Arm yourselves, brothers and sisters!
What are you packing?
Holy fuck there's no /leftyk/ thread
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I got a better version
Op…why the hell do you own a ww2 type of rifle. kek in this day and age of fucking drones, you armed yourself with a semi automatic refle…useless.
Y'all fucking retarded.
You should have spent your money on books instead of your rifle
This is a bolt action rifle, not semi auto. But that's not the point.
First of all, it was dirt cheap and I'm broke. $200 on the consignment rack.
Second, full power rifle cartridge makes it good for taking down large game as well as humans if need be.
Third, if shit goes down the single best characteristic to have in a weapon is reliability. Bolt action has that in spades.
Any kentucky anons want to buy an NPAP from me? good condition, latest gen.
Violence is integral to revolution but this is just pathetic.
t. FBI
who /noguns/ here?
Oh, and point number four
In event of revolution, I don't need to own an AR-15, I just need to drop someone with an AR-15 and take it.
also got a 10/22 with altamont V stock I need to sell.
/nobutterknives/ here.
My father has a pretty decent gun collection and a few years ago he took me to the range to shoot his 9mm. Something about being in an enclosed area with a bunch of other guns going off around me while trying to focus on shooting a gun for the first time spooked tf outta be so I've abstained from guns and hunting.
I don't wanna be pussy anymore, I want to become a gun owner one day and preferably get some practice in out in the middle of the woods in the country before I go around people with one. Give me some advice /leftyk/omrades
This thread basically shows why there is no leftyk.
What's that, a Carcano?
This is an old picture of my SKS, I also have a 10/22 and a 1895 Mauser.
My next gun is probably going to be a 12 gauge pump shotgun.
Why do you need advice? Sounds like you have it figured out.
Shooting guns is like driving cars. At first it's fucking scary so you only want to do it when there's nobody around who you could accidentally hurt, but as you become more knowledgeable and skilled you'll feel more comfortable.
Unlike cars, even the most complex guns are relatively simple machines, and they're far easier to use safely. My advice to you is to get yourself a .22 semi-automatic rifle and spend some time taking it apart and putting it back together again. Then after you intuitively grasp how it works, take it to the range. So long as you're respectful and cautious with your gun you won't hurt anyone, and soon you'll get over those newbie jitters.
I'm confused, is this GMIL or just a carbon copy?
Different guy. About 50% of his stuff is good and the other 50% is pure cringe.
Well he might need advice about what guns he should start with, what kind of exercise he should do… would you say to you technologically illiterate grandma " well you figured it out" if she said "i'll just try clicking at random things on a computer before trying to send e-mails"?
I'm European, can't have guns.
I'm European and i have one. What country are you from?
tfw britbong and cant own guns
would like to own an SKS and a revolver though.
Brit here, does anyone know how to get a gun license over here and if it's worth the effort required to get one?
Hitting all the basics. Very nice.
No, man. It's a fully automatic AR-15.
I'm prior military.
This country is terminally cucked
what country are you from?
Ah, I misunderstood the context of the post. I thought some rando was replying sarcastically to you, my apologies comrade.
That being said, I get the idea that because of hollywoo and vidya people have a really fucked idea of guns: No training required, expert marksmanship built into the gun, bullets are instakill on enemies but spitballs on you, most deadly machine on planet but if its in your hands its a harmless toy, and so on.
Anyway, I'm just glad to see a trained comrade spreading his knowledge to us basement dwellers.
can't own handguns though
Mostly worthless though. Militaries used to issue them to officers because of the tradition that the officer shouldn't actually be fighting.
It was mostly for killing yourself if you got humiliated on the battlefield.
No-gun here. A bolt-action and a shotgun are probably all you'll need TBH. With a shotgun you can hold your house, with a rifle you can shoot out of it. They're also easier to learn, from what I've heard.
Any New England anons here.
Also what do you guys think of Leftist militias?
It's easier to carry though. Might be useful in period of relative peace.
Guns won't save you when the police come. They will just make sure you get described as an "armed communist terrorist" instead of a "communist terrorist".
When the Nazis started the Reichstag fire they blamed it on Communists just becasue they could.
Guns help Leftism defend from right wing terrorists.
If shit hits the fan where are you going to get more ammo for your carcano? You ought to have something in .308/.223/9mm/7.62x39/5.45x39/7.62x54mmR(last three may not be as good of an idea since they may be less common then the former since they're Russian unless you live in Europe) or something in common hunting cartridges like 30-06
Truly the most dialectical answer.
