Are nazbols the best thing happened on this board?
It breaths vigors back to it with a sense of aestheticism and unity.
Are nazbols the best thing happened on this board?
It breaths vigors back to it with a sense of aestheticism and unity.
Are Nazbols are basically Russkie nationalists?
Nah, they are Holla Forums but on the left.
I thought we were Holla Forums but on the left?
We are all nazbols
Nah, we are too pussies compared to Holla Forums.
Nazbols are funny, make good memes and help us convert Nazis so as long as everyone real can just remember that their ideology is ahit they are breath gud in my book.
What do you mean? There are people that used to browse this board that are now running around in Syria.
We are too pussies, too inactive compared to them.
We never join up any big antifa faction, or form ranged group.
We just shitpost on the net.
So does Holla Forums, but on the russian side.
Why would we want to join ANTIFA? They are a psyop by Wall Street to make us look like retarded thugs and justify police violence.
Cuz it's better than to do nothing.
You guys realize those syrian guys aren't doing anything right?
I think nazbol is funny and most nazbol posters are nice dudes so I embrace them
OP is a faggot with a tuba
That's actually quite small considering how big China is and how much stuff they actually build.
It's even too small for ONE year, and they write it's three.
Yeah, that sure sounds helpful.
Nice narrative, nice victim complex
What's our official narrative then?
Nazbol posting is a bannable offense (making generals threads, being unironic, etc.) because it gives a good mask for Holla Forumsacks to post here and also because people will (or have already) start ironically believing the bullshit they spout, just like Holla Forums and the Jews, and no one wants that happening again.
Anime armpits are better.
What are you some kind of class cucked legitimate cuckold?
Fuck off sectarian
Can you refute this?
Fuck off. Nazbol is a good meme and good irl too and Holla Forumsacks don't need a fucking mask to post here. They blatantly shitpost here without regard either way, everyone replies to them and no one even bothers to anchor their shit threads.
Don't take it out on Nazbol Gang.
what the hell is nazbol gang? can someone explain this meme to me please
lol leftist sectarian purges.
Aztecs civilization was Nazbol
You don't get it, in fact, on the opposite, sniff, we should be the one to shitpost on Holla Forums under nazbol flag. By creating nazbol threads on both boards we would create an interboard tunnel of ideas, so in return we would be able to redpill Holla Forums about class relations.
Jesus was a Nazbol
Nazbol is shit, but at least it's slightly more coherent than being an unironic internet anime Nazi.
yes i love seeing ironic silly opinions and bad mspaint memes everywhere
see i can do it too, i just did it.
No, leftcoms and bookchinners are much better meme fags.
NazBolism was supposed to be a joke and only a joke but all these edgy retards couldnt decide whether being a stalinist or a nazi was edgier so went with both
Must be a trotskyist
Nazbol Gang is eternity
wtf I hate Nazbol now
Kek, for once I wholeheartedly agree with a Trot.
just remind them that NazBol is a meme ideology, even Posadism is more practical and relevant (for which, btw, there is no flag)
What did the infants mean by this?
Holy fucking shit no. Leftcoms unironically tell everybody "real socialism has never been tried" and Bookchin memes are cringey and forced.
thank you mods nazbol is cancer
I'm starting to dig all this nazbol memeing
it's a weird kind of feel
Looks like the board is already gone, maybe it's time to leave.
bad memes good theory
so who's next mr thought police officer? Stalinists?
Of all the stupid shit they do you could criticize you go and pick the one people are most likely to agree with. Are tankies asperger?
one can only hope
I think you are the one having asperger since you believe that telling someone "real socialism has never been tried" does not make you the laughingstock in every debate
Lose some pounds and leave the basement more often
Forgot flag
you sure did
nah just stalinists
this basically means "everyone who is not a part of my circlejerk"
so much for a non-authoritarian left
honestly the joke would've been better if you stopped at the first post
Nobody here likes you and you've just exposed yourself for what you really are.
I like them
I dunno. I feel like Nazbol a lotta times are just cross-posters from Holla Forums that either come here just to troll or ain't fully excepted the "Marxism is evil" rhetoric which permeates the alt-right and are still open to the idea.
Ok fair enough. With that said, NazBols have done more to convert actual Holla Forumsacks than a lot of people on the left.
