On one hand, I feel this is a good thing since circ is a huge violation of personal autonomy. On the other hand it's pretty fucking obvious this law is directly aimed at Jews and Muslims who are both small, vulnerable minorities. Thoughts?
Norwegian party calls for circumcision ban
Other urls found in this thread:
NAZBOL gang is picking up steam
oh boo hoo, muhslims and jews can't mutilate little kids anymore.
Boo-fucking-hoo, organized religion is cancer
anti-mutilation is inherently leftist
Poor Jews and muzzies who can't force their religion on and horrifically mutilate their children!!
Back to reddit with you.
It's baby mutilation. They mutilate baby dicks. Being minorities is a non-issue in this situatuion.
Let people get circumcised at 18, there, problem solved
Who cares? If your traditional culture is one that mutilates boys, it probably doesn't deserve to be preserved.
they should also ban their disgusting animal slaughter techniques
There is no side to take in a matter of religious institution imposing things versus the bourgeois state imposing things, while of course being against religious practices as socialists is self-explanatory.
They already are in Belgium.
OP is probably a Holla Forums false flagger expecting liberal replies but his plan backfires
nobody who's been here for a while would actually speak of 'small, vunerable minorities'
Supporting the bourgeois state banning anything is no victory for the genuine left. Banning circumcision is just like banning the burqa: it does nothing to solve the problem of religious mythologies or religious authorities and just alienates said religious groups even more, which ultimately makes them fall into the arms of their fundamentalist archons.
If they want t o rip the skin from their cock, they can do it when they get to 18 yo.
It was about time someone do this.
how liberal
Banning the burkha is just meaningless persecution, this is about banning actual harm, not the same thing
I remember times when shit like this thread was simply saged to oblivion with stirner memes. This board surely changed a lot
except we'd ban this barbarism in socialism. the ussr was the first country to ban the burqa and also banned jew fundamentalism too.
But there are a lot of women who are forced to wear burqa or niqab. There's little to no difference.
I'm walking the dog, there's nothing better to do. And maybe showing pol we're not all like kekeke mutilate the babies goyim will make them think twice about anti idpol left
Honestly there have only ever been a few hours with no retards online that this has been the case.
In practice, it's the same, because you're still alienating a religious community and forcing Enlightenment secularism on said "barbarians" as a civiizing mission.
Nah, it's different from mutilation. If women aren't allowed to wear the burkha their radical parents/husband probably will just stop them leaving the house as much as possible, I don't think Jewish kids will suffer because of this
It's painfully obvious
Only an atheist state can uphold freedom of religion, idiot.
Jewish and Muslim parents will take their boys to get cut in the back alleys.
It might also further theft of Palestinian land, since Bibi will be more than happy to welcome Jewish families seeking to relocate due to the laws. Expect waves of Norwegian Jews moving to the settlements if this shit goes through.
Religious spooks should be eliminated ideally, secularism is better, the only thing wrong about what you're mocking is the anti-freedom/oppression of it. Unless there's demonstrated harm because of a religious practice it's probably better to do nothing but in this case there is.
That too. We are not only seeing the state dictate how it ideally wants the proletariat to be, but are also seeing an automatic strengthening of fundamentalist forces as religious institutions restrategize to maintain influence.
Your point? The USSR also punished proletarian resistance against its official line and even striking with slave labor or even violent repressions, recriminalized and persecuted homosexuality post-RFSFR and failed to give the proletariat any kind of autonomy too.
fuck off
Eh maybe some but I doubt many will, regardless the solution there is to crack down on illegal shit like that. Whereas the women would probably agree they shouldn't go outside without a burkha of you asked them.
Leftcomm GTFO go back to your armchair.
However this is a fair point. I still think it should probably be banned though. Just sick shit.
he's right you know
It's not comparable. Baning a burqa and headscarfes iks retarded because it's just a piece of clothing.
Circumsicion is wrong, men are born with that extra skin for some reason, if they want to remove it, they can do it themselves when they grow up…which i bet the vast majority would never submit themselves to doing that voluntarily after some years walking around here.
Yeah I mean I'm a state socialist and even I don't really defend the USSR
If anti-circumcision bans are mandated all throughout Europe, nearly all of Europe's Jews will immediately run to Israel, where they'll be housed on the settlements to ensure Zionist lebensraum. By supporting these bans you are supporting the ethnic cleansing of Palestine in the long-run.
