Who decided health care is a "human right" for everyone, and should be paid for by taxing wage-slaves?
Who decided health care is a "human right" for everyone, and should be paid for by taxing wage-slaves?
Basic human decency decided it. If you oppose that, then kindly fuck off.
decent people
Who decided that health care is a commodity to be placed into the market serving private interests instead of the public good?
The answer is capitalists and their shitdick apologists like you.
Who provides the resources for healthcare to function?
I dunno, good point.
But why should I pay for a fat fuck? I will pay for a monthly healthcare insurance if I want one. The government should stay the fuck out of it.
The government did, stupid.
That's so obvious I don't know why you'd bother asking.
Fit whites should get free healthcare.
that lacks specificity.
that's like saying "the globalists did"…
I don't see why you idealists and capitalists don't simply view it as an investment. Healthier workforce - higher efficency. Works the same way with education.
Instead of investing into the people, Americans want to invest into shit like law enforcement and prisons, all in the name of the ideology of 'personal responsibility'. Society shouldn't be based on how people should act but on how they DO act.
Oh, I'm sorry, let me dig through some books to find the first person who claimed health care is a right rather than go with the answer that the people in power (who are different in different places) say it is.
Ah yes, I forgot people employed by the public sector or working for a public program don't get paid. Excuse me, carry on with the Ancapary that suits someone with the political understanding of a child.
Let natural selection do it's thing. Workers can be replaced in 1 day.
Why should someone have to pay for someone elses poor life choices? It de-incentivizes people to live healthier lifestyles since everyone else will just foot the bill. Money that could have gone towards productive things (life infrastructure or employment) instead goes to the retard who stuck a firecracker up his ass.
wage slavery should be abolished, but until then a single payer system is the most efficient way to secure affordable health care for the most amount of people. Not having one is off-course the better for communism as a movement, as it will lead to greater economic inequality and thereby fuel class antagonism, inequality also increases crime rates and in general makes everything shit for everyone. I'm in favor of government health care, but only because I'm not a fan of sacrificing the present for the future.
Why should I have to pay tax money for police and for "national defense"? Having a police force or a standing army is not a "natural right." It's not my fault that other people are too weak to defend their own property themselves, I should be able to take their shit if they can't stop me!
Are you suggesting a person needs to be a good samaritan engaged in private charity in order to support a public initiative that will help most people?
Don't fight against health care because you'll need a doctor soon if you keep swallowing bourgeois muh charity ideology this hard.
As is entirely our right.
It would make it really hard for police to assault minorities if their funding was up to the people they are protecting. Same with the military and screwing up the middle east for oil.
Because without protection a mexican gang could come and take all your shit.
Yeah we should also go back to living in caves
Not if the work they do requires specific skills or training, which is what most work in the post-industrial west is.
Because you still have to live in the same society with the retard. Why do you even care if someone you deem 'unworthy' gets benefits? It is still a net benefit. Also investing in education and preventative medicine reduces the amount of retards and fat bastards on welfare.
Proofs pls, countries with socialised healthcare are consistently healthier.
Yeah man that happens so often. The USA is one giant polio leper colony now, it's so fucked up.
Vaccines at birth.
So? Why should we pay for your inability to hire a security army? Might makes right, it's natural selection.
Vaccines paid and given by whom?
Why should we indeed?
Stop paying taxes if you want.
Yeah, but fat worthless fucks like boogie are not medics or anything valuable. If someone is stupid enough to not have private healthcare insurance, then he's not smart enough to do good work.
But wouldn't that require a government to administer vaccines to everyone? What happened to personal choice? And how will the government administer those vaccines if there is only a privatised healthcare system?
public sector get paid for by appropriating the surplus labor value of wage-slaves.
By the state.
Ideally we would all be part of the army.
Not if they die from their idiocy. Also, so what? Living next to someone is not enough of a reason to pay for their shit.
Because it's my money going towards that and it could have been used on something much better.
Keeping a slack jawed dipshit that contributes nothing and is a burden to everyone else is not a benefit.
Good idea. Lets do it with all the money we would have wasted on idiots who blow their own limbs off and eat so much food they can't even get out of their own home.
Because we have vaccines for every virus in existence and that will ever exist.
We will pay only for the vaccines. There will be no choice, if you want to be part of our community, you need vaccine at birth.
Why can't that fat fuck pay for healthcare? His channel is fairly popular and YouTubers make bank.
You make me sick, especially since you'll be the first one to bitch about oppression against the bosses, which cock you love to suck so much.
i don't think ihis channel is that popular anymore and he probably spent all the money on games and food
all his money goes towards food and gaming.
People that don't afford healthcare (that don't have a good job) will die before they can get any virus. They would have chips that would signal immediately if something is wrong with their health.
We would seize the means of production. We would be bosses. Everyone will have it's deserved place in the community.
Ancaps and lolbergs are retards for not realizing that the whole point of introducing welfare and public healthcare was to marginalize the left
True, but wanting to improve the society one lives in is a good reason to me. I'd rather live in a country of the healthy and educated rather than a country of the ignorant and sick.
