"This would be the right state of mind: the workers in Europe should declare that henceforth as a class they are a human impossibility, and not only, as is customary, a harsh and purposeless establishment. They should introduce an era of a vast swarming out from the European beehive, the like of which has never been experienced, and with this act of emigration in the grand manner protest against the machine, against capital, and against the choice with which they are now threatened, of becoming a necessity either slaves of state or slaves of a revolutionary party"
What do you think about this Nietzsche's paragraph?
"This would be the right state of mind: the workers in Europe should declare that henceforth as a class they are a...
>the like of which has never been experienced
Pretty accurate. Workers leaving behind their existence and flying into la la land like little bees, drinking mana on their way and finally arriving at Übermensch station sure sounds lovely, Mr. Nietzsche.
I prefer my historical materialism, thank you.
Ah, yes. It's the collective that enslaves you, not the society which the collective will destroy. Tell that to Spartacus, the black Jacobins and Panthers, to communist parties, Mr. Nietzsche.
The more I read passages from Nietzsche, the more I'm glad I didn't waste my time on him.
Do their existence even worth anything, that is the unbearable question.
I'm also glad you stay away from him.
How do you leave behind a system, ya dip? Go live a hermit's life? Create Utopian communes that won't last a decade?
This is literally impossible. You can't just stop being a worker and start protesting against the machine from the outside.
True, sadly. Absent sense of humour and a frigid dogmatism of thought are still en vogue amongst 'revolutionaries'.
I think it more has to do with human intelligence converging with autism, and autism being especially prevalent among larpers.
To be perfectly fair the little snippets of Nietzsche that occasionally pop up do not paint an accurate picture of his philosophy.
My standards for Nietzsche are so low that I'm pleasantly surprised by anything even remotely pro-worker, even if it's utopian idealist bullshit like this.
Enlighten us on this Nietzsche passage.
I find his aristocratic individualism interesting tbh but his politics proper were ignorant nonsense.
So what your telling me is that both leftypol and pol are both too fucking retarded to actually pick up a Nietzsche book, and instead just dismiss him out of hand by random quotes on an imageboard.
A worldwide strike isn't possible? Even in the internet age?
If one country did it, more would follow suit
Nietzsche doesn't talk about a strike.
And this doesn't work. Just because workers declare that they, as a class, from now on are an impossibility, doesn't amount to shit.
You need to read more Nietzsche and less of his modern-day idiot admirers never read him as well. The individual is for Nietzsche merely an optical effect of certain reactive forces. At best the subject is a crossroad for the forces of history, and is itself in a state of civil war where different forces try to command and topple each other. Will to power has nothing to do with a will of an individual, which is to Nietzsche a product of slave morality and a development of the Christian notion of soul.
His politics on the other hand are pretty much non-existent, other than a despise of society obsessed with production, science, security, and comfort. But obviously you can read him out of context and make him support anything you want.
Yet he disdains any collectivist approach to politics and universalism in philosophy.
It is obvious to anyone who's ever seriously read Nietzsche that he does not mean that as a political program. His books are not intended for autists though.
The paragraph is opposed to production and work as such, he doesn't want workers to be workers at all, whether they become their own masters or not. Which is much more radical than Marx' myopia that merely wants to make production "moral". Hence he wants to see both porky and its mirror ("revolutionary party") destroyed, the workers swarming out of Europe is merely a joking situation where the whole machine is sabotaged by workers who don't want to play the game anymore. It's a bit similar to Boétie's idea of voluntary slavery in that the machine and its managers are nothing without its hostages, the machine collapses at the moment its hostages reject their condition. Of course long-term hostages also develop Stockholm syndrome…
You niggers seriously need to read some non-Marxist lit.
yeah, pretty much.
t. doesn't understand wage slavery