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Maybe she knows the new shitdick will be just a new Hollande and that she has another shot in the next election.
She's 48 man, the bitch is not going away anytime soon.
Best results for the National Front ever
people mourn in different ways
There's going to be a huge global recession/depression soon. When that happens the far right will probably be able to get into power.
Lol people have been saying this for 2 years
Honestly you guys, it's like every election is your first election ever.
What would their power even mean though, it's not like they can rebuild capitalism. Liberals have already got the authoritarianism on lock down
t. mortgage broker in 2007
She has more than doubled her party's result compared to previous elections and after five years of rule by a Rothschild banker the country may very well be ready to elect her.
The Nazbol is right the bubble is huge investors know it and it is going to pop any week now. Its really a miracle it hasn't happened yet.
People will be more receptive towards mass deportation of Muslims in 5 years
There's no indication that such an event will drive people to nationalism or austerity-oriented economics. If anything, it will just as well strengthen the EU and other transnational institutions
You mean 5 years. There has been unprecedented levels of central bank interventions to delay the crisis with multiple quantitative easings by the US, the EU, Japan and China. It's still going to happen.
She know if she runs again in the next election to some centerist sap it's likely she will win.
because capitalism collapses routinely every few years
It would strengthen them if they could successfully cope with the crisis which they won't. Capitalism in crisis is likely to lead to fascism in a at least a few countries.
He's not really centrist. He's a far-left SJW on societal issues and far-right on economic issues (by French standards). Opposite extreme positions don't cancel each others.
The alt right and hyper nationalism will be a dead and old meme in 5 years time.
There is nothing "routine" about what will unfold. 2007-2088 is going to be small-time in comparison.
Macron is Hollande on roids. Le Pen is guaranteed to win in 2022 unless Melenchon gets there first
But who am I kidding… Melenchon even if he wins will have to face Le Pen eventually and I believe she'll win
The EU is the primary driver of austerity. Read Mark Blyth.
Right, which is why Europe is just brimming with fascist governments right now, after 2008.
Those people are right. China is going to burst and it's going to wreck EVERYTHING. There has never been a transition from an export to consumption model without a recession involved.
She isn't in the National Front
Oh boy.
I'm tired of these "if we don't vote for them now, they'll win in the next election" retarded meme.
It's not as though Porky won't restructure and reimagine itself in 4/5 years time.
The far right made major gains in Europe after the 2008 crisis.
She's relieved she won't actually have to rule the country.
Where? Where are they actually in power and not just visible as either street hooligans or irrelevant memey faction of multi-party parliaments?
She was until last week. And if you believe it was more than a PR move you're beyond retatrded.
But it is… Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic and Denmark are well on their way. In other countries the far-right is stronger than ever.
Congratulation to leftypol and your leftist globalist candidate for winning the french election
May your socialist utopia come with Macaroni
Partially this. These figures like Le Pen and Wilders enjoy their positions as opposition. They can spew whatever they want and claim that everything would be better under their government, but never actually have to prove it. They're able to create a career out of this.
Macron isn't leftist.
She wouldn't have had to. She allied herself to Dupont-Aignan a couple week ago, promising to make him a prime-minister. The guy is probably the most competent French politician alive right now.
She can dance if she wants to
Running a campaign is stressful. Even if you end up losing, just knowing that the campaign is over can be cause for celebration.
Also, she knows Macron is going to drive France off a fucking bridge, and it'll be her vs Melenchon next time.
So… Hillary Clinton?
Pretty much. The same U.S. DNC hacks that got Obama elected and worked on Clinton's campaign worked on Macron's. It's the same message, essentially.
Hillary "Super Predators" Clinton isn't even SJW. She'd be a Republican candidate if she wasn't the wife of Bill Clinton.
She campaign as one though.
I can't handle this ideology
Depends on the country Nazbol famalam. Burgerland is in complete control by Republicans and we're already seeing the masses, even a good fraction if Trump voter areas get radicalized on universal Healthcare in the country.
He is an inter/anti-nationalist.
Besides it already doing precisely that?
Just like the far left then. Things will get interesting when the center truly collapses.
right across europe
do you think those things happen in the span of 2 years, you uneducated subhuman?
it's incredible that the audience fell for such a terrible deflection as that
The centre has already collapsed, along with the centre left.
Macron is an outsider, which is what people on both sides want.
Not any more they aren't. They got kicked out of government after accomplishing literally nothing and now many of their supporters dislike them
not "probably"
It's absolutely what's going to happen IF the recession happens (which it probably will)
commies are going to get owned, thankfully
More like let's go to be exploited
They accomplished a lot. Due to their influence Denmark has by far the most restrictive policies on immigration in Western Europe and they have managed to squash all attempts to reduce the welfare state.
I doubt they get more money than all the rich fucks who inhered all their wealth from their daddy.
At least Ahmed picks fruit.
Depends on the country. Spain, Portugal and Greece might go full commie. Rest of Europe i agree.
No they don't.
Go away liberal.
This never fails to make me rage.
It pretty much sums up the idpol deflection of Third Way politics perfectly.
Pretty much what's also happening to Finlands "True Finns" last I heard
Can't argue with that, but I'd still put the blame more on basically every other party turning right in order to catch that sweet populist voter base.
Yeahno. I think they forced some minor concessions in the elderly department, but all the parties are still happily fucking the welfare state in the ass. Their contributions during government mostly consisted of stalling any lawmaking because they couldn't agree with the other parties on anything. None of the parties are willing to deal with them unless they're trying to pander to their voter base (such as with all the immigration laws), and since they're now bleeding voters, their influence is probably gonna wane, especially since the party itself is splitting.
She can leave her friends behind
He is though.
There is no such thing as a "far-left SJW" you gigantic faggot.
Yeah but those guys went full retards. Supporting both the neoliberal policies of the government and letting a huge inflow of migrants in. They basically betrayed their base.
The recsiion never ended user
But the thing is, they're not really gonna be able to do anything other than betraying their base or remaining loyal to it and accomplishing nothing. They can shift public opinion, and they have, but they can never get a majority government, and they're never going to make a coalition government work even when they're the largest bloody party in the coalition. They'll always be stuck as the opposition, which is good for them, since they couldn't remain loyal to their constituency after taking government anyway.
it's a tell that none of these politicians give a shit, they're just careerists as others have said
If Le Pen really believed France faced an existential crisis and only her victory could stop that crisis, would she be smiling? Would she be dancing? No, and there ya go
Those tweets were posted before the election results
Nice one OP
She can still look to the future elections as young people were her main demographic.
Graph doesn't take abstentions into account.
That only works for the true Finns.Other far-right parties in Flanders, Austria, the Netherlands or Denmark have managed to get shit done through coalitions.
Abstention is good for her. Her voters are by far the most likely to go to the polls of all party. In particular she's the only one that manages to get young people to vote.
Her weakness is that she still struggles to appeal to non-native young French and those are now a huge share of the electorate in those age groups. She's been focusing on civic nationalism to counter that but it's slow to take off.
Ha I bet those porkies regret colonialism now. Fuckers got to reap what they sowed.
this is the 2012 election of the Frenchy
the Vichy bitch will come back with a vengeance
she knows that