This is what me and my neighbors are getting sprayed with at this very moment.
Will there be Cloud Seeding under Socialism?
Other urls found in this thread:
This is a map of all the permanent prole gassing facilities over Los Angeles.
What 'excessive' exposure does to you.
The Office of Environment, Health and Safety, UC Berkeley, rates silver iodide as a Class C, non-soluble, inorganic, hazardous chemical that pollutes water and soil.(8) It has been found to be highly toxic to fish, livestock and humans.(6,7,8,9) Numerous medical articles demonstrate that humans absorb silver iodide through the lungs, nose, skin, and GI tract.(7,8,9) Mild toxicity can cause GI irritation, renal and pulmonary lesions, and mild argyria (blue or black discoloration of the skin). Severe toxicity can result in hemorrhagic gastroenteritis, shock, enlarged heart, severe argyria, and death by respiratory depression.(8)
a key manufacturer of silver iodide for weather modification, Deepwater Chemicals, warns of potential health effects of silver iodide in their Material Safety Data Sheet as follows:
Chronic Exposure/Target Organs: Chronic ingestion of iodides may produce “iodism”, which may be manifested by skin rash, running nose, headache and irritation of the mucous membranes. Weakness, anemia, loss of weight and general depression may also occur. Chronic inhalation or ingestion may cause argyria characterized by blue-gray discoloration of the eyes, skin and mucous membranes. Chronic skin contact may cause permanent discoloration of the skin.(10)
What they're spraying elsewhere:
The good news:
It only will cost $10b a year to fumigate the planet.
Of course the cia couldn't resist the opportunity:
Can the CIA weaponise the weather?
Some trivia for you: Did you know silver iodide use in cloud seeding was invented by Kurt Vonnegut's brother and is likely the inspiration for Ice-9?
So this is the subject Holla Forums won't touch?
Should I have put oh my god crazy 3rd-wave-feminist-idpolers say cloud seeding is the greatest weapon against sexism! Or why isn't cloud seeding helping me getting me a girlfriend to sow my seeds in? Or some shit like that?
Nobody cares about this stupid shit
Your shit's dumb.
He is with us.
It is less likely people would be using dangerous products if they have a say on how the comons shoud be run.
It can depend on what kind of socialism arise.
It depend if only agricultural workers have a say or if the whole commune have a say.
We could very well imagine a point where producer's interests would come at odd with the neighboring populations. Even if it will be less exacerbated than with the current system.
I'm shivering.
Isn't this supposed to fight climate change? I'm out of the loop.
Thank you for the legit response. I don't know why anti-pollution isn't a bigger issue with the left.
I think it makes a much better and more legitimate scare tactic than that global-warming hooplah. Between this the fluoride, lead, petroleum and whatever new industrial by-product they're dumping into the environment this week is enough for me to want a revolution.
But I bet tomorrow all these brainwashed 'science' cultists will tell me that I'm a conspiracy nut for thinking lead is bad for you.
Nigga you said kek not me. Get out of here with that garbage.
Workers should sieze the means of cloudsedding TBH.
No. No spray The Earth with industrial by product. Bad humys.
Fuck two degrees farenheit tomorrow stop poisoning me today.
Nice job outing yourself, Holla Forumsack.
I'll save you from global warming! Just down one bottle of arsenic and you'll be immune.
Let me know how it works out for you.
Some more brilliant solutions:
Small Nuclear War Could Reverse Global Warming for Years
Regional war could spark "unprecedented climate change," experts predict.
For the sake of my own understanding: out of all the problems in the world why does a marginally warmer planet make you shit your pants?
Also fucking >climate change
What's so hard to grasp about that?
You'd be the faggot saying hydrocarbons were harmless half a century ago.
That's why I think this global-warming/climate change bullshit is a false flag ploy by the oil industry to obfuscate what is a very easily digestible idea "car exhaust nasty, not good to breathe, not good for your health" into the most unrelatable abstract "your by percentage minuscule amount of CO2 emission is leaving a 'carbon-footprint' that we'll result in a 1 degree change in average global temperature in five decades."
Rising sea levels apart, a few degrees can completely change ecosystems. Fishes populations are migrating according to the new temperatures of water. And fauna and flora gradients tend to migrate to the north in Europe.
You can have tempests potentially more violent from the added heat in the atmosphere.
We can already see small atolls disappear.
It's not that bad when you have the means to adapt the infrastructures to the new environmental conditions, but when you don't have thoses means, the common you rely on can dissapear.
If you think the Syrian refugee crisis is bad, imagine what will happens when every third world shithole becomes twice as much unable to feed their populations.
What do you have to say to this:
I would respond that not everyone is a braindead amerilard that can't picture an environnmental problem more abstract than "black smoke is making my nose sting".
Alright then. Stay sophisticated bro.
Don't get a credit card with one of those chips because that's how they GET YA
So clever.
This is absolutely not sophisticated. It is taking 5 minutes to read stuff and integrate information.
Jesus Christ, that's barely average tier shit.
A conspiracy to make peole doubt about climate change so big business isn't hindered that's very likely, a conspiracy to make people believe in climate change to sell green technologies why not, but a conspiracy to shill a complicated problem necessary impossible understandable because it's more than two sentences long?
Give me a break
Either you're proving my point or I'm really a simpleton cause that made no sense to me.
*complicated problem necessary impossible to understand.
My proof reading in English is not efficient at this time of the night. My bad, i'm not unfaillible.