♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
No bans Edition
♥ Official Scootalooo Thread ♥
No bans Edition
What was the original version of this comic? What is down there? Is is tentacles? An Extra head? A penis?
A dick.
BC user posted all the time. Blood convinced Bebop to take IDs off for a day. What do you get for having them off? Some people can ctrl-f all of an user's posts, filter an user, tell if somebody is a name-changing shit. And if I take them off you get... what?
oh shit is that central american karp really here
a benis
But I've already done that twice, and I'm not exhausted yet, plus I don't see how you helping me out would make me anymore exhausted, you'd be doing the work, not me.
Oh, uhh... well then.
It can be yeah, but I've had it for a long time and I'm dealing with it well enough for it not to be a constant issue.
Also that's what they'd like to make you think, but we've got bills and stuff to pay too, this is why I need my job and do a very delicate balancing act between job, university and medical stuffs.
oh lol nvm
damn that sounds busy. whyd you stop having a job and what kinda thing are you looking to do?
i love bc... ; w;
go deeper test though
BC actually was the one who convinced beepop TO put on IDs
ya dun got tricked
I wonder how successful Luka's panhandling was tonight.
the way you're putting it is like I am a master manipulator among the mods or have a sharingan or some bullshit like that
No, you're straight up calling your statement a fact
fuck outta here with that strawman garbage
I don't constantly voice any community, that shit happened once with the bebo drama in the past year or more
rip in rest
I will cut you
lazy just like you
theres no reason not to have them
Why am I remotely surprised blood chan is still around
Calm down there, Alex Jones.
there's no reason TO have them
and we didn't have them before
Step up, bitch.
No, you think you are when you've done nothing and influenced nothing. You just like to delude yourself into thinking you're the most important person here.
hi karpy
I'm gonna post anyways.
I didn't have a job in the first place, I've been constantly looking for one and I've found one, and I'm waiting for the guy to get back too me, and if he does, hopefully I'll get it.
Plus that job is working at a card shop that I frequent, helping out at events that they host and working behind the counter helping nubs build decks and what not.
i cant believe they have our yuri releases guy too... kinda made me sad when i saw that
well played luka
dfw TP notices you
Special lady. We hooked up at some point, things went crazy from there. Lost a friend, gained the love of my life, and a wonderful three year old that lights my day like nothing else in this world.
What have I done thats lazy ?
I beat you more than I lost though
Don't make me go play more warden and lawbringer, fagget
I dunno, I'm still leaning towards Chaos Child, this week's was really fucking good.
I'm watching Maid Dragon now, I want to play Twister with Kanna-chan.
Eh, you could download KCP but it hasn't been updated in like 3 years, I was going to try setting up mpv but effort.
It's anime girl for "fight on" or something.
I used to be a lot bigger on sweets but now they just hurt my teeth, so I guess I'm pretty lucky~
well thats great! obviously you enjoy it and might have already built a rapport with some of the people there. but how long have you been waiting?
nice one haha! yknow squid and i were briefly e-married in my alternate universe
d-do squid and nully already know each other..?
I havent seen bc in YEAAARS
the reason is to stop filter dodgers
when and where
idk if you've convinced yourself of me having had 0 influence
cuz that's a load of bologna
It takes a group of people to decide the atmosphere, sometimes ive talked to people in private, other times ive been a part of the group that wants change
im not saying any of that stuff you think im saying
try to get it into your skull
he posts everywhere doesnt he
alright now i'm curious test
who is this inner sanctum in your holy discourd chat who you council
maybe you should ask like real posters what you should do
seems like that is what got beepop in trouble
listening to the most eager ones
This .gif bothers me.
No you didn't...and even then it's because your ping is shit and you were lagging all over the place.
You have places to be anyway apparently! Go do that you fucking queer...
Really? So you guys dated once or what.
Don't you ">" me, you will calcify your pineal gland if you don't filter your water.
Well, I gave them my number like two weeks ago, and I feel like they rang me at one point, but when I rang back it just went to that uhh, booping tone which means the phone is disabled or something.
So hopefully today I'll get a call again, maybe!
yeah as we get older we get more sensitive to the sheer sweetness of some things
I've had a few cases of that
but imo the delectable richness of the fats and such in choco cakes and pies help balance it :x
my guess is guero ooble and moogs
Are you using your brother's "girl" alt?
you are literally doing something to stop ONE person who you can't stop
you realize how retarded this is, right?
It's not my discord, it's Ooble's and Guero's. And everyone in there is posters.
