If you don't like working for wages then just start your own business

If you don't like working for wages then just start your own business

If you feel you aren't earning enough then improve your skills or find another job at a different company

It's not that difficult, at the end of the day it's not the system at fault, it's you that's the problem.

This whole board is one big giant waste of time really, heed my advice or forever waste your life waiting for that revolution to come.

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Amen brother.The sinners here have lived to long in vice.


It's a significant minority of people who capable of starting a business, and an even smaller minority of new businesses that don't fail.
That might improve my wages, but no matter what, I'll never earn what I actually produce under Capitalism.
Heeding your advice would turn us into slaves to capital, same as the rest of the bourgeoisie. Under the revolution can free us and the rest of humanity.

It doesn't take much money to start a business, this has always been a wage cuck myth.

Also you can save + get a loan from the bank or family

Stop being a lazy nigger.


fuck off sionista.

Then why does the system systematically create winners and losers, almost at random? Then why is it that even full simulations of markets with exchanges at random lead to wealth distribution among actors along a power distribution, as shown in "Classical Econophysics"?

You have no defenses in the real world for your failing system, only a few idealistic liberal apologeticisms based on the false conception of negative freedom as the sole kind.

Almost anyone can can start a business but not everyone. Capitalism necessitates a large class of wagecucks.

Socialism is self-employment for all.

Yes you do earn what you produce you filthy nigger. Everyone gets the wages they agree to in the employment contract and if you don't get those wages you can sue your employer.

If you are talking about profits; you have no entitlement to profits because you don't pay for the equipment, the rent, the marketing expenses that make the business run. Hate the fact that you don't get profits? Start your own fucking business then.

Fucking business 101.

There's no such thing as being a slave to capital, this is something you've made up in your mind to justify the fact that you're a loser.


O poor little commie he has to work in order to save just like all of humanity since the beginning of time :( Poor oppressed commie!

Not really no. Most people would rather have the comfort of mediocrity (wage slavery) than putting in the incredible amount of effort and risk needed to start a successful business.

you can't be this retarded

you can't compete due to economy of scale retard, established companies have way lower marginal costs of production of anything you'd want to produce
the free market leads to monopoly

we're too busy studying advanced economics, cuck

It's not the system that creates winners and losers, it's life itself.

Some people are born tall, some people are born short, some people are born with high intelligence, some people are born with low intelligence, some people are good looking some people are not. Inequality is part of existence, as long as there is inequality there will be winners and losers.

Even in socialism you will have inequality.

It's not perfect but it's the best we've got. We don't live in a perfect world and any attempts to create this perfect utopia will always end in misery as evidenced by history.



Good luck with that after Lefties voted into place taxation and regulations that kill all wealth creation from the bottom, keeping it all at the top, and thus enriching the so-called "1%" they eternally whine about, as their every action serves to benefit those very people. Leftists are scum.


That quote is not only a contradiction of itself, but it's just flat out stupid.

Yet it only happens every single time.

Depends on what type of business you're talking about you fucking retard. Also depends on how much funding you are able to get. People are competing with big businesses every day. Industries die and new ones arise. New businesses are always being created. You're just a loser with a failure's mentality and are projecting this onto everybody else. Just because you don't want to put in the effort to come up with a better product or better service doesn't mean other people can't and won't.

Also baby steps, retard, there are plenty of successful small businesses and millions of people are making good money working for themselves through freelancing and other ways.

I never said that you fucking imbecile.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions is the basis of all leftist economic policies.

every time

Stop reposting this thread.


If I did, then an employer would have no reason to hire me; I work to create surplus value for him to take in the form of profits.
Profits do not exist for that reason. Owners often do do useful work, but what they're paid from the profits does not need to equal the value they actually produce. It is entirely possible, and usually typical, to be an absent owner or shareholder and have absolutely nothing to do with the business, except possibly have someone to manage it, and reap the profits from it regardless. That is because profits come from owning property, not any actual work you do, and the ultimate source of profit is the work the workers do. Capitalists are a giant parasite class, taking wealth they did not create because the guns of the state protect their "right" to their property.
Not even an option for most people, and for the few that it is, they will likely fail, and until then they'll just be a glorified bank worker, giving the profits of their business to the banks to pay the interest and loans. Once they do fail the bank gets their loan back by taking the business assets, and they came ahead out of the deal.
Look at all the Soroses and Gates' of the world and tell me they're actually free and happy individuals and not irrational, insane people reduced to slaves to accumulate more and more property that they'll never spend and that adds nothing to their life. No one wins in Capitalism except Capital.


what did he mean by this?





Alright, give me a small loan of a few billion dollars and I might be able to break up the oligopoly of fossil fuel companies


If you want equity in the business then you become a shareholder in the business. Goddamn nigger do you even basic business? No wonder why you lefties are always piss poor.