Do you have to be a leftcom to be against tyranny under the red banner? Fuck off, mate.
This is 100% pure white saviorism.
Nice meme
Is there really any evidence of that? It's hardly like it's kristalnacht 2.0, moving to Israel is a big thing. Furthermore I object to the argument we can never do anything that upsets religious people in case they do x, things should be judged on their merits, take care of the Israel problem separately.
hello jidf
Let's ethnically cleanse your country and make you live in an open air prison, there's plenty of other white countries so it's fine
Please do, I hate my country tbh
Yeah but you still have to live there in even worse conditions than it is now.
You can't have socialism without anti-imperialism. Of course the Palestinians matter in this whole discussion. If laws are passed which restrict Jewish religious freedom, Jews will run off to Israel, which will cause a huge demographic problem for the Palestinians. Palestine can't be fully decolonized without 1. a one democratic state and 2. a land reform to ensure all historical wrongs have been righted. This works fine if Jews are still a minority but if, say, 60% of the people between the river and the sea are Zionist colonials you can't have a decolonization any more than you can give North America back to its indigenous people. So yes, any principled anti-Zionist would do whatever they could to prevent more Jewish settlement in Palestine.
t. cutfag
What did he mean by this?
Foreskin reconstruction is much more difficult than taking off a burqa. You can change the clothes you wear at any time, but genital mutilation last for the rest of your life, so keep those issues separate. I don't want the banning of burqas, but banning genital mutilation is something we should cheer for.
How about not believing in bullshit like Allah or Javweh?
I'm surprised they didn't include Indonesia tbh
i don't know if it would actually happen, but the idea does exist
basically, if europe does anything jews don't like, israel will happily take them in and probably pay for their travel expenses
French Jews were going to leave if Le Pen was elected.
doesn't she like israel? most rightists do
Only on the basis of military alliance. Her party wants to ban stars of David and kippahs.
wtf i love le pen now
I got circumcised at birth. what am I missing out on guys?
Your foreskin.
I really don't give a shit.
The best part of the penis.
Painless masturbation
you don't care about males having a part of their anatomy removed before they have the ability to consent?
I can still crank out 2 or 3 a day if I wanted before it becomes uncomfortably sore.
Human dignity
Palestinians living within Israel have better civil liberties and standards of living than Arabs anywhere else on earth.
that's nice. what about those living in the occupied territories? or the refugees living in surrounding countries? you know, since that is the actual issue
this is your brain on liberal media
this meme needs to die
if you're such a filthy piece of shit you can't even wash your penis then you don't deserve foreskin
Wash your fucking dick you nasty asshole.
Considering Americans think shitting themselves in the supermarket is freedom maybe lopping off little bits of them for hygiene purposes is for the best.
Try 7 in a day
No one should be forced into this
Just ban it, no need to delve in a puddle of mud.
Fuck kikes and fuck Pisslamists.
When I was in elementary school one of the kids in our social circle we use to play sports with was Asian, and uncircumcised, and everybody ended up ostracizing him, and this continued all the way into high school when it came to dating, and sex. I specifically rember this whore saying she'd never touch an uncut dick, and it was "gross", and all her friends agreeing. To this day it scares the shit out of me that if I had a son, and chose not to circumcise him, this would be his fate.
This is how retarded you sound.
So wait. Can we ban circumcision then when Jews and Muslims are a majority?
Hang on a minute. Are you implying its OK to chop bits of their genitals off because they are part of a small vulnerable minority?
Fuck the muslims and jews.
Welfare of society > spooky retarded deathcults
This is what really matters. And it's a good idea.
Who gives a fuck what Jews and Muslims want? This consideration is pointless.
Same here. None of my family even had any religious obligation to do so. They were just stupid and thought it was a normal 🍀🍀🍀tradition🍀🍀🍀.
That's less and less common now though. You gotta fight Kellogg man.
Kids make fun of other kids for ANYTHING that is different about them. Being uncircumcised just happened to be one of the differences. They would have found other things to make fun of him for, had he been circumcised. Don't make the same mistake your parents made.
