why are Holla Forumsypes so morally bancrupt?.
they spend their day making stories, spreading lies and insulting people they don't know.
they call themselves smart, but one of the characteristic of high intelligence is a sharp sens of morality.
worse, they think Russia is on their side, a historical enemy since the end of ww2, with radically different geopolitical interest.
how can they not ask themselves? when the enemy of your country is on your side, maybe you're doing something wrong.
do they think geopolitical interests just vanished and their enemies want the best for them?
Why are Holla Forumsypes so morally bancrupt?
Other urls found in this thread:
My country is controlled by ZOG Occupied Government and is perpetuating wh.ite genocide, patriotism is a spook.
Your post went down the drain after the fist 2 lines
alright, lets assume it is true.
what makes you think that Russia is on your side and not just playing you in order to weaken your country even more?
We Russia to destabilize our countries the faster they devolve into Nazi masturbation fantasy the better
seems like legit Holla Forums beliefs to me.
i forgot to add, if you were so right, do you think you hade to resort to manipulation, lies and propaganda?.
i wanted to make this thread on Holla Forums, but i'm already banned, and even if i wasn't i doubt this thread would last long enough to get a single reply.
i know some Holla Forumsype are lurking here.
They aren't aware of themselves
Two years ago
The leftist echo chamber is not that bad tbh but it is a huge problem in the right. It's not that they lie. It's that they actually believe what they are saying and are unaware of the irony.
what the fuck are you talking about, nigger? did your pic get leaked on Holla Forums or /baph/?
Well personally I cringe whenever fake quotes, and assorted lies get used to bash someone, like I don't even get why people to do, as soon as you find out the truth from googling for 5 seconds it just makes yourself look bad
This seems like a baseless claim
The enemy of my enemy is my friend?
You whole country is nothing but cancer and you all are going to be killed. Regardless of race, gender or political belives.
many people don't bother fact checking.
exept in this case, what you consider the enemy of your enemy is YOUR enemy who's playing you into thinking that your friend (his enemy) is your enemy.
divide and conquer 101.
your Nazi masturbation fantasy will not be in clear delimited lines, (whites vs other).
the result will be just like ww2, most dead will be white.
thats a bit counterproductive for someone pretending to defend the white race.
What's with all the sudden Russia shit on here in the last two days? Russia's not anybody's side, they're a country like any other, they're on their own side. They'll take whatever side is most beneficial to them right now, their geopolitical interests can shift in 10 seconds if it furthers their goals of enriching themselves, maintaining their own safety, and empowering themselves, just like every other country on earth. Every international relationship in the world is a balance between powers with these same exact goals in what is a zero sum game. There are times when maintaining good relations with one another is the least disastrous outcome.
Russia doesn't change geopolitical interests. They have the same interests ever since the 1500's, get more land.
At the moment Puti's only geopolitical interest is the same as Stalin: Get the land that was once part of Russia back.
nobody said otherwise, read again.
Russia didn't turn Alt-right, they use them to weaken their enemies.
Re: Russia
While capitalism is the dominant overarching ideology, different philosophical trends take place in it. The dominant ideology is liberal democracy - liberal can refer to both social liberal and politically liberal, so even the mainstream Republicans are liberals. While I'd argue Trump straddles the line of liberal - he is a patriotic American which is a country founded on liberal ideals - he is still reactionary on social issues. While many Republicans are conservative in the sense that they want to stop new legislation like abortion, gay rights, immigration, etc - they aren't anywhere near as insistent on reversing legislation and even harsh deportation laws and the like. In this case, conservative non-liberal countries like Russia appeal to aut-rightists because they see a system that promotes strong leadership (ime fascististic tendencies) and a rejection of liberty that extends to people they disagree with i.e social liberals and immigrants.
And you people are leading a crusade against SJW's.
If you knew anything about how Russia functions and the external and internal pressures being placed on it you'd understand why. If Putin doesn't get those bufferstates back before the U.S. decideds that pulling Russia into their hegomony has failed he stands little chance of holding western Russia in a ground offensive. He can also pray that China occupies the U.S. attention more because a Sino-U.S. war is inevitable and both sides have been clearly preparing. Personally I don't care because Europe and everyone in it is vassalled to the U.S. and frankly it has been nothing but shit for us, I'll take Russia stalling U.S. interests anyday of the week.