I don't go to them for advice. I just happened to be in a voice while you started asking me to do something I had no intention to do and I mentioned it.
and any potential ones like kroni or the sort
its like a vaccine
Huh? For Steam? No, he doesn't give me access to his stuff. Why are you asking.
Do I already know you?
Fish also should not have the ability to form smiles, but i'm not questioning it
Oh yeah Chaos Child is really good too,but I feel like incest NTR gay sleepovers takes the cake
I feel like its 2013 all over again, shit posting with all these same faggots in my dads apartment drinking his shitty alcohol he never touches
Ah, good times man
I heard about MPV but I dont really care tbh
VLC gets the job done, it plays anime, porn and movies
What more could I ask for
Test invites me to it but I only join when hes offline.
If we ban him we can stop it.
alright dude just stop
It was like 2-2 though. Also literally not even
And no, sci x me is just a meme
they're butt buddies
what a lad! my favorite guy!
oh yes yes! it was great. hey btw what happened to that discord thing i havent been there in a while
you need to call them. i think
im just that loser sci dw
Yeah but I did more cool things regardless...
Ah, I see.
Oh, yeah I forgot Discords a thing
test you are better than this
i think
i guess test did fuck kyle
Ree blew his shit and now it's dead. I think me and Faloxx are the only ones there,
Also Ree dumped Faloxx.
so like just a stat
Hello ?
That's the thing, I don't have their number. Which is rather dumb of me, because I should have asked them for it when I gave them mine.
But yeah, hopefully today will be the day.
they docked.
What'd you buy For Honor on?
Are you calling me old? ;;
I've never really cared for chocolate much, but I do get cravings for it sometimes.
This week's KnH was really fucking good too, you might be right.
But MadVR makes the cute girls more cute or something.
Uplay. Again why are you asking...?
What's up, Holla Forums~?
you're a year older than me
we're in our primes
now's our chance to make the best of it
what the actual fuckkkkk!!!! that was the otp though! also did you learn anything about whatever happened to that dudes dad seemed like there was a story
so you should probably go in imo
*face scrunches up until it disappears*
happy friday welmaaa
I got an amazing performance assesment
im losing weight
life is good
I would, and probably will maybe today, but saying that I don't have much money on me at the moment, so maybe when I get back from home I'll do it.
Heya Maddy, how are you doing?
His brother killed his dad. They both got over it really really quickly actually. It really is a shame though...I remember being in Faloxx's position.
a little?
but i guess kyle's power hungry not being able to listen to reasoning got stuck in chris's bum when they like did the gay sex
literally old enough to be my mom
Chaos child is best suspense
KnH is best drama
Either way both are great
I dont care about the art style...well except for that Tanya one, the lolis eyes just fucking ruin everything for me
hai hai
Happy Friday to you too, Grommles.
You're tellin me, mang. Glad to hear it
Oh, for sure.
I didn't see you online playing it when you said you were so it just sort of made me curious if you were using your alt or his or something.
back from home? you visiting your folks?
whoa...thats super liiiiiiiiiiiike fucked up!
you mean when kroni dumped you?
Heya Soto^^
How's it going?
the fuck
did your mom have you when she was 5
hey bb
i'm not really liking what i'm seeing dar
also hi elmers
SpongeBob an chill.
Oh snap, you finally find someone? Nice.
Me, I'm burning up, feeling bad and I'm on a abnormal sleeping schedule, so the usual for me.
I will be on Sunday, till Wednesday, so when I hop off the train I can just go to the place and ask about.
Go after the one posting the green haired avatar.
What is that?
...I have a Uplay account with you added? I didn't even remember having a Uplay, so I guess I made a new one. But I thought it was my first one.
Yes, I mean when Kronie dumped me.
Go to a fucking bar you autistic shit.
It's going alright
Just drinking on a friday night
irl friends wanna meme on GTAV but I wanna watch anime
I'm down for that
mff has that one webm of some girl sucking a dildo attached to a spongebob
But I already suck at sweets ;;
I really need to pick up Tanya, I see her posted everywhere.
Do video games count as media?
Is media subset of entertainment?
bars are terrible
I've done it before already,
Sounds hot
begone from here, heathen
not when you're one
You can trust me though.
Just as much as your music taste, SCUM.
I'm fucking tired give me a break. I've had like three hours of sleep over here.
welp i made a conscious decision going into tonight to see if test would listen to reasoning
apparently you have to have the right account or password
lesson lerned
same shit different day
In your new place and stuff?