The 'welfare leech' bogeyman is a purely idealistic reason to reject social welfare. The benefits to the society on whole matter, not moral outrage over individual exceptions.
It is quite ironic that it is America, the land of the ideology of 'personal responsibility', that is also stereotyped as the land of the unfit and and ignorant.
This is also true. Bismarck's Germany had the first social programmes.
You know, I was about to go for a run, but then I remembered that in case of my death. other people pay, so now I am going to eat, drink and smoke myself into my 3rd heart attack. Because fuck logic, it's not like people want to live, the only reason people don't kill themselves by the time they are 30 is because they have health bills to pay. You unemphatic sick twisted fuck
fat people are bad and hike costs, but they're a speck of dust compared to profiteering in healthcare
By being slaves to another person, instead of democratically deciding what to do as equals?
I'm certain old people living in rural areas are a far bigger drain on our Healthcare system than Boogie could ever be.
It takes a long time to die, and not all diseases are lethal. In the meantime you will have an increasing amount of people not being able to afford their medical bills. What will the man living next door do when his wife is sick and his minimum wage cant support his family any more? Will he quietly cease to exist, or will he at least contemplate coming over and taking your shit?
Technically in regards to market value I'm surprised you would call boogie "worthless" due to the large amounts of capital he generates through his viewers on youtube. Is he not an example of the self made earning man to you? I thought you so called libertarians don't quite like the fella.
would quite*
Which is ironic cause Boogie is a libertarian minarchist on pretty much every topic, except education, healthcare and certain regulations on food and chemicals..
You have to be a gigantic drooling retard to defend the health outcomes of the United States
Are you sure you're not some perverted form of ancom or libcom?
If he has the wealth, why should someone else pay for his healthcare? Oh, because fat people are greedy?
what a dumbass.
Still, he probably got taxed on it, so sure give him healthcare.
The thing that stays between the worker and the production is the state, not the boss.
When I go to work, I know how much my boss will pay me. If I go, I accept that. But I don't have to accept that half of my wage is stolen by the state to pay for a lazy worthless fat fuck or some low Autism Level immigrant.
this is how you divide the proletariat fam
Do you have any logical arguments or is it all hypotheticals and lazy ad homs? If you're going to decry universal healthcare as untenable, demonstrate to us the evidence that the biggest drains on the system are sort of people you're complaining about. Otherwise you have no argumnet.
Why is a system that is inefficient at providing delivering health care, human decency? Just because more people are technically covered, doesn't mean that they actually are.
Because it will always be a means for politicians to enrich themselves and corporations to capture market share and entrench themselves towards a monopoly. Because you have to have Obamacare, a lot of working class people are losing their homes
Not so fast bucko, the coercion in capitalism is inherent in the system - without working for someone you can't survive. It's really no different from some evil state telling you to work or die, except the responsibility is somehow spread out so ancaps think nobody is responsible.
Our current system is inefficient. You have not demonstrated that single payer is or would be inefficient. Terrible argument built on unfounded propositions.
Take it up with the heritage foundation and other blood sucking conservative/libertarian think tanks that actually got us into this mess. We're not in favor of systems that are corporate hand-outs and mandates.
Surely a National Health service can provide health related schemes that would allow people of all varying levels of wealth to lose weight. Often people gain weight sue to high levels of depression especially due to the work week. Here in the UK the NHS has provided multiple weight loss plans which help people become healthier in the grand scheme of things this helps people to get back to working more productively which surely is a good thing in a financial market.
Corporations belong in neither healthcare nor education. If you absolutely must have them, at least provide a parallel publicly funded system, so the elites can have their private clinics.
Of course that means the US and their "every man for himself" policies has the lowest percentage of obesity in the world, right?
kill yourself liberal
Wow this really activated my neurons
Obviously we can't spend huge amounts of resources just to extend very sick people's lives a few months. In fact, when it comes to people with chronic conditions that require millions of dollars a year just to stay alive… I question whether it's ethical to impose that burden on society as a whole, especially young healthy people.
If someone requires more than their share of the resources just to stay alive then that person is frankly a drag on society and forcing people to work more than they'd otherwise have to.
Remember, wage slavery is forever. Any comfort you enjoy in the eventual use of the leftover scraps of a pitiful welfare state after decades of labor make your life forfeit an worthless.
Don't. Live in a forest.
hi liberal
I hate boogie
Read a fucking book.
Indeed, OP. Why should I slave away to enable this appalling decadence?
Who decided health care is a "good" to be placed on a market, and something people can act on in "rational self-interest"?
I agree.
Get rid of taxes and wage slavery.
Acquire communism, that way I can still watch the fat man make funny youtube videos, and have healthcare.
Why should I care you have to pay for a fat fuck?
Every time.
So move somewhere where you don't have to. The world's a big place.
Nice pure ideology you got there
yeah, that isn't how natural selection works. I hope someone removes this shitposter for good.