Colbs x TP OTP
Colbs x TP OTP
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Thank fuck.
oh so i got perma'd again from lewds
this time for advertising
the board didn't have a fucking post for a day so i thought it was dead
hashtag bam
'nother perma
Sorry I filter non-best friends.
Wait. This was a thing in the past?
i was colbert's mentor kinda
we had tiffs but i still see him as that son that went a little too gay
So you filter the entire thread?
apuchu is just a tsun
they say they filter u but they really dont
ive been "filtered" 2 times already after receiving his love
TP basically brought me to the main threads from Names' autism threads
Yeah. Every time I come here. Why are you asking?
Love? What the fuck...? Filtered.
I am kind of glad my memory of this place is fading.
its okay just pretend to not read this reply cuz u have me "filtered"
I like you. Even if you were stupid enough to buy For Honour. Please talk to me.
I can't say non-sarcastically that this is a bad thing
close enough
Why do I need to pretend? You're filtered, scrub.
To be fair, my brother had me buy it...I always end up falling for his shitty hype. Overall the game is alright though. I love playing Nobushi. Gets people so mad.
It's definitely a good thing for anyone to forget this place.
woah how did u read that filtered reply?!???
lol names' threads
those were like lower than yttriums huggle threads
those were dark times
....then came colbert....
Yeah, it's a time-waster and really not much more
What the fuck are you talking about. Don't make me filter you -again-.
wait what was names' schtick even?
those threads were so bad lol
Honestly I just don't buy games anymore I don't find most new shit fun. Plus I built my computer in 2011 and haven't upgraded since so it's fucking TRASH
the kicker was that it was all stocking who convinced her to do that
Hey me too! Until some guy sent me a 5k computer. Now I can run all the cool games. Although my tastes were always away from the mainstream stuff that comes out these days.
Ever heard of I'm Null?
Aren't you straight? Straight men don't give other straight men hearts, faggot.
Why on earth did someone send you a 5 thousand dollar computer? Holy shit you must be cute.
And no I haven't heard of it what is it.
who did u seduce into your butthole to send u a 5k computer
It's kind of always been like passive entertainment. I think everyone just has the thread or some sort of chat related to this place open in the background as they do other things. Hell, someone is here after ordering pizza and I'm still posting. I know there's people that put more weight into stuff here but I think that's the majority of people who just use it while doing other things.
null is like murder.2
he over exaggerates
Oh. Well its defunct now. It was a cool little game atmosphere-thing that I really enjoyed.
No one.
No. It's -actually- 5k.
That motherfucker was -rich-.
well that sir
is just plain dumb
Null does it intentionally, though.
He's really self-loathing and just acts grandiose for whatever entertainment.
So stop advertising.
Yea I don't play games often. I'll play some Civ 4 or maybe 5 I feel like I hate myself every now and then but that's really it.
But seriously why did he send you a 5k computer?
what is your take on murder in comparison?
It really is fucking ridiculous.
Me either actually. What do you do in your spare time? I'd like to take this moment to plug the fact that I play MANY ASSORTMENTS OF INSTRUMENTS. It makes me seem really cool and stuff.
My brother actually carried out the scheme. I didn't do shit.
But I really would like to think I'm cute enough to warrant a 5k computer.
i woke up hella early and was blazing and shit looked dead
and that douche grimmy quit (the assface that perma'd me last time)
and shit looked dead
so i thought i would be nice and invited the runoff here
He's just some really sad dude that tries way too hard to get someone to validate him on the internet by just making up whatever new story each week in some attempt to get people to respond to whatever he's deluding himself with.
Why he does this I'll thankfully never know.
this is the most slimming outfit I have
I'm 5'5
I weigh 216 pounds
I am FAT
You just play the skin flute.
is murder the one who met flan?
i can't keep these sad people straight sometimes
That's not even a real instrument you retard.
I play guitar, I drive, and I _read. Also I of course do a fair amount of shitposting
Dude lose some fucking weight. Also,
Yeah, fucking Cherub asked us who was advertising in /lewds/
Dude, Im like 5'9 and 132 lbs
Just watch what you eat and dont drink soda or juice, just water/tea/coffee
I think so.
That is the joke.