Wow. You have managed to be worse than a stereotype of yourself.
The modern left, ladies and gentlemen.
If people for once would look at it rationally, one would see that circumcision is actully a good thing. For one, it reduces chances of getting penile cancer if performed when the boy is young. The fact that it is perfomermed by some religious or a given culture is irrelevant. If I had the chance to get circumcised when I was younger I would definitely do it. Only downside I know of with circumicision is if it is done by non-professionals and possibly reduced sensitivity.
Your argument is completely voided by the fact that adults can choose to get the surgery at any time. The cancer risk does not happen until you are middle aged or older. Forcing it on infants is entirely pointless.
Its fine for women because its only a minor cut and it stops them going out and getting themselves raped. But the complications are potentially really bad for men. You get problems where the penis gets infected or retracts in to the body. With really young babies they cant tell you when they are in pain. Often if they are in severe pain they go catatonic and parents think the kid is fine when hes in severe 'development altering' pain.
It's not fine for women either… wtf user. Genital mutilation is not fine for anyone.
Anything to stop child mutilation. It's fucking evil, and both Jews and Muslims can deport themselves elsewhere if they can't handle not being able to cut up children. They can do it themselves after they reach majority if they are that spooked.
Cutting off your breasts reduces the chance of breast cancer. Crazy how that works.
Some forms are quite horrible.
But those are rare. Comparing the most common form of both – boys usually have it worse.
No form of genital mutilation on infants is acceptable.
Good. An individuals right to bodily integrity should be respected. These barbaric practices should be outlawed.
It doesn't matter who has it worse. All forms of infant genital mutilation are unethical.
Islam used to be reactionary. Now Islam has great potential to be REVOLUTIONARY against capitalism and imperialism.
Religious laws are reactionary and should be destroyed. Certainly no one should experience their consequences who cannot consent to them. As Ernst Busch once said,
No thanks.
Non-stop pro-circumcision shilling in all the most upvoted posts. God damn, I hate Reddit.
Yes, this is an interesting development.
In contrast to it's name, the progressive party is actually a right wing nationalist populist party with the core issues; less taxes, cheaper booze, less immigrants, more welfare fore the elderly, less welfare for everyone else.
The interesting part is that they have also been relentless supporters of Israel, to appeal to the charismatic christian movements that unironically believe the Jews are Gods special little friends. I wonder if this is indicative of a trend where the popularity of the alt right is starting to turn Israels right wing supporters against them.
Also I forgot to add with girls they tend to do it at an older age which is much less damaging. When your a baby your basic senses are being developed at a rapid pace in response to your environment. Inflicting pain on them at that point can cause lifelong issues like depression anxiety etc.
Fuck off liberal.
I already explained why its much worse to do it to boys.
are they? Source? cutting of the clit seems worse than removing foreskin.
I tend to agree. But this is a really stupid argument.
Are you actually making excuses for religious nutjobs so they get a pass for mutilating children? Not to mention all these other spooks these abrahamic wackos believe in and have no basis in reality.
Since Holla Forums and Holla Forums are largely an American audience, it is no surprise they would defend circumcision. Clear case of stockholm syndrome.
I always thought Stirner would have been more of a MAC-10 guy than a Tupperware guy.
I would love to know the cultural makeup of Holla Forums. Than would help understand better what is written.
Fuck the Jews and Muslims
Also, Army of Godless fucking when?
Muslims will be sent to gulag
First off condolences for your mutilated jewdick.
=- Circumcision Decreases Penile Sensitivity.==
(Bronselaer, G. et al., "Male Circumcision Decreases Penile Sensitivity as Measured in a Large Cohort," BJU International 111 (2013): 820-827. ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
You are literally only 1/4th the man if you have a jewdick.
Circumcised men can't even compete.
You can't even last despite not feeling as good lmao
- Circumcised Boys Have More Emotional and Behavioral Problems.
(Leone-Vespa, T. "Understanding the Relationship Between Circumcision and Emotional Development in Young Boys: Measuring Aggressiveness and Emotional Expressiveness," Alliant International University, 2011, 138 pages; 3467063.
All the cutfags have a duty to sue every jew to death for their insane cult that robbed them of their literal satisfaction and quality of life, manhood, and dignity.