We bring aestheticism to the left which is important, especially for those of you who understand the concept of Sorelian myth and it's importance in political propaganda.
"Eurasianism"? What's that, like, Marxism, but only for Europeans and Asians?
I also like Marshall Tito.
I heard Evalion's a tankie now.
She's dating a Asserist who got her into class consciousness.
Fuck off.
no, it's the actual ideology of the nazbols
you need to read the 4th Political Theory by Aleksrandr Dugin.
Depends on the NazBols. "National Communism" is closer to that of Ernst Niekisch. Eurasionism is closer to Duganist NazBol.
So all of this ain't just a meme?
If you keep your racialist, nationalist spooks, you're only half-reformed yourself.
It's basically "American Exceptionalism" but tailored to Slavs.
No, there's lots of real Asserists and NazBols out there.
You're not interested in a real discussion aside from memes.
No, it IS a meme but it's a really really forced meme
And you're not a leftist.
Trading Nazi aesthetics for Soviet ones isn't converting people to the left.
I lowkey think she's a bit off her nut. Like, she's just doing all of this for attention.
great, you can sing partisan songs in Gulag
Labels are gay and just restrict thought.
That's your opinion bro.
The guy she's dating is an actual Asserist and runs this website:
Real talk. I'm tryna convince my black friends to become Marxists. I can't lecture them about the evils of capitalism while wearing a swastika armband!
yeah, the original nazbols split in the mid 90's and they have different subgroups now.
Eurasianism is mostly about securing the Russian Lebensraum and making some kind of alliance with Turkey.
dudes we just need a WHITES-ONLY socialism :D
This Nazbol shit is insidious and should not be tolerated.
Asserism or whatever the fuck it's called doesn't sound good to me!
here is some material, just in case you haven't seen it before
That's what I'm saying.
I'm a black Marxist. Of course I've heard of Fred Hampton before.
Pretty much, Dugin is basically a Heideggerian and an Evolian. NazBols in the traditional sense are Niekischians.
Strasser didn't call for removing non whites. You clearly haven't read his book.
Fair enough, you're entitled to your own beliefs.
"Turkey, The Mexico Of Europe."
Yeah, but he sounds like he's comfortable with letting everyone who ain't white starve.
Daily reminder that Dugin is the Trotsky of National Bolshevism (i.e. a traitor).
Bit harsh on Mexico.
Not sure where you read this. In terms of race, he believed that Europeans had certain traditions and attributes but he wasn't a cruel man. He rejected Hitlerian anti-Semitism in his book and proposed creating a ministry for minorities in Germany so they could have their voices heard. With that said, his racial views were pretty moderate for the time and he was far less anti-semitic than Marx.
When did Mexico ever have a world shaping empire?
The Aztecs and Mayans were pretty kewl.
no, Nazbols are shit and are generally spooked. Once they read a book, they'll grow out of it (and that's coming from a smashie)
Is it true Dugin fucked Richard Spencer's wife?
I actually knew about Dugin in an Evolian Conference (the antifas where there trying to prevent the meeting).
That might be so, but how does this translate into a practical model? More specifically, how does it make even one nation–let alone the world–better?
I've read Marx, Heidegger, Sorel and Marx. I'd also like to point out that Asser tried to kill Hitler on multiple occasions if you don't believe me, watch this video or skip to 27:10 Asser was public enemy no. 1 in Germany for a long time.
Forgot the video.
Be that as it may Nazbol still seems to draw a lot of them 14/88er edgelords into their ranks. Hell, I'd say most of them are exactly that.
Just remove the flag option then. Why make an option you yourself offer a bannable offense?
Holla Forums hates NazBols just like Holla Forums does. We piss off both sides because each side is paranoid thinks we're working for the other side. The fact is, we have our own motivations.
I fucked up:
And Germany tomorrow by Asser of course.
Also, skip to around 6:10
Aight, you go seize the means of production to secure the existence of your proletariat for a future of white workers or some shit then, comrade.
I'd point out that the Black front did far more to fight Hitler than than the communists at the time who were told to not to interfere with Hitlers plans by the USSR.
Only Hitler's been dead for over 70 years now so that doesn't really help the workers (regardless of race) unite.
