Piracy is fantastic. Not only does it hurt the bottom line of the capitalist, it's also actual communism. Real communism existing in the same world we live in. While it does that it shows up a lot of myths that get bandied about regarding communism and its appearance in society.
First, it's resilient. It doesn't need Uncle Joe or anyone else looking out for it. Communism is such an obviously superior form of organising the economy that it actively eats away at capitalist productive relations whenever it appears.
Second, it's spontaneous and complete (within its domain). We never had a period of 'piratical socialism'. We just went straight from having all-capitalist media distribution to having communist media distribution gnawing away at capitalism.
Third, it didn't require a crisis. There was no grand crisis in film or music profitability. Nothing had to collapse for communism to appear here. We didn't have to sit around on our asses waiting for the world to come crashing down around our ears to get something done. Communism just came along out of the clear blue sky when the conditions were ripe for it.
Fourth, it didn't need to happen everywhere all at once. Communism has arrived, not as a monolithic entity that sweeps the world in a cleansing revolutionary holocaust, but as a fleck on a few disparate industries that grows exponentially. Who would have thought that communism would destroy the encyclopedia industry, eat into the movie industry's profits a bit, and simply sit there like an indestructible lump while we figure out how to spread it into food, water, and industrial design?
Fifth, we can do it so much, that people mostly do it without expecting to. Communism appeared in media distribution as a result of human activity, but not consciously communist human activity. Regular people just switched to the communist mode en masse once the platform to allow them to do so had been created. Imagine how much more we could accomplish if we, as communists, decided to consciously intervene to usher in the communist mode of production in other parts of the economy?
Communism is here, now, so we should drop all the ridiculous other shit and figure out how to extend it into the realm of physical production. And don't give me that 'muh scarcity' shit, the food, energy, labour, and resource supplies of today's world are exactly as limited as bandwidth and processing power are - which is to say technically finite, but more than enough to provide for everyone's wants. All we need to do is figure out how to effectively co-ordinate production for use.