Just saw this video posted on pol, and it was more interesting than expected:
Basically, the guy is predicting a new dynamic in political discourse:
Is he right?
Just saw this video posted on pol, and it was more interesting than expected:
Basically, the guy is predicting a new dynamic in political discourse:
Is he right?
Other urls found in this thread:
has this guy even read the art of war?
this vid is kind of funny actually. its like a Holla Forumsyp becoming self aware of his own naivety in real time, only realizing the left isn't as stupid as he thought. its more funny tahn enlightening.
Neoliberalism and idpol are still going strong in Europe.
also kinda funny how much the guy talks about violence and is baffled that anyone to the left of him would throw a bottle into a crowd. this guy is not as smart as he thinks he is
He is implying the far right will survive in the next 3 years, the bourgeois will fund the revolutionaries and the bourgeois won't crush the far left and right if they revolt.
This guy is a retard just like Styxhexenhammer.
Since when has it been a secret that implementing Communism will require killing a lot of counter-revolutionaries?
He's referring to mainstream liberal mindset, and he's right there imo.
Liberals killed tons of monarchists during their revolutions. Why the double standard?
I can see the neoliberalism but is idpol really a thing in Europe?
this won't happen magically. you just need porky to prop up some fascists that people will get scared and vote for liberal bourgies because they're safe and centrists
example: france
Sorry but technocratic cyberpunk dystopia is inevitable.
Where is the double standard in that post?
I'm not giving this guy a view, but your breakdown sounds absolutely retarded.
Why the fuck would the bourgeoisie back away and why the fuck would they fund us leftists when we want to put them up against a wall?
Everyone knows the radical left isn't going to do shit. The ruling class has been co-opting them since forever.
why would it not be
if you watch enough videos of them, you see that this happens to them a lot
He's an unemployed 30 something who lives at home with his parents and makes his living through his youtube channel, pumping out reactionary bullshit.
There is literally nothing wrong with being NEET considering current state of affairs.
Yes but what makes him a joke is the fact that he rails against immigrants receiving welfare and yet has never had a real job in his entire life.
He's not against welfare, he's against immigrants tbh. From what I gathered, he's not a free market guy.
Yeah he is pretty uninformed and pretends the left is a hivemind.
Anyway, I may disagree with him but he actually runs quite a comfy channel and doesn't seem like your alt-right sperglord. May subscribe.
Yes, I stumbled upon the channel a few times and tbh it is pretty comfy. That art college is showing up. He often makes elaborate video answers to questions if you post them in his ask.fm page.
I'd recommend being subtle, but I don't think he will discriminate either way.
They killed their own comrades to you know.
He's actually just a free trade libertarian.
That seems quite the contradiction.
Free trade libertarian knee-deep in idpol
Idpol refers to a lot more than sjeydubyas, though its not like they don't have them there too.
No, at the moment he's on the run all over Europe
Muslims are creating new rape gangs every half year or so, they are using ID-pol to operate with immunity from the law
Why is the radical left constantly hounded by the state if we aren't a threat.
As opposed to the far-right which is given support and weapons from Western intelligence agencies.
If I'm going to be honest, they're no worse than The Guardian these days.
Just because the media is shitty doesn't make these crimes any less real, or the failure of local governments any less tragic when they knew this was going on and did nothing.
Nationalism is idpol, this is pretty much non negotiable
enjoy your bent bananas you thick twat
I wouldn't agree simply on practical basis.
1.The rates of migrants raping people is probably the same or less than the rates of locals raping each other (most rapes are by someone you know)
2. There was never a single case where police realized the guy caught on camera raping a girl was muslim and they said "Welp, soros said we'd stop getting checks if we turned in cases like this so, he can go"
3 crime should be dealt with by the law, and external threats to order are less concerning then internal ones (AKA rightists and centrists dissolving civil liberties to suposedly better fight crime)
There's your problem. It's not. Sweden for example wouldn't change it's status over time if that was the case.