Russia is happy to support groups that are not hostile towards it in an international environment that is extremely hostile towards it. They've been doing it in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, Indochina, etc. long before Putin was a twinkle in anybody's eye. The rest of your post just sounds like standard New York Times neocon drivel.
Russia is ruled by 12 oligarch families. It is basically a anarcho-capitalist shithole.
toppest of lels
Do you have a single fact to back that statement up?
Do you even go to Holla Forums? Russia is acting in her own interests as usual. These interests coincide with some of ours, and so they are useful, and sometimes an ally.
They were communists at the end of ww2. Interests have changed. While it is clear that Russia and America (You don't seem to be referring to Europe unless you're contradicting yourself) are not always going to have the same interests, they don't need to be simple enemies that we should try and pick fights with 24/7.
That has nothing to do with anything anybody said.
It has everything to do with what anybody says, dumbass.
No, no it doesn't
yes, it does. Russia doesn't act in "its interest". It acts in oligarchs interest. How is it in Russia's interest to spend billions on the military while the population starves? How is it in Russia's interest to support a dictator in some country no Russian gives a shit about smashing down a revolution?
This could be said about the controllers of any government, including the governments that Russia interacts with. It's meaningless verbal masturbation that doesn't address the point at all. In fact, I don't even know what point you're trying to make.
Perhaps that dictator won't allow powers that want Russia wiped out to put an airbase there or something along those lines. The interests of the rulers can at times coincide with the interests of the population at the most basic level of national preservation.
None of what you claim in your post is true.
People starve all over the world as money is funneled into their respective militaries. Why Russia needs the military should be self explainitory, why Russia needs Syria involve holding Europe to ransom over gas and oil as well as giving Russia access to a Western warmwater port that the Turks and Greeks can't shut down on a moments notice.
There are no powers that want Russia wiped out. That's just propaganda Putn tells Russians to justify his imperialism games that benfit not a single Russian.
The EU would buy Russia's gas had it not been for Putin invading other countries. So how is Putin acting in Russian people's interest again?
There are people in this thread right now that want Russia wiped out. The entire US Neocon movement wants war with Russia, one of which just won the popular vote for president.
They want Russia vassalised, marginalised and eventually balkanised so it might as well be destroyed.
Any evidence that anyone actually wants war with Russia as opposed to defending countrie that Russia invaded?
No we wouldn't have because like I said before the EU is a vassal to the U.S. in the first place and has been helping in the destablising of the middle east if you haven't noticed.
i'm not saying Russia is the devil, doing bad things just for the sake of it.
our interests are opposite, and they will do anything they could to further theirs.
since im not Russian myself, Russian interests aren't mine.
feelings have nothing to do with it.
And U.S. geopolitical interests arn't mine.
The EU doesn't even have a military, you retard. It is an economical union and it (i.e. France and Germany) were opposed to the U.S. invading Iraq if you haven't noticed.
The EU is a political block that makes trade agreements as well you fucking tool, it's laws and treaties superseed all thosew of the nations under it's charter and the EU has been trying to form an army for a while. In addition they have access to rapid reaction forces to begin with. France also helped a no fly zone over Lybia and is helping with operations in Syria. Germany has no foriegn policy outside the EU so it's a mute point.
Kerensky did nothing wrong.
It's common knowledge that the US and Saudi Arabia have been working together to put a pipeline through Syria which would cut into Russia's oil profits. This is the entire reason for the existence of ISIS in the first place.
Nothing you said contradicted him, you're all over the place now you're bringing up the fact they don't have a military out of nowhere. That has nothing to do with his point.
Oh wow we got a live one here, yes two countries were "opposed" for cheap political points while many of the others actively sent troops.
The EU makes trade agreements that benefit its members. They have joined the EU because it gives them stronger economical leverage against the other economic powers than if they would act on their own.
No one wants Russia "wiped out" you filthy Russiaboo.
Russia is a shitty oligarchy and rooting for it in its current state–while calling yourself a leftist–is batshit insane. See this post
Which does nothing to stop the supernational body of Bureaucrats (from every nation but beholden to none) from being vassaled to the U.S. and its agendas you muppet.