Fun Fact: ''Did you know? - That the foreskin has more nerve endings in its foreskin than does a woman's clitoris (both mutilated by savage Abrahamic faiths?). It's true. More than 200% more as much to be exact.
If circumcision is so bad for the brain, why are Jews and Muslims disproportionately smarter than whites?
None of you understand the feeling of being circumcised, all the emotions, and actuality that comes with. The immense feelings of power over others around you, all money, and the women that come along with it. Join us Holla Forums, renounce your petty moralist arguments, and swear to NEVER speak of the sacred ceremony ever again.
I agree but it's impossible. Same with arguing with the Muslim women who have their clit cut they say the same things cut men say like how they can still achieve orgasm and feel good and all that jazz and it's true but the thing is that it will never ever been as been had they actually had their clit or foreskin. It's hard to understand what they never had to begin with, after all. The worst part comes for the men though because not only do they themselves lose out but so do their partners. All statistics and studies show that women prefer intercourse with a man who has his foreskin and that's because it feels better for the woman as well. The foreskin does things such as keeping the penis moist and smooth like it's supposed to be (think of your eye) which hurts less for the girl you're doing it with as well as providing a cushioning effect in the vagina with more "meat" for her to get off to. This is in contract to cutting off the clit which not only has only half the nerve endings of the foreskin but does nothing to make your partner feel better. You get rid of the foreskin and both partners lose out. It's awful.
Here's the proofs by the way
>O’Hara and O’Hara reported that women who had experienced coitus with both intact and circumcised men preferred intact partners by a ratio of 8.6 to one or 860% more
>Women reported they were about twice as likely to experience orgasm if the male partner had a foreskin.
>Women reported they were significantly more likely to have experienced vaginal dryness during intercourse with circumcised than with genitally intact men
Fuck off reddit
The foreskin itself is primary erogenous tissue and is estimated to contain twice the nerve endings of the clitoris.
In terms of sensory loss there is no reason to assume cutting off the clitoris is inherently worse than cutting off the foreskin. They're both terrible.
If you watch the video, the anatomist Dr. McGrath explains that although the clitoris and male glans are homologous, their pattern of innervation is very different. The glans is NOT the most sensual part of the penis and is primarily innervated with pain-sensitive free nerve endings.
The majority of a male's erogenous encapsulated nerve endings are in the preputial tissue itself, especially the frenulum (often removed and invariably damaged during circumcision) and the ridged band.
On top of that, though, there are many forms of female circumcision, some of which don't even involve cutting off the glans clitoridis at all. Some forms are as "mild" as just drawing a single drop of blood from the clitoris or clitoral hood–and yet even these forms are banned in the US since 1997.
What we have going on in the US is a situation in which girls have complete protection from circumcision (even symbolic, non mutilating forms that draw just one drop of blood), but male scan be circumcised extremely, even to the point that they experience an extreme loss of primary erogenous tissue and can experience lifelong pain, bleeding, and narrowing of the urethral meatus.
This situation is itself illegal as it violates the guarantee of equal protection under the law, and there have been legal experts who published articles in law journals explaining this.
The cut men have a duty to ensure their children don't get mutilated.
1: Women enjoy uncut cocks more than cut cocks.
Source: healthcentral.com
2: Fapping feels better with a non-mutilated cock.
Source: cirp.org
3: Circumcision lowers sensitivity.
Source: foxnews.com
4: Cutfags have a more difficult time fapping.
Source: onlinelibrary.wiley.com
Which was the reason it was promoted in the USA.
Source: english.pravda.ru
5: Cutfags have an increased chance on suffering from erectile dysfunctions.
Source: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
6: Circumcision does not lower chance on getting AIDS or any STD for that matter
'American babies are nothing more than production inputs for the child mutilating highly exploitative capitalist cosmetic industry.
Because of racist immigration laws.
Back in the 70s and 80s you couldn't come to the US from the Muslim World unless you were coming for school, hence all the Muslim doctors and engineers.
Look at the Muslims in France or the UK and you'll see how they're dumb as fuck.
Take your shit bait elsewhere
this has got to be a Holla Forums false flag, or an Islamist who found their way here from reddit. no way is anyone else this stupid.
sage for shitty thread, personally I hope they ban non-medically necessary circumcision though.
r u avin a giggle m8?
