about not being able to post
Because you keep doing it.
gonna need at least one example of me making anything up
I'm too lazy to link almost literally any of your posts for this.
You should apologize :c
So I am just chopped liver? That is pretty rude.
put your cards on the table then
thought so
i did
do not kink shame.
You disgust me.
shake my dansu
that is also my fetish
Contrary to popular belief I do fuck girls, I just don't like putting in much effort so I usually bang trashy nerdy chicks like you or fat chicks like Chii
It's like saying you're actually tall lmao
Bully me harder fam
Yeah, Tyler ain't hot m8
He's white though, at least he has that going for him
I know right?
Maybe that's why Im enjoying it so much
If they're shit don't watch them
Why do you do that to yourself?
That's like worse than self harm
Who knows dude
Like I know Colbs would suck a dick if he had enough alcohol in his system and he was with someone he liked, though I can't really think of anyone
Ghostie maybe
Maybe Ban, they live kinda close
I saw this shit in a YLYL thread on /gif/
So fuckin lolz
*chops some liver*
nah, i wouldn't want to chop you up! ^_^
Still rude.
i was just giving squash a freebie example of me lying but he didn't bit
Use your fucking words.
I don't want to add shit to my dropped list ;;
Luka I fucking hope your parents die in a car accident tomorrow
So much anime shit on sale this month.
Be my daddy.
Oh, I have him filtered so I didn't notice
literally laughed so hard i cried
that's in fucking NYC
fucking synthetic weed is dangerous shit man
no rude for u then~
well he said he did
not surprised he wouldn't tell you since you're kinda a bully
don't stoop to old beepop-tier maneuvers
where is my *huf* Luka???
I'm just memeing I think
*hufs at Luka but not Guero*
I would hope not.
have you seen any non anime movies lately?
wow, rude
kinda thinking of making a rwby folder...
I watched one on TV the other day called like, The Perfect Roommate.
lol i was watching john wick 2 with my step dad and the ghost in the shell preview came on
he was like what is this
i was like pretty sure this the ghost in the shell one
it was like a famous anime in the day
stepdad: oh
that does not sound so good
Yeah, it was one of those shitty direct to TV movies
Accurate representation of anime conventions in SoCal
Real shit though
lol you swear like your MAL profile actually matters
Who are you trying to impress?
I could be your friend
Dudes slamming on the floor like DK in smash when you press down B LMAOOOOOO
Yeah I remember smoking spice when I was like 18, I never did stupid shit like that then again I would only take a hit and be fucking high af
That nigga mustve smoked a whole fucking packet or someshit
That actually makes sense
canadian tv fucking sucks
but sometimes i feel some real public access gems pop out
told wat?
at least good people like u are around.
Who knows?
Welcome to anime
list of posters posting who do not reply to me:
felt like more
2 is the number to beat
Too bad you aint about that life
wish can at least get a 3
Look at all these GIRLS
Were the girls name meme not a thing and I didn't have a bunch of trap kamille images I'd call you a RETARD, test, god.
tell me moar
Yeah it does, except HNIC :^)
too lazy to google
「dat dude epic slick fam boy」ですか?
I'm having an emotional awaking I think, I've been super nice to a classmate and this girl who I see a lot. Now they're actually seeking me out of their own accord. So this is how it's done
Hockey Night in Canada
darwin does anyone fake filter you?
that's hot
Have you seen Jojo tho
I don't know this meme because I'm not a weeaboo.
i forgot to watch the rest of that new one...
._. uh with... the umm... guns,grease,and lasers.jpg guy.
Something like four people.
You should watch one time, it's a whole 'nother experience.
i watch hockey sometimes
just like it's the white trash around here who really like hockey
also it's really brutal and probably should not be a sport
Sorry Onii-chan
Hockey sucks tho
All sports suck
I'd be impressed if I were you
You manage to pull off being a normie so well even though youre an autistic weeaboo faggot irl
That aint easy man
Trust me
Im right there with you
It's more about the show than the hockey. You don't get your 2nd period intermissions with Don Cherry man.
wow thank
You don't need to
The point is that ur a faget
...Diamond is Unbreakable?
What's the point in being a faget if Trevor wants me to know he's fucking avoiding me for some reason
i've only got like 2 eps in.... then got distracted by other stuffs... and forgot to continue.
But I'm not that autistic.
yeah see i like announcers and shit but i never really got into hockey
and the bulls suck
and i'm not allowed to root for the cubs
so i have like three years to wait for sports
Oh look its Ian walking home after his first time bar hopping
So glad he didnt get hit by a car
Nigger there's literally only one
not everyone cybers trevor on dickord like you
oh colbert i told soto you let a dick cum your mouth
Good job!
thanks i do my best
That would be gay.
