Why do leftist hate Israel?

why do leftist hate Israel?

Israel is the most progressive, secular, and liberal country in the entire middle east.

I don't know why it has become a meme to hate Israel.

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Because you take rightful Palestinian clay!



but that's like asking palestinian to give the land to the ottomans

No it isn't.

Israel is an racist apartheid state that has no right to even exist. It is a remnant of European imperialism and must be disassembled.


We don't hate Israel. We hate their government and their foreign policy.

This doesn't mean much really.

Just do the two state solution and finish this drama.
Fucking sand people

name a more secular country in the middle east

yes it is

palestinians never owned the land
the ottomans did

mean to reply to you too

Almost like the US started a war with every secular country in the middle east

Well for starters Israel was hijacked by Khazars, the real Jews are almost gone in fact you will find more Jews in Lebanon then Israel.

Khazars are Arab nazis and they belong in the gulag.

Because nationalism is a rightist ideal and liberalism isn't socialist

reminder thatt he only people adovocating for racist and apartheid like policies are the palestinians and their supports

they want to cleanse the land from Jews and they already did it in Gaza
you get executed if you sell a house to a Jew in Gaza
if this isn't racist then I don't know what it is

Fuck off liberal.

Israel is the son of satan

Well there's part of your problem.

this is 100% false


nice refutation racist


Colonized peoples can't be racist. They're just reclaiming their land and trying to restore their traditional ways of life before they were destroyed by Anglo-Zionist imperial capitalism.

In short - there is nothing wrong with Palestinians wanting to ethnically cleanse Israelis, but the converse is false. Colonized peoples rightfully reject bourgeois anglo-Zionist imperialist forms of morality.

Only on Holla Forums.


wow in the ENTIRE middle east?

you're like those fascists crying about tito being mean to them.

this is 100% stupid

is like white supremacist complain about invasions and muh white culture and muh race

it is still 100% racist

you should go back to Holla Forums

This but unironically.

iunno, you tell me

Put in context, a citizen selling some of the tiny amount of land your nation has left to one of the enemy that has had you under siege for 15 years is an act of treason.

when they tried to do it legally it is still wrong

and you probably think you aren't racist

then why the left supports hamas and hezbollah when that's exactly what they want to do?

This is what liberals actually believe.

Turkey and South Africa and the UK and India and plenty of other states are Imperialist and vaguely racist ventures. You're just sperging

Because they're colonized peoples. We stand with colonized peoples worldwide against Western oppressors.

Nethanyahu's dad was a nazi btw.

Clever little rhetorical tricks won't save you zionist scum. Once American hegemony is dead your precious state is done for.

Yes. Stay on your end of the border since you like it so much. You've been occupying foreing countries for half a century now.

You can support the Palestinians right to exist and ending Israeli colonialism without necessarily supporting Hamas or Hezbollah.

Rhetoric is more masculine and assertive than argument you faggot.
lol never happening, and if China takes over you'll beg for the Anglos and Jews back

they are racist colonized people

to continue to support racist is till being a bigot

go back to Holla Forums to support the muh white race fascist

no, it is a completly barbaric, a nonsense, and racist

when they did it legally, they get executed
when they tried to do it legally, they still get executed

this is nonsense

and the palestinian leaders where friends of hitler and goebbels tbh


Jews cannot be colonialist because they are middle eastern

genetics proves this

you disappointed me Holla Forums

I can't speak for 'the left', but I don't support any of the reactionaries. If you can't see how Hamas is a direct reaction to the futility and non-accomplishment of Fatah due to Israeli unwillingness to return to 1967 borders, you are dumb. Fun fact, PLO used to we very secular and leftist-leaning until the 80s.

pic related, remember what happened when a diplomatic solution was on the horizon


you can say that hamas is a direct result of the conflict

yet, that doesn't mean you have to support it

is the rise of white supremacism a reaction? yes
should you support it? of course no

That's not how that works.

I can not support Hamas and still think Israeli colonialism is shit.


Where did you pull that out of? I'm saying Israeli repression has caused the problem, not that we should all throw our lots with some Islamic reactionaries. That's why leftists are against Israel. There was actually a big shift in the 70s, before that Israel was quite popular among western leftists because of Labour Zionism etc.

it's an apartheid state, fuck off shill

Israel is the US imperial strong arm of the Middle East. That's a good enough reason as any to hate them.

don't be retarded

Jews are autochthonous there

because they were born putside the land does't mean they are not from there

look at the palestinian refugees
they have 69 years living outside the country and many of them were born outside and yet they are still considered palestinians

why can't Jews?

stop saying words you don't understand kiddo

and palestinians are the strong arm of china and russia in the middle east

israeli repression?

the arabs states where the one that started the conflict
Jews accepted the partition and the arabs rejected it
to be against Israel is to suport those reactionaries muslim countries

the lefty dream is easier to happen in Israel than in those muslim countries


Importing slaves =! imperialism

world's tallest midget


shill shill shill shill shill shill shill shill
can't go to pol cause they hate you for your genes, can't go to leftypol cause you're a shit

no. pic related
In the sense that Israel is a more developed nation, yes.

Yasser Arafat had a chance to fix things, but he just had to demand Jerusalem as well when it was the Jews who by far had the upper hand!


fixed your image op

well that depends on what do you mean with liberalism

so that means that both are anti-semitic? gotcha

pic related

No, it isn't. Stop making false dichotomies, you nationalistic piece of trash.