It's just to do with CNS physical signals which your brain has trouble making sense of like phantom limb disorder. Obviously evolution made it clear you weren't supposed to purposely mutilate yourself or kin.
More than that, many many circumcisions are botched and fail and even ones that don't fail still cause permanent damage. In addition to the inherent loss of musculature and specialized sensual mucosa, after circumcision, disordered growths of damaged nerve tissues form in the circumcision scar. Many men experience pain due to this.
You really don't know what you're talking about.
There are many different forms of female circumcision, many of which are of a far less extreme nature than male circumcision forms that are common in the US.
Yet all forms of female circumcision are illegal to do to minors in the US, even forms that are less severe in terms of erogenous tissue loss than common forms of male circumcision.
You are probably thinking that female circumcision always involves clitoridectomy and infibulation. That's not true.
Besides, you're persecuting Muslims, the most vulnerable minority currently as their practice is outlawed (and rightfully so imho) while the jew ones aren't.
Not just cushioning, sorry. Women prefer uncut penises once they tried them because the foreskin makes a suction/subpressure effect. By not having a foreskin both partners lose out. Sad.
Know this, that the people who push circumcision the hardest tend to often be religious nutjobs or sick fetishists who get off on the idea of slicing up baby penises
Exhibit A: Brian J Morris, professor of molecular science at the University of Sydney Australia and member of the Gilgal society, promoters of mandatory circumcision for all males and distributors of circumfetishist literature including writings which describe grown men masturbating during the circumcisions of young boys. The head of the Gilgal society, Vernon Quaintance is a convicted pedophile.
absolutely fucking disgusting.
tl;dr Pro-circumcision lunatics are sickos, wackjobs, and pedophiles.
lol it has nothing to do with hygiene. Americans are insane with their stockholm syndrome mental gymnastics for mutilating their dicks but the real reason was something religious spooks see
In light of this, it is quite remarkable that hundreds of years ago, Maimonides himself plainly stated that the purpose of male circumcision was to decrease sexual pleasure not just for the circumcised man, but also for his partners.
Hell, the Americans even literally used it as a punishment!
Kellogg was but one of many screwball "doctors" who pushed circumcision (and other forms of genital mutilation, like male infibiulation) as a punishment for masturbation.
So you fap? Time to chop off the best part of your dick.
Oh and finally
Capitalist American dogs deserve their awful fate. They choose to mess with the one thing that made them a man above all others. They will never match up to a true proletarian who their wives and girlfriends lust after daily when they see their hard labouring and the physical merit in imbued upon them their fat porky husbands and boyfriends with their shriveled little mutilated penises cannot ever hope to compete or satisfy them.
This should be European-wide as well.
Unstunned slaughter with a universal ban too.
It goes against our culture and is extremely backward and harmful.
All women should be circumcised.
It is prettier, and far more hygienic.
If they had their mouths circumcised too, they wouldn't be such insufferable cunts. Certainly a blowjob might be out of the question, but it is worth the price.
Poor savage traditions of destroying baby dicks, somebody think of the feefees :^(
Fuck the Jews and Muslims. We shouldn't have to consider their autistic traditions when making policy.
Well put.
Plus it just looks more aesthetic when a girl is cut. And no nasty smelling vagina cheese.
This is not really comparable as it has several great side effects, which circumcision of the foreskin of the penis does not have.
Performing the surgery as an adult is not correlated with reduced risk of cancer, in fact som studies show the opposite (increased).
As for "cancer risk does not happen until [old]", cancer risk is cumulative; it does not start suddenly when you are old. Sure, it is when people get old most get cancer, but the risk of cancer starts from the point of the production of your parents' germ cells and only increases thereon.
What the fuck?! Is that really why it hurts?!
Yeah, with a foreskin you don't need lube or anything. Is bretty nice.
How many layers of false flag are you on my dude
You know what to do
The USSR banned it for a reason
Okay steady on man you might be going a bit far here. I agree with you but being cut isn't like a fate worse than death.
