How do we defeat the cult of the entrepreneur and the general treatment of the small business (i.e petite bourgeois) as some great paragon of virtue in american culture
How do we defeat the cult of the entrepreneur and the general treatment of the small business (i...
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You are a cunt for this statement. How was smallpox irradiated?
Cant you read?
By vaccination, largely.
What does this have to do with anything?
How is either the OP or the picture of OP related to the eradication of smallpox?
Because that was a work of an individual unhampered by shit like (you)
Ref: :cult of the entrepreneur
Why cant you talk, in stead of posting an image?
So what? It would have never been used in large enough scale without government vaccination programs, it would be useless invention without the state nor its mandates to vaccinate large enough population groups to eradicate it.
You should be thanking the state for it, not individuals.
The eradication of smallpox in the XXth was largely the feat of WHO. Literally big global gubmint.
What the fuck are you trying to say here?
You are a buffoon. A doctor noticed girls who milked cows survived smallpox plagues.
We can defeat the cult of the entrepreneur by demonstrating the clear superiority of peer invention. I just wrote a bunch of words on a hypothetical platform for doing this in the cybernetics thread:
I am trying to say here is that statists like yourself will shut down individual experimentation because you are control freaks.
Irrelevant to my point.
It would be pointless innovation without the government. In fact, there would be no basis for private property(ie. cows) without the state.
So rule by committee if you even know what im talking about?
Entrepreneurial behavior is not exclusive to capitalism. Petite bourgeoisie deserve nothing but suffering though.
No, simply people cooperating to easily invent things that they would have to labour in isolation to do under the ideological shackles of the cult of the entrepreneur.
Im sorry, why is "the govnmt" relevant to my life beyond providing group sourced projects like schools and bridges?
We can give it a nice ceremonial burial, considering less and less people buy it.
Dimlo, people are selfish and thats why your silly theorems are a pipe dream. Get real kiddo, people are shit.
It prevents the nasty commies from going after your toothbrush.
It provides security and stability for your private property. Without it there would be nothing but anarchy, an eternal war against everyone. Life would be nasty,brutish and short without it. No society beyond the stone age can function without some form of de facto government.
Read Leviathan by thomas hobbes.
I'll just make another tooth brush and fortify it against shitheads.
Please, don’t tell me to "read something" tell me your self ffs.
Fine, synopses pls.
There is nothing else to state. No society can function without monopoly on violence in hands of de-facto state apparatus.
Mutual aid, that is, cooperation, is an important factor both in nature and our survival as a social species. Selfishness is best served via cooperation, except in the most dire circumstances.
Smallpox does not spread via radiation.
Typo yeah.
Indeed and see my answer to 1646285
So why are leftist so intent on destroying homogeneous societies?
tldr: Banding together>Fuck you got mine.
Selflessness and solidarity provide evolutionnary adantage over going at each other throats or just plainly ignoring each others
Because you touch yourself at night.
This is correct, but requires mutual identity.
Why do you have such a big boner for homogeneity?
Grow up prick you have school on monday.
Cooperation does not neccessary imply homogeneity.
And what is destroying thoses society is the Market's logic, not Leftists.
because its what nature gave.
There is no such thing as homogeneous society. Society by default holds some type of hierarchy, making it heterogeneous.
Nope, it requires only that people face a common problem. If I'm trapped in a well with someone else and need their help getting out, it doesn't matter if they're the same race as me or whatever other spook you want to push here.
Unfortunately cooperation does imply homogeneity, human factor and all that.
And it is leftists that the so called progression is so derived.
When a Holla Forumsack starts bleating about muh irrelevant shiting there really isn't much you can do for them.
yes dont talk to him
This is non argument
I'm honestly hoping you're a commie shitposting Holla Forums regular who's just bored, that answer is retarded on so many levels. On the off chance you are a whole heartedly retarded Holla Forumsfag, if what nature gives is best, and anything we do to disrupt, disturb or alter it's course is bad, you should consider anarcho primitivism.
Now, understand, they're fucking retarded as hell, but they consider themselves socialist, so they often post under flag related ^^^.
with caveats obviously god dont be so black and white!
You never worked with people different from you? You never had activities with people different from you?
Are you a NEET?
What's wrong with entrepreneurs? Somehow we're supposed to be in favor of revolutionizing the productive forces of society so as to make a society without need of the state, private property, money etc. feasible, but we're against entrepreneurs commercializing technologies to… revolutionize the productive forces of society?
No m8 nature is as does, i never implied or said it was best just what we have.
This statement interest me, i don’t think hierarchy is a dismissal of homogeneity.
Explanation plox
I think you posted in the wrong thread.
No it did not. Humans would be monogamous
and non-hierarchical if that were the case. Our evolutionary psychology drives us to be cooperative towards our kin group and to be competitive in relation to everyone else.
