What are Holla Forumss honest opinions on Spiked Magazine? I know we have a lot of British anons, but for everyone else it's a Marxist journal that came out of and older Trot journal called "Living Marxism" that was associated with an old Trot party named the Revolutionary Communist Party (nothing to do with Avakian). Anyway, they still describe themselves as coming out of an anti-Stalinist as well as Marxist Humanist tradition and describe themselves a "the Left of the Left", and have become extremely anti-idpol/anti-SJW free speech advocates. Their main focus seems to be free speech on campuses, anti-austerity, and anti-brexit.
Spiked Magazine
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Was this intentional?
It wasn't. I recently became interested in them and this was the information I gathered from a cursory glance. Are they not Trotskyist? I don't really know their reputation, hence why I started the thread.
One last bump. At least someone on this board has to have positive or negative opinions on Spiked Magazine.
That's a lot of free speech talk, I like their devotion
That's what drew me to them. Also the degree to which they very openly critique idpol. I figured they were right up Holla Forumss alley, but apparently not.
I think they are not well known too much
try posting interesting articles once in a while, I'm sure you'll get some attention
I hadn't heard of them, I'll give it a read
I honestly thought they were a lot better known. Some of their writers have been featured on the Zero Squared podcast, and I figured Holla Forums liked any Leftist who takes a solid stand against idpol. Maybe in the future I'll post interesting articles that I think the rest of the board will enjoy.
Here's the Zero Squared episode where I first became aware of them. Should be a good listen for any Leftist who wants to see the Left reject idpol more broadly.
Only really like James Heartfield, think the rest are just gone full libertaritard (some going as far as to supporting the right to download pornography) And Brandon O'Neil seems pretty reactionary. Also the LM lot do have a habit of shilling for big business. Look up the LM Network, esp on the powerbase wiki
The only thing I really respect of the former trots of the RCP are they had some pretty cool views on the Troubles.
whoops…supporting the right to download child pornography that should read.
'The Revolutionary Communist Party, the last group in Britain to go through any real process of growth, has disappeared altogether, with its minuscule inner core surviving as a noisy if ineffectual right-wing libertarian think-tank. Leaving his exegeses on Marx’s Capital far behind him, the RCP’s guru Frank Füredi now rabbits on about the ‘culture of low expectations’, a theory brilliantly confirmed by the evolution of his group – from wanting to change the world to whinging about it like a cut-price Julie Burchill. Readers will, however, be gratified to learn that the group’s insufferable arrogance has survived the transformation, thus proving, in an interesting twist of the dialectic, that the content of a phenomenon can change dramatically, whilst its form remains unaltered.'
I actually agree with everything you've said here. I kind of think they walk a tightrope between having a disciplined critique of idpol and just taking reactionary positions against SJWs. Especially Brandon O'Neil who I think is a cunt. But I also think they're doing a bit of a service for the Left by being as confrontational towards Liberal idpol as they are.
Why do British people always give everything such quaint and adorable names?
I think this is a pretty accurate description of Spiked, but I still think they have some decent points and some decent articles.
probably because the term Civil War would of made the situation sound really bad, which it really was.
James Heartfield stuff on housing, Marx and his book on World War II 'The Unpatriotic History Of World War II' is always good. And his online argument with Andrew Kliman makes for interesting reading.
Oh shit and I forgot, anything he writes about Ireland too.
Holy fuck, why was I not already aware of this. This sounds amazing. Can you provide a link?
probably not the best place to start but its got links on it though
Thanks user!
They aren't that different from your average nationalist cucks. They don't propose anything socialist anyway, socdem is trash.
they different from the nationalist in that they are very pro-immigration.
I don't see that, sauce? Their main "activity" seems to be fetishizing democracy and muh rights.
I'm sure Brandon O Neil even mentions it in one of the Zero Books podcasts like how they troll both sides and that one minute the left are annoyed with them for the anti-idpol stuff the next the right are annoyed with them with the pro-immigration stuff.
even their pro-Brexit 'immigration' messages is more about the restrictions placed on non-EU migrants which the EU freedom movement within the EU 'restricts'. I've always read from their stuff they are more opposed to the concept of 'fortress Europe' as opposed to immigration itself.
'spiked wants immigration to be as liberal and as free as possible. Long before the migrant crisis, we made the case for all people – whether they’re within Fortress Europe or without – to have the freedom to flourish wherever they please. But if we want to open the borders, we need to win the argument first. Rather than treating the masses as thick-headed racists, and migrants as a flesh-bound battering ram to progress, we need to make the case for freedom, and how it enhances all of our lives. We need to revive popular sovereignty, and reject the idea that the masses are there to be managed.'
Tom Slater is deputy editor at spiked
Its not a typical nationalist view really.