We're not liberals here you retard
Even then, circumcision in the US is for stupid shit like "it makes it cleaner" or "uncircumcised penises are uglier". In other words, the reasons are either because of getting meme'd at its worst, or literally feels>>>reals when beset with evidence to the contrary of the memes
ITT: People who have an exaggerated view of male circumcision and justify their views with oversimplified arguments and shock images while some retards who are basicly the opposite are doing basicly the same thing. meanwhile some Holla Forumsacks and the NAZ-BOL GANG where attrackted by the autistic screaming of both sides (and the small whispering that are the little parts of unpolarised discussion) and start to shitpost and derail the thread. If not already appeard, this leads to some stirnerfags to post about how spooked everyone is, and a user who CLAIMS to have read sayas thatn evrything is ideology and idpol exept for fist-fucking. Oh yeah did I forgot about the MLs and stalinfags who want to send eveyone to
>>>/gulag/ ?
Aaaand finally the collective Holla Forums autism reaches its peak as some retarded tripfag enters the discussion. Leave this thread, its was determined to be shit.
And, they can't just quit being religious because?
t. cutfag
I'm circumcised but I have no idea why. I'm not Jewish or American so it's just kinda there. My brother isn't though.
Prob. 'cause you had phimosis
While not all, there are some infants where circumcision in necessary especially those who are found to be developing UTI's and whose foreskin is shown to be causing retractional problems. Family history also comes into play concerning foreskin problems. While in a first world country having a circumcision really is an arbitrary choice, in my opinion I wouldn't vouch for doing it unless necessary. The claims in this thread however are hugely overexaggerated as the AAP compilied data from over 40 years a while ago and came to the conclusion that, while there remained some positives to being circumsized, it was completely arbitrary whether you had on or not. Claims of pleasure loss were made when a Canadian reasearcher in 1987 when rigid bands were discovered in the foreskin which is still hotly disputed by urologists as little evidence has been shown to suggest experiences of pleasure differ greatly between men later in their sexual life or how the surrounding nerves are effected by the removal of the bands. Claims about burning sensations vary greatly, with a majority of circumsized patients never complaining (i.e. that study cited above was a case study of around 1000 uncircumsized men vs 300 circumsized, something anybody with a cursory knowledge in extrapolating data should know is nowhere near a conclusive study). Also that statement about "Circumcision causes awtism" is such complete bullshit, just read the source. It doesn't even make sense. The female pleasure one might however hold some merit.
t. In a medical profession
tl:dr despite some minor differences, circumcision doesn't matter if done properly, which means if you live in a country with questionable healthcare and have complications you should probably get yourself checked out
tbh circumcision is a female conspiracy to make dicks more presentable and less disgusting
Bout fucking time! As a baby I was robbed of mine. No Schlomo.
they can always fuck off back to jordania
hello bibi
I think it's pretty fucking obvious this law is directly aimed at babies who are the smallest and most vulnerable minorities you fucking spastic.
Yeah, this too. I've seen a kosher slaughter and it's pointless torture. If you slaughtered an animal (more) humanely and labeled it kosher they'd never know the fucking difference.
The foreskin is basically the male clit. That's even undeselling it tbh. It has more functions than most organs, and some we don't yet fully understand. For instance, there are hormone receptors on the foreskin that appear to be analogous to hormone receptors in the vagina. We don't know what the foreskin ones doe, but the vagina ones respond to hormones secreted by semen and promote emotional bonding. So it's probable that cutting off the foreskin doesn't just make sex worse for both parties (reduced sensitivity, lubrication problems, etc.) but it also makes it more difficult for a man to love his partner.
Wew, better cut off that nose so your sinuses dry out and you don't have to deal with icky gross boogers.
Some forms of male genital mutilation are also quite horrible. There's a version where the penis is cut in half lengthwise, and let's not forget the storied history of castration and emasculation. That said, even the least harmful versions, where they give a little girl a small nick on the pubic area near the genitals is unacceptable.
aaaaaand this is why I don't believe in any of this anti-circumcision bullshit. Because they think there are still great mysteries to the human body and somehow in the distant future they'll be proven right
I can't imagine jerking off as much if I had to deal with smegma let alone of my dick was somehow more sensitive like uncut fags claim
how does smearing your ideology on random things contribute to threads?
Yup, this.