Why are you requiring GoPro footage or something for girls raped by foreigners? You're right, there probably wasn't a literal rape recording on tape that was ignored by police. But there were rejections for girls asking for help after they claimed it was done by specific gang or minority.
Overall it's not that relevant of a subject, but at least don't be that ignorant if you will talk about it at all. You're just getting into fights you won't win because your opinions are false and will gain only resentment for yourself.
The alt-right just ain't the brown shirts of yesteryear, they're larping Amerifats.
I agree porky will probably look to put their money else where but why would porky fund revolutionaries?
Porky isn't omnipotent, they're gong to get real about crushing reds. My prediction they'll starve reds by instituting a mandatory cashless card on all Amerifats, amerifats will kill themselves to get them because that's where porky will deposit everyone's ubi
And ban cash along with all encryption on the internet and in the home.
That moustache, reverse Hitler?
rates of crime don't change over time without immigration
holy fucking shit
Post evidence or fuck off
If you take the somalians, niggers, muslims and jews out of Sweden, I would bet with you the rate of crimes would decrease.
Do you want to bet that?
yeah, I'd bet against there being any statistically significant difference at all if you adjust for socioeconomic status.
Someone already did:
Dude, just fucking stop. You might explain that by socio-economic status but it's not Swedes doing the raping. Don't be a literal retard.
Yeah, that would too because whites are richer than browns.
This is true everywhere, even in shithole like South Africa.
Somehow, the whiteys are always richer.
When you broaden the definition of rape it's not surprising.
God, I hope not.
technically hes kind of right, this should be the natural development, what he is forgetting however is that the powers that should not be will be quick to develop another Kantian problem/reaction/solution type construct to undermine such a course, basically hes thinking at level 1 or at the most 2 while these cats think entirely in terms of game theory and are already metaleveling this shit, even worse they think in terms of infinite game theory which by far the most perfidious and autistic variety of said
Dude, I'm just reading through the study and whoever wrote it either didn't crunch through the data or is deliberately lying. Will write a longer post when I do the numbers.
By "it" I mean the article. The study is accurate, although the graphs the (lack of) selective data is probably deliberately misleading. Will elaborate.
Here we go. The article posted here [link1] is making a point based on a chart [pic1] claiming that random surveyed sexual assault does not correspond to the increase in police-reported sexual assaults. Basing a conclusion on this graph is either being oblivious to what it represents, or being outright dishonest. Let me elaborate:
It is based on a survey of crimes provided by bra.se [link2], which creates a final chart [pic1] based on sample [pic2] consisting of 50.6% males and 49.4% females. Targeted age group [pic4] of 16-24 females is 6.8% of total sample [pic2] while being the victim of roughly 50% of all sexual assaults [pic4]. Expanded targeted group of 16-44 females is 22.7% of total sample while being the victim of roughly 80% of all sexual assaults [pic4].
One factually cannot base his assumption (as the writer of article in question did) that rape is not increasing (or merely insignificantly increasing) in spite of police reporting based the graph in the article [pic1] for the following reasons:
1) It averages Sexual Assaults on Males with Sexual Assault on Females [pic3]. Nobody is accusing anybody of mass-raping men. Given that sexual assaults on men are constant [pic3], this is flattening the line by roughly 50% (50.6% in last survey).
2) It averages age groups within female population based on survey participation. Based on research itself, the prime target for rapes is Age Group 16-24 [pic4]. This group while receiving 55% of sexual assaults on females is calculated as 14% of female survey. Nobody is accusing anybody of mass-raping grannies. Young and good looking women are prime target for sexual harassment [pic4], and their (lack of) participation is flattening the survey line.
3) The survey does not take girls younger than 16 into consideration at all. Much of accusations are going towards child grooming gangs, and the survey does not contain a single such individual [pic2].
4) The same survey does indeed show increase in sexual assaults on young women (16-24) and adult women (25-44) [pic5]. Why the author of that article didn't present those numbers from the same source I will leave to you.