His point was that the EU destabilized the middle east. This is absolute bullshit considering that the middle east got destabilized by british and american interventionism in Iraq to which the main EU member states Germany and France were vehemently opposed, since it is clearly not in their interest to destabilize the middle east and cause refugee crisis.
i'm not a
you dumbfucks should be shot for treason at the very least.
read the thread again you moron, nobody said otherwise.
they're not doing it because they like you or because they're "redpilled"
Leftypol thinks Russians are subhuman but also elite haxors and they think we should have a nuclear war with the second most powerful nuclear power in the world.
What part of fucking vassal don't you understand, same reason when the U.S. want's to place sanctions on Russiaa even Germany who actually had a healthy trading relationship has to drop all of that for U.S. interests.
Stop it Holla Forums, we didn't support hillary, and almost none of us believed the bullshit about russia.
Who thinks this?
mine neither, but as a French i'm very annoyed by Putin and his army of virgins trying to interfere with my election.
Because they are in a state of perpetual war and (obviously) only care about winning
Oh and you think that if the EU dissolves then the european states will somehow be in a better position not to be commanded around by the USA? Nevermind that certain powers in the USA have a great interest in dissolving the EU to, because then they can better economically dominate Europe by divide and conquer.
Holla Forums is still nostalgic for the idea of the Soviet Union, and on principle likes anyone who opposes America
i forgot about the strawmaning
Where did it all go so wrong?
Are you annoyed by Obama interfering too or is it just people you dont agree with?
Seriously, dude? Are you seriously upset Putler is trying to tip the scales against investment banker micro Macron?
People that think tthat Holla Forums are all closet liberals.
But I guess the interference form other nebulous elites is completely fine as they push Marcon on you all.
Haven't really addressed anything point is we arn't ever going to buy Russian gas. And no the U.S. has more use for us as a collective block hell they helped found the EU in the first place.
OPs post was a list of straw man arguments.
No one wants nuclear war m8. Also, that's a shitty talking point because it's not going to happen. If the USA and USSR got through the Cold War without lobbing nukes at each other, it's probably not going to happen now. No one should be cowed by threats of nuclear war–it's important to resist both American and Russian imperialism
The biggest problem with Russia is,– well they think like Russians.
that comment makes no sens.
right, because Obama has been spreading fake news and hacking mail accounts.
i would be upset if Putin tryed to tip the scale for Melonchon.
it would definitely make me reconsider my vote at the very least.
don't be a spooked idiot.
i completely disapprove those methods, doesn't matter who uses em.
We are going to buy the gas once the Russians get rid of Putin and their oligarchs.
Why are you so upset that we aren't buying Russian gas? Are you Russian or what?
do you have proof of those so called liberal "interferences"?
So now your just going to project? Fuck off I'm done witth you.
Do you have proof of the Russia ones?
As usual, 90% of neocon posting on here comes from triggered liberals upset that their chosen candidate's corruption is being revealed in their country's sham election.
I'm hoping it's a troll
The US wants to put sanctions on Germany for "currency manipulation" because the Trump administration needs to create Jerbs.
The entire media apparatus' existence
You don't think it's odd that every single politician that Putin doesn't like/wouldn't be good for Russian interests ends up having their shit dumped out into the public by hackers?
Sounds like a vassaled state taking up the jacksy to me. Link?
That isn't France but wikipedia are you serious, they manipulate info all the time?
he just think it happens randomly, the universe favors Putin.
But the press isnt covering his corruption. Like his companies in tax havens.
Could not disagree more. This is exactly what was meant by "the capitalist will sell us to rope by which to hang him"; if Putin is so stupid as to support the best choice for France and Europe out of vain geopolitical considerations, all the more power to him.
and by that I mean the US is butthurt about the Germans allegedly manipulating the Euro, they aren't going to sanction them.
I see two candidates both of which were revealed to be unpleasent cunts. Not like there opposition would be much better but that's the price we pay now.
the same accounts (bots) that were spreading propaganda during the US election are now spreading Propaganda in broken French.
the same methods, the same goal, the same interest…..
you're just being dishonest at this point.
Let me put it this way: In the French election Im with her. And if you arent with her then you are a woman hater brocialist who just hates seeing womyn in positions of power..
Has it ever occurred to you that we support Russian efforts to destabilize the West as anti-imperalist struggle against Anglo-American petrodollar hegemony?
