Just kill me already.
Tfw Bernie will be dead/too old to run in 2020
oh no a zionist will be dead
Fuck off, anti-semite.
Where is everyone getting that cuckerberg will be running?
As far as I can tell he's just a rich dumbass doing whatever he feels like, it just so happens to be jerking off around the country.
That's the only worst part about Sanders is that he a zionist. Assuming Jewish people are zionist to begin with is anti-semetic in it of itself.
oh hi Holla Forums
I'm appropriating your memes, bro.
kill yourselves
meme property is theft though
It's not theft, it's meme appreciation.
no, you have to collectivize them! they have to be the people's memes
He's not a fucking Zionist just because he signed one meaningless letter that all 100 senators signed he just knows what a bad PR move is. If I hear this one more time I will scream
*Laughs in free market and flies away in zeppelin*
Hello imperialist.
Didn't πππtheyπππ even call him a self-hating Jew for his leftism and stance on Israel too? I recall a lot of angry people on TimesOfIsrael and other such online Jewspapers.
Bernie Sanders is a fucking Zionist.
Shit meme is shit.
Trashman is trash.
You can be a pragmatic Zionist. The millions of Jews in the Levant are probably better of in their own state.
It could stand to be a whole lot smaller though.
This is now a Memri TV thread.
Have a shoetube link?
Nevermind I saw the tinyurls
wtf i love israel now
forgot to take off shitposting flag
Fuckerberg is too autistic to get into politics. They'll probably pick a womyn or PoC and fail with their idpol tactics, again.
2020 will be Booker(D-NJ)/Harris(D-CA). Democrats are going to pull the race card and hope they can do a second Obama. Instead, they'll find ruin and the GOP will Gerrymander themselves into a permanent, uncontestable position of power. This is why I've already joined the Republican party in my state, because at this point it'll be easier to subvert them from the inside (think Utah) rather than get the Democrats to be not shit.
leftypol being retarded, as usual. Why would Zuckero run? He's already in control of a social media empire that has a way wider reach than a mere national government.
Why did Trump run? Why did Berlusconi?
Power is one hell of a drug.
Weird move then to migrate to a position with less power.
But they didn't renounce to their previous powers, they just added a bit of state power over their already existent power.
That or they are spooked by the Presidency. I'm pretty sure Trump genuinely expected to be able to tell the congress "lol fuc u i do wat i want!"
And i'd like to add that it have another enormous advantage, it helps you having a lots of importants contacts in various places. That's very useful in a system with a big cronyist tendency.
still on pal
m8, can you just think for a second here? Facebook is an empire and Zuckerberg is its president / ambassador / PR person / etc. He goes to Facebook headquarters everyday, he travels the world to shill his company, he constantly talks at bullshit marketing conferences to spread his silicon ideology, every year he works on some new thing to gain more control over our social lives.
Do you seriously seriously believe he's going to give up on all that just to become a mere owner of Facebook and just another American president when he's at the head of an empire controlling social interactions across the globe?
Zuckerberg isn't just a another porky, he doesn't want money at all, he wants power and his best way to more power is expanding Facebook which is globally already more powerful than American president.
fuck off tripfag, he had no reason to sign it
wouldn't Trump be better than Zuckuck?
Wouldn't revolution be better than more bourgeoisie democracy?
Annils are actual annils now instead of the deep-cover ancaps (agorists, they called themselves) which used to use that flag. I like these actual annils, they're not bad at posting.
Why do people here care about that old faggot socdem or the democratic party? Have you fags learned nothing? You can't change the system from within. Just let capital accelerate until things get so shitty that people won't put up with it anymore.
I anticipate Warren/Some random person who won't overshadow her a la Tim Kaine to be the Democrat run and given Trump's unpopularity and she will probably win. Unless Trump tries to pull an Iraq in North Korea or Syria then yeah he's probably gonna be a two term president.
Big dick kike from somewhere I like
What does AnNil even stand for anyway?
The people who use the flag are usually Post-Left and Anarcho-Individualists, never seen an agorist here, although they have some pretty interesting theory.
Also trendy New Age anti-capitalist Market Anarchism goes by the flag too.
This and only this
now that's what I call praxis
Yes they did lol, that's why it's so funny. First he was too hard on Izzy now he's too soft.
That asshole hates privacy. He'd be a bigger fascist that Trump. He'd make it illegal to be anonymous online.
but you voted for a zionist named Donald Trump!
would you vote for a combination between Stalin and Hitler?
Are you talking about Trump?
I'm talking about Me
Would you be a StraΓer?