There is absolutely no way these aren't COINTELPRO:
That was really everything it took to end the left. Make them look ridiculus and annoying. That's it.
I know. But normies and conservatives think they are. And that's enough.
There is absolutely no way these aren't COINTELPRO:
That was really everything it took to end the left. Make them look ridiculus and annoying. That's it.
I know. But normies and conservatives think they are. And that's enough.
you think these 16 year olds are CIA agents?
Non-binary is the ultimate liberal social movement. I am honestly worried what is next for liberalism at this point. What other tradition will they start to liquidate?
No. Definitely not.
I maybe misexpressed it. But i think the SJW- ideology is. You can clearly see these thoughts are entirely fabricated.
Honest to God, you all need to stop talking about COINTELPRO so much. Call me FBI or whatever if you want to go full retard, but this whole habit of calling any embarrassing progressive a fucking agent is making us come off as the Left version of Alex Jones.
Yeah it's not like the American government has a history of actively subverting and working against left wing movements or anything. Fucking paranoiacs.
You're definitely right. But start having the feel that this whole SJW - ideology is someones design. There is no way this is some king of new naturally emerging humanist will.
So let's ask the most important question first:
Who benefits from this?
"Government did X so I can just claim it does X anytime without proof" is exactly the mentality of conspiracy theorists, by the way.
Or do you think that if you talk to a 9/11 Truther they won't bring up Northwoods or whatever?
read a book
They're COINTELPRO alright. As someone who knows a lot bout black power movements I can tell you that a lot of lifestylist faux-black faggots who claim to be "down for the cause" try to dilute the militancy and the core objectives of movements by watering them down with that intersectional bullshit. These infiltrators keep their mouths shut at first and attend meetings and marches at first, but as time goes by they multiply and start changes movements from within. "Oh, black feminism isn't about having the black man, it's our duty to fight for LGBT causes cuz some gays are black too, transgender people not being able to pee in whichever restroom they want is like Jim Crow segregation…" and before you know it your organization's goal is no longer to promote Pan-Africanist Marxism and 2nd Amendment rights, but just another campus wave amorphous blob of identity politics.
Really why not? Liberals have been with us for a long, long time
mostly the content creators when you click and spread their videos, ya doof
sometimes I wish humans had a hivemind so we could tell who's splintering groups.
What's wrong is the cultural Marxism finally backfiring on ya?
SJW-ideology fused with the emo-subculture, the result being emo's who attach gender-dysphoria to their feeling of unease with their bodies and themselves in general.
Non-binary is the only real gender by the way.
As opposed to? What? 'Naturally occurring' thoughts?
How is it in their material interest to be like that?
One could think of the way the thinking might be steered by giving grants and funding to university professors who subscribe to anything idpol related, and cutting funding of professors who are opposed to idpol.
Do it over time and see which pattern of thought will be prevalent in academia. It does not matter that idpol is divisive, idealistic and all around a deliberate fabrication. In academia, the hard currency is money because how else would you feed yourself and house yourself, how else would you attend conferences.
The class analysis and materialist approach has the advantage because it more accurately describes the objective reality, and much more agrees with the day-to-day praxis of the working class people.
The conclusion is that we have to set up our own educational institutions, research institutions, for various branches of research related to human liberation from economic exploitation.
A way to secure funding is to provide food, shelter, clothing, other goods using more efficient system of labour organization, effectively producing for use, not for exchange.
When you take a working class mother and father, reading leftist theory, they are far more significant than an irrelevant idpol regurgitator. The first are somehow content with their life and they can only learn why their life was difficult and why things are the way they are now. These liberal idpolers, they subscribe to vulgar nihilism, desperately clutching at anything that they think might life them up from their stupor.
These people in the video look like they have been turned into useless eaters, parroting an ideology that clearly goes against their material interests. Maybe not if they are paid bloggers, and the capitalists can afford to print money to give it to them (if they don't wanna take from their own pocket), as they extract enough of the surplus value from actual labour, so this does not upset the balance of the economy.
And what about the paid internet trolls creating confusion on purpose. A quaint way to make their material interest to do that. Or they have some minimum wage internship in some media company, fully knowing that they have not learned any useful skill so they have to be grateful for that.
It's like these people are being made useless for purpose. The irony is that if they had some useful skill that is productive, they might form far more solid social relationships and be actually happy. Because they would then know if worse came to worst, they would have something actual to offer to other people.
It's basically people who are well-off (idpolers are often on the benefiting end of the only real opression that matters - class) who still want to feel 'progressive'. We need more Engels and less Woodhull though.
It's another thread in Holla Forums hasn't read Cultural Marxist theory.
Everything is going according to the plan.
Individualism was a mistake.
It's another thread where lolbert uses actual neetsoc terminology
a bunch of special snowflake teenagers are CIA agents?
I've met quite a few people like this who didn't even make pretensions towards being leftists, they were actually quite right wing.
WARNING! Carry on reading! Or you will die, even if you only looked at the word warning! Once there was a little girl called Clarissa, she was ten-years-old and she lived in a mental hospital, because she killed her mom and her dad. She got so bad she went to kill all the staff in the hospital so the -government decided that best idea was to get rid of her so they set up a special room to kill her, as humane as possible but it went wrong the machine they were using went wrong. And she sat there in agony for hours until she died. Now every week on the day of her death she returns to the person that reads this letter, on a monday night at 12:00a.m. She creeps into your room and kills you slowly, by cutting you and watching you bleed to death. Now post this in another thread, and she will haunt someone else who doesn't.
This isn't fake. apparently, if u copy and paste this to three threadsin the next ten minutes u will have the best ay of ur life tomorrow. u will either get kissed or asked out, if u break this chain u will see a little dead girl in your room tonight. in 59 mins someone will say i love you or I'm sorry