I'll just lag-fag for a bit so you can keep track of my posts here.
It's evidently not what we have.
Source: live in non-homogeneous country
Just because something is happening in a certain way doesn't mean it had, must, will or should always happens this way.
At some point people thought devotion to God and the king were the natural order.
Nature isn’t perfect but she sure as shit will slap you in the face and you cannot deny the Gaussian distribution of ability hence hierarchy
Rubbing intensifies
I agree, some things ain’t organic
Except hierarchies don't follow from ability but from the capital and networks accumulated in our current society.
Thats not even a question fuckin hell!!!!!!!
that's bs wishful thinking.
see: Elon Musk & Co.
You're kidding right?
Why would I try to deny it? People are more driven by their reason than their psychology. If we look at the human development form historic perspective the modern times are far more homogeneous than what human societies have been in the past(equality under the law, abolition of cast based muh privileges etc.).
Crap, of course they do, dont get caught up in this pseudo spooky capital stuff, you are capital.
Are you saying Celtic Scotland was less diverse now?
Easy. Point out how entrepreneuers always have to go balls deep into debt just to get started. Then only a tiny fraction of the tiny fraction who could get a loan in the first place is actually able to repay their loans. Then, those few who do end up selling anyway, because already established competitors swoop in and steal their business. Ultimately a fraction of a fraction of a fraction actually succeeds. Entrepreneuership is a scam from start to finish.
That sentence makes no sense.
Think about it
I was speaking in general terms of historic development, not about individual cases or societies.
Imcompetent managers wouldn't be a thing if hierarchies derived from ability.
If anything, a genuine meritocracy is what we aim for.
But to directly answer your question, no. It might have been more homogeneous society than today. Same can be said of most tribal societies but I doubt that you would want to live in one.
Who is we?
Yeah, i grew up in a society where kids weren’t being stabbed or molested like it was an industry
Krypto commies
Most of us did and even more of young people are growing up this way, since crime rates have been steadily going down during this century across the board but especially in the developed world.
Naw, we're just regular commies.
good let the kool aid flow through you
Oh, how dull
But aren’t you just rich kids toying with some edgy philo
what brought you here today reddit man
Reddit man Reddit man, coming here with your evil plan, man
Why do you want there to be more crime then? Would you want to return into the homicide rates of the last century then?
Fact to the matter is, that world is getting more educated,literate and healthier by the day. Most major epidemic diseases have been all but wiped out and in general technological and economic development are rising everywhere.
By 2300, UN predicts that even underdeveloped world will reach standards of the modern developed states.
Ouais toi.
By 2300, UN predicts that even underdeveloped world will reach standards of the modern developed states.
It's fun.
Prison industrial complox nedds it huh!
Leviathan is probably the most materialist work ever written by a liberal social contract theorist.
It's not hard when you don't try to make any excuse for absolute power.
I have a solution, youre not gonna like it but it solves this problem for you and for me
Pic relevant
Fun fact Thomas Hobbes was such a pussy he created a whole treatise advocating for an autocratic state so he could be protected from evil dudes
Seeing your country torn to bits by bloody civil war tends to make people desiring more safety so fewer would suffer.
Yeah what a huge faggot for wanting not to die pointless death.
seems right
Kill yourself anarkiddy.
Reality. Marx's prediction will come true: the petit-bourgeois will slowly drop into the proletariat, except for the lucky few who become bourgeois.
For those of you who think I'll bullshitting: just look at what IS happening to the intelligentsia. 100 years ago only a few % of the population went to university/college, this was a huge advantage. Later on, education would become a great tool for social mobility, this kept people mostly complacent (the american dream and so on) but now, as more and more people become college educated, the laws of competition in capitalism make it so you're not that special anymore. Good luck getting a fucking job nowadays.
Government paid vaccination?
Basically due to the British empire.
But being trapped in a well is an identity! Leftists BTFO!!!
idpollers actually believe this.
no, neoliberalism is a hell of a drug. I also had an multiculturalism presentation with some homo speaker who opened up with, "as a proud gay latino man…"
We don't defeat the entrepreneur and small business, we uphold them as the vision of a classless society. A small business is generally one in which the means of production are held by those who work them - this is the ideal of socialism. It's when they begin to grow beyond the capabilities of a family's own production and hire wage laborers that they move from Petit-Bourgeois to actual bourgeoisie.
See for more detail on this. But basically, we want everyone to be entrepreneurial. Because when everyone owns their own means of production, nobody is exploited.
How could Marx have been so dense? All that time studying and researching the laws of value, and the effects of capital accumulation; all addressed by simple familial worker coops.
There is nothing wrong with entrepreneurship and small businesses rather they need to be defended from the pro-bourgeoisie and anti-worker policies that are getting pushed for in their name which coincidentally always hurt small businesses.