Well, I support electoral reform because in addtion to being a socialist, I also consider myself a genuinely patriotic supporter of the American republic, and would hate to have to tear it apart to advance history. Make no mistake, I would do it without hesitation if there were no other choice, but I hope to see this country endure into the proletarian era. Electoral reform is I feel the last chance to make that peacefully possible.
First thing, definitely, is the need to abolish the first-past-the-post system. The Constitution says surprisingly little on how elections are to be conducted, but leaves that to the states. This is why there is a major plan afoot to implement a national popular vote by way of interstate compacts. Reform can be done on a state-by-state basis, starting with the most liberal states, and slowly gathering momentum until the remaining conservative states join on for fear of being left behind. On smaller scales, we can also push reform on the municipal, county, and state levels.
The second task, which is more daunting, is scrap the existing system of national legislators being chosen on a solely territorial basis. Right now, much of the reason the courts give money a free pass in politics, is that groups with shared interests other than the congressional districts have no way to exert political influence except by pooling money together and lobbying. This obviously gives the bourgeoisie a tremendous advantage in giving weight and power to special interest groups.
My proposal then, is to allow everyone to split their vote fractionally, and allocate parts of it to whichever candidates for office from anywhere in the country they want. Say for example I'm a socialist, but I'm also a motorist, environmentalist, and internet user. I can give 0.5 of my vote to a socialist candidate, 0.20 to a candidate who advocates for drivers, 0.15 to someone who supports the national park and trail system, 0.10 to a candidate that supports net neutrality and improved broadband, and the rest to someone who represents the region I live in. That way my interests can be split as I want, and I know who to go to and who to hold accountable for specific issues. Right now when only one person is supposed to represent all of your interests, that's almost impossible to do.
As an implementation detail, if you put some of your vote to a candidate who doesn't get the minimum proportion of votes for a seat, we can do a form of IRV where that fraction is then redistributed among the remaining choices proportional to how much you gave them. That way voting power isn't wasted.
This would, I think, not only pave the way for many more niche parties, but also reduce the need for money in politics as nationwide constituencies would be able to have a say directly in Congress, as opposed to having to rely on lobbying. The result would be a legislature that reflects more holistically the desires of the population, which would leave as our only task convincing them that socialism is in their best interests.