I gained 16 pounds in the last 4 months
at this point I'm literally eating nothing but the dinners me and my mom make
gained 16 lbs in 1/2 year?
yeah i saw
i had to go to work though
came home and checked
fucking perma'd
"thanks fam, yeah nah" was the ban message
those fucking pussies
skin flute sounds like a euphamism for eating ass
I hate youtube autoplay I just listened to like 2 minutes of Smash Mouth All Star before realizing what the fuck I was listening to
I didn't know Arizona was like that tbh.
Also I'm more than certain I look worse than fish over here...god damn. That's depressing... I am much skinnier though.
Ohhh, you play guitar? That's cool. How long have you been playing?
You're really bad at jokes, then.
It's always seems weird that you weigh less than me.
the one who mana said was too pathetic even
Biological sex doesn't change.
Teeps, did you want something earlier?
Sorry, my grandpa and dad have their birthday on the same day, I've been out with my family all night. Sup
Since I was like 16, my dad made me because I had long fingers he said. I'm glad he did, I enjoy it. Also I refuse to believe you look worse than that fucking thing.
That sounds fun. Did you have fun?
I really do. Also that's fucking rad. I wish I could play with you...I have really been wanting to get with some cool people who play and just jam. Those things are really really fun. I've been playing for a year or three, and I'm sixteen right now. So I've basically got like...a few years headstart on you.
Excuse me?
I wanted you. I called you but you never came.
My heart is broken.
So stop.
Absolutely not. All we ever talk about is family drama centered around my aunt.
Good !!!
null drop some more tunes please
holy shit your thing is more important lol
i was just wondering if we could consider not having ID's since that tyrant beepop is dethroned
or like maybe have a day without ID's?
Is your aunt a dyke or something?
I got my legal gender change in washington where all you need is a letter from a doctor that you've been transitioning for over a year
got my name change there too
eating nothing at all kills metabolism tho
and besides my mom would be worried about me if she saw me eating nothing and I don't want to make her worry
no shit, I still write male on all my medical forms, but my "legal" gender was changed
stop what?
i did stop
i got banned
and don't care enough to evade
Really, IDs are kind of a good thing since it just discourages autists from having multiple personas or just going user to post about themselves like the retard BC.
im not going to read what you are replying to and take that out of context
No. What????? Why would you even think that?
Makes it easier to filter Sci, though.
Give me a good reason.
Yo I'll avenge you my good man
Lemme go copy and paste it in thread
Actually I just checked and they deleted it
How tall are you and also how much do you weigh?
Hey, think about it.
If some sucker would fork up a bunch of cash just to change a letter on his ID/Drivers License would you allow it?
Fuck yeah I would
That's pretty much scamming imo
hey there baby
Don't worry. No one knows what you were thinking but you, right?
what does your mom make for you?
how was your day?
it doesn't happen anymore
BC is dead
and user confusion is funny
shit's fucking gross fam
I've fucked one before but at least he was pre-hrt
I didn't pay a dime because I got it changed before I got my first ID
suq madique
save your money.
God that's pathetic. You're not transitioning very good. Enjoy dying at 40. Also, are you trying to say your mother isn't worried about you wanting to lob off your cock and be a girl? She's a shit mom
I dunno I just saw drama and thought maybe she was a dyke or something.
Yea exactly I was having 100% pure thoughts I swear.
5'11" and anywhere from 140-145 lbs usually.
Hey. Everyone's been there. Don't worry.
people went on this ID tip to get rid of people like sci and BC
they both will get around whatever bans you through at them
ID's were put in place by moot to restrict and we never liked them
i'm going for that classic feel
i know you can appreciate that
it's so funny though
thanks dude
No problem. Just keep posting, orr?
tonight we made jalapeno poppers and meatballs. we tend to have chicken a lot because it's cheap and all our food is payed by my food stamps because I feel the need to contribute somehow. we have our habits though, we often make stuff like stir fry, seafood, pasta, vegetables. all the basics really
no wait for it
dude like i thought you were trying to not be a beast
What do you drink? Stop eating flour based shit it's trash, stop eating sugar it's trash, start doing cardio, and most importantly stop taking fucking hormones if you are.
actually I lied, I usually write MtF on my medical forms to tell them that I'm biologically male but have an estrogen based hormone system
still have some male related health things but don't have all female health related things
What even made you want to become a girl?