Like I said at the beginning of the thread about Bernie being a Zionist, it's all divisive idpol. Why are you willing to let go of feminism and most nation- and race-based idpol but unable to extricate yourselves from this instance? It's no less stupid than the others, and I'm telling you that as a leftist Jew who has to hear both sides screech autistically.

Let's be real here user, Israel is far, far from being a client or puppet or even allied state. It's its own beast, having becoming enmeshed with the USA through the decades.

hello ADL
pic very fucking related (this one is a treat for the bordigists)


you know what to do lads

None if this is true left

Hey we're on ma marxist board, that's a positive thing, they got "developed" and made miserable so we can now sell them marxism as a "cure".

The real cure is to throw western jewish political "dichotomy" of capitalism and communism into garbage, which is what everybody should be doing including the west.

Are you fucking retarded? Like utterly and completely?

Communism is the culmination of western civilization and philosophy classcuck.

if you are a jew and hate israel you are self hating Jew and you are going against the interest of your own people

why? because you are denying the right of self determination of your own people

it is

also they are more left economically than the entire middle east

you should go back to Holla Forums

palesitnians refugees are still considered palestinians and arabs even though they have been born outside in europe or the us or whatever

if they are still considered with a right to live there, why can't Jews have the same right?


we done here, it was fun while it lasted
back2pol buddy



yeah I don't know why are people still supporting palestinians when they are an extremist group receiving funding to overthrow a stable government

you got it backwards m8

stop being racist

yo what?

Noone here cares if you call them racist Holla Forums.

shit forgot the shitposting flag

since when supporting Jews is being Holla Forums?

bad meme

Holla Forums loves the idea of Israel, a country with only one race, they just dislike the fact that they happen to be Jews.

Israel supports the war in Syria. The jews there seemingly relish in bringing anti-semitic canards like blood libel to life via their foreign and domestic policy decisions.


Since forever?



like the one the palestinans wants

hen why do you suport the palestnian then?
they want those things too

Israel would be nothing without US support. Or at least, that used to be true to a much greater extent. They have become quite powerful in their own right. But it would have been impossible for them to get to that position without many years of heavy US support. In essence, the US made them into what they are. And in turn, they owe the US.

sniffman claims that Israel lacks a mythical Foundation to justify its existence, so it leaves out free for all to see the obscenity of power.
Israel is a colonial country justified through religious means even tho it is the most atheist country in the world (or so)
it is the most liberal progressive whatever country, yet it needs jingoism and segregation to exist.
Israel is Dialectics: the country

What level of ideology is this? there is an actual photograph of the act, yet that is according to you not "what is really being done".

Fuck off you imperialist jew.
In a decade we'll be able to run a straight line across your entire country when you faggots end up getting yourselves nuked.

that's why

He's right though. You'll be begging for American hegemony when the Chinese take over

No one will "take over." America will remain relevant but will no longer be the ONLY relevant country out there. We will return to multi-polarity, which will allow socialist movements to start cropping up again in the cracks of geopolitical alliances and conflicts.

I was very clear about the difference but your overcooked mind can't comprehend that someone might dislike you not because your name is Schlomo but because of your behavior and your stances.

Jews are insanely spooked about muh holocaust and have become increasingly tribal as the years have gone on, likely because they are a pawn in American foreign policy and are insecure about the future of their stolen country.

Yeah dude Gaza is a real paradise.

I hope Hezbollah and the PLO wipes Israel off the face of the planet.

The foundation of the right wing politics and 'values' is the old testament.
Trace back the origins of racial supremacy ('chosen peoples' and 'goys'), hierarchism, traditionalism, even hatred based on sexual taste towards homosexuals, it's all there.
Jews were the original far-righters and are to this day.
The early revolutionaries against original right wing include Jesus and Muhammad, and their thought constitutes the proto-left (their religions were later falsely linked to the old testament despite the fact that they revolted against it's values and traditions).

Or engage in never-ending resource and proxy wars.

That's a good thing. The capitalists will be too preoccupied with fighting eachother to care about nascent revolutions until they are too powerful to stop.


The point is, that relationship is far more "among equals" than it should be. The absurd amount of aid money they get is clue enough. They act like a country-sized barracks for America and in turn America protects them come hell or high water. I don't recall one country protecting another to the extent that the USA does Israel. Fuck, they're effectively the 51st state.

Jews have always been tribal, even before the holocaust myth. In fact a big point of their religion is that the world is divided in Jews and goyim (whose purpose is to serve the Jews), and that it's better to kill thousands of goyim than to break the fingernail of a single Jew.
It's the other way around. The US is a vassal state of Israel. That's why the US pays tribute to Israel and fights its wars, and not the other way around.

The two state solution is a Zionist position as well.



shit bait, shit thread, google some fucking history sometime

Well OP, put yourself in the shoes of a typical burger for a minute.

As an American during the Presidential primary, we were told things Sander's advocated for, like single-payer health and universal college education were pipe dreams. We couldn't afford them. All the while, Israel has these things and we give them billions of dollars a year for military spending.

Our media is also owned by Israel. One word against them, and youre a Nazi. Keith Ellison was recently running for the chair of the DNC. He is also critical of Israel's militant nature. He was slammed for being an "anti-semitie". That's right, the guy who put his career on the line endorsing A JEW for president was labeled an anti-semite.

This has nothing to do with Jews. Israel as a NATION is a racist apartheid and completely owns our country. They have one of the most, if not the most powerful lobby in our government. They own our media, slander anybody who speaks out against their government even worse than people who slander our own government. To be frank, Israel needs to be bombed off the face of this planet.

they have a tendency of bombing children