Your brains aren't the only thing that need exercise, Holla Forums. How are all your gains going?
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Did you started with cardio before that?
Zizek doesn't lift
Finished school so I'm getting back into it. April was a bad month for me.
Wrong again
I"m cutting right now
I'm doing bodyweight exercises
I'm too embarrassed to go to the gym
I'm not incredibly fat or skinny or anything, but idk I hate the idea of actually starting out
you might as well have said you were doing nothing. it would accomplish the same thing
going well, its hard to avoid getting chubby. I used to be skinny around 135 lbs about last Jan. Now i'm around 155-160 lbs and have visible pecs and biceps. it seems like regulating your body fat percentage is the hardest part.
I went from not being able to bench the bar to being able to bench well over a pl8 (nothing, i know but its improvement)
Pretty good, ran a few km yesterday with some weights and did some weight training today. Pretty fucking hot today though so thought I'd have some food and beer and leave off any cardio til tomorrow.
I'm cutting right now so I'm lean when I start learning Muay Thai in the fall. Always had problems with shoulders and lunges, can you fags reccomend me any thing for that?
Like pottery.
Did you try to exercise at home?
Why? I thought it was good.
How old are you?
I can only do one pressup lmao
25. I'm not learning Muay Thai for sport and am healthy with no injuries.
leftcoms do nothing again
Are you doing it for self-defence? Are you antifa or something?
I've been going to the gym for almost 5 years now, but it was never really for the purpose of getting super swole, just to have a tight physique and to be in shape. Outside of that I play table tennis at a local club and in competition.
I started lifted literally with bashing the fash one day in mind. I was doing it shitty before, just started a proper program
Yeah I was debating whether to learn to box so I could knock out some Holla Forumsyps lmao
lifting doesn't teach you how to fight
Why does age matter? Do you know some important shit to consider?
t. 26
Somewhat for self-defence I guess cause I've never been in a fight with a dude who could really fight, but mostly just to do it. Not antifa or in a militia.
training in kickboxing/muay thai will help you more for bashing the fash
it's good to do both
both lifting and martial arts trianing that is*
Nahh just curious
Aren't you a bit old for imageboards
Body-weight exercises don't give you good aesthetic gains but they are still useful. If you are trying to get healthy and be useful in a fight body-weight is more then sufficient.
Don't listen this guys wrong. As long as you can carry a gun/pack and fight you will be fine we all don't need to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger. Body-weight is sufficient.
Being strong is useful in a fight. Especially core and leg strength. If you lift you will be able to rag-doll your average alt-right manlet.
But actually learning how to fight, like taking boxing classes will get you fit anyway
Not if you don't know how to actually use the muscles in the fight.
It really depends. Pull-ups are god-tier.
Don't bully me you little shit, I am a 2006 Classic Edition shitposter, slightly used.
cardio kills gains
Cardio gives heart and endurance gains, which actually enhance lifting.
hey guys, I'm thinking in joining a gym in July, after my exams.
I've been trying to gain weight but it seem like I'm stuck at 65kg even though i have 1,78m.
Will weight lifting help me gain weight?
I don't know much about gym stuff…
Eat more, exercise more. Just keep upping the ante. Exercising more is more important than eating more, the more you exercise the hungrier you'll get.
eating breakfast every day
eating lunch
2 cereal bars around 5pm
And sometimes i eat something before i go to sleep
btw, I always eat healthy food i never eat junk food.
yea, i never exercise. I was waiting until i got 70kg to start going to the gym. I hope i can see results after i start going to the gym.
fucking ageists. Next you'll say 29 is to old to fap to cartoon porn.
Is boxing good for street-fighting? I would think some sort of kick boxing, tie-kwon-do or some other system that implements legs would be better.
sort of, uptake of proteins and carbs actually increase during exercise, so eating right after a workout could help gain both muscles and fat. Muscles are also heavier than fat, but you could find yourself struggling to retain the muscle mass if your body-fat percentage is to low.
No boxing is the best, most street fights should be ended with one punch.
in a caloric surplus, yes. you should be weight lifting to preserve/gain lean mass one way or another.
if you want to gain weight you'll only accelerate that by lifting weights, and a greater proportion of that mass will be muscle mass than if you'd just done nothing or pure cardio.
source: years of shitposting on /fit/ and getting myself from auschwitz-mode to slightly better looking than regular manlet mode.
Seriously, go to >>>/fit/ and lurk. A lot.