I'm a pragmatist. I don't think world communism with a resource based economy is viable and somewhat utopian. With that said, I'll play devils advocate and act like a communist for a minute. It seems like it would make sense advocate national revolution as a step towards world revolution. I don't think world revolution can occur in the current state. The only way it might ever be possible would be if the world was united under a single capitalist dictatorship and I'm not willing to push for that kind of accelerationism because by then the capitalists would be so powerful that any revolts would most likely be quickly put down. I honestly believe that Tito's style of socialism was the closest thing in practice in Asserist style National.Socialism. I say this as someone who's read Germany tomorrow and looked at the way the Yugoslavian government was organized. They have many many similarities.
Basically what I'm saying is that national revolution is a stepping stone to world revolution.
but you just said you don't even want world communism
Yeah but my point is that there are common interests. I'm in favor of national revolution because I'm a social-nationalist but if someone were interested in world revolution, it's more likely to be achieved after you have a workers state to push for proletarian interests internationally as opposed to not having one. "Internationalism" in the Asserist sense would perhaps be something akin to loose confederations of socialist nations. He talked about setting this up in Europe,
Oh well I agree. The thing is, I can't see how this differs from, for example, Stalinism or Maoism in effect. They understood internationalism as in their nation's broader geopolitical interests, if you want to take the most cynical view.
That is bullshit though. it is a myth to think that Holla Forums suddenly became what it is being people were being le so ironic that other people believed them and became neonazis.
Instead, there was a real neo-Nazi campaign being executed and propagated by Stormfront to spread their ideological narrative.
Pic related.
It's not a myth in that before the campaign, they were a bunch of edgy libertarian memesters and Stormfront saw in them fertile ground. Poe's Law
Modern Mexico (not precolonial) had its empires, like Brazil, but of course not that influential like the ones of the Old World.
Stalinism and Maoism are based upon Marxian schools of thought. Assers socialism was based less on materialism and more upon a conservative spiritual idealism. Keep in mind, the term "conservative" had a vastly different meaning back then than it does now. He also talked extensively about ways to implement forms of democracy in his book while at the same time lambasting liberal democracy. The best way to describe his ideology would be something akin to an authoritarian quasi-democracy with a market socialist syndicalism.
Mayans and Olmecs were kewl Aztecs no so much
Ok, you realize for a lot of people here, that's the worst of all worlds combined?
I'm a borderline oldfag. There was already a slant towards that when Holla Forums was /new/ and before that when /new/ was /n/. It was bound to happen eventually.
Maybe to ML's but there's a reason a lot of Titoists become Asserists. With that said, I'd tell anyone, no matter their ideology to be open to new ideas. I might not be a Asserist forever. I might go back to being full communist one day, maybe I'll become a Nazi, maybe a liberal, who the hell knows? When I was a young right wing libertarian I thought it was the end of my philosophical journey but I found out through experience that that was incorrect. My own personal truth is that one should strive for knowledge and try to understand "the other side" even if they don't agree with it. I'd tell any Nazi to go and look into Marx just like I'd tell any Marxist to go and look into Evola if for no other reason than thought experimentation.
I like your aesthetics and also the fact you aren't racists but I just highly doubt your economics (guild socialism) will bring about the material conditions for socialism. I feel like your economic approach is mostly defined by your aesthetics and metaphysical beliefs instead of economic calculation.
I like Tankies. I don't agree with their economic platform but I consider Tankies to be some of our best allies on the left.
The difference is that Marx is a materialist while Evolva is not. With modern science at our disposal, I don't think we are required to build up our political ideology based on metaphysics and mysticism. Evolva might be entertaining to read but I'd not recommend anyone to try and forge an actual ideology out of so much identitarianism.
This may sound like vulgar scientism or positivism though.
*Strasserists got murdered by Hitler. How bad can they possibly be?
Is this what they call horse shoe theory?
I wouldn't say they are the best thing but I do like how they are actually converting people from Holla Forums over to leftism, even if most wouldn't call it real leftism. Funny enough, I was on Holla Forums a couple of days ago and they were actually claiming to have started the whole Nazbol meme back in the day as a way to infiltrate us.
I didn't know about this Asser. He's a bit better in my eyes now.
Your ideological daddies were a lot more racist and antisemetic than any Duginist.
