So the hero of the alt-right is a drug addicted criminal. Who has in the past been charged with assault, armed robbery, and selling weapons to the illegal immigrant gang-bangers they hate so much.
The latest hero of the alt-right...
Almost forgot, he probably hates black people because he was raped by other convicts while in the bin.
4d chess
Wow whoulda thunk it
every one I know irl that is into 'alt-right' and 'freeze peach' and 'close our borders' is literally stoned everyday, single mom family, multiple jobs etc etc etc.
I think they literally hate themselves
Cross posted to /po/.
Is masochism at the heart of their movement? They engage in humiliating themselves in public - through stupid costumes and words and actions that resemble hazing themselves. Do they make constant jokes and laugh because they are so close to crying? They have become so alienated from everything - and yet are so uneducated there is nothing but an implosion.
he's a irrelevant shiter lol. going to have some fucked up hapa kid who will end up on r/hapas
Was he /ourguy/ all along?
This. soft core alt righters like him, but Holla Forums hates him for having defective mongrel kids who will go supreme gentleman.
same thing can be applied to everyone on this board tbh.
I've never heard someone rail harder against how single mothers and fun are the scourge of society than from children of single mothers with drug addictions thinking they'll be the ones to fix society
shouldn't what you tell a doctor be confidential?
such American exceptionalism. such mastuh rays
single mothers are pretty shit tbh
you'd think so, this is gang stalking.
He's got an extensive past of violent criminality which has fucked up his chance to live the so called American dream with a good job, a nice house and a loving family, but since he's a white Trumpanzee bashing "teh cultural Marxists" over the head with a stick while draped in an American flag it's "Based Stickman dindu nuffin! He wuz a good boi who turned his life around!"
Yeah, the prideful ignorance of a lot of these Murican' exceptionalists is pretty fucking cringe worthy. Also, I'm appropriating your "muh mahsta rays" meme.
I matched with a girl who had #Maga and #Brexit in her tinder bio (even though I live in Canada) for shits and gigs. After messaging with her for a little while turns out she was an unemployed 18 year old single mother.
Oh, and she called herself a "traditionalist".
Turn her.