5) Considering the above, it is factually inaccurate to claim that sexual assaults in Sweden aren't increasing (notice how he conveniently explains away the police reporting) based on a chart that accounts for targeted group (women 16-24) as 7% of total sample* and does not take girls younger than 16 into consideration at all.
*It is akin to claiming that racism against blacks isn't significantly increasing based on a sample of 93,000 whites and 6,800 blacks, and not including their children at all. It is categorically inaccurate.
Extra: "pic1" is taken from the article [link1]. "pic2", "pic3" and "pic4" are taken from the same (updated, since old link doesn't work) study the writer of the article is referring to [link2]. "pic5" is me making a chart based on the data from the same study for specific age groups [link2].
[link1] debunkingdenialism.com
Archive: archive.fo
[link2] bra.se
Archive: archive.fo
tl;dr - person "Emil Karlsson" writing for "debunkingdenialism.com" is either mathematically illiterate or a liar.
Thanks, satan
Minor corrections, just to be accurate for future reference:
Correction: It is 50.1% females, 49.9% males sample.
Correction: It's 8.8%, not 6.8% or 7%
Correction: It's 23.1%, not 22.7%
Correction: Not 14% but 17.7%
Always glad to help.
Why? I cant se any tendencies in america or europe, that whould indicate a rise in evidence-based polecy makiing or meritotracy.
I think the opposite is happening. Science is disliked and knowingly misinterpreted and used for political agendas. It happenes with conservatives that are denying that climate change is man-made, and it happens with libarals who belive in muh 67 Genders or that evolved plants are inherently bad. The march of science is a perfect example for this. Objectivity is under attack by pretty much everyone.
People don't trust experts because experts have repeatedly sold them out for profit and career advancement.
He claims that "incidents of rape" didn't increase and provides a survey data, which I spent entire post demonstrating is wrong
From Emil: "If actual incidence of rape is unchanged, why are rape reports increasing?"
He's wrong, because "incidence of rape" is changed. And so are you, because I am not using "rape reports" but "incidents of rape". I am literally using his own sources.
yeah, immigrants from poor countries generally are poorer than people from the country they migrated to. hurp durp. the implications of my post, however, is that native Swedes of comparable SES would be participating in crimes at similar rates. crime in general is known to correlate quite well with socioeconomic status, this isn't a new or revolutionary concept.
sure, you then need to ask yourself why brown people are poorer, but when you bring up examples like South Africa where the disgustingly rich white elite were never overthrown, at the expense of white and black workers alike, you just look stupid.
you might as well be asking why poor people are poor instead of just pulling themselves up by muh bootstraps.
so we're talking about rape now and not just crime generally? could it be largely something to do with the definition of rape being broadened multiple times as the article in posits?
well imo this is autism is rising due to more vaccination-tier reasoning.
My claim is that their sources do not in slightest demonstrate their claims. Emil is using survey data to demonstrate no existence in increase in rapes, which is untrue according to his own source (*already demonstrated that he is taking both sexes and all ages) and completely discards police reports. The other is using police reports (which are according to Emil representative of law changes) to demonstrate that in year X when Y immigrants entered the country there was no increase in reports while conveniently leaving out what happens in the following year.
Overall, constant growth exist both in surveys and reports which they are selectively using (*in distorted forms mind you) while contradicting each other.
Also, not one of them is touching on statistics displaying who is the perpetrator of reported rapes.
I don't think I'm actually arguing with you then, I'm taking for granted that statistics showing an increase in rapes are kosher.
retarded af
if anything it will be the exact opposite
wew! that comment section!
I heard Millennial Woes' a 32-year-old NEET that lives with his dad. Is this true?
The problem here is that, like most rightists, he makes no distinction between the left wing (socialists, communists, barely social democrats, anarchists, etc) and liberals, whom are centrists and right-of-center, likely because he is American where the former group basically does not exist.
Looks pretty sharp to be honest.
he just needs to settle down with a nice lass and forget about politics tbh
Liberal bourgies will allways ally themselves with far right bourgies than giving an inch to socialists.