Rachel where are you ;_;
Where has catgrill drawfag gone?
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A leftcom made fun of her for not knowing a lot about Nietzsche so she left.
she doesn't want to draw stuff for autists anymore and wants to be professional
She can't afford to draw for fun anymore
Capitalism took your catgirls
bullies = not my comrades
I hope she's successful in whatever she decides to do next
Our glorious proganda minister will be missed
You know what I really miss? Alunya lewds.
Now do you wanna hear something terrifying? Since leddit said that catgrill drawings is wymyn objectification nobody has drew any catgrill lewds anymore.
Don't do this to me, comrade.
Word on the streets was that the dumb lying cheatin' whore was messing around with ancaps.
She realized that drawing for the commies wasn't going to get her anything but feelies, so she turned to the other side who will shower her with money for her work, rather than letting the "Party" claim her efforts.
Link to her current stuff?
Rebel asked for nudes from her, then when she told him to leave her alone, he threatened to rape her. doesn't want anything to do with Holla Forums after that episode.
She was most likely a feminist anyway, in 20 years she'll be some miserable drone drafting concept art in a cubicle, if she's lucky.
what? for real?
FFS why do people believe all this bullshit trolls like to make up about Rebel?
Rebel is cross dressing faggot.
Do you really think he would ask nudes to a girl?
There's been a few.
Rebel is a crossdressing faggot who is also bi.
why the hairy pussy tho
She's a cat??
Dong tickling.
Makes sense, I remember people ages ago claiming Rebel did something to her.
Really does not surprise me as Rebel is a very fucked up person.
She was already engaged to a conservative engineer.
What? Was it her first day on internet or what?
But rebel is gay, that makes no sense
Rebel is bi and obsessed with rape.>>1650428
Hairy pussy is patrician taste lad
Hairy pussy is disgusting and I'm glad we have left it in the past.
No fucking way. Whatever the reason our unrelenting spaghetti spilling as a community chased a talented drawfag out. It's fucking depressing and I need a beer.
Nazbol cat is best girl.
I have one saved, don't worry.
It's just a meme really, she never gave an explanation and it's unclear if eternal obesity had something to do with her dropping the catgirls.
He's still a fag tho.
We have tried to reclaim the catgirls, with mild success
Also no, it's like she says it was to niche sadly. Rebel left for meat space because pics of him as a trap were leaked.
She commented in support of the MS Paint series continuation, so presumably she's still lurking here.
We need lewds tbh.
It has nothing to do with that, it's because the GETchan comrades ran out of money and nobody donated.
what the fuck am i reading
pretty cute
Why can't you just respect the snake? It's not hurting anyone?
i was in the stream when she drew that back in March. i'll never forget ;_;
Did you draw this? You are pretty good.
psst psst your concept of freedom means oppression for someone else
Makes sense.
The little freak was always going on and on in the IRC about how much he loved rape.
Everything he touched turned to shit.
wow he touched you??
We must bully the capitalists, user.
how could reddit bully such a cutie??
oh wow she works for riot games. no wonder her facebook has a bunch of league of legends shit in it
Cutie propaganda Minister
on 2nd thought she looks kinda jewish
You mean her Patreon didn't produce the amount of bucks she had expected because leftycucks are all poor NEETS so she dropped her whole capitalist venture to milk the desperation of some leftycucks in their dead barren echochambers (or she just got bored of it like it happens all the time with these kind of tumble tier projects) and made up the usual tumblr artist excuses and stories crying for sympathy and blaming her decission on someone or something else to not sever the ties or take responsibility.
She has a (white) fiance so she's probably doing her part right now to fight the demographic war. Have lots of white babies Rachel!!!
No see, you don't understand his advanced 7D Snakes n Ladders argument techniques. He called us cucks, therefore he wins by default.
She posted on her site that she was discontinuing the comic because she couldn't afford to spend so much time on something that wasn't making her money.
Use your god damn brain smartass.
You got any proof the story shes putting up, that sound like the typical tumbler tier artist exuse to drop a project, is true besides posting like a snarky cunt? No? I see. Is it just her 3D cunt that convinced you?
$800 target for three shorts and she reached barely even got around $50 per month. EIGHT-HUNDRED-DOLLAR for 3 mostly just 3-5 panel strips with most of them uncolored quick poor quality doodles that take at best 2 hours to make all together. Go check some archives on her Patreon for proofs. The rest is daily tumblr tier artist business.
You are welcome.