What's the leftist opinion on this hot-button issue?
Did the Holocaust real?
If they didn't die where did they go?
Even if it didn't happen it doesn't make Not Socialism any more viable a system. It just means the capitalists lied to us extra hard on this one thing, but they lie about everything else so really its no big surprise.
i think the number is exagerated
Why do nazis deny the holocaust? Shouldn't they be proud they killed so many jews?
Yes, but who gives a shit anyways aside from jews and hitler's fanclub?
National Socialism is still shit and capitalist either way, I think the number may have been exaggerated though.
imo holocaust denial is one of the clearest signs of nazi pathology, the whole "the holocaust didn't happen but it should have!"-position is completely absurd.
pointless sage because soon Holla Forumsyps will come in with infographics about doors being too small and how auschwitz-birkenau coudn't have gassed/burned 6 gorillion and we get a 130 reply trash thread
Well you see if this thing is a lie then the white nationalist argument of "da joos" is suddenly seeming pretty valid.
You see how this might affect a leftist?
lmao such bullshit you want to forcibly DEPORT and KILL anyone who doesn't want to buy into your warped "utopia". You're as deceitful as the jews you claim to be against.
the leftist opinion is what the fuck does it matter? hitler would be shit even if only 5 people died.
couldn't really find the fucks to give. Fuck Israel, but fuck Nazis too.
That's literally what every white-nationalist argues though.
Sounds boring af fam
every time
do you really think the quality of life has increased these past few years in your country due to your society becoming more racially heterogeneous?
Don't forget what day is Monday
Me too.
So it didn't happen?
no, you don't understand the fundamental difference between the worldviews that result in a left-or right-wing political orientation.
a non-essentialist, materialist worldview axiomatically rejects the notion of a genetically defined political grouping - 'the jews', in the sense of the genetic group simply doesn't make sense as a political group. 'the jews' as a socio-cultural - political group does.
the opposite essentialist idealist worldview posits that it is in the nature (essence) of a (group) is to do/be (thing), in the case of the nazis it is the nature of the jew to lie. the holocaust must be a lie because it is propagated by jews and the jews lie for their gain. what makes this more complicated is the fact that Israel and its lobby does use the holocaust to protect itself from criticism, thus reinforcing the nazi narrative.
This is also the reason why nazism needs 'The Jew', the superior, pure aryan warrior race would have never lost the great war if they weren't subverted from the inside. without 'The Jew' the nazi narrative and the ideology based on it collapses.
There is that webm of Zizek talking about nazi pathology floating around if someone wants to post it.
No it happened
and read pic related
oh shit someone actually responded seriously
Isn't this just an assumption though? We've never not had the jews so we don't know if everything would be better without them or not. Till that point (which will never happen) it will always be pretty easy to post a chart of many high-up bankers and media people who are jewish as a validation of a zionist conspiracy. Thus a low-income, uneducated, already kind of racist, working-class american will find it pretty easy to believe that da joos are the reason for their ills and not some other ruling class that's harder to label and think about.
I don't mean the Jews as in the extant ethno-cultural-religious group, but 'The Jew', the 'Big Other', the idealised totality.
Result of essentialist ideology. De-spooking is hard, but possible, generally through anecdotal personal experience, as that is what the essentist-minded generally respects more than data or information.
Classic example would be that black pastor who destroyed a KKK enclave by going full Jesus on them, offering them cookies when they were burning crosses on his front lawn, hoods and all. I recently saw a video here on Holla Forums of an American former right-wing militia type who got a lift from a muslim and the cognitive dissonance between 'The Muslim' and the guy he got a lift from was too great for him to bear, so he was forced to abandon his simplistic beliefs about muslims.
do you really think the quality of life has decreased these past few years in your country due to your society becoming more racially heterogeneous?
do you really think the quality of life would hypothetically increase in your country due to your society becoming more racially homogenous?
Sorry /leftpol/. I literally made this thread for these images since I have never seen denial-debunking images. Saved for future shitposting.
But the jew is rationalized as both religious/cultural group or race by people who use jews as the big bad. I know YOU understand that but I think it's important to address everyone's specific version of the jew.
I think this is very true actually. It's hard to just assume all blacks are humanless monsters when you have actually had decent interactions with some of them.
It's simple. The argument against the holocaust happening is stronger than the argument for it.