What gives you motivation to go through all that bullshit medication and stress to try and achieve something you will never be able to achieve?
I feel like it would be easier for you to just accept being a guy and just start lifing you could be a handsome dude if you get ripped and cut your hair
Oh well youre like a bit taller which explains the extra 10 lbs
Im pretty sure we're both really slim
They just get pissed cause their board is dead af and they try to damage control it by saying Discord killed the board
Got it. On your cue, Capt'n.
I hope you've been paying attention to my based music taste, fag.
I either drink water or liqour with soda mixers about 1:1 ratio
Nope I haven't, but mine is almost certainly gayer than yours
lol it kinda proved the point though
like you keep banning everyone
of course your fucking board is dead
I have like zero body fat and can't retain any if I tried to. Then again, I'm kind of a traditional "runner" build where most of my body proportions are far more vertical than wide.
I wouldn't doubt it. Give me examples.
Sci still posts, and some people still filter him. There's also spammers and some people don't like looking at MFF's posts. Those people tend to not use names. I really don't think a "classic feel" is a good argument.
You drinking tonight? I just got free and I feel like it would be pointless to start now.
ID's were a beepop creation
as we all know he did not have the best people in his ear
he also wanted to fuck BC badly so anything he said about making IDs to get rid of him was a fucking lie
I like everything New Order has ever put out even their fucking garbage newer shit
eyoo tp wanna chat about the time I beat the shit out of a kid because I thought he stole my backpack when really I just forgot it at the library
I used to cut my own hair and make it look pretty good for a guy and deadlift 350 pounds, was on the football team, and I did wrestling and track & field
I tried the guy thing and it didn't work
I wasn't but I can start.
This was one of the first things I learned how to play on guitar
Not bad, but not my taste at all. I'm into weird hipster shit, essentially.
Ever heard of Hey Moon?
Dude New Order nice.
I thought I heard your words when you said "tell me now how do I feel".
At least I think that's how that one song goes at some point...
I like them.
I think Tsuchi and a lot of people campaigned for IDs and that was one of the reasons stated. I don't think that was why Bebop said he did it, though.
I guess I'll go post and bully them
Lets see how long I last
I just watch what I eat and do basic exercises just aslong as my stomach is flat I'm fine
I gotta stay in shape or else I wont get no boipussy
Well the girl thing ain't working either
yeah dude get going so we can drink together
dude who fucking cares about sci
he's not even that bad
how many mods have lost to sci?
he won
fucking give up
And I also think Death Grips is the best "band" from the 21st century
Probably won't be for long. Just a bit of wine, I'm a sleepy boy.
Oh, missed this.
Sup, man?
god speed
tsuchi also fucked smiles on the reg
wonder how that went down
Good, but I feel it's overrated.
Oh boy. Wonderful. I loved that skit. Probably one of the best.
"Huh? Bye."
I want to ban him but then I get twenty people in my ears threatening drama. Aggravating.
With the cucking of the century.
Snake eyes.
the whole day?
dude don't even fall into the trap of banning sci
he's been a good boy
Yes yes, for now.
I do hope he slips up.
Nothing much fam
Just chillin
How was the double birthday?
Whats your opinion on The Weeknd? Like hes a nigger but he seems pretty chill
Dudes getting turnt with all the other rappers in this MV
He also cucked justin bieber by fucking his girl Selena Gomez
I just do cardio, running and some light, low impact weight training just so I feel better.
Get on Steam for a second.
sci is like a puppy
he doesn't understand when he's been bad and you smack him for pooping in the corner
he responds way better to positive reinforcement for when he's not being a total retard
You got a five and a one...
Yea by the way I don't really care too much for Neutral Milk Hotel, but I do like that one song I posted a lot
Hell yea.
Seriously fuck Adult Swim
Good food, horrible conversation.
Good. Nice taste so far. Not a complete degenerate.
Jews will be jews. Or, in French. "Je sui la baguette."
lol really?
you want to pull the trigger hard huh
i donno like it's definitely not bad but a little too poppy for my tastes
like i would never listen to one of his faggy songs if they were not always on the radio
Death Grips - Death Grips - Death Grips, good or shit?
I only really like most of their old songs. This is okay though. Thumbs up from me.
thats rough man
you don't normally work on fri?