Eat some protein before bed like chicken or Fish maybe some beef
Eating before bed puts on weight usually combined with high protein it should definitely help
buy whey powder. it's an investment if you're poor/jobless, something like $100 a tub, but it lasts ages and well worth it considering how much protein you get from it vs how much you'd get from just food. plus you can just mix it with water and/or milk to supplement meals, it's an easy 500+ extra cals of more or less pure protein.
>Seriously, go to >>>/fit/ and lurk. A lot.
basically this.
Can I post PDFs here? I encourage you all to absorb Bronson's "Solitary Fitness", it changed my life. You don't need no gym or equipment to be a tough motherfucker.
Please do.
Boxing is seriously the best you can do for most street fights aside from wrestling.
The reality is 95% of the time a streetlight is won by the person who hits the Hardest first. If you want to be really dangerous Muy Thai is a really good marital Art to learn for striking. A good ground game is just as useful though. Classic Wrestling and some Judo is good there.
If you can find a good Combat Sambo teacher (unlikely) that will give you everything you need.
Plus Sambo is the most Socialist Martial Art
don't listen to this faggot.Get a routine going and whenever you decide gym is worth it start lightweight.
Don't listen to him. He's full of shit.
But do a program so you do it right, and go all out. Pushing your body to it's limit is the key to gaining strength.
t. underage
/fit/ is too lewd for me
first page is filled with naked big bois showing of their deluxe bums
Also i guess that the gym helpers can always give me tips on weight gain
thank you guys, with your knowledge, I'm now more motivated to join the gym and punch fascists in the future
isn't that bad for your health? i don't want to compromise my health in the long run
Cardio improves your blood's capability for getting oxygen to your muscles
you're welcome user. seriously though listen to the user who said to lurk /fit/. protip: try to make fitness about looking after yourself in the health sense and in the sense that you can move heavier objects and defend yourself better, you don't have to make it into a big LARPing thing, and don't listen to retards trying to make you feel bad for not deadlifting 300kg or not doing steroids.
not if you don't go absolutely full retard with it, Mark Rippetoe makes the case pretty well imo that nobody has actually observed kidney damage occurring from people eating too much protein.
conversely, don't just go nuts on protein while neglecting your other macros and/or your micronutrients. studies have shown that beyond a certain point, eating lots of protein doesn't seem to have an appreciable effect on how quickly you make gains. you will need more than normal to maintain your current state while doing a heavy strength routine and to put on muscle mass though.
I think you're more likely to damage your health eating too many saturated, or worse, trans fats, and neglecting your cardio completely.
imo if you're going to gain weight you should be completely neglecting cardio so you don't turn into a fat puffed out piece of shit. whether you plan to get into street brawls against fash or do something nuts like join the YPG, you need some stamina.
shouldn't be*
I go to a Muay Thai gym 3 times a week.
Cant wait to unleash these moves on Holla Forums autistis and sleep them. Feels good man.
You are most welcome.
One more thing, and it's important.
Learn proper form before lifting, and always listen to your body.
Sore muscles are fine, but if your joints start to ache, stop, let your body heal and revise your form. A lot of people fuck this up and end up with injuries.
the only thing I workout is my brain, heh.
It's not showing.
Hey /leftyfit/, I've been lifting for two years and practising Krav Maga for one. I'm thinking about picking up Muay Thai because I have strong kicks/knees and need to improve my punching power/technique. Is there anything I need to know
I go to a Muay Thai gym 3 times a week. I recommend it comrade.
The conditioning the Muay Thai is intense. I threw up on the first day, so if you think you are, let it out :-)
I recommend finding a non-mma muay thai gym. They typically care more about the art and perfecting the form over bros banging each others heads in
How intense is muay thai? I'm looking to start training this fall and am wondering how it would synergize with weightlifting and cardio.
I can't second this enough. I lost 80 pounds and when I was getting into lifting after I lost most of it and I fucked myself over on squats.
Muay Thai involves a lot of cardio, so if you have good cardio you should be fine. Expect a lot of bruising though from the punching bags and sparring!
Can any of you guys recommend a weight lifting routine for a hypocalorie diet?
I got bored of my usual lifting routine and hit a punching bag for 1 hour without gloves and now my hands are full of cuts, can't even wash dishes properly.
I've been in my back yard doing Primitive Technology (guy on YouTube) shit. Pretty great exercise.
