This should be mandatory reading for everyone here
Exiting the Vampire Castle
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Agreed. Also, an interesting conversation with Mark Fisher discussing this article for anyone interested:
bump :^)
PDF of Capitalist Realism for anyone interested.
Mark Fisher is the shit. He should be at least as popular on this board as Zizek or Stirner.
what the fuck, has Zizek been reading him?
Other way around, it seems.
died too soon tbh.
he would've liked Holla Forums
Anyone listened to the Chapo premmium about him?
Yeah, that's what first got me to read the article.
Here's the article he wrote about his struggles with depression/alienation that they talked about
Christ this hits hard.
It's eerie the degree to which this describes my own experiences.
tbh, I haven't been able to finish it because it hits so close to home, but I do have it bookmarked for these occasions
Literally me.
ok i just read it, it's really short. goddamn.
it hurts reading it and with the knowledge he ended up killing himself
Fisher was such a great thinker. It is a shame that someone who absolutely destroyed identity liberals remains obscure even on this board. Can we get this stickied or something?
Should be put in the reading list thread at the very least.
He should, at the very least, live on as a meme on an obscure Tamil footwear forum.
Good read, cheers.
no problemo