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Did the Holocaust real?

What's the leftist opinion on this hot-button issue?

If they didn't die where did they go?

Even if it didn't happen it doesn't make Not Socialism any more viable a system. It just means the capitalists lied to us extra hard on this one thing, but they lie about everything else so really its no big surprise.

i think the number is exagerated

Why do nazis deny the holocaust? Shouldn't they be proud they killed so many jews?


Yes, but who gives a shit anyways aside from jews and hitler's fanclub?

National Socialism is still shit and capitalist either way, I think the number may have been exaggerated though.

imo holocaust denial is one of the clearest signs of nazi pathology, the whole "the holocaust didn't happen but it should have!"-position is completely absurd.

pointless sage because soon Holla Forumsyps will come in with infographics about doors being too small and how auschwitz-birkenau coudn't have gassed/burned 6 gorillion and we get a 130 reply trash thread


Well you see if this thing is a lie then the white nationalist argument of "da joos" is suddenly seeming pretty valid.

You see how this might affect a leftist?