Dude BP is great and so is the powers that be, the last thing I learned to play on guitar is the riff from Beyond Alive, and if you don't know what I'm talking about YOU ARE MISSING OUT
Of course I know what you're talking about. Are you assuming my knowledge in music? Fucking bigot. Oh, dang, you actually learn stuff from songs. God damnit. I need to stop being lazy and do that...I mainly come up with small diddles on my own. Aside from that I know like 3 or so songs I guess, and not even all the way.
back when major lazer wasn't a fucking sellout
Well you said you didn't like their newer stuff, and honestly the Powers that b is in my opinion their best album.
or should i say diplo
It isn't even that hard to stay in shape
I don't know how some people manage to let themselves go
Wow, y'all niggas need to get over your dead aunt
Like I managed to get over my dead grandma in like 2 days
If I were you I'd probably snap and tell everyone in the family to stop fucking arguing over shit and grow up.
Oh yeah, I forgot you don't like pop and shit
I was gonna link you weeb shit but you dont like that either
When in doubt, play some Pinback
That sounds like good shit to shuffle to.
Besides a select few.
My aunt isn't dead. My grandma died, my aunt has been a bitch to my family for the past few years.
I do.
The entire album is fantastic and that is their second most recent album, so I thought maybe you didn't know what I was talking about. I also like some black metal
i do like some pop shit though
like sia is pretty on point
i like a lot of those musicians that originated from disney kids shows too
have you ever worked buzzed?
I really just like the way some of it sounds. Not normie shit Bruzum. or "atmospheric black metal", I mean hard shit, like this.
I'll only listen to it if you promise to listen to mine fag.
this came on the radio the other night
and i was a huge fan of the pumpkins
and even saw them play melancholy live
but i feel like i appreciated how well written this song was on a new level
Sorry for your loss, Test.
I'm listening to it.
Whoa what the fuck this is black metal? This sounds like. Insane trash punk It's actually good. Wow.
Yes that's black metal. REAL black metal. That song was pretty good by the way
so test what do you think about my no ID proposal
from what i gather it was a witch hunt that tsuchi created to rid the board of BC and sci
who both still post
all i'm asking is
pick one day to not have IDs
see how people like that day
Wow. Maybe I'm missing out...also thank you. I thought as much...!
Also quickly, I require your thoughts on this. Don't suck my ass or anything just tell me punk.
Its not even raining at my house but everyone else is fucking dying.
It wasn't meant to get rid of them.
It's to make them filterable.
Oh yeah, my bad.
She mustve done some pretty horrible shit if everyone is pissed at her
Oh so you like like little kid pop kind of music
What a pedo lmao
That's a classic
Not as good as 1979 tho
Wasn't the reason everyone wanted test to get away from dumb shit for the sake of changing things?
Why are people dying
That's gay nigga
I'm pretty solid on not having a reason to change it.
The only reason TP doesn't want IDs is so he can user post again.
colbert was freaking out
alright let's be real
are you really defending people who filter people?
like just don't look at the posts lmao
Space Patrol Luluco x Girls Generation
Yo this shit is fire tho
null, my boy! what are you doing here?
Water is cold ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
It's still gay nigga. It doesn't make me feel angry, what's point of listening to music if doesn't make me pissed off?
Hi Sci. I'm shitposting. What are you doing here?
At least my house didn't flood.
no like sometimes popular is actually dope
like kendrick lamar
or chance the rapper
Hmm. Thoughts on -this-, then?
Why are you calling me gay. Do you know what this board is? Jesus..
Hahahahahahahaha How The Fuck Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Nigga Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Nigga Close Your Eyes Haha
best normie loli
i still user post will no fucks given
Sorry for ditching TP
He's just here to be autistic and clingy to anyone he thinks is a girl.
Personally I think filtering is dumb but lit's not worth changing.
Bunch of fucking pussies
good job you got it
well it night! the best time to post on animus hands down
oops missed your post
good job too
I don't like country music unless you include Irish folk music because I do like that.
But they know its you.
What the fuck are you guys talking about? Filtering is great.
Fair enough. That sounds similar for some reason.
You came here to fuck with TP? Dude nice. I'll help bully him with you if you want.
if only u could combine tp night with alice/manaka morning...
Today's yuri releases.
Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san ch26 [Sexy Akiba Detectives] (English)
(C91) [Come Through (あづみ一樹)] チノちゃんは甘え上手 (ご注文はうさぎですか?)
[DROP DEAD!! (水瀬修)] 夜伽草紙 (ラブライブ! サンシャイン!!)
コミック百合姫 2017年4月号
it's cool
kinda being bullied now though
Later, American Luka.
i love tp hes the greatest. hes like uhhhh my kroni if that makes sense :))))
And then I pull out my dick
see even though sci has shit tastes in posters
i still think it's silly to have IDs just to filter him
Are you proud of me TP-senpai?
It's kind of a majority of posters.
Ban how the fuck do I git gud at kensei
hey grim whaddap buddy
BACK TO DEGENERATE AGAIN. Though I'm glad you at least like Irish folk. Folk in general is pretty damn good though nerd.
Except maybe TP actually might like you. HAHAHA. Hah...
Yeah. True.
Stop being shit and fucking 1v1 me right now you cunt.
enjoying my friday
should I do work tonight or tomorrow
Over what?
Country music just aint my thing
Grim, it's 8pm
Should I get super turnt tonight?
sure, I'll fukken rek you cunt
How could you not? It sounds so human...and like. Imperfect. It's a high form of art, you scoundrel.
i made a good point against having ID's
and the main reasoning is
Dodge into light combos and cancel heavy attacks into uninterruptible side attacks.
Its a better version of orochi
I dunno.
Do it pussy
drink for me too
Give me your god damn uiplay I'm ready for this shit.
Clearly it's because you have a mental deficiency.
shit blew my mind when I saw it
dude if your problem is with one person, maybe you have deeper problems
Bullying me won't change my mind
But I need IDs so I can be assigned a pretty colour every thread and judge people based on their colour.
glad im not the only one who does this
yea tru i hate the ids. if it werent for them id def just anonpost
damn rip... you shouldve been here for alice it was gr8 i bet u love alice sweetest girl around
well you probably worked all day maybe? so taking a break would be good. then again if you do it tonight then tomorrow you dont have to think about any of that stuff
Oh, I didn't know you could combo out of the dodge attack.
Weren't you talking about some free cancel thing he could do without needing the awkward B press?
No, maybe not yet. But...I need to find some kind of angle here.
I mean, that one song I sent you was also technically folk. So looks like you do like folk.
Hah. Got you there, cunt.
Probably not. Girls are gross.
hounestly sometimes it's also frustrating when like three anons have similar shades of green
i start to feel colour blind
Like for example your shitty-ass salmon pink.
I just finished playing a bunch of majoras mask
theres so much shit to d oin it
bitch this shade of pink is
Whoa whoa what? Everyone gets colours?
What's mine?
I said Irish Folk. East coast folk too, but that's basically irish folk
hunter green
what did udump ur gf and say "heh yea im going my own way, sry"
SquiddyMcNope, faggot
steve has the nice green
xxdddd good one.
I'm not MGTOW. I just hate most girls.
tsuchi has kinda a mauve
Piss yellow, rest in peace.
seriously tho
orange soda and vodka
is da best!
God damn my colour is literally booger. Fuck off.
Stop drinking fatty.
What color am I?
I don't have color IDs enabled cause Im not a stupid cancerous faggot piece of shit
I can't say no to cute face like that
Are you drinking tonight too?
Nigga it's friday
Join me
Though I have TP with me so I should be fine
Wish i had some weed tho
Mauve is purple.
It's teal.
when you successfully kill the thread after getting permabanned
Its pretty cool.
If you don't dodge back you just get hit in the face.
He can cancel any top heavy finisher with a light or heavy side attack.
The heavy one can't be stopped but it can be blocked.
It hits people who do any dodge other than a back one though
cup might be interested
sorry i forgot my pretentious colour terms
It makes me feel like a real girl when I get pink.
But yeah, it always seems like there's a really common colour each thread.
Manly? Do you own any shirts that colour?
I cri, I'd just proxy if I were you tbqh
Yeah, probably. I have NTR wars to watch.
I don't know if anybody told you yet, but that's just a meme.
then again again tonight is the only night topost with poppa teeps so ...
so ur one of these "gays", huh? haha
i dont see how youcan dislike ladies when on average theyre just better people than the dudes are imo
sure it is
I have a salmon polo somewhere
I thought you were bullying me. It was understandable. Shut the fuck up.