Yes and to reach that level of success you have to risk a lot of your own money and put a lot of effort in, which is why most people don't want to go into business for themselves because they know how fucking difficult it can be. If you actually started your own business you'd understand how hard it is to reach that level of success and those who do are 100% within their right to reap those rewards, they created a business, the business did very well, their equity in the business grows in value as a result, they become richer as a result. There is nothing wrong with this.

Yes they fail because being in business is fucking difficult, it's the one of the hardest things you can do and the market is cruel as fuck, if you aren't good enough you get killed financially, which is why most people don't do it and which is why most people aren't that rich.

They look happy to me. How do you know that they're not happy and free? Financial freedom - being able to live without working because you've accumulated so much is the ultimate form of freedom.

Trust me, don't feel sorry for Soros and Gates.

Retarded analogy, typical of a leftist.

No true Scotsman!

a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."

Read a motherfucking book.

and scho on and scho on,

Spending on welfare or nationalising industries isn't socialism: otherwise Charles De Gaulle, Winston Churchill, David Lloyd George, Teddy fucking Roosevelt and so many other conservative and liberal leaders are socialsits.
It is all about the nature of the ownership of the means of production being in the hands of the community or the workers who work them, capital not being owned by any individual but collectively in the organisation and democratic control over the previous two factors. But I am sure with your countless hours of reading one sentences posts on Mongolian Webm sharing forums has…

I stopped writing when I saw that shit. Fuck me, formaldehyde or just dropped on your head?

All shitty embarrassing states. Literally the worst capitalist shithole is better than anything you mentioned.

Fuck me dead, socialism is such a joke of an idealogy.

You must be a feminist as well, because you just pulled the exact same tactic. No true Scotsman.

you keep posting that gif like it's an argument, or like it's accurate.

Ironically everything he says you should do to express yourself costs money.

Pay the restaurant or the grocer

Pay the bar or for a bottle

Pay the book store

Pay them for a ticket

Entrance fee


Pay the art store

Pay for equipment and/or membership fees to the gym

You can still save money and express yourself. Do you need to drink all the time? Apparently Marx did but I don't need to be a fatass alcoholic lazy faggot.


Please stop embarrassing yourself.


You don't sound very smart, OP.

you still can't explain how venezuela is socialist in any way or form
capitalism is a mode of production and historical stage, not a set of policies within liberal democracy

OP this video can explain it to you in less than 3 minutes



No I hate women.


Academic reals > over your feels.

Do you have a gender studies class to attend soon?

Are the nazis and ancaps getting more stupid or is it just me?

Yes, on a saturday…

Also gender studies is perhaps the feels based thing there is, so you'd fit right in there.

Out of interest, what do you define socialism is, "Le gubment dayen stuffs"?

And this nigger have the audacity of calling anyone a feminist…

No clue what that was supposed to mean. My definition of socialism is dependent on the real world outcome of socialism when in practice, not the "dictionary definition," which is redundant.

Here's the (You) you were looking for.

Even when dictionary definition of socialism gets slowly realized and your :real world outcome" fights it? Ebin

ITT: OP LARPs as a succesful businessman despite being a complete failure, as is evident by the fact that he posts here in the first place

i get that you are posting under anfem flag
but nobody can genuinely be this stupid, can they?

Fuck off /biz/ porky Bastard
With Startup Capital from where? Huh? WHERE?

Define "much" so we can laugh at you trust fund faggot

Sounds like something a slave to capital would say

Prove it


Not not socialism

Wow user
just wow

I can do that. Or I can crash capitalism with no survivors. It's a matter of choice really.

So what about the grand majority of porkies who already had big money from daddy you fucking retard
Social mobility is a fucking myth, that's why the media won't shut the fuck up about Bill Gates because people like him are the exception that proves the rule

Is that your level of humor, repeating stuff in a stupid voice, but through text because and autisic faggot?

Study: Upward Mobility No Tougher In U.S. Than Two Decades Ago


The profits the owners of a private business receive aren't deserved. That's the point. They didn't do anything to get that money besides own the property. We don't want equity, you fucking idiot, we want a fair system that doesn't exploit the workers.

It IS wrong, though, because you're actively taking the surplus value of your workers and lining your pockets with it just because you own the property. The difficulties of starting a successful business are irrelevant to the topic at hand here. I also highly doubt any business owner, no matter how hard they worked, deserve 1000 thousand times the amount of money their workers make.

Ok. I start a business and I fail because most businesses fail. I'm broke, now. Do you want me to just drop dead or work as a wageslave for a company until I'm 40 and THEN blow my brains out?

Read your own post.

just kys plz


In all seriousness my local IWW is considering making a cooperative, so under socialist thought you can still do this.

If Venezuela is socialist then so is literally every country in the world.

Nice b8