The Onion is fucking great
The Onion is fucking great
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Did you miss the elections or something? They were #readyforshillary and didn't even try to hide it
A lot of people in the comments thinking the video is supporting Trump…
The Clintons own the Onion you faggot.
the comments on that video gave me cancer
Yeah, I must've missed that.
Sure you're not thinking of CollegeHumour?
Onion is now owned by Univision Communications - its owner Haim Saban has been Hillary’s most generous campaign backer — shelling out $2,046,000 for her political campaigns and an additional minimum of $10 million to the Clinton Foundation.
bill hicks.
but maybe he's more post left than left.
The power rangers guy?
Yeah he's great. I love what he says about marketers.
Does clickhole count?
Well he's not quite a leftist, but bill burr is pretty good
Yep. He's an extremely anti-leftist, anti-Arab Zionist and his bribes make him a huge figure in the Democratic Party. He threatened to cut off funding if they made Keith Ellison chair.
Frankie Boyle, though he might be a left succdem liberal more than a proper leftist. Definitely prefers Corbyn to the red tories.
that asshole would have been kissing Trump's ass, backing Gamergate, and would probably throw a "Holla Forums is right once again" into his routine for good measure.
At least Denis Leary has always hated the conservatives, didn't like the Clintons, and does massive charity work.
oh fuck off, you crybaby.
This thread is going to be "every political comedian who died before the 2008 or 2016 elections"
Bit of a liberal, but still one of the best out there.
Nothing wrong with wanting better video game journalism.
Jimmy Dore
Lewis Black?
but he's alex jones
Bill used to namedrop Noam Chomsky and once did a joke about how Reagan and Bush were guilty of genocide in Latin America.
he was definitely /ourguy/
Holla Forums was for Hillary, and still is, you fucking faggot.
Hicks hated conservatives to death and he was open about it. In one of his routines he went "Yeah you might've noticed but I lean to this side" while leaning his body to the left.
Ahah no.
Fucking sexist, go back to Holla Forums.
But Hillary is an anti-women candidate because she would keep countless women under the oppression of capitalism.
True feminists are [pic related].
I legit can't tell if you are trolling or just from tumblr.
I'm a male feminist and a socialist.
Bill Hicks was an example of a politically incorrect leftist and we should be learning from him
try harder Holla Forums
kill yourself
Why even bother, at-least Jill Stein was a principled retard: better than a sellout porky.
Are you even a feminist? Fucking bigot.
Was Margaret Thatcher also a feminist?
Yes, that's the one.
Nerd story time: The change in the Power Rangers' roster partway through season 2 is because Austin St. John, Walter Jones and Thuy Trang weren't happy with how much Saban was paying them. Saban made billions from Power Rangers, but the cast and crew never saw most of that money.
Backing GamerGate was absolutely the right thing to do. If more socialists had done so, Holla Forums wouldn't have been able to co-opt it. Now fuck off back to Reddit.
I'm an egalitarian. :^)
It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia is great.
There are a few national comedians who are really great and known for their anticapitalist views
So you're a sexist with an excuse?
he calls himself a liberal, no questions there
blocked in usa, can you rehost?
If you think gender equality is sexist, go back to tumblr where IdPol is acceptable fam.
Frankie Boyle maybe?
while the person you're arguing with is a dipshit, it's true that tons of sexist morons claim to be """egalitarians"""
What do yinz think about George Carlin?
Based as fuck, especially the younger less commercial Carlin.
Pittsburgh sucks
and a ton of liberals claim to be socialists, it doesn't change the meat of the argument.
you mean dennis "nuke the gook" leary?
Doug Stanhope is very anti authority, he leans more to the right side, but he's mostly politically apathetic, from what I can tell. Also, he's a great comedian. I'm sure with a little theory this guy would sell socialism like hot bread in the morning.
I haven't listened to much Russel Brand, but there's a nice interview where he spreads the good word of socialism. He seems pretty based, especially from someone who's reached "celebrity" status.
I refuse to believe you actually believe all this shit.
any people who have the revolutionary vision to put french fries and slaw on a sandwich are ok.
As a lesser evil? Sure.