Just wish I had gotten a screenshot before they deleted all of my beautiful shitposts. I must have made 120 posts in that thread.
I love shitting up ancap threads on halfchan
I do the same fam
libertarian threads are the best target for nazbol attacks
embarrassing tbqh
They get salty pretty easy. Especially when you don't address them, then they start spamming:
I had fun.
another victim of NAZBOL GANG
Let me know when 4chide creates a Holla Forums board, until then go back to your no good, low life gutter, and stay there.
Thinking of becoming Nazbol just so I can be in a gang tbh
Sorry user, I'm an equal opportunity shitposter.
Turn this into NazBol if you want
nazbol is a meme if you didn't notice yet
I'm ancom but pretend to be nazbol on Holla Forums :^)
Post weaponised autism
I don't browse that shithole anymore, but here's some more memes.
/r/ing molyneux olive garden greantext
same, that was a wonderful story.
There's no age of consent because you need to be married
God bless you nazbol gang
Ayy, Fuck Ancaps.
Is pic related your work?
I wish.
tbh the thought turns me on, I nearly fapped to this, no joke