Heya Teeps. Long time no see. How's it been?
Yuppers. It's really quite something lol
That stinks. Sorry about that. Try that Zzzquil stuff. It's "non habit forming" ;^)
GTAV is pretty sick tho.
Spending another weekend at the lady's place. As if I haven't been there the past week lmao
I'm not fat.
Wow. RUDE.
They are worthless, ineffectual. I use a proxy to samefag as Neru and no one has caught it yet.
its fucking disturbing
Well then, hello.
i guess that might be a good plan but even better maybe would be stopping by before the visit. but what do i know
im sry that must have been hard darling
who is this guy
im gonna buy a rug for my room soon
its all linoleum, need the soft stuff
I have a nice roomie too
Don't worry I've already seen this.
It's only the truth. Get over it.
I have no idea but he's a degneerate. Take it from me.
I'm the taxi driver from last night who was really sad and shit
alright. where you been
it makes no sense
they are literally defending the cowardly act of filtering
frankly, it's disgusting
I was just getting him to pursue.
Nothing was implied by that.
My friend likes it alot and I sorta watch it when he puts it on
It's decent, like if you like WWI type shit and MAGIC and lolis then it's for you
Did ya see Kanna's thicc ass thighs while playing twister?
Jesus christ that shit is worth the jailtime
then again it's a fucking drawing :^)
Man, 3 shots back to back will really slap you in the face
Oh shit, you're into irl lolis?
Oh yeah dude, how has your relationship been going?
Music is both media and entertainment
TV is both media and entertainment
Video games seem more entertainment than media.
Books seem more entertainment than media.
Nice, that's really good to hear I'm glad.
Also I don't like stuff that helps you sleep, just too unnatural for me. tend to freak out and what not.
Well I'll do what I can when the time arrives, but other then that, I'm just living off a super tight budget!
I am NOT degenerate, I am just shitposting REALLY hard.
Being filtered is a badge of honor around here if anything. Let them have the IDs.
lonely :(
be nice to the poor fella he hasnt done anything against you! probably
oh so you came back
like hey
suppose so. i believe in you empty
Thats not what I meant.
alright fine
i guess if there was a point i made it
This still makes you a degenerate.
He dislikes folk.
This is really a 10/10 trap. Talk to them.
Hey there.
Well everything worked out better than expected then, right?
I housesat last weekend through the blizzard then work and with the gf mostly.
But whyyyyy.jpg
It's awesome.
First Valentine's Day in a long time I've had a Valentine to say the least ;3
But like, you need to sleep tho
why dont you like folk you weirdo!!!!!!!!?????? ;o
what songs did you link?
The point is that the admin is a bitch.
How is possible to even dislike folk music? It's innately as simplistic as possible.
I missed the fams, so i visited them
then I remembered why I left ahahahahaha
I check in like 3x a week by phone tho
Dunno. Figured it be amusing for you.
post face
Oh so you aren't?
Fucking shit tastes m8
Wait so is it like a real girl or a trap?
simplistic garbage if you ask me
Well I'm glad you do, I don't believe in myself that much, but therapist said something about that and what not, so I'm trying my best too!
True, I do, but I'm going to let my body collapse or something of the sort and go from there.
oh right the east got hit hard
we've been so lucky
by girlfriend do you mean gay boyfriend?
Wait so how new are you?
Can agree.
He likes more high energy andd angry feeling stuff.
yeah man i didn't realize how entrenched he was when i orchestrated his election
I'm not even gay I am just 100% pretending.
Are they lying to me? Or are you really qt?
I don't dislike it, I just don't particularly love it
Why on earth would I post face?
like, 24 hours ago new.
Cause I post mine all the time
Join me fam
I'm a suck?
Magic loli is nice.
Yeahh, plus walking in the rain was adorable.
I'm trying to mpv right now, it seems really easy but setting it as default is fucking me up
kore de shimai da
who do think made that strawpoll on that fateful day
I'm sure you were 100% pretending when you said post butt too you gucking fuck.
Dude holy shit hello hi. Make sure to follow in my footsteps, okay? Everyone will like you if you're like me.
I'm confident with a lot of technologies now.
Learned the broad stuff about a year ago. That's what those courses teach.
Been getting down to specifics. Maybe a course later on vectors and matrices.
Apparently very applicable in data analyzation.
Media is catchier.
New board when?
Hello, Master.
I'd post mine, but too manly + dead eyes makes me look weird.