Don't take that as an insult, that's just my way of saying you're a cute weeb
So how about this
seems its storytime m8
oh really?
i thought you chaps were joshing me
yes colbert tell your bud
about how you took a dick
in your mouth
You're an hero!
You can go fuck yourself.
what a bust
I think Luka, Licky, Squash, and there was someone else that I forgot.
Much better.
He does not blow and tell.
Now everyone is going to know you're a faggot.
I don't have Darwin filtered either.
I just don't give a shit about him.
Oh gosh
Quiet Phil I've already doxed everyone.
My whole filter list is cleared.
but they all reply to you now right?
why did you feel the need to use my irl name here
the ridiculousness of filtering brings me back to my point about the ridiculousness of having IDs
The only purpose of being a faget is trying to get into his pants?
For the meme.
You use mine all the time. Do you not want me to use yours?
No clue. The only one of those whose posts I read is Licky, and I have not seen him in a while.
phil? more like "loves to get PHILLED with dicks" amirite
no it's fine
i was just wondering
you don't usually do that
i haven't even acknowledged cuppers and he's already dropping heat
sorry I just had to. the joke was too good.
he posted a couple weeks ago
Darwin why do so many people dislike you?
I strive to be like you
Only with less gray hair and a voice that doesn't sound like a 16 year old boy
Wow that's so mean bro
Like I though we were buddies and could drink and gossip about the gay shit we've done. Like I'd tell you some really gay shit I've done and you tell me the gay shit you've done, we both laugh, have a drink and call each other fags
Was this recently or was it in the College dorms like wayyyy back?
what joke?
Calm down Phil
Surely you meant SHE.
i have been unsure about this
is licky really a girl?
oh right mtf
Yeah buddy.
I wasn't even sure if it was Phil or Paul, to be quite honest.
He wishes.
Also come down to Anaheim tomorrow m8
Let's go crash at Missy's or somethin
Its fuckin Saturday, we can have drinks and talk about how we both have had a dick in our mouth before.
it's cool
you tell one person and even darwin knows
it's how it goes
summon her
I got the dreaded Discord deletion.
My car legit can't make it down there, I need to have the tires replaced before I do anything
thankfully i will never know this feel
Are they down to the thread already?
Be careful with that shit especially with this rain dude, dont want you spinning out like that Nigger on the 57
It is worse than Steam because it has more retarded emojis.
I miss those days when the Steam Icon used to be squared
bald tires means that he is not ready to contront you with this new come in my mouth realization
oh god why
lol can't be that fun
I bet Cupcake likes to be Pampered.
They're pretty bad. I'm being super careful, they've lost traction but I'm pretty well trained in defensive driving so I kept myself steady. I have an appointment to replace my tires tomorrow
cupcake also likes to be dumped
so he can drink and post 24/7
that is the cuppers that i enjoy the most as well
No, I only use it because of some people who refuse to log on Steam.
I feel like you might be right TP
What should I do?
top three reasons
likes to *take a big dump in her pampers
of course i am
about what?
sorry cuppers you came outta nowhere with some sass i had to add a little salsa
Hot, right?
I understand
The fuck is that crinkling sound on the mic?
You aren't ACTUALLY wearing one are you?
That is what the underaged bitches use now. Do I need more?
you were supposed to name names again
you are terrible at this
This nigga
Well that's good, hopefully it ain't too much lol.
Just dont crash nigga
I told you with the image, but you did not pick up on it.
I just got up you bitch..
link to your super secrit chat?
since you feel the need to talk about it around people not a part?
sorry i do not look at images
Get it the FUCK TOGETHER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Not my club.
wanna play ow and voice? :3c
Nuh I g2g for a run in 25 mins ;;
tfw subtle hates you...
oh i see a fucking gnome or something sad
am i better now having looked?
sure it isn't
and now you want me to leave...o-oh...okay...
lmao did you guys see that Firetruck tumble down the Cajon Pass on the 15 southbound?
So fucking lolz
No, that will never happen until we stop coming here.
*keeps you*
don't brian me
I could stay inside, play OW and eat brioche
But then the guilt
Don't worry you have Luka!
Stop me.
i will just pretend to fake filter you
lol who would even upload this full album
those trip 1s tho
Oh shit Subtle actually exercises and takes care of his diet too?
Though you should stick to this regimen
Trust me
I'm a doctor
Couch to 5K, oh boy
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It's Oobles.