I'm not from NE but we definitely need more of them.
Je kunt hier legaal wapens bezitten fampai
A rifle is a rifle.
A milspec M4 tricked out with twelve pounds of crap isn't going to do you any better against a drone, or a tank, or a helicopter than a bolt action.
Living in Australia is suffering.
I have always wanted to own both an AR-15 and a Ruger Redhawk.
As it stands I have to content myself with going out and shooting feral pigs on a mates property a few times a year.
Even then all I get to use is an ancient, rim-fire, sporterised bolt-action.
Fuck anti-gun liberals.
The only reason I even bother formally voting is to back the Hunters and Fishers party.
Thats a lot of guns fyam
I'm just getting started by /k/ standards. I plan to add pics related by the end of the year. Also not pictured in my first post is a Geco 12g SXS, an H&R Pardner 12g single, Savage Model 64 and Browning BLR.
Oh that break-down Little Badger. I've got a massive hard on for survival rifles. Check out the Chiappa M6 if you want to drool over the resurrection of the old military M6 Scout 410 ga/22lr break-down rifle.
holy shit, heb je echt een geweer?
is het niet bijna onmogelijk om er een te krijgen?
Good fucking taste fam
Theory without action is a sickening lifestyle of excuse making.
Smashing trash cans is action?
Some people doing good things and some people doing silly things is overall better than everybody sitting around touching themselves to anime.
if i'm a volunteer in the YPG, can i keep the kalashnikov?
Is my mother an idiot? I told her I was going to buy a gun safe in preparation for at least a rifle, she said I couldn't and began to rant.
How many radical labor unions are you organizing exactly?
How is it even possible to be old enough to buy a gun but not old enough to own things your mom doesn't like?
Thats america for ya, I'm assuming
What is the cheapest rifle I can get thats worth owning? I know realistically I will never be in muh revalushin so I dont need an AR-15 but I would like to participate in armed marches and at least become comfortable with operating a gun and a decent shot.
I used to hunt and target shoot as a kid in PA backwoods with a .22 and a lever action 30-6, have also shot handguns and shotguns so not a TOTAL amueter but almost
Haven't been able to afford to move far away from my moronic family yet. And yes 'Murica :(
If you are looking for cheap guns check out your town's local pawn shop. If you are in america you are almost guaranteed to find some guns there, they are used so generally cheaper.
Hey there, porky! Watcha' doin'?
Thanks. I'm checking some out now and this looks like a good start.
Stereotypical as hell, but I got me a wwii nugget I shoot with about once every other month. What can I say, they're cheap and come pre-soaked in nazi blood. Can't own a handgun cuz I'm suicidal as fuck. Suggestions on an auto shotgun with a barrel longer than my arm so I can't blow my brains out?
your liberalism is showing
starting with .22 isn't that important, IMO. it's good that's it's cheap to practice with, but getting a spotting scope and a rifle with good iron sights is more important to getting better faster. also make sure you practice dry firing a lot.
be careful with dry firing some weapons it can mess them up
Depends on what you intend to do with it.
Learning to shoot and doing it cheaply? Ruger 10/22 or Marlin model 60.
Taking small game and pest control? Same. Although a .410 / .22LR break action brush gun is also good.
Big game? Milsurp is the quickest way into full power rifles. 1903s that have been bubbafucked are cheap, so are SMLEs and Mausers. But the ammo gets hellaciously expensive if you're not in .30-06
Home defense? Remington 870 or Mossberg 500 with #4 buck (don't use 00 buck, it goes through walls like paper)
What is this suicide cult you're in?
wow thats useful if you need to shoot any rats or really small dogs
You forgot your leftcom flag
What are the rifle ammunition laws here, man? I keep trying to look them up, but I keep getting vague answers that don't make much sense.
Live thread
It is pretty much impossible to get your hands on ammunition that is not rim-fire.
Hell, it is pretty much impossible to own a gun out here if you do not also own a farm - even then there are a bunch of silly limitations.
Honestly that's a huge problem in the US as well. Probably millions of working class Americans don't have a real economic ideology, but they see Democrats trying to take their guns so they vote for the Republicans and from there get exposed to right wing ideology.
If we could just get rid of those antigun neoliberals [COUGH COUGH DIANE FEINSTEIN] life would be a whole lot easier for the actual left.
Good messaging, mane.
and arguing with other marxists online is action ?