Why do you encourage these things
that is good advice listen to your therapist dude
tru tru
oh what this isnt even that good
what songs did you link at this guy?
nah it's still better than before
lol getting a little perspective :P
Why'd you figure that?
Does it matter?
Suit yourself^^
Yeah, we got like 3 feet in 3 days/2 storms.
I don't think I am, but here's a recent one of me at a Chilis day drinking tequila
Fuck you yes it is...
Ineffable boredom. I will find something else soon enough.
Yeah, at least this admin embraces his homosexual tendencies and meets up with furries to fuck them.
we like skipped the snow and went to 60s
pretty cool
I'm doing so, but she wants me to go on pills and I've already had enough pills for the last 5 years with my back and stomach, I don't want anymore.
It's my only option at the moment. So it's what I have to go with.
I'm too paranoid. Also I look like shit. I have really shit beard atm and all sorts of imperfections on my face, and I got laser eye surgery recently and I think I look ugly without glasses. I have self esteem issues okay
Go check the last thread
If I'm being totally honest, 7/10, but that looks like a really good picture so I'll say 6/10.
What do you care?
When I tell someone that they're filtered I don't actually bother to
I can't really explain a reason why.
Just seemed apt.
a succulent sweet~
where do you live?
That wasn't supposed to be linked.
test really does downplay his gay animal fetish
but it's still better than before
uhhh okay like whatever you say. gimme another one.
okay when it comes to the pills and stuff you can figure that out for yourself i guess
no freakin way dude... ',:-\
grim what even is imouto lol
I heard a rumor that he is into marmots.
Canada silly don't you see the flag? why are you asking?
holy shit its way past my bed time
I actually -do- filter, though.
Really though you're a cool guy, Stay around a while. Explain to me your complex backstory that led you to this moment.
I'm imagining a dick gumshoe kinda guy here. Driving a taxi.
it used be a hugbox now it's a sleeper cell
aren't they kinda like river otters
back from work
Yeah, exactly. I'll just take it slow and focus on improving myself first, and if that doesn't work after sometime going at it, I'll take the pills probably.
60s sounds so nice rn. Jelly.
gomen gomen
Nice. I feel like kinky is +1 so I'm overriding myself back to a 7.
lol well okay then
heavy coughing
Yeah, he is so many different kinds of disgusting that I have no words to describe him.
to find out your province.
hello neziwi congratulations on letting people know that you are trying to be productive
good look
*heavy gagging*
I don't know who dick gumshoe is. Is that bad? But I just got here from always seeing the thread in the velocious threads
Yea okay but why do you care?
I'll be fine, just got to take it slow is all and make sure I land on my bed if I do pass out. :D
i care.
i dont wanna do this itll mess up my rhythm you see
thats a good plan... if you have the sac to execute!
Welcome back
it's usually sub zero in feb
kinda scared
Thats your other half.
Post your butt instead
To some yes
To me not really
Then quit asking people to post butt if you can't even post your own goddamn face
You're fucking useless m8
Its pretty played out but I still watch it since Im a simple creature
good luck m8 ur gonna need it
The problem is I will dox myself right down to city because people know I drive taxis. But fuck it I live in Newfoundland & Labrador
I dunno. He said he liked it he's just being tsundere imo.
I do, I've been on the up recently, so it can only continue to get better, well that's me being overly optimistic.
Oh it is? Sweet!
Don't have butt pictures, c'mon now Soto.
Oh. What threads...? Also pic related.
is empty ampty?
too obv right?
when you go to 8ch.net
They have a crush on you and think you're really cool but aren't brave enough to start a conversation with you.
Lol you live over there?
Ampty, I am not.
Uhh, a-okay, I think! I'll keep that in mind.
Is it though? half a million people live "over here" that's not an insubstantial number of people.
What ?
first one as a mislink
second one tho
nice rock cover I found
Why are you telling me to?
What about you?
time for everyone to relax, smoke a bowl, and listen to rich girl
Hey. Disregard luka. He's fucking retarded. Did you know he hates books?
That infuriates me.
How can you hate books?
because you made a promise
what about me
I am applying
I work in a lab
weird side of canada lol.
He's a 32 year old welfare rat from BC.
cuz they're too hard
Being skeptical is a-okay in my book. But I don't have any, only have face pictures.
Yeah, I guess it is. I think. Maybe not, it all boils down to how it goes.
He's a welfare rat that hates reading because it makes him actually think.
oh yes he loves do that anime girl act
p funny
that is excellent!
Beat you to it, faggot.
I wish it was me instead.
