Their god have trolled them hard
Is now time for the far-left to rise again?
Can we start to conquer 4chan now?
Their god have trolled them hard
Is now time for the far-left to rise again?
Can we start to conquer 4chan now?
Other urls found in this thread:
the God is dead
Why the fuck are people still hoping to beat Holla Forums at their own game and take over shitty internet forums
Look how easily they were subverted, or subverted themselves, and became useful idiots. Informal internet clubs are fun but theyre a dead end politically.
we have to despook chan culture and remove the far-right fad.
Reminder that the rise of the Alt-Right on the internet was the result of Russian government backed campaign.
Honestly I unironically think if Holla Forums became far-left or at least revolutionary it would help the cause. People on there are autists who put a huge amount of effort into making sure that all online discussion forums are dominated by discourse that favours them. If the comments on youtube, newsites, message boards etc. were dominated by anti-capitalist rhetoric or really anything besides extreme racism, nationalism, and boot-licking it would be quite helpful. Obviously no substitute for irl organizing but it would influence people and get them thinking.
I'm pretty skeptical we can make this happen the racism (and especially anti-semitism) are too ingrained in Chan culture. The association of SJWs with the left is also hard for chan users to get over. The only way to win over Chans would be a pretty hard separation between SJWs and the anti-capitalist left irl. I doubt this will ever happen though things are moving in that direction.
What is a god to an edgy egotist?
You are god.
It's time
That doesn't work like this, if you believed for a split second that chanology 2.0: smug frog boogaloo is what made Trump win, then you're Autism Level89 tier.
>>>Holla Forums
Stay buttblasted that your chaos demon betrayed you, faggot.
It didn't, but it's giving white nationalism global media coverage.
Antisemitism is just a fad and SJW an useless idpol. We must educate them on the dangers of idpol, and we know how to do it.
The chan culture can at least turn into a more "neutral" place, as it used to be in the past. And is only a duty that leftists can take now.
I'm sure, if Hiro will ever put Holla Forums on 4chan he will have less problems at moderating (except the first week because of the inevitable raids) the boards, because of ideological balance. Leftists can keep nazi kiddies on place.
Also we already have allies on /lit/, /mu/ and /fit/, /lgbt/ and yes some on /mlp/ too (most of the horsefuckers are tired of having to deal with the mlpol bullshit, they just want to fuck horses with no political implications).
The influence of those retards posting smug frog will wane much like it was with Paulbots and SJWs before them. Try to perceive things from the perspective of years or maybe even a decade. If some actual, real deal, paramillitary-like far-right movement will rise, it won't be associated with alt-right, seeing that they're all infected with social liberalism sprinkled with internet edge
Heartiest laughs. This was just as planned. This was ALWAYS as planned.
Fucking pagans BTFO
You claim to be a plotter beyond compare because your plan anticipates failure and turns it to success? When your failures put schemes into motion that in turn flounder, only to spawn new designs whose failure is all part of some master plot… then you still cannot master the schemes of the Changer of Ways
no you stupid fuck
Should have worshipped the Based Demiurge instead
t. butthurt pagan
Varg is this you?
You'll never win Holla Forums over. The board become fascist because its user base was always more concerned about aesthetic and feels masked as theory and investigation, like other fascist movements. The racism and sexism isnt an accesory to an otherwise coherent ideology, it's the irrational core adopted for emotional reasons that the rest of the ideology's framework works to justify.
This isn't necessarily true. Plenty of them ultimately believe in might is right, the strong do eat and the weak are meat and all that jazz. The idea that they're not really thinkers, or that they are incapable of deeply considering the world and the fate of the species is unfounded, plenty of reactionaries take into consideration the arguments of the left and the center, they just don't care because they see nature and entropy as supporting pragmatism, authoritarianism, brutality, social Darwinism and opportunism. If that doesn't make sense to you, you should spend a little more time lurking or read a little more of their primary source literature. A lot of right wingers are bitter converts, bitter because they saw something they can't unsee or realized a truth about how biology and society interact which they can't ignore. That's the real divide between the right and left wings, do you believe in might is right or do you believe in equality.
Could NazBol or Asser's vision of the NSDAP actually be a viable infiltration tool?
We should start with /bant/ they have a fresh anti pol attitude
Didn't you hear, user? Pepe's creator killed him yesterday. Just in time to mememagic Le Pen's defeat.
this genuinely made me sad
its so weird to see pepe properly drawn after all these years
it's all according to plan. for every kek they had, they will now be kuk'd 10 times as hard.
…you got that picture from an SJW article on Cosmopolitan and that phrase from tumblr.
I don't see how that makes me from Holla Forums. Fuck off back to your "safe space". Stupid liberal.
The entity they worship is literally made-up bullshit even by mythological standards, I mean the hieroglyphics/statue they usually associate with Kek? Belongs to a totally different frog goddess entirely.
Seriously? Proofs pls.
This is what being a heretic gets you.
Nigger we didn't have to do anything at all. No shills, no bots. Nothing. This all happened on its own and we're simply laughing at that. Also
Pretty weak tbh
I feel like this music could fit very well with the Mechanicus' aesthetic
Is this the cringe thread?
Kek is the Ancient Egyptian God of darkness and chaos, not some "demon" as stupid evangelicals would claim.