This also, and he's using prefab b8 since mentioning circumcission in any context is guaranteed derail and (you)s
you can put a niquab back on without surgery, fuck off lol
you're either drunk or retarded
america could really use some nuclear attacks
No, the medical literature especially in the US just ignores the foreskin beyond how to remove it. There's no great mystery, just a lack of research.
There's already more than enough to eviscerate routine infant circumcision as anything like a beneficial medical practice.
Not a problem if you wash your dick.
It's more sensitive in the way that a hand with fingers is more sensitive than a hand without. Because you have all the nerves that your body evolved to have intact, the signals are useful in regulating the function of the rest of the organ. Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation are strongly correlated with circumcision.
Except IRL in parts of the world where FGM happens the men are overwhelmingly indifferent and tend to be clueless that such a thing even occurs. It's the women who insist on carrying on the tradition by and large.
Nobody is ignoring it, its just the studies centered around it have yet to show any conclusive data to the claims you made. Given that almost all of the verified compiled data done by researchers points to properly done circumcisions having little effect, I agree it has little benefit as well, but some children do need it and some families know they have complications regarding foreskin
It's already empirically verified that circumcision causes permanent changes to structures in the brain, and that there is a massive reduction in sensitivity. Stop spreading these pro-circ muddy-the-waters memes that support a profitable business based on mutilating babies.
No, you fuck. The problem isn't that there's a lack of benefit, it's that it's an inherently harmful procedure that is not medically indicated.
There are non-surgical remedies, and even surgical ones that do not remove the entire foreskin. It's standard medical practice especially in the states for a doctor to suggest circumcision in response to pretty much any problem involving the penis.
Also, your claim abot a huge drop in sensitivity has already been disproven jurology.com
The articles mention studies that meet the gold standard in removing bias and aquiring data. While I agree removing the foreskin is sometimes over recommended, taking only a bit off can also lead to later complications as the foreskin if left only portionally complete. Non-surgical remedies wont stop reacurring problems from coming back, some families foreskins are just really easily infected or messed up. A UTI in an infant is serious, we can either put 5-month year old on continuous medication for something that may keep coming back or remove the foreskin safely.
Circumcision generally isn't done with anasthesia, and the nerve blocker that's normally used doesn't even block the right nerve (because it's too dangerous to block the right nerve).
UTIs are less common in boys than in girls, and you can WASH THE PENIS to reduce the danger instead of amputating roughly half the skin on the organ.
These studies are based on surveys where the men report and assess their own sexual pleasure, which makes them worthless. As for debunking the drop in sensitivity, you're pulling this common line that conflates reducing the claim of reduced sensitivity of the penis as a whole with reduced sensitivity of the parts that are not removed. Sensitivity drops as a result of circumcision because the foreskin is innervated tissue, and removing it removes that nervous tissue. The drop in sensitivity of the glans due to keritanization is minimal compared to the drop in sensitivity due to the removal of nerve endings, especially tactile corpuscles en.wikipedia.org
We've come up with new and better anathetics and methods since the finding that infants experience significant pain. It is also the reason most circumcision is done postnatal due to neonates experiencing less pain. Also, UTI's are less common but we are talking about children who show repeat UTI's or happen to have a UTI's as an infant. Yes, this can be reduced by washing but some children are more easily prone to infection due to just the way there foreskins are.
Your forgetting that the third article also has a huge sample size talks about how some men actually found an increase in sensitivity. While the band does in fact have a tactile nerve endings, your making the foreskin out to be the main center of sensitivity. We retain multiple redundencies and the penis is no different. You can argue that this no excuse and that any loss of is a tragedy, but according to compiled data men don't really mind and experience none of the medical problems you mentioned before. I said before I don't advocate for every child to be circumsized and if your healthy keep it, but in the end it really is an abitrary difference
American women were a mistake
what? minorities enjoy more muh privilege, affirmative action, welfare and social coddling than majorities in western countries.
Is that why someone with a "foreign" sounding name is 4 times more likely to have an identical CV rejected compared to a "native"?
[citation needed]
Not four times as likely, but there is a difference
If your only reason to do something despicable to others is because some old book tells oyu to, you don't have a valid reason to do it.
Ban circumcision, allow gay marriage, and uphold "separation of church & state" as a practice, not an idea. If any religious group bitches, make them prove their god is real or they can fuck off and live with it.