I hate how Anarchists always put themselves on a moral pedestrial
I mean, I'm not personally a materialist, I used to be but my socialism has morphed into one based upon idealism. Plus I'm also an occultist Luciferian so that ties into it as well. With that said, I don't deny that the scientific method has lead to some great achievements and I definitely don't think it should be thrown away but I feel that sometimes the results of scientific experimentation can be misinterpreted or blinded by materialist ideology. For example there was an Indian Mystic that discovered atomic theory in the philosophical sense 2600 years ago through personal thought experimentation. Here's a link about it if you're interested:
As for Evola, I'll freely admit I agree with some of his analysis of modernity, I'm just not sure if his solutions were correct as they seem quite extreme and autistic. Just like I think Marx's analysis of capital was amazing but I don't agree with his solutions.
He did a lot to fight Hitler. The wikipedia article on Asserism is extremely factually incorrect.
Oh and with regards to this, I'd also point out, that one of my gripes with libertarianism (of any kind, left or right) is it's lack of authenticity in the Heideggerian sense. It seems to me that left anarchism would need some sort of world government so as to not fall into a petty tribalism. AnCaps are even worse because they bitch about the state all the time, meanwhile their preferred society would devolve into a corporate dictatorship. Simply opposing the state is not enough for me, I'd rather acknowledge that the state will most likely always exist and try to figure out a way to make it the best state possible for everyone involved. With that said, I'd go as far as to say that an authoritarian dictatorship is far more righteous and moral than bourgeois democracy. Because a dictatorship is authentic enough to be open in it's use of force, whereas a bourgeois democracy hides the fact that every vote is backed with an implied force. It's philosophically dishonest.
Assuming this is true, its cool and all, but without scientific experimentation its all just ideas. Experimentation puts ideas to the test. Its not to say its perfect, but having actually published science myself, ideas about sciences are never as straightforward as it seems.
But I believe a political or economic model should be based on empiricism and axioms. You don't have to be 100% materialist think that. If the metaphysical has any weight, how do we even determine it? How do we deduct guidelines from it? The approach would be entirely scholastic, which means inductive like in the Middle Ages. And even then, the fact that there are dozens of suggested answers to the problem of theodizee for example, implies that we would always end up in a mess.
I think Dugin does a cheap cop-out when he says we should base political ideology around the Heideggerian "being". This can anything as long as it isn't universal. What do you think he means by that? Maoism-Third-Worldism?
magic sucks
i swear to god the nazbol memes used to be funny but this shit is way too far
I laughed
fuck off tankie
Take your meds
Very true. My main point is that idealistic thought experimentation generally precedes scientific experimentation. The thought itself comes before the experiment. It's the Eureka moment when one thinks deeply about the properties of reality. The scientific method itself seems to be a tool, to simply confirm or deny these thought experiments. It's like saying that you can't count to the number "2" until you've counted to the number "1". Basically, without idealism as a metaphysical concept, there would be no ideas worth testing in the first place.
Fair enough.
One of the best metaphysical theorists was the Swiss psychoanalyst Carl Jung. The metaphysical isn't the spooky dooky stuff portrayed in the media. It's more or less a deep exploration of the mind as a Heideggerian entity or an aspect of being. One might even call this Dasain as Heidegger defined Dasain as the entity trying to better understand itself. Although I may have to re-read it as it gets pretty deep and can be open to interpretation.
Weird I was talking about Heideggerian being before I read this statement. Anyway, I haven't actually read Dugin as I'm not technically a NazBol, I just use this flag because there's no Asserist flag. With that said, I think what he's talking about is personal authenticity in this sense. Which I feel is an important trait.
hyperborean nazi detected
Nazbols subvert people on the far right to come to the left.
The main problem with nazbols is that they are basically tankies who think that "red fascism" is the actual definition of communism rather than a pejorative aimed at the USSR. Every variant and strain of tankie (i.e. any leftist who defends the USSR, a degenerated worker's state that killed more than 20 million of its own people in labor camps and via targeted famines) is a drag on the leftist movement in the west and should be exiled from leftypol to prevent them from ruining our discussions with their autism.
If it was r/fullcommunism the whole board would be banned
Hi reddit
What about reading a book once in a while?