I agree, but I didn't need one's emails to be revealed to know she (and now he) were cunts.
In favor of Russia, though? Why? I could kinda maybe understand if it was in favor of the Chinese but goddamn Russia is a shithole
Okay so broken french is going to swing the election, I wan't ever going to deny Russian envolvment I just think it's being blown out of proportian to distract and get the establishment pick into office. For liberla intervention it seems like every MSM source in France seems to have done the exact same thing they did to Trump to La Pen but that's my distanced perspective.
Yes but just assuming they're cunts doesn't stop people voting for them. We assume all our major politicians are cunts now that's how jaded we've become we need actual proof now that they hold contempt for us to motivate us to do anything now.
i refuse to sink that low, without moral integrity i have nothing to fight for or defend, i would be no better than the people i'm fighting.
then you should be open about it and stop pretending using you cunt.
if you're on Russia side, this thread isn't for you.
this thread is for people pretending to be "nationalists"
It's not Russia itself that matters but the role that they play. Russia itself is a shithole. But if they destroy the petodollar they will break global capitalism by undermining the world reserver currency and bring about a revolutionary moment.
We don't want Russian dominance the absurd assurtion that the nations of Europe cannot assert themselves independent of Big brother U.S. is stupid. France even now plays tin pot colonialist still in french africa.
Holla Forums is just as morally bankrupt
moral bankruptcy is part of internet culture
brave new world coming
How is Russia destroying the petro dollar though?
That's not how it works. If the petrodollar was destroyed, global capitalism would just continue but only this time with a basket of currencies.
By supporting Arab nationalism
Eventually, but I think there would be a revolutionary window from the shock of ending the petrodollar during which change is possible
I can honestly only meme a response to this. I just don't get that.
More like they want to replace the world reserve currency with their own, I would imagine that is why they and China have been buying so much gold over the past few years.
Sounds like a liberal to me, as long as I am the victim of injustice I am the most important peron.
This is why the Russians are useful: because they are stupid and think they will have their currency as the world reserve currency. it is precisely the Russian tendency toward delusions of grandeur that will lead them to accidentally global capitalism through breaking the petrodollar, imo
Wew lad
Russia isn't supporting Arab nationalism though.
I don't care if they weakon the U.S. grip on Europe and our own elites grip on power, we can get to work installing someone that remembers how to serve our nation and it's peoples interests.
You can't elect someone to serve the nation and the people's interest. The only way to do this is to establish Communism.
Keep dreaming commie, feel free to regress of your own volition though.
A politician can only serve bourgeois interests while capitalism exists.
There will always be an elite, the goal is to make them less rootless not moreso.
Under Communism there won't be an elite. If there is an elite, it's not Communism.
And that is why it will never exist.
#MacronLeaks – America hackers leak 9 gig of Macron emails. NOT RUSSIA! Let's get that straight before they start the RUSSIA did it crap!
Is it though? I've met very smart people who were absolute cunts.
How do you know it was american hackers?
they left grease on the bits
Russians are not stupid enough to use Russian exel
Well, the pdf with the offshore bank account was probably posted by american alt rightists on 4chan, considering how amateurish the fake was.
You do know you can cover your tracks by using American or Russian style hacking things right?
An American could hack someone using the Russian hacking language or whatever the fuck it's called and then Russia would be blamed. If you're a competent hacker and you get found out, chances are you weren't actually caught you just passed the blame onto someone else.
You are talking about liberals, know your enemy
Then Russian bases are also an act of aggression against Russia's neighboring countries.
i'v been lurking here for a while, i'v never seen anyone advocating for those methods
you can be a fair cunt
Use your enemies weapons against them. It makes a lot of sense, since the left plays speaks and thinks in victim.
haha my state is robbing me to pay for boomercucks retirement and gibs me dat useless niggers. Yes, call them virgins, that makes sense ;)
yes, and your interests our not ours, which is why we have more in common with Russia lol
i wouldn't say that, you're a pawn, a useful idiot used by a foreign nation to undermine yours.
you think you're gonna be ally with them at some point, but there is no such thing, you'll be Russia's bitch
Are you retarded? It's realpoltik, not carebears lol
Morality gets sneered at, anyone mentioning it might matter gets called a "moralfag", it's pretty common across the internet.