People in general are fucking terrible but women tend to be more retarded most of the time, so yeah.
Who even wears polo shirts anymore?
is it weird that my favourite colours growing up were pink and green?
like not them independently, but them together
i still think the combo is pretty based
aww see above
hi sqish
I love this kid
do you want me to bully you
I will happily oblige
I last wore it in 2016
The same people who wear cargo shorts and aviators.
Oh shit, you too?
I'm gonna wait till Im super rekt and watch it for maximum hype
I also need to watch Konosuba and akiba strip
pics or it didnt happen
I question your childhood if you never had the moment of using the box of 150 colored crayons and then learning the names for all of those weird colors.
I dont have aviators
native american brown
I asked what happened to grimmy and got perma'd
Nope. Go back to ignoring me thanks.
I'll have to try him more, then.
I've had some success with him but just as playing as "generic character".
I accepted you fuckboy
Missed the link
whats poppn my nigguhs
r u sure
aren't you some femboy from tf
I just wear v-necks and a paper thin zip up hoodies of eight different colors.
I've been told I give REMARKABLY good head
f u g
Link to /lewds/.
I'm getting sick and have to do overtime.
I originated on this board you fucking queer, get it straight.
That's pretty gay
Pink and light blue is the way to go.
Yeahh, I have Maid Dragon, KonoSuba, this, and then like, Urara and Idol Jihen.
think I might fuck my brother's friend when I go to seattle pride this year just for shits and giggles and also because I really need to be fucked tbh
drunk as fuck. TINYCHAT WHERE
Oh shit I also like Kino by the way
make sure you eat and sleep well
you really worry me with the amt of work you do
you can't tell someone to get it straight by calling them a queer man
that's just not how it works
no i mean i would get those bit boxes of crayons
but i was never as OCD to learn like all the colours
just get off?
yeah it's a sore subject
Reported for advertising.
nice shitty generic link
Hes well rounded.
I spit that.
Time to see what's up.
I need the cash.
ur not allowed to cuck others waifus lolwut
lol remember when I used to give a shit about this community
ya me too
I would rather have you alive past 30 than living comfortably
I was also talking about him.
can you cross-board link specific threads?
Life is waking agony.
Not sure. You could on 4chan.
do you know what happened
it fits nicely on me, I think you'd like it
back at it again with the permas
Oh shit it's actually a lightish brown like my actual skin color
Jesus christ that's like 2 hrs of chinese cartoons
No wonder you get drunk
I heard maid dragon is 10/10 this episode cause of Kannaxloli
You still constantly try to assert that everything that happens here is somehow a machination of yours and that you are the voice of everyone here.
Well I mean they ban anyone for advertising, then complain it's dead, so it's like a double-edged sword. Oh well I just wanna speak to people and fuck doing it on r9k.
grim check out my post-grimmy ban
get on my level
It's time to dissolve it and everyone to move on.
Empty already reminds me of Nezi and I haven't even read his fucking post yet.
How's it hanging Empty?
What ever happened to Blackjack anyways?
its a bad habit since I'm so used to being knee deep in mod drama
I only know motley and grimmy from there rofl
Does it show off your thicc muscles? Are you swole?
3:35 if you add all the episode lengths together.
It's always 10/10 with Kanna.
It's an image by the same artist that Nezi used to post.
My disapproval is easily earned.
not yet
I've done diet research, now I just need to learn compound workouts then ill be able to hit the gym
you dont have to be swole to look good in some shirts though
RL and armani stuff fit super nicely on me
Well they did dissolve majority of it, by moving to discord, and all but 5 people stayed on the board, more came and then left, now it's back to dying a slow death.
I'm in pain, body is burning up and I can't sleep because I've got a messed up sleeping schedule. Also nothing really happened, I don't get the reasons for the banning, but yeah, stuff I guess? That's how I'd sum it all up.
can we filter kanna to dong
+1 bring back wordfilters
hit f5 instead
I need dick in my ass tbh
the one good thing buttfox did
You need to lose some fucking weight and maybe a bullet in your head.
Lets filter every word to "say nigger!".
test is an unforgiving girlfriend sometimes
But you've been mod for a total time less than a week.