What the fuck. Are you talking about me? You better not be talking about me. I'm not doing an "anime girl act".
I included shit though, still counts.
cuz ur a cuckadian
thanks googles ^^
how are you?
Mhm, part of the reason I'm going back home is to talk too my GP about it as well, see what he thinks and then move on from there. Hopefully he wont suggest the same thing as my therapist.
Luka is an online panhandler who is mentally retarded
East Coast best coast, enjoy your chink real estate shit hole, watch out for the used heroin needles.
oh. Okay.
No books are good and they get easier the more you read.
That's pretty tsundere
Well I said it already so you got what you wanted.
ha well i never!
What the heck?
I'm so simple that I just watch everything dude.
I was reading something that said to download mpv from here
Then just steal this guy's configs
But there's a lot of shitty things and idk how to edit or do anything
Did I. Is this the first time you've reminded me?
What kinda stuff do you need to learn for your lab?
Talk to the "Empty" poster.
I set you up.
hounestly kinda curious what tsuchi will look like when he is 32
he like already has a 42 year old face with a 16 yo body
Heard this today already for some reason.
Nope, i'm safe.
Oh fuck. Here we go. I'm not tsun. Remember this. No matter what people tell you. Yes?
Toronto east, or like, halifax east?
God damnit Sci you fucking rusing fagit.
oh shit remember when test said he talked to oobles
i fucking lost it fam
too hard for some
this is the third time
do you still ingest mass amounts of coffee
for my thing you need an EE or CE degree, experience with sensors and machine learning, and the right contacts to get in without any industry experience
Yea right.
You're cute when you're tsundere
I said in a spoiler Newfoundland
You can do it I believe in you!
grim are you phone posting?
this is some advanced shit
lol u know i love u boyo
Oh you're like one of 3 people who live there!
luka need it not me
lol the shitposting is fling tn
im not, why?
Really tired
ya rite.
If you loved me you'd kill me or some shit.
oh i thought you used that moniker when you phone posted
i was about to say!
tbh I use it whenever im away from home
but I guess I live in a new home now, right?
It's pretty great tbh. the only time I see brown people they're doctors or at Costco.
I'm sorry.
I thought so.
No, far less caffeine. A watered down one maybe once a day.
Do you have what it takes to be self-motivated enough to learn and apply yourself at that?
I'm still on the team.
You sound like a pretty cool nerd tbh
story of my life
I'm going to bed
please respond
oooh so not really move in yet?
i dig
Good night whoever you are!
Goodnight, sleep well.
don't listen to the troller
they only make things up.
bye based ban
If you were you wouldn't call me a tsun or cute you shit.
when are you going to start calling yourself ya boi
I'm on the team in spirit
if I can will myself out of depression I can will myself to learn tech skills
I teach them to kids remember
im like80% moved in
I need rugs
Don't be so tsun for him.
Alright I'll stop. But you are.
also this
I swear to god...every time...
How about you eat shit.
One of these days he'll have to face reality.
oh wait I didn't realize who the fuck they were replying to now I feel dumb.
This is just very tsundere. It's fine you can say you like me, I won't care.
i had rugs...
beep beep troller coming through
and then?
What was his fb name again?
That's different.
You're talking about learning something technical.
People go to school for this because they can't learn solo.
Don't overestimate yourself.
That isn't tsun.
cats happend grim
cats happened
This isn't helping your case.
costco a best
You'd have to ask Grim.
I just remember his name being Andrew.
I literally say this to everyone, though.
Fil. Tered.
oh no...
im glad I got these two innocent marimos
still need names tho fuuu
Alex Trebec
why are all these new posters out numbering us oldfags
i feel threatened but i'm too high to really fight well
Speaking of sleep, I should go and get some sleep, feeling a lot better now. Goodnight all.
no its andrew u fuckn troller
bye ampty
that cheap af pizza and hot dogs m8
Oh and the chicken bakes too
Whats lukas fb name again?
Im pretty sure his shits private tho lol
people go to school to learn how to learn/get the piece of paper that says
It really is fucking great, but the fucking 50 muslims on the island are always fucking there when I'm there it's annoying. I swear, one of them is a woman Arab, and walks around with a black woman, like a fucking upper sahara looking bitch, that's always dressed the same as her, I swear she's a fucking slave.
Alright I'm sorry.
alex or andrew or andre
wait what?
you were the one with marmots?
i thought i lucid dreamnt that
There was once a time something like this would cause me great anxiety.
daww it'll get better dear
oh okay
they went to bed tho
you too
why am i responding