I'm 25 I think this is the grandad image board
who says I worked that out well too?
im going to have surgeries soon, im going to start lifting when i got recovered from them they are not the big things, but i dont want to loose my newbie gains because of them
So I've already started fixing my diet (cut out Soda and energy drinks and I'm eating more chicken and fish rather than red meat)
But do you guys have any low cost suggestions for weight loss? I was jogging but people told me all the cardio would make me look puffed out and fat anyway.
i just take steroids from the darknet lmao
Fug :DDD
Don't buy into the "cardio is bad" meme.
Dude, weight loss is literally the cheapest thing ever. Free even. In fact even cheaper than free because you're saving money on all the calories you're not eating.
I more meant actual exercises or would just fixing my diet and lifting do the job?
Eating less is basically the only reliable way to lose weight. The weight you lose from exercise is marginal in comparison to the weight lost from eating less.
Just figure out how many calories you need, then eat 500-1000 calories less than that number.
That's not what I said.
I said you would save money by eating less than you would otherwise.
Alright sounds doable
Goodbye junkfood
Cardio isn't bad, but if you're trying to focus on lifting, it's not very good either. It makes it harder to recover and can slow down gains.
Got back into my powerlifting routine. But in general I'm pretty active. Prole af, don't own a car so I walk everywhere
Reposting this. Lifting for 17 months, virtually no gainz. I know my diet is far from optimal, but I should have gained something, surely?
what kind of gains? ascetic gains? strength gains?
if you are not a achieving gains, change what you do. Cardio helps with fat loss, but it is pointless without diet. You need to cut carbs and switch to fat and protein high diets. Look into ketogenesis.
If you are not getting stronger, you also need to change your routine. Stick to freeweights, especially barbell exercises. Lift big, get big. Make sure to do the big 3 gratuitiously, deadlifts, bench press, and squats. Supplement with other barbel lifts, such as overhead press, Pendlay rows, upright rows, front squat, incline/decline bench press, ect. Also sprinkle in dumbell stuff like curls, tricep press, bent over rows, ect.
Avoid machines like the plague
I have the theory that you are having a really bad diet
Localized fat do exist, but it's rare as fuck
Go to see a doctor, your lack of gains can be serious shit if the problem isn't yoyr diet
Zyzzek does lift tho
Volume gainz. Strength has been growing no problem, leg strength tripled and arm strength doubled since I started, but not a hint of muscle.
On the other hand, I did lose plenty of fat, except for those damn places I mentioned.
So now I'm basically an unexpectedly strong skinnyfat.
Currently I'm doing a simple arms/legs/core routine, 3 times a week, since /fit/ kept telling me there's such a thing as overexercizing a muscle.
One of the suggestions I've been give in another site is that my carbs are mostly sweets. I admit, I always had a sweet tooth, and I'd like more opinions on this before cutting back on my precious sugar.
One thing I neglected to tell is that my father has the exact same problem with localized fat, so I'm afraid genetics fucked me over despite /fit/ having given me hope. Alas.
I have already seen 2 gastrologists, a nutritionist, and a shrink that asks for a million tests, and they didn't find anything other than a mild gastritis near the duodenum and mild hypothyroidism.
I've been thinking of scheduling an appointment with a "sports doctor" (dunno how it's called around there, sorry), and maybe an endocrinologist. I figure they're the best two specializations to solve these mysteries.
Fat on those areas is pretty much to be expected unless you have an insanely low BF%
So if you want to get rid of them just work on lowering that.
But the thing is, I wouldn't have those fat deposits if I hadn't been fat earlier in my life. By the logic that /fit/ states, I should lose fat where I gained fat, but these spots remain.
I'm afraid I fucked my shit up for life by allowing myself to be a tub of lard for a while, and now I have to bear this cross.
They remain because you still have fat to lose.
If you want to lose fat just lose more weight. "Genetically fat" is a meme.
Let me tell you how difficult it is to get back in shape when you are in your forties.
pretty much where i want to be. was always thin and lifting put on about 10 lbs of muscle so far
Yeah, getting the diet and exercise right is important. If fact, that's why it's so hard, because learning to cook and be self-sufficient requires discipline.
prove that
Start lifting, you will start eating like crazy. After that you will figure out why you weren't gaining weight previously.
And by "lifting" I mean literal weights. Something you have trouble lifting up dozen/two dozen times. Not a heavy book or whatever is by your side.
You don't even have to join the gym. You can buy dumbbells very cheaply. Bar is usually higher cost mainly because of the bench which is overpriced as fucked tbh.
at the moment i only carry book to the library table ;-;
for a ~30/month membership i can get better equipment and someone to coach me on how to do a proper posture while lifting wights
thanks anyway gulag senpai.