How have you ever been "knee deep" in something that you've never been involved with?
oh speaking of which
I should check in to his hugbox
thx for reminding
My dicks not big enough to get past your massive ass cheeks.
and another reason why it's good that eva is not mod anymore
i mean misanthropy is cool and all and i dont mean to rain on your parade er nothin but people are totally great mostly and especially the ladies. i know youre not goin around the schoolyard talkin about you hate people and deep down i think you know most people in general are loverly
in that case youd have to go to bed like now for even a chance! if you have the bag to do it. i keep sleeping at like 4pm and i dont know if it's late or early im just v confused generally weird times.
whats weird is my perma was apparently lifted for the new year or something i made a couple posts there a while ago and nothing happened. like what gives now i cant have my lewd-outcast rep here
Oh my~!
VeeVee is my favorite new poster now
Sorry feku but this nigga bumbed you down to second best
I knew a couple of people on there but then some got pissed after I started flirting with some trap that had an e-bf and I was like "I'm way hotter than him anyways"
They're pretty hostile but then again Im used to it cause this community ain't any different
lol get a load of this fuckin nerd
Just wait till they play twister
You're gunna be shlicking like a mad man
Drink water and take some medicine, preferably some drowsy kind
Sounds like some internal drama
you are both pretty twinky tbh
grimmy was usually the trigger happy guy to do that stuff
man I only need 7h of sleep a night
im good
is that anna kendric? why does she look so weird in this picture
Like when the ponies just blank post ponies at each other for hours.
sounds cucky
We have more facial hair than most anyone in thread.
holy cult of satans taint empty on tp night?!?!? now ive seen everything!
so like here when it's just europeans
Done, done, don't like anything that helps to induce sleep, too unnatural for me.
Probably, I mean I've been gone from the board for like a month or two, come back to see almost everyone left and it changed owners.
The fact that you've never really influenced any major decision here and still constantly proclaim you were the one pulling strings of whichever admin or mod is more sad than anything.
Oh are they dating again
So are we all ban on sight there, or just TP?
Is that thing that happens here ?
like pubes on faces can hide true twinkdom
Have you not seen me shaven?
oh he changed the tagline to just hobbies and cjing now
is he trying to build his own community
I've done plenty, esp early on around here
it's awful
like ikt and stuble for hours
Feminine beards.
Use splash.
one man
against all else
I have no idea to be honest, I've been out of the loop because of university and other things in life, I'd ask the owner, but I feel like the responsibility was just dropped on him when whatever happened occurred.
I saw my name, hello!
2 years from now it'll be imouto vs animus
If you keep telling yourself that, surely you'll believe it.
i think so
just go sleep when that happens.
I've been part of a community that died before, too. Had to move to this one cause it's basically unkillable.
same exact words can be applied to you
you talk a lot of empty shit
It's called a muff.
I'm a man.
Cucking nerds online is fun tho
You destroy the last bit of self esteem they have and it feels pretty great imo
My sister has some Cyclobenzosomethings and I take like 20 to 30mgs of that and it fucking knocks me out
If you want to just sleep turn on the air or a fan and get naked and cover yourself with a blanket
thats always a nice feeling tbh
Oh you were gone too?
Damn dude, shit crazy
I'm swole af and I look great in everything I wear though!
Good on you though, it's always to hear about stuff like that :3
It tells you if you select them all, but I watched Kuzu no Honkai and it was 300/10
Yo what?
I've never once acted as though I speak for the community or that anything said or done here is of any influence.
and now it's karp what the heck is going on here? i though valentine's day was tuesday thats when it shouldve been so crowded here i thought
yeah, guy's a bit of a freak but what can ya do
dude you have to respect imouto just a little bit i mean it's like 5 people and theyve still stuck around for months. i bet it'll last longer than animus
hey hows it going empty
A muff is a bush, not facial hair.
Everyone here had hot dates, of course.
(Neutral Face Meme)
Fem beards aren't on the face.
u & me bby
it's ya boy grim
I heard you got a lady
yeah I actually put an effort in, I just need to discipline for diet and should be ready
more guys join tho
I havent seen ANY conflict in there
it's actually good bedtime reading
do they realize they are boring
so am i
Ooh la la
Same here, but the ones I was on died, tried to rebuild, but ultimately stayed dead. Now I'm back to moving about, finding new places.
Yeah, so a lot of stuff happened, I'm the last person to ask about it, since I don't know anything.
Uhh, I mean I'll probably go to bed in roughly 3 - 4 hours time, maybe. So I'll be fine.
And yeah, University and other things in life came up, and I was gone for a month or two.
A-okay, apart from the abnormal sleep schedule and the pain, what about yourself?
I came.
I love you too
We had shit go down too.
so king test about the ID thing
will you at least discuss it with your table of chosen gayjerks?
I highly doubt it.
its not even about the community
you just spew baseless or extremely weak accusations and act like you know everything that goes on
like nigga you don't have an all-seeing eye chill
you want to get rid of ids?
Everywhere has shit going on apparently, it must be that time of the year, or something in the water.
I'm a
Fuck you.
If we're lucky it's cyanide.
hell yeah i do
ID's are a personal violation
Lawbringer is such a cunt
how even
right thats what i meant, theyd all be so pleased with their dates theyd wanna blog about it on their favorite board talk about how great their day was
checked in a few days ago and made a post but didnt check on responses. maybe i take a peek again.
dont be coy about it tell me where it hurts deary. me im gettin my life on track probably but what do i know got a jerb workin out a lil bit kind of. the sleep schedule is something id like to fix too wanna get to bed around the 9s and 10s im a few hours short. maybe todays the day i get it back.
disgusting for you to think that i would be lurking every moment and respond to this immediately
i may be subhuman, but I dont let myself rot in just one place.
I mean I mentioned it in a voice chat. I'm not changing it.
I've been tracking calories and meals and such, but I've always just ate when hungry.
Yeah but still get it straight,
Yeah dude, KnH is AotS imo
Am I a pleb for still using VLC?
Just wait till you see the newest maid dragon
Ima nice guy tho
Just fap till you can't no more then you'll be exhausted and pass out
I'll help you out :3
More like Ian fucking died taking 2 tabs of acid
did you see Kon's snapchat story of AX?
I'd like to finish university before cyanide takes effect, thank you very much.
My back and stomach, it's on fire but that will probably be down to my IBD, and if so I have a quick fix for it.
Also that's something I really need, a job because money is very tight for me and bills + rent is expensive yo'.
He wants to user post.
im lost
idk wishu
when I see anything that is at least double chocolate, I'm hooked in :c
at the same time when hes name posting?
just use your phone
i just happened to have not scrolled and your post just happened to have been in the window at the moment after i happened to pause my dragon maids to happenly browse this thread
So me commenting on the fact you just perpetually try to insinuate you voice the entire "community" and that you somehow have "power and influence" over people is somehow baseless?
I want to die.
the only reason the powers that be give for keeping ID's is so it's easier to filter sci
which is a fucking retarded reason
my reasoning is:
beepop created id's cause BC was in his ear
ID's are not natural to our way
I like rats and mice I think they're cute. Obviously not wild ones or ones in your house I mean pet ones.
These are extra steps that he wouldn't have to take.
jesus lord that sounds worse than it is probably
i thought there werent bills and you didnt have to pay for anything in europe??
ban i already told you i post user irregardless i don't care if i am recognized
the pro ID reasoning is just donkey brains
That's what you have Test for.
dat boi
I do got a lady
and a daughter, kinda.
Shit's been intense this past year
hug me
nah! tell me about it!
But I've already done that twice, and I'm not exhausted yet, plus I don't see how you helping me out would make me anymore exhausted, you'd be doing the work, not me.
Oh, uhh... well then.
It can be yeah, but I've had it for a long time and I'm dealing with it well enough for it not to be a constant issue.
Also that's what they'd like to make you think, but we've got bills and stuff to pay too, this is why I need my job and do a very delicate balancing act between job, university and medical stuffs.
Grim. Gilligan.
Shut up.
The mod and admin have both touched my dick.
I own all of you and this board.
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BC user posted all the time. Blood convinced Bebop to take IDs off for a day. What do you get for having them off? Some people can ctrl-f all of an user's posts, filter an user, tell if somebody is a name-changing shit. And if I take them off you get... what?
oh lol nvm
It's just to keep track of people and makes it easier to sort through things. There's no disadvantage to it.
You can hide IDs if you don't like them.